URCAD Table of Content
Students are listed below in alphabetical order. Select the first letter of the student’s last name in the table of content for a quick access. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
To view the student VoiceThread presentation, find the student’s name in the Table of Content and then select the VT icon. 
To view the student abstract, select the student’s name in the Table of Content. |
- Susan Afolabi | Regulation and Effects of Ferritin in Border Cell Migration in D. Melanogaster | Mentor: Michelle Starz-Gaiano | Biological Sciences

- Sudeep Ahuja, Kaily Johnson, Dominique Henriques Melo, Thu Dinh, LaBarron K. Hill, PhD, Psychiatry, Duke | Positive Affect and Resting Heart Rate in A Racially Diverse Adult Sample | Mentor: Danielle Beatty Moody | Psychology

- Olorunjuwon Ajayi, Junkyu Kwon, Ehsan Jamali, Ishraq Anjum | Modeling the Reduction of Amplitude-to-Phase Conversion in Charge-Compensated Modified Uni-traveling Carrier Photodiodes | Mentor: Curtis Menyuk | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Lois Akomeah | Political Corruption and Poverty in Ghana | Mentor: Christopher Brown | Global Studies

- Noor Alain, Alexandra Misciagna | Identification of Critical Iron Transporters Via RNAseq in the Gram-negative Bacterium Cellvibrio Japonicus | Mentor: Jeffrey Gardner | Biological Sciences

- Angelika Albertorio | MotionWriters: Choreographing Syntactic Knowledge Awareness | Mentor: Ann Sofie Clemmensen | Dance

- Katie Alfaro-Veliz, Bernice Kissiedu, Rojin Najmabad | The Benefits of Mentorship: What Military Mentors Gain from Working with the Children of Lost Service Members | Mentor: Anne Brodsky | Psychology

- Dariush Aligholizadeh, Lynn Krushinski, Nicole Hondrogiannis, Towson University | Optimizing in-situ longevity of Silver Nanoplates | Mary Devadas, Towson University | Chemistry

- Shandon Amos | Investigation of the Protein-Protein interactions and Function of the Chromatin-Associated Protein Set4 in S. Cerevisiae | Mentor: Erin Green | Biological Sciences

- Ashley Amundsen | Modeling the Mechanical Properties of Cement Paste for Optimizing 3D Printing Applications Using COMSOL Multiphysics | Mentor: Charles Eggleton | Mechanical Engineering

- Madeline Arbutus | Uncredited: Uncovering the Names Behind the Colonized Modern Design Canon | Mentor: Margaret Re | Visual Arts

- Nahum Arefeayne, Dean Pavlick | Foundation Medicine Role of Histone Gene Mutations in Tumorigenesis | Mentor: Anita Corbett and Jennifer Spangle, Emory University | Biology

- Monica Argueta | A Continued Look at Bilingual Speakers’ Perception and Attitudes Towards Spanish Varieties | Mentor: David Beard | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Iman Asfari | Reflection. (A Short Animation) | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Lake Amtmann, Megan O’Neill, Zach Barker-Frey, Caleb Fuller, Joshua Hecht, Grace Lawrence, Andrew Park, Matthew Pham, Victoria Seo | The Redesign of the MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Zohaa Awan, Emma Veshecco, Desiree McLenithan, Olivia Schwiegerath, Betelehem Getan, Kennedy Krieger institute | A Systematic Review of Treatment integrity in Behavioral interventions For Feeding Disorders | Mentor: Adithyan Rajaraman | Psychology

- Thomas Azari | Legal Representation and Legal Outcomes | Mentor: Carolyn Forestiere | Political Science

- Simi Bakhshi | Support Your Claim: A Scaffolded Approach to Making Arguments | Mentor: Jonathon Singer | Education

- Taylor Baranoski, Jericho Tabacolde, Avinash Singh, Nathaniel Killoran | Interposer-Based Reverse Engineering For Safety Critical Applications (APLinT) | Mentors: E. F Charles LaBerge, Bradley Potteiger, and Dan Cohen | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Zach Barker-Frey, Lake Amtmann, Megan O’Neill, Caleb Fuller, Joshua Hecht, Grace Lawrence, Andrew Park, Matthew Pham, Victoria Seo | The Redesign of the MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Zachary Barker-Frey, Samuel Tayman, Kecheng Tao, Angellynn Siaw, Maggie Poletti, Reilly Moloney | Sword Shibe | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Briah Barksdale, Shonda Campbell | Investigating The Role of RHO1 in Bacterial Clearance using Drosophila Melanogaster | Mentor: Jeff Leips | Biological Sciences

- Karis Barnett | Assay of An Antiparasitic Medication Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) | Mentor: William LaCourse | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Dawn Baskin | Stories of Adult Music Learners | Mentor: Ashley Minner | American Studies

- Mark Beachy | Performing Traditional Chinese Folk Songs | Mentor: Meredith Oyen | Asian Studies

- Maria Bieberich | Characterizing the Role of Shep in Border Cell Migration in Drosophila Melanogaster | Mentor: Michelle Starz-Gaiano | Biological Sciences

- Jerri Bivens, Natalie Varela, Woo Ko | Impact of Pediatric Chronic Illnesses On Family Functioning | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Jerri Bivens, Woo Ko, Natalie Varela, Angel Munoz-Osorio, Emily Lamb, Claire McCaulley, Olufunmilayo Telli | Impact of COVID-19 On Undergraduates Over Time | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Camille Blackford | Happiness and Wellbeing of UMBC Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Mentor: Sarah Chard and Bambi Chapin | Sociology and Anthropology

- Julia Blurton-Jones, Cade Christianson, Mike Colclough, Phoebe Oh, Joe Robinson, Zachary Rosenberg, Aaron Wescott | Jump Starters | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Harshita Bommireddypalli | Talk It Out | Mentor: Andrea Kleinsmith | Information Systems

- Matthew Boyer, Austin Grieve, Todd Rayburn, Zachary Federici | High Definition Video Effects Passthrough | Mentor: E. F. Charles LaBerge | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Sarah Bowers | Obtaining Accurate Aerosol Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients Using Ceilometers | Mentor: Ruben Delgado | Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology

- Christopher Boyce | Becoming A Skateboarder: Socialization Within A Skate Park in Baltimore City | Mentor: Bambi Chapin | Sociology and Anthropology

- Elizabeth Braughton | Academic Vocabulary Across the Content Areas | Mentor: Cheryl North | Education

- Dominique Brooks | Evidence For Conserved Mechanisms of Neurulation in the Zebrafish Forebrain | Mentor: Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences

- Kayla Brooks | Mapping Alternative Natal Care Resources For and By Black Women | Mentors: Bambi Chapin, Ashley Minner, Ngeri Nnachi | Sociology and Anthropology

- Benjamin Brown | Electro-optic Polymers For Wideband THz Sensing | Mentor: Michael Hayden | Physics

- Karina Brown, Daniel Laguna, Rushaad Wright, Lydia Stamato | Understanding the Experience of Low-income Baltimore City Families Without Access To Broadband internet During COVID-19 | Mentors: Foad Hamidi, and Nora McDonald | Information Systems

- Toan Bui | Characterizing the interaction Between A Eukaryotic Arginyltransferase 1 (ATE1) and An Aminoacyl-tRNA | Mentor: Aaron Smith | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Zoe Butler | Language in the Workplace: An Analysis of Korean Honorific Use in Requests and Refusals | Mentor: Kyung-Eun Yoon | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Allyson Caldwell | Apical Constriction Molecular Machinery Within The Zebrafish Medial Hinge Point | Mentor: Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences

- Shonda Campbell, Briah Barksdale | Investigating The Role of RHO1 in Bacterial Clearance using Drosophila Melanogaster | Mentor: Jeff Leips | Biological Sciences

- Tyler Carlyle, Charlie Waters, Chemistry and Biochemistry | Synthesis of Flex-Remdesivir Analogues As Potential Antiviral therapeutics | Mentor: Katherine Seley-Radtke | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Faith Carter-Nottage | Painting With A Camera Lens | Mentor: Lynn Cazabon | Visual Arts

- Ryy Casper | 16mm Film Archive For Visual Arts Department | Mentor: Cathy Cook | Visual Arts

- Meghan Ceribo, Dr. Mirela Cengher, Psychology, Matthew D. Bowman, Dr. Lesley A. Shawler | Teaching Children With Disabilities How To Ask informative Questions: A Systematic Review | Mentor: Mirela Cengher | Psychology

- Michelle Chaney, Mercedes Fuller, Nicholas Leiva, Duncan McAdam, Lara Truslow | Mono-logging On: Writing Solo Performances in Virtual Space | Mentor: Lynn Watson | Theatre

- Wujin Choi | “The Effect of Different Gut Bacterial Environments On the Brain of Fruit Flies” | Mentor: Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences

- Cade Christianson, Mike Colclough, Phoebe Oh, Joe Robinson, Zachary Rosenberg, Aaron Wescott, Julia Blurton-Jones | Jump Starters | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Tessa Clement | Regulation of Proteasome Assembly Chaperone PAC3 in Human Cancer Cells | Mentor: Achuth Padmanabhan |Biological Sciences

- Shannon Cobb, Chloe Fong, Rojin Najmabadi, Jenny Zhao | Communities in Distress: A Global Comparative Qualitative Study of People’s Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic | Mentor: Anne Brodsky | Psychology

- Mike Colclough, Phoebe Oh, Joe Robinson, Zachary Rosenberg, Aaron Wescott, Julia Blurton-Jones, Cade Christianson | Jump Starters | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- David Collier | Self Discovery vs. Language Acquisition: A Comparison of German and U.S. Undergraduate Education Abroad Experiences | Mentors: Susanne Sutton and Brian Souders, Center for Global Engagement | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Janeann Conley, Matthew Kelbaugh, Halle Gordon | The Kurds of Turkey: A Tale of Survival, Resilience, and Uncertainty | Mentor: Renee Lambert-Bretiere | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Autumn Cook | Discovering and Characterizing New Functional Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Materials Using Computers | Mentor: Joseph Bennett | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Arushi Dalal, Julia Warfield | Grasshopper Sparrow Song Diversity in the Caribbean | Mentor: Bernard Lohr | Biological Sciences

- Ayushi Dave, Alex George | investigating the Role of Effete in Border Cell Migration in D. Melanogaster | Mentor: Michelle Starz-Gaiano | Biological Sciences

- Faith Davis, Patricia Boyd, Kierra Regis, Jon Catazaro, Johns Hopkins | USING PARAMAGNETIC TAGS TO ELUCIDATE the STRUCTURE of the HIV-1 5′ LEADER | Mentor: Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Seth Davis, Anthony Ellis, Mathias Drgon, Margaret Lucas, Lindsay McCabe, Allison Smith, Joseph Robinson | UMBC Game Developers Club: 2020-2021 Team Projects | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Maithily Diaz | Using Natural Language Processing in Latinx to Study Culture Differences in Mental Health Stigmas On Social Media | Mentor: Michelle Kaufman | Health

- Noelle Diaz, Isabel Leiva, Maya Glass, Emily Petti, Pamela Rakhshan Rouhakhtar | Race, Trauma, Psychosis-like Experiences, and Mental Health Care Among College Students: Study 2, Current Treatment | Mentors: Jason Schiffman and Steve Pitts | Psychology

- Thomas Dignan | The Wild West of Web Assembly | Mentor: Brad Potteiger | Johns Hopkins APL

- Thu Dinh, Kaily Johnson, Dominique Henriques Melo, Sudeep Ahuja, LaBarron K. Hill, PhD, Psychiatry, Duke | Positive Affect and Resting Heart Rate in A Racially Diverse Adult Sample | Mentor: Danielle Beatty Moody | Psychology

- Skylar Diseati | Potential effects of Gender Dysphoria On Pain Perception in Transgender individuals: A Review | Mentor: Raimi Quiton | Psychology

- Mikaila Donaldson | Utilizing Evidence-Based Argumentative Writing – Preparing Students To Engage in College, Career, and Civic Life |Mentor: Timothy Johnson | Education

- Amanda Dove | Social Support and Physical Activity Among Older Adults: the Role of the Community Center | Mentor: Sarah Chard | Sociology and Anthropology

- Mathias Drgon, Anthony Ellis, Seth Davis, Margaret Lucas, Lindsay McCabe, Allison Smith, Joseph Robinson | UMBC Game Developers Club: 2020-2021 Team Projects | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Brenda Dubon |The influence of Female Leadership On A country’s COVID-19 Response and Confirmed COVID-19 Deaths. | Mentor: Carolyn Forestiere | Political Science

- Michael Duong | The Nature of Russian Thought and Culture | Mentor: Randy Kidd | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Julius Echipares, Anthony Elli, Brandon Ellis, Sohei Matsui | Hamster Toaster Checkers | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Nna-Emeka Ejimogu, Verna Van | Sequence Conservation and Structural Modeling of An Arginyl-tRNA Transferase 1 (ATE1) | Mentor: Aaron Smith | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Amina El-Ashry | Understanding the Possibilities of Distributed Fabrication For Storytelling | Mentor: Foad Hamidi | information Systems

- Ogechi Elemuo, Avantika Krishna, Olufolake Majekodunmi | Examination of Flavor Vanillin in E-liquid On Mouse Models Using Comparative Chemosensory Behavioral Experimentation | Mentor: Weihong Lin and Tatsuya Ogura | Biological Sciences

- Maryam Elhabashy | Cupping and Wellness Among Muslim Women Living in America | Mentors: Sarah Chard, Bambi Chapin | Sociology and Anthropology

- Lujane Elkhatib | A Cloud of Worries – Animated Short | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Anthony Ellis, Seth Davis, Mathias Drgon, Margaret Lucas, Lindsay McCabe, Allison Smith, Joseph Robinson | UMBC Game Developers Club: 2020-2021 Team Projects | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Anthony Ellis, Brandon Ellis, Julius Echipare, Sohei Matsui | Hamster Toaster Checkers | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Brandon Ellis, Anthony Ellis, Julius Echipare, Sohei Matsui | Hamster Toaster Checkers | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Sofia Encarnacion | Student Achievement and School Funding Changes Across Maryland after the 2008 Recession | Mentor: Lisa Dickson | Economics

- Angela Endres | Familiarity in Change | Mentor: Evan Tedlock | Visual Arts

- Alexandra Erazo | ASK1 May Be A therapeutic Target For Burn injuries | Mentor: Manik Ghosh | TLST

- Adilia Espinoza-Jones | Structural Characterization of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 RNAs | Mentor: Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Cassie Evans | A Review of Brain White Matter integrity in People Who Experience Chronic Pain | Mentor: Raimi Quiton | Psychology

- Wilson Fang, Jacob Yepez, Aidan Newell, Mark Medija, Kristian Mischke, Aaron Griffin | Recurring Moment – A Time Travel Puzzle Platformer Video Game
Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 
- Zachary Federici, Matthew Boyer, Austin Grieve, Todd Rayburn | High Definition Video Effects Passthrough | Mentor: E. F. Charles LaBerge | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Omar French | Modeling Radio Emission from Tidal Disruption Events | Mentor: Eileen Meyer | Physics

- Lawrence Frimpong | The Factors That influence STEM Ph.D. Completion of Meyerhoff Scholars. | Mentors: Ken Maton, Mariano Sto. Domingo | Psychology

- Chloe Fong, Rojin Najmabadi, Shannon Cobb, Jenny Zhao | Communities in Distress: A Global Comparative Qualitative Study of People’s Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic | Mentor: Anne Brodsky | Psychology

- Sydney Fryer | Decriminalizing (and Re-Humanizing) the ‘Squeegee Kid’ | Mentor: Dena Aufseeser | Geography and Environmental Systems

- Caleb Fuller, Zach Barker-Frey, Lake Amtmann, Megan O’Neill, Joshua Hecht, Grace Lawrence, Andrew Park, Matthew Pham, Victoria Seo | The Redesign of the MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Mercedes Fuller, Nicholas Leiva, Duncan McAdam, Michelle Chaney, Lara Truslow | Mono-logging On: Writing Solo Performances in Virtual Space | Mentor: Lynn Watson | Theatre

- Nicholas Gaffney | Perfecting the Art of Persuasion | Mentor: Cheryl North | Education

- Donia Galarowicz | Translanguaging Is Not Codeswitching: A Comparative Analysis | Mentor: David Beard | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Samantha Galczyk, Mireille Alcheikh Hanna, Jeniffer Khorsandian, Mansha Maheshwari, Sarah Turner, Jane Nam, Mike Spano, Aysha Nasir | Influence of COVID-19 at UMBC: Analyzing Predictors for Undergraduate Students’ Academic Success | Mentor: Susan Sonnenschein | Psychology

- Peter Galik | Definitively Defining | Mentor: Jonathan Singer | Education

- Kathleen Garcia | Applying Art Vocabulary To Art Around the World | Mentor: Jennifer Harvill | Education

- Brianna Georges | Effects of Colored Light On Sustained Attention and Accuracy | Mentor: Shawn Bediako | Psychology

- Naqiya Ghulamali, Elaina McWilliams, Sachi Sheth, Allison Stein, Mahitha Vijily Saya | Examining Photovoice As A Participatory Action Methodology | Mentor: Bronwyn Hunter | Psychology

- Zaira Girala Munoz | Invisible Playbook: Analyzing the Evolution of Gender and Class Perscription in Cookbooks | Mentor: Elizabeth Patton | Media and Communication Studies

- Maya Glass, Noelle Diaz, Isabel Leiva, Pamela Rakhshan Rouhakhtar, Emily Petti | Race, Trauma, Psychosis-like Experiences, and Mental Health Care Among College Students: Study 1, Past Treatment | Mentors: Jason Schiffman, Steve Pitts | Psychology

- Bailey Godwin | Analyzing the Effect of NPF Dependent Chronic Pain On Ethanol Preference in Drosophila Melanogaster | Mentor: Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences

- Halle Gordon, Matthew Kelbaugh, Janeann Conley | The Kurds of Turkey: A Tale of Survival, Resilience, and Uncertainty | Mentor: Renee Lambert-Bretiere | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Finch Grace, Sebastian McNary | Under-employment and Abuse intervention Response | Mentor: Christopher Murphy | Psychology

- Elyssa Kristine Marie Granados, Sara R. Weiss, Julissa Zelaya, Chynae N. Meekins, Troy G. Steiner | Boosting Self-Esteem By Reducing Identity Disturbance Through A Growth Mindset intervention | Mentor: Troy Steiner | Psychology

- Victoria Grier | Education The Development Of Student Skill In Claim Evidence Reasoning Skills | Mentor: Tim Johnson | Education

- Austin Grieve, Matthew Boyer, Todd Rayburn, Zachary Federici | High Definition Video Effects Passthrough | Mentor: E. F. Charles LaBerge | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Aaron Griffin, Wilson Fang, Jacob Yepez, Aidan Newell, Mark Medija, Kristian Mischke | Recurring Moment – A Time Travel Puzzle Platformer Video Game
Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 
- Ellen Gulian, Dan Wines | Density Functional theory Studies of MoS2 As A Function of Environmental Conditions | Mentor: Michael Hayden, Can Ataca | Physics

- Kristina Han | Hype Sneakers: Reselling Culture On the internet | Mentor: Bambi Chapin | Sociology and Anthropology

- Mireille Alcheikh Hanna, Jeniffer Khorsandian, Mansha Maheshwari, Sarah Turner, Jane Nam, Mike Spano, Aysha Nasir, Samantha Galczyk | Influence of COVID-19 at UMBC: Analyzing Predictors for Undergraduate Students’ Academic Success | Mentor: Susan Sonnenschein | Psychology

- Brian Hanson | Identifying the Context of COVID-19 Impact Via Social Media | Mentor: Aryya Gangopadhyay | information Systems

- Josiah Hardy, Canessa Swanson | Structural Characterization of HIV-1 MAL Junction Conformers | Mentor: Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Kameron Harrison | Learning Through Observation: Developing Student Understanding of Rhetorical Analysis | Mentor: Cheryl North | Education

- Mitra Harrison | Deciphering the Function of the rlsA Gene in the Multicellular Green Alga, Volvox Carteri | Mentor: Stephen Miller | Biological Sciences

- Joshua Hecht, Caleb Fuller, Zach Barker-Frey, Lake Amtmann, Megan O’Neill, Grace Lawrence, Andrew Park, Matthew Pham, Victoria Seo | The Redesign of the MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Tristan Heibel | Agency in the Representations of Medieval Aristocratic Women in the Illuminated Manuscripts of Chretien De Troyes | Mentor: Gail Orgelfinger | English

- Joana Hernandez | Assessing the Function of Human Amyloid Precursor Protein and Its Fly Homolog APP-Like in Drosophila | Mentor: Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences

- Keren Herrán | Analysis of Mental Well-being of Environmental Migrants in Maryland: A Comparison Study | Mentor: Dawn Biehler, Fizza Gulamali-Majid | Geography and Environmental Systems

- Garrett Hill | Phenotypic Characterization of PrkA Protein Kinase in Aspergillus Nidulans | Mentor: Mark Marten | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

- Mason Hillmar, Marian Singletary, Vanessa Lake, Nicholas Crutchfield | Magic Mirror | Mentor: E F Charles Laberge | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Malika Hiyam | Effects of Zinc Exposure On APPL-dependent Neurodegeneration in Drosophila Melanogaster | Mentor: Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences

- Kathryn Hogan | Bioinformatics Modelling of MicrorNA-mRNA interaction Network Perturbation Using | Nanostring RNA Expression Data | Mentor: Jeffrey Robinson | USG TLST

- Kelly Hom | Burnout | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Caitlyn Hooper | Why intimacy Direction Is the Way Forward For theatre | Mentor: Susan Stroupe | Theatre

- Ting Huang | Online Learning and Student Satisfaction During COVID-19 | Mentor: Diane Alonso | Psychology

- Ayra Hussain | Spiderwebs For Long-Term Air Quality Monitoring | Mentors: Nava Rastegar, Chris Hawn | Geography and Environmental Systems

- Zoe Hwang | We Were Never Welcome Here: How American History Predicted the Rise of Racism and Xenophobia During COVID-19 | Mentor: Elaine MacDougall | English

- Nneamaka Iwobi | Oral Exposure To Arsenic Through Food Consumption | Mentor: Christopher Bradfield | Biology

- Caleb Jacobson | A Brief History and Review of Argentina, El Salvador, and Guatemala Efforts in Human Rights | Mentor: Jeffrey Davis | Political Science

- Sarah Jacobson | Addressing Food insecurity Among College Students in Maryland | Mentor: Margaret Holland | Geography and Environmental Systems

- Emma Jett | Castles in the Air: Queer Childhood in Little Women and Little Men | Mentor: Lindsay DiCuirci | English

- Jafira Johnson | Establishing Zebrafish As A Model To Study Genetic Components Underlying Neural Tube Defects Using Genetic Components. | Mentor: Rachel Brewster |Biological Sciences

- Kaily Johnson, Sudeep Ahuja, Dominique Henriques Melo, Thu Dinh, LaBarron K. Hill, PhD, Psychiatry, Duke | Positive Affect and Resting Heart Rate in A Racially Diverse Adult Sample | Mentor: Danielle Beatty Moody | Psychology

- Ryan Jordan | Phenotypic Characterization of Aspergillus Nidulans Nrc2 Protein Kinase | Mentor: Mark Marten | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

- Victoria Joya Euceda | Overcoming the Pandemic: An Analysis of the Strategies of Latinx Immigrants in Maryland | Mentor: Yolanda Valencia | Geography and Environmental Systems

- Rahul Kamdar | Assessing Mutant P53 Levels Via Stable Expression and Molecular Screening in Ovarian Cancer Cells | Mentor: Achuth Padmanabhan | Biological Sciences

- Zulekha Karachiwalla | Understanding the Experience of Refugees With Disabilities and Health Difficulties in Maryland | Mentor: Foad Hamidi |Information Systems

- Emma Kartalia, Janine Antalffy | Conservation Genetics of the Endangered Bahama Oriole | Mentor: Kevin Omland | Biological Sciences

- Biff Katoski | PARABOX | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Matthew Kelbaugh | Visionary or Megalomaniac? the Legacy of Vladimir Lenin in Contemporary Education | Mentor: Vira Zhdanovych | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Matthew Kelbaugh, Halle Gordon, Janeann Conley | The Kurds of Turkey: A Tale of Survival, Resilience, and Uncertainty | Mentor: Renee Lambert-Bretiere | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Mohammed Khalid | Assessing Potential indicators of Online Radicalization | Mentor: Anupam Joshi | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Aaliyah Khan | Systematic Route To Explore the Potential Energy Landscape of A New Family of Functional Materials | Mentor: Joseph Bennett | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Ziam Khan | Drosophila Melanogaster As A Model To Study Autism Genes At the Cellular and Behavioral Level | Mentor: Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences

- Olivia Khanna | The Praise Predicament: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Praise On Children’s Motivation | Mentor: Lira Yoon | Psychology

- Sarah Khanna | The Biopolitics of COVID-19: A Foucauldian Critique of Baltimore’s Pandemic Response | Mentors: Tania Lizarazo, Ryan Mutter, and Chunming Yuan | Global Studies

- Jeniffer Khorsandian, Mansha Maheshwari, Sarah Turner, Jane Nam, Mireille Alcheikh Hanna, Mike Spano, Aysha Nasir, Samantha Galczyk | Influence of COVID-19 at UMBC: Analyzing Predictors for Undergraduate Students’ Academic Success | Mentor: Susan Sonnenschein | Psychology

- Thomas Kiley | A Qualitative Analysis of Business Decisions Under the Roberts Court | Mentor: Jeffrey Davis | Political Science

- Nathaniel Killoran, Jericho Tabacolde, Avinash Singh, Taylor Baranoski | Interposer-Based Reverse Engineering For Safety Critical Applications (APLinT) | Mentors: E. F Charles LaBerge, Bradley Potteiger, and Dan Cohen | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Bernice Kissiedu, Katie Alfaro-Veliz, Rojin Najmabad | The Benefits of Mentorship: What Military Mentors Gain from Working with the Children of Lost Service Members | Mentor: Anne Brodsky | Psychology

- Michael Klos, Becky Laws, and Lauren Jackson, Ashley Oaks, Naomi Rankin, Mathematics, Howard University | Using Differential Equations To Model in-host Dynamics of HIV | Mentor: Kathleen Hoffman, Katharine Gurski | Mathematics and Statistics

- Woo Ko, Natalie Varela, Jerri Bivens | Impact of Pediatric Chronic Illnesses On Family Functioning | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Woo Ko, Natalie Varela, Angel Munoz-Osorio, Emily Lamb, Claire McCaulley, Olufunmilayo Telli, Jerri Bivens | Impact of COVID-19 On Undergraduates Over Time | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Elle Kreiner | Managing Mortality: An Ethnographic Examination of Emotion in Death Care Work. | Mentor: Bambi Chapin | Sociology and Anthropology

- Avantika Krishna, Ogechi Elemuo, Olufolake Majekodunmi | Examination of Flavor Vanillin in E-liquid On Mouse Models Using Comparative Chemosensory Behavioral Experimentation | Mentor: Weihong Lin and Tatsuya Ogura | Biological Sciences

- Gerson Kroiz, Carlos Barajas | Improving Accuracy in Deep Learning Methods On Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Imaging For Proton Radiotherapy | Mentors: Matthias Gobbert, and Jerimy Polf | Mathematics and Statistics

- Lynn Krushinski,Dariush Aligholizadeh, Nicole Hondrogiannis, Towson University | Optimizing in-situ longevity of Silver Nanoplates | Mary Devadas, Towson University | Chemistry

- Junkyu Kwon, Olorunjuwon Ajayi, Ehsan Jamali, Ishraq Anjum | Modeling the Reduction of Amplitude-to-Phase Conversion in Charge-Compensated Modified Uni-traveling Carrier Photodiodes | Mentor: Curtis Menyuk | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Ayodele La Veau | The Process – Exploring Creative & Agricultural Processes As A Means To Promote Mindfulness & Social Emotional Learning | Mentors: Eve Muson, and Nicole Smith | Theatre

- Daniel Laguna, Karina Brown, Rushaad Wright, Lydia Stamato | Understanding the Experience of Low-income Baltimore City Families Without Access To Broadband internet During COVID-19 | Mentors: Foad Hamidi, and Nora McDonald | Information Systems

- Emily Lamb, Claire McCaulley, Olufunmilayo Telli, Angel Munoz-Osorio, Jerri Bivens, Natalie Varela, Woo Ko | Impact of COVID-19 On Undergraduates Over Time | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Grace Lawrence, Joshua Hecht, Caleb Fuller, Zach Barker-Frey, Lake Amtmann, Megan O’Neill, Andrew Park, Matthew Pham, Victoria Seo | The Redesign of the MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Becky Laws, Michael Klos, and Lauren Jackson, Ashley Oaks, Naomi Rankin, Mathematics, Howard University | Using Differential Equations To Model in-host Dynamics of HIV | Mentor: Kathleen Hoffman, Katharine Gurski | Mathematics and Statistics

- Se Rin Lee | Understanding Nucleus Accumbens Synaptic Plasticity in Regulating Reward-related Behaviors | Mentor: Tara LeGates | Biological Sciences

- Se Rin Lee, Winny Sun | Investigating the Divergence and Structure of Chromatin Modifiers Set3 and Set4 in Budding Yeast | Mentor: Erin Green
Biological Sciences 
- James Lefkowitz | Speech Development in German | Mentor: David Beard | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Joshua Leginze, Robert Zochowski, Ryan Grimes | Use of Density Functional theory and First Principle thermodynamics in Understanding Lead Oxide Surface Transformations | Mentor: Joseph Bennett | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Isabel Leiva, Maya Glass, Noelle Diaz, Emily Petti, Pamela Rakhshan Rouhakhtar | Race, Trauma, Psychosis-like Experiences, and Mental Health Care Among College Students: Study 3, Future Treatment | Mentor: Jason Schiffman and Steve Pitts
- Nicholas Leiva, Duncan McAdam, Mercedes Fuller, Michelle Chaney, Lara Truslow | Mono-logging On: Writing Solo Performances in Virtual Space | Mentor: Lynn Watson | Theatre

- Danylo Leshchyshyn | Legacies of the First-Called: Saint Andrew and Claims To Apostolic Succession in the Rus’-Byzantine World | Mentor: Sufian Zhemukhov
- Yehuda Leventhal | Falls in Nursing Homes | Mentor: Louise Murray | Aging Studies

- Justin Levine | Advancing Student Evidence-Based Writing Through Scaffolding | Mentor: Timothy Johnson | Education

- Victor Li | Groups During Pandemic Exploring Facebook Groups To Understand the Impact of Social Media in Assisting Minority | Mentor: Sanorita Dey | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Chandler Louden | The End of History or Something More? A Debate On the Post Cold War Future With Neoliberal theorists | Mentor: Daniel Ritschel and Dr. Amy Froide | History

- Margaret Lucas, Mathias Drgon, Anthony Ellis, Seth Davis, Lindsay McCabe, Allison Smith, Joseph Robinson | UMBC Game Developers Club: 2020-2021 Team Projects | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Michael Lunz | Using Anchor Fingers To Help Beginning Guitar Students Switch Between Chords | Mentor: Brian Kaufman | Music

- Yiwei Ma | Testing For A Species Concept in Betta Splendens | Mentor: Tamra Mendelson | Biological Sciences

- Sahar Mahate, Terence Lesigues | The Significance of ACE2 Receptor For SARS-CoV-2 Entry On Relationship Between Vaping and COVID-19 Risk | Mentor: Weihong Lin | Biological Sciences

- Mansha Maheshwari, Sarah Turner, Jane Nam, Jeniffer Khorsandian, Mireille Alcheikh Hanna, Mike Spano, Aysha Nasir, Samantha Galczyk | Influence of COVID-19 at UMBC: Analyzing Predictors for Undergraduate Students’ Academic Success | Mentor: Susan Sonnenschein | Psychology

- Amina Mahmood | Windows Anomaly Detection | Mentor: Anupam Joshi | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Henri Maindidze | Beyond Mere Diversity: Measuring Factors That Produce Equitable and inclusive Work Environments | Mentor: Tomas Yufik and Heather Walker | Psychology

- Olufolake Majekodunmi, Ogechi Elemuo, Avantika Krishna | Examination of Flavor Vanillin in E-liquid On Mouse Models Using Comparative Chemosensory Behavioral Experimentation | Mentor: Weihong Lin and Tatsuya Ogura | Biological Sciences

- Tobi Majekodunmi, Adegboyega Akinsiku, Frances Watson | Stroke Telerehabilitation: Technology Probe Design | Mentor: Helena Mentis | Information Systems

- Rohan Mandayam | Remote Sensing of Water Color in the Great Lakes Region Using NASA’s EPIC Spectroradiometer. | Mentor: Pengwang Zhai | Physics

- Riya Manocha | Wrongful Convictions | Mentor: Carolyn Forestiere | Political Science
- Luz Martinez | Comparison of Autism Linked Genes, SHANK3 and DLGAP2, in Humans With Its Fly orthologs, Prosap and Vulcan | Mentor: Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences

- Nicholas Martorelli | Identifying the Academic Obstacles Facing Student Caregivers | Mentor: Christin Diehl | The Hilltop institute

- Max Mason, Andrew Seymour, Green Bank Observatory | Surface Scanning Analysis With the Laser Antenna Surface Scanning instrument | Mentor: Pedro Salas | Green Bank Observatory

- Lexie Mathis | A Review of the Efficacy of Treatments For Comorbid PTSD and Chronic Pain Across Sociodemographic Characteristics | Mentor: Raimi Quiton | Psychology

- Sohei Matsui | The Tortoise and the Bear | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Sohei Matsui, Julius Echipares, Anthony Elli, Brandon Ellis | Hamster Toaster Checkers | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Duncan McAdam, Nicholas Leiva, Mercedes Fuller, Michelle Chaney, Lara Truslow | Mono-logging On: Writing Solo Performances in Virtual Space | Mentor: Lynn Watson | Theatre

- Lindsay McCabe, Margaret Lucas, Mathias Drgon, Anthony Ellis, Seth Davis, Allison Smith, Joseph Robinson | UMBC Game Developers Club: 2020-2021 Team Projects | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Claire McCaulley, Olufunmilayo Telli, Emily Lamb, Angel Munoz-Osorio, Jerri Bivens, Natalie Varela, Woo Ko | Impact of COVID-19 On Undergraduates Over Time | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Jacob McCready, Nathan Myers | Quantum Otto Engine With interacting Particles | Mentor: Sebastian Deffner | Physics

- Elaina McWilliams, Sachi Sheth, Allison Stein, Mahitha Vijily Saya, Naqiya Ghulamali, | Examining Photovoice As A Participatory Action Methodology | Mentor: Bronwyn Hunter | Psychology

- Dominique Henriques Melo, Kaily Johnson, Sudeep Ahuja, Thu Dinh, LaBarron K. Hill, PhD, Psychiatry, Duke | Positive Affect and Resting Heart Rate in A Racially Diverse Adult Sample | Mentor: Danielle Beatty Moody | Psychology

- Malaysia McGinnis | An Analysis of Black Women’s Health Geographies Resulting from the War on Drugs | Mentor: Dawn Biehler | Geography and Environmental Systems

- Desiree McLenithan, Olivia Schwiegerath, Zohaa Awan, Betelehem Getahun | A Systematic Review of ABA Treatments That Address inattention, Hyperactivity, or Impulsivity Associated With ADHD | Mentor: Adithyan Rajaraman | Psychology

- Sebastian McNary, Finch Grace | Under-employment and Abuse intervention Response | Mentor: Christopher Murphy | Psychology

- Mark Medija, Kristian Mischke, Aidan Newell, Jacob Yepez, Aaron Griffin, Wilson Fang | Recurring Moment – A Time Travel Puzzle Platformer Video Game
Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 
- Manuel Miranda | Develop Scientific Skills With C-E-R Tified Methods of Writing Conclusions | Mentor: Jonathan Singer | Education

- Kristian Mischke, Mark Medija, Aidan Newell, Jacob Yepez, Aaron Griffin, Wilson Fang | Recurring Moment – A Time Travel Puzzle Platformer Video Game
Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 
- Alexandra Misciagna, Noor Alain | Identification of Critical Iron Transporters Via RNAseq in the Gram-negative Bacterium Cellvibrio Japonicus | Mentor: Jeffrey Gardner | Biological Sciences

- Reilly Moloney, Zachary Barker-Frey, Samuel Tayman, Kecheng Tao, Angellynn Siaw, Maggie Poletti | Sword Shibe | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- D’Juan Moreland | Acoustic Similarity Between Yearling and Adult Males in Orchard Orioles | Mentors: Kevin Omland and Michelle Moyer | Biological Sciences

- Rachel Morin | Charge Transfer from Semiconductor Nanorods | Mentor: Matthew Pelton | Physics

- Angel Munoz-Osorio | Pleasant and Unpleasant Nature Sounds: A Validity Study of Nature Sound Stimuli | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Angel Munoz-Osorio, Emily Lamb, Claire McCaulley, Olufunmilayo Telli, Jerri Bivens, Natalie Varela, Woo Ko | Impact of COVID-19 On Undergraduates Over Time | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Manal Murangi | Terms and Conditions of Sex – A Short Film | Mentor: Sarah Sharp | Visual Arts

- Mickey Muscalli | Heuristic Searching For Good “Xeno Alphabets” of Amino Acids | Mentor: Stephen Freeland | Individualized Study

- Crystal Najib | Learning from StoryCorps: The Resilience and Empowerment of Afghan Immigrant Women | Mentor: Anne Brodsky | Psychology

- Rojin Najmabadi, Shannon Cobb, Chloe Fong, Jenny Zhao | Communities in Distress: A Global Comparative Qualitative Study of People’s Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic | Mentor: Anne Brodsky | Psychology

- Rojin Najmabadi, Katie Alfaro-Veliz, Bernice Kissiedu | The Benefits of Mentorship: What Military Mentors Gain from Working with the Children of Lost Service Members | Mentor: Anne Brodsky | Psychology

- Jane Nam, Sarah Turner, Mansha Maheshwari, Jeniffer Khorsandian, Mireille Alcheikh Hanna, Mike Spano, Aysha Nasir, Samantha Galczyk | Influence of COVID-19 at UMBC: Analyzing Predictors for Undergraduate Students’ Academic Success | Mentor: Susan Sonnenschein | Psychology

- Harini Narayan | A Picture Paints A Thousand Words: Examining Linkages Between North Korean Propaganda and U.S.-Bilateral Relations | Mentors: Kyung-Eun Yoon and Renee Lambert-Bretiere | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Aysha Nasir | Parent’s Role in Distance Learning During COVID-19 | Mentor: Susan Sonnenschein, Elyse Grossman, and Julie Grossman | Psychology

- Aysha Nasir, Samantha Galczyk, Mireille Alcheikh Hanna, Jeniffer Khorsandian, Mansha Maheshwari, Sarah Turner, Jane Nam, Mike Spano | Influence of COVID-19 at UMBC: Analyzing Predictors for Undergraduate Students’ Academic Success | Mentor: Susan Sonnenschein | Psychology

- Nithya Navarathna | Establishing A Cell-Based High-Throughput Screen To Identify Pathways Targeting ZNF217 Levels in Ovarian Cancer Cells | Mentor: Achuth Padmanabhan | Biological Sciences

- Ouriel Ndalamba, Michael Fleming, Utsav Shashvatt | Determination of Selectivity and Diffusion Coefficients For Ammonium Recovery By Donnan Dialysis | Mentor: Lee Blaney | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

- Aidan Newell, Mark Medija, Kristian Mischke, Jacob Yepez, Aaron Griffin, Wilson Fang | Recurring Moment – A Time Travel Puzzle Platformer Video Game
Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 
- Zachary Neuhaus | Disaster-Resilient information Communication Technologies For Disaster Management | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | individualized Study

- Anthony Nguyen | Claim-Evidence-Reflection | Mentor: Jonathan Singer | Education

- Ivy Nguyen | Women’s Rights in Confucian Countries: A Challenge On the Contemporary Social Development | Mentor: Christopher Brown | Global Studies

- Kevin Nguyen | An Analysis of Directive Speech Acts of Korean Women: Mother and Daughter-in-law interactions | Mentor: Kyung-Eun Yoon | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Chase Nickoles | “Ice To Meet You” A Holiday PSA by Chase Nickoles | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Noah Nies | Good Time Charlie: An Animation in Cyanotype | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Megan O’Neill, Lake Amtmann, Zach Barker-Frey, Caleb Fuller, Joshua Hecht, Grace Lawrence, Andrew Park, Matthew Pham, Victoria Seo | The Redesign of the MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Sean O’Sullivan | Probing interactions Between Bacterial Ferrous Iron Acquisition Proteins FeoA and FeoB Through Peptide-Binding Studies | Mentor: Aaron Smith | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Paul Ocone | Dis/join: Unification of Sound, Music, Narrative, and Animation in Liz and the Blue Bird | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Phoebe Oh, Joe Robinson, Zachary Rosenberg, Aaron Wescott, Julia Blurton-Jones, Mike Colclough, Cade Christianson | Jump Starters | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Calista Ogburn | This Is It – a Poetic Response To the Anti-Asian Racism During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Mentor: Lia Purpura | English

- Oluwateniayo Ogunsan | Automatically Generated Phase Portraits For Understanding Biological Systems | Mentor: Daniel Lobo | Biological Sciences

- Camille Ollivierre | Blows!: Exploring Traditional Caribbean Whaling Culture Through Paint On Glass Animation | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Chidera Osuigwe | Social Determinants of Maternal Health Among Low-income Mothers in Maryland | Mentor: Jennifer Callaghan-Koru | Health Administration and Policy

- Anuoluwapo Osunnuyi | Smart Cities For Economic Development and Sustainability | Mentor: Lauren Edwards | Public Policy

- Andrew Park | Understanding Emotional and Persuasive Design For Digital Products in Entrepreneurship: An integrative Case Study | Mentors: Andrea Kleinsmith and Gary Rozanc | Information Systems

- Andrew Park, Grace Lawrence, Joshua Hecht, Caleb Fuller, Zach Barker-Frey, Lake Amtmann, Megan O’Neill, Matthew Pham, Victoria Seo | The Redesign of the MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Crystal Parry, Noah Reger | Effect of Lisinopril Dosage On Level of ROS & A-42 Aggregation Present in Drosophila Melanogaster | Mentor: Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences

- Anestis Patrikios | A Review of the Relationship Between Race and Physiological Stress System Function | Mentor: Raimi Quiton | Psychology

- Dean Pavlick, Nahum Arefeayne | Foundation Medicine Role of Histone Gene Mutations in Tumorigenesis | Mentor: Anita Corbett and Jennifer Spangle, Emory University | Biology

- Jason Pentsil | Improved Repeatability and Performance Prediction of Additively Manufactured 17-4 Stainless Steel Using Tensile Testing | Mentors: Marc Zupan and Michael Duffy | Mechanical Engineering

- Kelsey Person | Role of TRNA Diversity in Programmed Translational Frameshifting in Budding Yeasts | Mentor: Philip Farabaugh | Biological Sciences

- Kennedy Person, Grant Wunderlin | Genetic Analysis of Ypk2 As the Ultimate Kinase in Controlling Protein Synthesis Accuracy | Mentor: Philip Farabaugh | Biological Sciences

- Matthew Pham, Andrew Park, Grace Lawrence, Joshua Hecht, Caleb Fuller, Zach Barker-Frey, Lake Amtmann, Megan O’Neill, Victoria Seo | The Redesign of the MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Zane Poffenberger | Democracy and Division: How Do Americans’ Views of Those With Opposite political Values affect their Trust in Democracy? | Mentor: Carolyn Forestiere | Political Science

- Maggie Poletti, Angellynn Siaw, Kecheng Tao, Reilly Moloney, Samuel Tayman, Zachary Barker-Frey | Sword Shibe | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Katherine Poteet | Building A Nation: How National Service Requirements Affect Patriotic Sentiment | Mentor: Carolyn Forestiere | Political Science

- Kevin Pounds | Hair Cut Roller Coaster | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Meredith Power | Uncertainties Spiritual and Temporal: the Plight of England’s Catholic Nuns At the Dissolution of the Monasteries | Mentor: Amy Froide | History

- Varsha Pudi, Lydia Fozo | Neural Structure-function Analysis For Connectome Biomarker Identification | Mentor: Marisel Villafañe-Delgado | Physics

- Sara Rainess | Pathfinders: Identity Experimentation Through Role-Playing Games | Mentor: Bambi Chapin | Sociology and Anthropology

- Maila Raphael | Analyzing the Role of Convents in Medieval German Society | Mentor: Susanne Sutton | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Adam Ratajczak, Curtis Jones | A High-Throughput Arduino-Based TEER Meter With A Microfluidic Platform For Pharmacokinetic Studies | Mentor: Chengpeng Chen | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Matthew Ratcliffe | Changing Leaves | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Todd Rayburn, Zachary Federici, Matthew Boyer, Austin Grieve | High Definition Video Effects Passthrough | Mentor: E. F. Charles LaBerge | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Aiman Raza | Comparing Fish and Crustacean Species on Harvested Vs. Non-Harvested Oyster Reefs | Mentors: Matthew Ogburn and Allison Tracy | Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

- Kierra Regis, Patricia Boyd, Faith Davis | ELUCIDATING the 3D STRUCTURE of the HIV-1 5′ LEADER | Mentor: Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Patrick Reid | Black Lives Matter and Media Framing | Mentor: Fernando Tormos Aponte | Political Science

- Eliana Reynolds | Nuclear Deterrence and Counterproliferation in North Korea | Mentor: Devin Hagerty | Political Science

- Triana Rivera-Megias | Easing the Stress of Mice: LED Wavelengths influence Stress Among Laboratory Mice | Mentors: Troy Steiner and Alonso Heredia | Psychology

- Alizay Rizvi | Characterizing the Temporal Dynamics of Planarian Fission | Mentor: Daniel Lobo | Biological Sciences

- Rachael Rizzutto | Newtown Pippin: A Patriotic Apple | Mentor: Amy Froide | History

- Joe Robinson, Zachary Rosenberg, Aaron Wescott, Julia Blurton-Jones, Mike Colclough, Phoebe Oh, Cade Christianson | Jump Starters | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Roshae Roberts, Alyson Blount | Examining Contextual Reward and the Associated Behavioral Sex Differences | Mentor: Tara LeGates | Biological Sciences

- Catherine Romero | An Analysis On How Instagram Affects Self-Esteem in Young Adults | Mentor: Diane Alonso | Psychology

- Zachary Rosenberg, Aaron Wescott, Joe Robinson, Julia Blurton-Jones, Mike Colclough, Phoebe Oh, Cade Christianson | Jump Starters | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Dominique Ross | Public Health in Northern Brazil’s Refugee Borderlands | Mentor: Felipe Filomeno | Political Science

- Cameron Rybacki | Voter Suppression in America: How Voices Are Kept Quiet | Mentor: Sarah Fouts | American Studies

- Ryan Saladino | The Gospel of Evangeline: A Fiction Project Exploring the Power of Childlike Wonder | Mentor: Sally Shivnan | English

- Isabella Salguero Cespedes | Effects of the Uv-Filter Octocryline in D. Melanogaster | Mentor: Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences

- Ann Jeanette Santos | Clinical Professionals’ Choice of instructional Arrangements in Behavior Analytic Programs | Mentor: Mirela Cengher | Psychology

- Sabtain Saroya, Grace Waterman | Testing the Effects of Entresto On the Heat Stress Response of Drosophila Melanogaster | Mentor: Jeff Leips | Biological Sciences
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- Olivia Schwiegerath, Desiree Walker, Zohaa Awan, Betelehem Getahun | Physical Management Survey | Mentor: Adithyan Rajaraman | Psychology

- Alexandra Seas | Development of A Pharmacokinetic Model of the Sustained Subconjunctival Delivery of Timolol Maleate | Mentor: Erin Lavik | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering

- Maddy Selby, Julianna Posey | Property Dependence On Heat Treatment and Geometry of Additively Manufactured 17-4 PH Stainless Steel | Mentors: Marc Zupan and Michael Duffy | Mechanical Engineering

- Victoria Seo, Matthew Pham, Andrew Park, Grace Lawrence, Joshua Hecht, Caleb Fuller, Zach Barker-Frey, Lake Amtmann, Megan O’Neill | The Redesign of the MC Hammerhead Kinetic Sculpture | Mentor: Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study

- Fatimah Shaalan | “Flexing” Anything But Muscles: An Analysis of Social Media Trends and Conspicuous Consumption | Mentor: Liz Stanwyck | Mathematics and Statistics

- Noor Shaikh | Morphological Shape Dynamics during Planaria Growth and Degrowth Behaviors | Mentor: Daniel Lobo | Biological Sciences

- David Shelly | Crystal Engineering For Non-Linear Optical Properties | Mentor: Paul Smith | Chemistry and Biochemistry

- Sachi Sheth, Allison Stein, Mahitha Vijily Saya, Elaina McWilliams, Naqiya Ghulamali, | Examining Photovoice As A Participatory Action Methodology | Mentor: Bronwyn Hunter | Psychology

- Angellynn Siaw, Maggie Poletti, Kecheng Tao, Reilly Moloney, Samuel Tayman, Zachary Barker-Frey | Sword Shibe | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Sydney Siegel | Interpretation of Models of Care in Residential Communities For Older Adults | Mentor: Louise Murray | Aging Studies

- Avinash Singh, Jericho Tabacolde, Nathaniel Killoran, Taylor Baranoski | Interposer-Based Reverse Engineering For Safety Critical Applications (APLinT) | Mentors: E. F Charles LaBerge, Bradley Potteiger, and Dan Cohen | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Swati Singh, Meghan Flynn | Science Self-Efficacy, Career Expectations, And Program Satisfaction Among Undergraduate Meyerhoff Scholars | Mentor: Mariano Sto. Domingo | Psychology

- Marian Singletary, Mason Hillmar, Vanessa Lake, Nicholas Crutchfield | Magic Mirror | Mentor: E F Charles Laberge | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Allison Smith, Lindsay McCabe, Margaret Lucas, Mathias Drgon, Anthony Ellis, Seth Davis, Joseph Robinson | UMBC Game Developers Club: 2020-2021 Team Projects | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Matthew Snider | The Role of Shared Language in Genetic Counseling | Mentor: Ana Oskoz | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and intercultural Communication

- Michael Spano | The Development of School Policy for Student-Teachers (STs) at UMBC | Mentor: Michele Wolff | Shriver Center

- Mike Spano, Aysha Nasir, Samantha Galczyk, Mireille Alcheikh Hanna, Jeniffer Khorsandian, Mansha Maheshwari, Sarah Turner, Jane Nam | Influence of COVID-19 at UMBC: Analyzing Predictors for Undergraduate Students’ Academic Success | Mentor: Susan Sonnenschein | Psychology

- Allison Stein, Mahitha Vijily Saya, Elaina McWilliams, Naqiya Ghulamali, Sachi Sheth | Examining Photovoice As A Participatory Action Methodology | Mentor: Bronwyn Hunter | Psychology

- Alexis Stone | Economic Globalization and Mass incarceration in the US | Mentor: Tania Lizarazo | Global Studies

- Aris Stovall, Cameron Anderson | Investigating the Functional Properties of Autistic Genes in Drosophila Melanogaster | Mentor: Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences

- Franklin Sun | Stimulus Equivalence | Mentor: Mirela Cengher | Psychology

- Joann Sunday | Generational Wealth | Mentor: Peggy Re | Visual Arts

- Kaitlyn Szekerczes | Awakening Black Holes: Looking For Tidal Disruption Events in the VLA Archives | Mentor: Eileen Meyer | Physics

- Jericho Tabacolde, Avinash Singh, Nathaniel Killoran, Taylor Baranoski | Interposer-Based Reverse Engineering For Safety Critical Applications (APLinT) | Mentors: E. F Charles LaBerge, Bradley Potteiger, and Dan Cohen | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Kecheng Tao, Angellynn Siaw, Maggie Poletti, Reilly Moloney, Samuel Tayman, Zachary Barker-Frey | Sword Shibe | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Samuel Tayman, Kecheng Tao, Angellynn Siaw, Maggie Poletti, Reilly Moloney, Zachary Barker-Frey | Sword Shibe | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Olufunmilayo Telli, Emily Lamb, Claire McCaulley, Angel Munoz-Osorio, Jerri Bivens, Natalie Varela, Woo Ko | Impact of COVID-19 On Undergraduates Over Time | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Micah Thorpe | Binder-Free Manganese Dioxide Cathode Performance in Flexible Batteries | Mentor: Deepa Madan | Mechanical Engineering

- Sarah Turner, Jane Nam, Mansha Maheshwari, Jeniffer Khorsandian, Mireille Alcheikh Hanna, Mike Spano, Aysha Nasir, Samantha Galczyk | Influence of COVID-19 at UMBC: Analyzing Predictors for Undergraduate Students’ Academic Success | Mentor: Susan Sonnenschein | Psychology

- Max Trumper | Contextualization of Social Studies Content | Mentor: Timothy Johnson | Education

- Ada Truong | The Role of COVID-19-Related Discrimination and Ethnic Identity in Chinese Americans’ Psychological Well-Being | Mentors: Charissa Cheah, Kathy Vu, and Xiaoli Zong | Psychology

- Lara Truslow, Michelle Chaney, Mercedes Fuller, Nicholas Leiva, Duncan McAdam | Mono-logging On: Writing Solo Performances in Virtual Space | Mentor: Lynn Watson | Theatre

- Alexandria Udenkwo | Decoherence At the Quantum Speed Limit | Mentor: Sebastian Deffner | Physics

- Sarita Upreti | Analysis For Correlation Between University and County | Mentor: Abhijit Dutt | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Natalie Varela, Jerri Bivens, Woo Ko | Impact of Pediatric Chronic Illnesses On Family Functioning | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Natalie Varela, Angel Munoz-Osorio, Emily Lamb, Claire McCaulley, Olufunmilayo Telli, Jerri Bivens, Woo Ko | Impact of COVID-19 On Undergraduates Over Time | Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology

- Michael Vekstein | Learning To Play Musical Dynamics in A Virtual World | Mentor: Brian Kaufman | Music

- Mahitha Vijily Saya, Allison Stein, Elaina McWilliams, Naqiya Ghulamali, Sachi Sheth | Examining Photovoice As A Participatory Action Methodology | Mentor: Bronwyn Hunter | Psychology

- David Waldron, Mallika Bhattacharya, Sunny Trivedi | Investigating Targets of Jak-STAT and Ecdysone Signaling in Border Cell Migration By Binding Motif Analysis | Mentor: Michelle Starz-Gaiano | Biological Sciences

- Sierra Wallace, Michael LaScola | Generation of A dp2 Mutant in Volvox carteri Through the CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing System | Mentor: Stephen Miller | Biological Sciences

- Julia Warfield, Arushi Dalal | Grasshopper Sparrow Song Diversity in the Caribbean | Mentor: Bernard Lohr | Biological Sciences

- Dante Washington, Ryan Bacon | Meta-Analysis of Sexual Conflict in Temperate and Tropical Biomes | Mentor: Mercedes Burns | Biological Sciences

- Grace Waterman, Sabtain Saroya | Testing the Effects of Entresto On the Heat Stress Response of Drosophila Melanogaster | Mentor: Jeff Leips | Biological Sciences

- Frances Watson, Adegboyega Akinsiku | COVID-19 Telehealth and Telerehabilation Reflections: Understanding the Stroke Survivor and Caregiver Perspectives | Mentor: Helena Mentis | information Systems

- Jacob Weinstein | Theoretically Speaking: the Impact of Music theory instruction On the Performance Ability of Middle School Musicians | Mentor: Brian Kaufman | Music

- Sara Weiss, Ashley Splain | The Association of Acculturation With Sedentary Behavior By Race-Ethnicity: Data from NHANES (2011-2016) | Mentor: Tasneem Khambaty | Gerontology

- Sara R. Weiss, Elyssa Kristine Marie Granados, Julissa Zelaya, Chynae N. Meekins, Troy G. Steiner | Boosting Self-Esteem By Reducing Identity Disturbance Through A Growth Mindset intervention | Mentor: Troy Steiner | Psychology

- Jennifer Wells | Improving Student Writing By Analyzing Author’s Craft | Mentor: Cheryl North | Education

- Aaron Wescott, Joe Robinson, Julia Blurton-Jones, Mike Colclough, Phoebe Oh, Zachary Rosenberg, Cade Christianson | Jump Starters | Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Aaron Wescott | Essential | Mentor: Corrie Parks | Visual Arts

- Jameka Wiggins | Assessing Engineering State of Mind of First Year Undergraduate African American/Black Students in Scholar Programs | Mentor: Jamie Gurganus | Mechanical Engineering

- Margaret Williams | Effective off-Label Use of Schedule I Drugs For PTSD and Its Barriers: A Justice & Equity Argument | Mentor: Andrea Kalfoglou | Health Administration and Policy

- Brandon Wilson | Computational Implementation of Noise Performance Modeling For Short-Pulse Lasers | Mentors: Curtis Menyuk and Shoakang Wang | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

- Mairin Wright | Visual Source Analysis | Mentor: Timothy Johnson | Education

- Rushaad Wright, Karina Brown, Daniel Laguna, Lydia Stamato | Understanding the Experience of Low-income Baltimore City Families Without Access To Broadband internet During COVID-19 | Mentors: Foad Hamidi, and Nora McDonald | Information Systems

- Kateryna Yakusheva | The Role of Leadership and National Factors in Building An Effective COVID-19 Response | Mentor: Brigid Starkey | Global Studies

- Jacob Yepez, Aidan Newell, Mark Medija, Kristian Mischke, Aaron Griffin, Wilson Fang | Recurring Moment – A Time Travel Puzzle Platformer Video Game
Mentor: Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 
- Rianna Zacharias | Analyzing the Expression of Shroom3 in the Zebrafish Anterior Neural Plate | Mentor: Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences

- Mohsin Zaidi | Tornado Distribution, Seasonality, and intensity Trends East of the Mid-Atlantic Appalachians | Mentor: Jeffrey Halverson | Geography and Environmental Systems

- Sofia Zarate | Is It Balanced? A Look into Student’s Progress of Balancing Equations | Mentor: Jonathan Singer | Education

- Gretta Zinski | the Obedient Body: investigating Trained and Culturally informed Movement Biases | Mentor: Ann Sofie Clemmensen | Dance
