Table of Content
Students are listed below in alphabetical order. Select the first letter of the student’s last name in the table of contents for a quick access.
- Mahmoud Abdel-Halim | The Relationship Between Inflammatory Markers and Mood States in Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
Daniel Roche
Room | Time | Poster - Michael Ack | Impact of E-Cigarette Aerosol Exposure on the Morphology of the Anterior and Posterior Olfactory Epithelium
Weihong Lin
Room | Time | Poster - Ash Acuña | Red, Blue, and Latino: How Sex Education Disparities Affect Teen Pregnancies
Lauren Allen
Room | Time | Poster - Fariha Agbere | NMR Reasoning: A Benchmark for Chemical Reasoning with AI
Tyler Josephson
Room | Time | Poster - Sean Agbor-Enoh | Using Barnes Maze Paradigm to Examine Spatial Learning With Food and Social Rewards
Tara LeGates
Room | Time | Poster - Nicholas Agouridis | Scope++: An Open-source, Modular, and Efficient Image and Video Acquisition Software
Daniel Lobo
Room | Time | Poster - Suzi Agyako-Wiredu | Dendronized Gold Nanorattles Loaded With Doxorubicin as a Drug Delivery Platform
Marie-Christine Daniel
Room | Time | Poster - Asiya Ahmed | Investigating Genetic Interactions Between FLK And HOS1 in Plant Defense and Flowering Time
Hua Lu
Room | Time | Poster - Ahmed Al-Anesi | Metasurface-based Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species
Chris Geddes
Room | Time | Poster
- Jumana Al-Anesi | Gold Nanoparticle-Based Colorimetric Test For Lead Sensing in Tap Water
Marie-Christine Daniel
Room | Time | Poster - Kiah Alabi | The Role of RWP-RK Transcription Factors in the Evolution of Cell Differentiation in Volvox Carteri
Stephen Miller
Room | Time | Poster - Kafui Ameko | Beyond the Clouds: Potential Impact of E-Cigarette Aerosol Exposure on the Mouse Olfactory System
Weihong Lin
Room | Time | Poster - Daniel Amon-Kotey | Evaluating User Interactions with AI Creative Tools
Richard Souvenir
Room | Time | Poster - Ramlah Amsa | The Aesthetics of the Graphic Novels of Guy Delisle and Riad Sattouf
Haniyeh Barahouie Pasandi
Room | Time | Poster - Shashane Anderson | Formalizing Thermodynamic Cycles and Gas Behavior in Lean 4
Tyler Josephson
Room | Time | Poster - Vunnathi Ankem | Conceptualizing Intimate Partner Abuse Through the Lens of Intracultural Dialogue Amongst South Asian Students
Christopher Murphy
Room | Time | Poster - Thalia Añora | “HUMANIZE”
Corrie Parks
Room | Time | Poster - Ajeetha Arudchandran | Investigating the Mechanisms underlying Convergence of the Neural Folds
Rachel Brewster
UC 204 | 10:40 a.m. | Oral
- Marwah Bahanan | Exploring Implications on Civic Engagement Through the Board Game Emerging
Kerri Evans
Room | Time | Poster - Brandon Balbuena | American Sign Language Translator
Charles LaBerge
Room | Time | Poster - Labibah Balogun | Using Barnes Maze Paradigm to Examine Spatial Learning With Food and Social Rewards
Tara LeGates
Room | Time | Poster - Samuel Barnett | Heightened Neural Activity Influences Drosophila Amyloid Precursor Protein-Like (APPL) Processing
Fernando Vonhoff
Room | Time | Poster - Nicolas Bartolomeo | Evaluating the Effects of Hurricanes on Rent Affordability Across Florida
Kelsea Best
Room | Time | Poster - Xander Barton | Mechanistic Regulation Of Planarian Shape During Regeneration
Daniel Lobo
Room | Time | Poster - Ben Bazarsuren | Designing Structural Members Using Bio-Inspired Design Primitives
Paris Von Lockette
Room | Time | Poster - Rafe Beckert | Testing the Heterogeneity of Prostate Inflammation Using GFP as an Ex-Vivo Marker on a Chronic Inflammatory Mouse Model
Charles Bieberich
Room | Time | Poster - Hikaru Belzer | Numerical Simulations In Financial Mathematics Applications
Bedřich Sousedík
Room | Time | Poster - Samuel Bendek | Tree Sap Batteries: Storing Energy The Natural Way
Kevin Fulmer
Room | Time | Poster - Sabila Bernard | Mechanistic Regulation Of Planarian Shape During Regeneration
Daniel Lobo
Room | Time | Poster - Alvin Bett | Detecting PFAS in Baltimore Harbor Using Novel Passive Samplers
Lee Blaney
Room | Time | Poster - Divina Bhatia | Heat Shock Protein 70-8 (Hsp70-8) Plays a Critical Role in Eye, Craniofacial, and Heart Development In Zebrafish
Jim Du
Room | Time | Poster - Rusham Bhatt | Standardizing Genome Sequencing Analysis for Detection and Interpretation of Genetic Variants in M. Tuberculosis
Maha Farhat
Room | Time | Poster
- Arushi Bhattacharyya | Circumventing Tumor Heterogeneity: Data Harmonization and Clinical Trial Design
DoHwan Park
Room | Time | Poster - Juliana Blakely | Backsliding of Trust in Democratic Institutions
Carolyn Forestiere
Room | Time | Poster - AJ Boyd | Creating Table-top Narrations From Fine-tuned Large Language Models
Lara Martin
Room | Time | Poster - Jalen Brown | Addressing Inefficiencies in Campus Services Through the Development of a Smart Campus Application
Roberto Yus
Room | Time | Poster - Nicole Brown | Advancements in CAR-T Cell Therapy: Leveraging Inducible Gene Systems for Enhanced Control and Safety
Richard O’Neil
Room | Time | Poster - Tyler Brown | Building Empathy and Awareness Through Cultural Sensitivity Training: Insights from an Interactive Approach
Kerri Evans
UC Ballroom Lounge | 10 a.m. | Oral - Jacob Brunk | Unsettling Reflections: Encountering Symbol Systems in Inter-tradition Religious Conversion
Bambi Chapin
UC 312 | 11 a.m. | Oral - Matthew Bryman | Super Platelets: Unraveling the Phenomenon of Platelets With High Contraction Forces
Molly Mollica
Room | Time | Poster - Vinnie Bui | 3D Printing in Digital Dentistry: A Review Study
Chengpeng Chen
Room | Time | Poster - Brianna Byrd | Characterizing the Behavioral Role of GPR155 in a Knockout Mouse Model
Laurie Sutton
Room | Time | Poster
- Ryan Calheira | Emotional Distress and Cognitive Performance: The Impact of Depression and Stress on Accuracy and Workload
Sarah Conklin
Room | Time | Poster - Jalane Campbell | Investigating the Effectiveness of Estradiol Replacement Methods
Tara LeGates
Room | Time | Poster - Kevin Carbajal Rodriguez | Shortcuts to Adiabaticity in a System of Two Linearly Coupled Quantum Harmonic Oscillators
Sebastian Deffner
Room | Time | Poster - Kyle Casamento | Making Gold From Lead: How Glen Burnie High School Students and Staff Navigate Disinvestment
Sarah Fouts
UC Ballroom Lounge | 9:40 a.m. | Oral - Christina Chaffman | Cultural Crossroads: Exploring North American Food Cultures (1600-1800)
Melissa Blair
UC 310 | 10:20 a.m. | Oral - Christina Chaffman | Colonial Crisis and Transformation: Effects of the 1752 Hurricanes On South Carolina’s Political And Economic Structures
Amy Froide
Room | Time | Poster - Sahana Chakravarthi | Beyond The Binary: Immigrant Health And Well-Being Across the Status Continuum
Sameera Nayak
Room | Time | Poster - Emaan Chaudhry | The Effects of Ethanol on Neural Degredation in Drosopilla
Fernando Vonhoff
Room | Time | Poster - Ramsha Chaudhary | The Effect of Language Barriers on the Quality of Care Received By Spanish-speaking Patients in the Baltimore City Area
David Beard
Room | Time | Poster - Jane-Frances Chia | Small Molecule Inhibition of RAS Regulates Downstream Signaling and Cell Proliferation in NF1/RASA1 Mutant Cancer Cells
Maria Cambraia
Room | Time | Poster
- Mufaro Chiduza | Investigating the Impact of E-cigarette Exposure on Olfactory Guided Behavior and Cognitive Performance In Mice
Weihong Lin
Room | Time | Poster - Kendall Clark | Investigating Tissue-Specific Gene Upregulation in Zebrafish Embryos Under Hypoxia
Rachel Brewster
Room | Time | Poster - Carrington Cline | Spectrum in the Spotlight: Examining Neurodiversity on Screen
Lauren Allen
Room | Time | Poster - Robert Coggins | Optimal Driving of Two-Qubit Annealing: The Landau-Zener Model
Sebastian Deffner
Room | Time | Poster - Dionne Cole | The Impact of Retriever Essentials on UMBC Students
Laura Ting
Room | Time | Poster - Imani Conway | Echoes of Trauma: The Lingering Health Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse Throughout the Life-course – A Scoping Review
Andrea Kalfoglou
Room | Time | Poster - Natalia Cooper | Framing the Vote: Exploring the Social Media Strategies of Trump & Harris in the 2024 Presidential Election Campaign
Jason Loviglio
Room | Time | Poster - Jacob Craft | Measuring the Selectivity Coefficients of 19 PFAS With Four Anion-Exchange Membranes
Lee Blaney
Room | Time | Poster - Kate Crothers | The Origins of Cell Differentiation: Knockout of the Volvox Carteri RlsD Gene
Stephen Miller
Room | Time | Poster
- Darrell Davis | Age Related Changes In Aromatase Expression in the Ventromedial PrefrontalCortex, Claustrum, and Nucleus Accumbens.
Todd Gould
Room | Time | Poster - Joshua Dayie | Engineering CRBN for Improved Assay and Structural Enablement Using DeNovo Protein Scaffolds
Nicole LaRonde
Room | Time | Poster - Nathan Dayie | Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern on Motor Imagery EEG Data
Ramana Vinjamuri
Room | Time | Poster - Shenali De Silva | RNA SEQ Screen Reveals a Subset of Tailbud Genes Expressed in the Posterior Tail Bud
Rachel Brewster
Room | Time | Poster - Ana Delariva Avina | The Impact of the Presence of Others on Semantic Networks in Social Anxiety
Lira Yoon
Room | Time | Poster - Ethan Denny | The Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species Through Microwave Irradiation of Metasurface Microplates.
Christopher Geddes
Room | Time | Poster - Ethan Denny | Metasurface-based Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species
Chris Geddes
Room | Time | Poster
- Jameelah Destry | The Effect of Temperature on Asexual Reproduction in Hydra Vulgaris
Aide Macias-Muñoz
UC 310 | 9:20 a.m. | Oral - Ida Dierker | Taking Back the Piano
Lisa Cella
Room | Time | Poster - Sean DiGiorgio | Directing A Staged Reading at the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival
Nigel Semaj
UC 312 | 11:40 a.m. | Oral - SaraJane Domerchie | Plastic Song Crystallization in Grasshopper Sparrows
Bernard Lohr
Room | Time | Poster - Isabella Dressler | The SWI/SNF Protein Domino Interacts With Steroid Hormone Signaling to Affect Border Cell Migration in D. Melanogaster
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
Room | Time | Poster - Andrew Dvorak | Searching For Black Holes Ejected By Gravitational-Wave Recoil With the Hubble Space Telescope
Eileen Meyer
Room | Time | Poster
- Olivia Edoigiawerie | Examining Childhood Adversity, Trauma Exposure, and Protective Factors in Caregivers of Infants
Kay Connors
Room | Time | Poster
- Evalynn Ellison | Ultrasound-Responsive Phospholipid-Coated Microbubbles for Controlled Drug Delivery Across Mucosa
Canan Dagdeviren
Room | Time | Poster
- Caly Ferguson | Using Computational Simulations to Inform Mutagenesis in Connexin Proteins
Kafui Dzirasa
Room | Time | Poster - Maeve Finn | Backsliding of Trust in Democratic Institutions
Carolyn Forestiere
Room | Time | Poster - Logan Forsythe | Community and Retention: Exploring Factors That Support Retention in Opioid Recovery Research
Steven Pitts
Room | Time | Poster - Elana Frazier | Evaluating Directional Cues That Affect Migratory Preference in Border Cell Migration
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
Room | Time | Poster
- Beryl Fuamazeh | Correlation Between Weekly Family Visits and Happiness Levels Among Elderly Residents
Nancy Kusmaul
Room | Time | Poster - Paige Fullerton | Assessing Campus Vegetation From Above
Charlie Kaylor
Room | Time | Poster
- Jaden Gallman | Becoming a Regulatory Agent in a Digital Space
Carole McCann
UC 310 | 10:40 a.m. | Oral - Julia Garcia | Red, Blue, and Latino: How Sex Education Disparities Affect Teen Pregnancies
Lauren Allen
Room | Time | Poster - Austin Gayhart | Investigating Potential Amino Acid Locations of the Counterion in the Melanopsin
Phyllis Robinson
Room | Time | Poster - Raine Gibson | Leveraging Longitudinal Datasets to Improve Genetic Associations With Alcohol Use
Luke M. Evans
Room | Time | Poster - Trevor Gibson | Hybrid Anion-Exchange Resins Improve the Uptake and Selectivity for (Ultra)Short-Chain PFAS in Drinking Water
Lee Blaney
Room | Time | Poster - Kat Gill | Moms For Liberty: A Historical and Local Perspective on Conservative Activism in Education
Earl Brooks
UC 312 | 10 a.m. | Oral - Elias Gilotte | Uncovering the Relationship Between Oxygen Availability and Energy Sources in Cell-free Protein Synthesis
Govind Rao
Room | Time | Poster - Yohannes Girma | Magnetic Fluxropes During Storm and Non-Storm Conditions
Brandon Burkholder
Room | Time | Poster - Ada Glaser | Goals And Motivations of Baltimore Early Intervention Providers
Jayshree Jani
Room | Time | Poster
- Seth Glassner | Examining The Effects of Genetic Compensation in the Chlamydomonas TAG Pathway
Stephen Miller
Room | Time | Poster - Sethumadhavan Gokulakrishnan | Determining Regions Within UCHL3 that Regulates its Stability and Turnover in Ovarian Cancer Cells
Achuth Padmanabhan
Room | Time | Poster - Grisha Goldberg | Sports Analytics: A Comparative Study of AI, Commentators, and Betting Spreads in Predicting Outcomes and Strategies
Vira Zhdanovych
Room | Time | Poster - Veronica Goonan | Trust, Trump, And Turnout: The Power of Institutional Confidence in Rural Voting Behavior in the 2024 Election
Thomas Schaller
Room | Time | Poster - Megan Gould | The Hitler Youth and Child Indoctrination: An Analysis of Guilt and Responsibility
Brian Van Wyck
Room | Time | Poster - Darryn Greene | Biophysical Characterization of Metallated and Inhibitor-Bound Escherichia Coli NDM-1
Aaron Smith
Room | Time | Poster - Daniela Gutman | Perceived Socioeconomic Status, Cognitive Performance, and Physiologic Workload in Adults From Baltimore
Sarah Conklin
Room | Time | Poster
- Alexander Haibel | GraphARC: An AI Benchmark for Chemical Reasoning
Tyler Josephson
Room | Time | Poster - Muskaan Hammad | Maryland Colleges’ Response to Campus Food Insecurity
Andrea Kalfoglou
Room | Time | Poster - Thomas Hammond | Analyzing Income Inequality Among Democratic Nations Around the World
Carolyn Forestiere
Room | Time | Poster - Noah Hamrick | The Effect of Polycrisis on Democracy in Ancient, Interwar, and Contemporary Italy
Carolyn Forestiere
Room | Time | Poster - Lily Handwerger | WNT Signaling Regulators In Cell Lines Derived From a Genetically Engineered Mouse Model of Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Charles Bieberich
Room | Time | Poster - Assata Hanif | Connecting With Our Communities: The Relationship Between Collective Efficacy and Community Engagement
Dawn Biehler
Room | Time | Poster - Adah Harding | Platelet Circulatory Age and Traction Force Generation
Molly Mollica
Room | Time | Poster - Adele Hare | The Sociolinguistics of Accents: A Philadelphia Case Study
David Beard
Room | Time | Poster - Sara Hawley | Caring For the Caregiver: An Analysis of State Respite Care Policies in America
Jun Chu
Room | Time | Poster
- Ashkon Hazrati | Effects Of Electronic Cigarette Aerosol Exposure on Olfactory Bulb Inflammation and Morphology In Mice
Weihong Lin
Room | Time | Poster - Lesley Hernandez | Optimization of In-Vitro Capping in the Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus
Michael F. Summers
Room | Time | Poster - Alleanna Hines | Investigating FLK Interactor Proteins in Flowering Time Regulation
Hua Lu
Room | Time | Poster - Jessica Hoffman | Characterizing The Role of Zinc Finger Protein 217 in Ovarian Carcinogenesis
Achuth Padmanabhan
UC 204 | 11:20 a.m. | Oral - Sydney Hofstetter | Sucrose Density Gradient Centrifugation Versus Anion Exchange for Exosome Sample Purification
Jorge Almodovar
Room | Time | Poster - Ryan Holm | Supreme Court Legitimacy in a Polarized Era: How Partisanship Shapes Confidence
Carolyn Forestiere
Room | Time | Poster - Jack Horvath | Identifying the Impact of Restoration Through the Lens of Historical Musical Instrument Repair
Matt Belzer
Room | Time | Poster - Sara Humphries | Unreliable Narration: Understanding Schizophrenia Firsthand Through Art
Corrie Parks
Room | Time | Poster - Ahmad Hussin | Overexpression of Carbon Concentrating Mechanism in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii
Stephen Miller
UC Ballroom Lounge | 10:40 a.m. | Oral
- Jasmine Ives | Polychlorinated Biphenyl Monitoring in Maryland Fish
Upal Ghosh
Room | Time | Poster
- Adithya Iyer | Utilizing Behavioral Assays to Study Genes Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Drosophila Melanogaster
Fernando Vonhoff
Room | Time | Poster
- Halima Jama | Assessing Muslim Women in Medieval European Literature: Problems and Questions
Kathryn McKinley
UC 310 | 11:20 a.m. | Oral - Jihae Jang | Enhancing Circular DNA Assembly Using Cyclic Heteroduplex Thermostable Ligase Assembly With Type IIS Restriction Sites
Charles Bieberich
Room | Time | Poster - Petra Janka | Hungarian Folklore Motifs Study
Ann Sofie Clemmensen
Room | Time | Poster
- Christian Jassani | Globalization and its Impact on Populism
Carolyn Forestiere
Room | Time | Poster - Michelle Jebaseelan | Analyzing the Impact of Wildfires on Human Lung Cancer Through Molecular Homolog Identification In Drosophila
Maricel Kann
Room | Time | Poster - Jasmine Jenkins | Comparative Analysis of Histone Modifications in the Thorax Vs. Fat Body Tissue of Drosophila Melanogaster
Jeff Leips
Room | Time | Poster
- Aeon Kaplowitz | Exploring Linker Functionalization in Zirconium-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Curcumin Encapsulation and Release
Lisa Kelly
Room | Time | Poster - Aditi Katragunta | N-MYC Downstream Regulated Gene 1A, a Candidate Generalist Stress Protein That Responds to Hypoxia and Salinity Changes
Rachel Brewster
Room | Time | Poster - Maeva Kaunan | Empowering Hispanic/Latinx Students in STEM: The Role of Resources, Community, and Belonging
Shuyan Sun
Room | Time | Poster - Nardos Kebede | Ethiopian Israelis: The Generational Evolution Of Cultural Identity and its Impacts on Integration
Brigid Starkey
UC Ballroom Lounge | 11:20 a.m. | Oral - Gabriel Kengni Jr | Optimizing Capping Techniques For Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus
Michael Summers
Room | Time | Poster - Eden Kennedy | Mind-Body Fitness: Unique Biotypes and Their Association With Anxiety and Depression
Sarah Conklin
Room | Time | Poster - Hira Khan | Comparing Caregiver Strain in Children With Anxiety or ADHD Using An Internalizing/Externalizing Framework
Marco Grados
Room | Time | Poster - Maisa Khan | Visualizing Nucleotidase Localizations in Mouse Tissues Using MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Herana Seneviratne
Room | Time | Poster
- Isabel Killip | The Connection Between Perceived Stress and Mind-Body Fitness in Community Adults
Sarah Conklin
Room | Time | Poster - Haneul Kim | Amplifying Plasmonic Current Using Gold Colloids
Christopher Geddes
Room | Time | Poster - Joe Kim | Predicting Treatment Outcomes in Lung Cancer With Machine Learning
Maricel Kann
Room | Time | Poster - Oluwaseun Kintunde | Evaluating the Function of Set6 in Proteostasis
Erin Green
Room | Time | Poster - Parvata Kirthivasan | Migrante Ng Bayan, Ngayon Ay Lulalaban
Irene Chan
Room | Time | Poster - Jason M. Ko | Mechanistic Regulation Of Planarian Shape During Regeneration
Daniel Lobo
Room | Time | Poster - Tonderai Kodzwa | Effect of Temperature on Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries
Ozgur Capraz
Room | Time | Poster - Arvind Kuruvilla | Knowledge Problems in John Roemer’s Coupon Market
Michael Nance
Room | Time | Poster - Rohan Kyasa | Annotation of Bacteriophages HazuandZazu and Tubberson: A Study Abroad Experience
Steven Caruso
Room | Time | Poster
- Jonetta Lah | Marginalized Motherhood:The Sociodemographic Determinants of Depression and Anxiety Among Immigrant West African Mothers
Sameera Nayak
Room | Time | Poster - Ryan Lee | Examining The Role of Intracellular Compartments in Buffering Formaldehyde-Induced Calcium in Olfactory Sensory Neurons
Weihong Lin
Room | Time | Poster - Emerson Lehnert | Using Automated Radio Tracking To Study Year-Round Territoriality Of Puerto Rican Orioles
Kevin Omland
Room | Time | Poster - Sze Ching Leung | The Impact of Emotional and Economic Social Risk Factors on Healthcare Access
Jun Chu
Room | Time | Poster - Esther Lim Park | The Importance of Korean American Adolescents’ Ethnic Identity Exploration
Charissa Cheah
Room | Time | Poster
- Jasmine Liu | Exploring The Impact of Parenting Styles on Burnout Among College Students
Elaine MacDougall
Room | Time | Poster - Jacob Lombardo | Next-Generation Scalable and Environmentally Friendly MXene-Tetrahedrite Flexible Thermoelectric Generators
Deepa Madan
UC 204 | 9:20 a.m. | Oral - Peter Lombardo | Percent Viability Screens to Confirm Integral Cell Wall Signaling Kinases in Aspergillus Nidulans
Mark Marten
Room | Time | Poster - Aicha Louriqate | Measuring Threat Response in Two Darter Species: Etheostoma Caeruleum And E. Olmstedi
Tamra Mendelson
Room | Time | Poster - Daniel Lovell | Backsliding of Trust in Democratic Institutions
Carolyn Forestiere
Room | Time | Poster - Keiko Luke | Investigating the Activity-Dependent Processing of APPL in Drosophila Mushroom Bodies
Fernando Vonhoff
Room | Time | Poster
- Aidan MacGloan | Does the Type of Stress Matter for Chinese American Immigrant Mothers’ Parenting Behaviors?
Charissa Cheah
Room | Time | Poster - Krishna Madhiwala | Eye See Something Tracking Reading Comprehension And Attention in Children
Karrie Godwin
Room | Time | Poster - Dania Mahmood | Understanding Factors That Regulate ZNF217 Levels in Ovarian Cancer Cells
Achuth Padmanabhan
Room | Time | Poster - Lilli Malone | The Salem Witch Trials: A Case Study for Cultural Disaster
Amy Froide
UC 310 | 11:20 a.m. | Oral - Michael Mann | Heightened Neural Activity Influences Drosophila Amyloid Precursor Protein-Like (APPL) Processing
Fernando Vonhoff
Room | Time | Poster - Rileigh Mansfield | Parameter Identifiability, Sensitivity, and Estimation for a Cholera Model
Kathleen Hoffman
Room | Time | Poster - Christopher Mantzouranis | American Sign Language Translator
Charles LaBerge
Room | Time | Poster - Katherine McHarg | The Role Of ADCK5 in Ovarian Cancer Cells
Achuth Padmanabhan
Room | Time | Poster - Judy McLaughlin | Frequency of Mindfulness and Contemplative Practices Covary With Unique Mind-Body Fitness Biotypes
Sarah Conklin
Room | Time | Poster - Preston McMillian II | Tourism in Tiny Towns: An Ethnographic Study of Old Ellicott City
Bambi Chapin
Room | Time | Poster - Emmanuel Mekasha | Exploring Mutational Resilience of Transcription Factor Binding Site Specificity Mechanisms
Ivan Erill
Room | Time | Poster - John Melles | Direct Radiative Effect of Dust Aerosols Using EMIT and PACE Observations
Zhibo Zhang
Room | Time | Poster - Mike Mentley | RDS-1, Reef, and Sarmat: Russia’s Ядерное (Nuclear) Weapons Then and Now
Vira Zhdanovych
Room | Time | Poster
- Terra Miley | Optimization of Cell-Free Protein Synthesis Bioreactors With the Use of a Fluorescent Magnesium Biosensor
Govind Rao
Room | Time | Poster - Jonathan Miller | Quantum Chaos in Nonlinearly Coupled Oscillators
Sebastian Deffner
Room | Time | Poster - Daniel Mirahmadian | Exploring Conditioned Place Preference in Etheostoma olmstedi
Tamra Mendelson
Room | Time | Poster - Deeya Mistry | Sex Differences in Stress Susceptibility and Synaptic Protein Expression
Tara LeGates
Room | Time | Poster - Michael Moody | Vertical Distribution of Urban Pollution Over the Amazon Rainforest
Henrique Barbosa
Room | Time | Poster - Jackson Moore | Diurnal Cycle Of Cloud Cover in the Amazon Rainforest From an All-sky Imager
Henrique Barbosa
Room | Time | Poster - Meredith Morse | Characterizing The Aspergillus Nidulans Kinase Deletion Library
Mark Marten
Room | Time | Poster - Elizabeth Moser | Genomic Insights into Athletic Performance and Immune Function in Racing Siberian Huskies
Tracy Smith
Room | Time | Poster - Yazlin Moujalled | Smart Orchard Management: Leveraging Computer Vision For Advanced Species Classification
Pratik Chaudhari
Room | Time | Poster - Ria Murphy | Twins: Interpreting the Unique Dynamic of Being a Twin and How it Affects the Individual
Sofie Clemmensen
UC Ballroom Lounge | 9 a.m. | Oral - Cahree Myrick | Robust Principal Component Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction in Control and Coordination of the Human Hand
Rajasekhar Anguluri
Room | Time | Poster
- Isabella Naimi | High-Throughput Screening of Bacterial Growth Using Complex Insoluble Polysaccharide Substrates and 3D-Printed Tools
Jeffrey Gardner
Room | Time | Poster - Nehal Naqvi | Evaluating POLI 301 as a Gateway Course For Upper-Level Political Science Electives
Ian Anson
Room | Time | Poster - Noor Navaid | Development of a Redox-Sensitive Biosensor in CFPS
Chad Sundberg
Room | Time | Poster - Priyanka Navale | Using Hox Genes And Split-Gal4 System to Isolate Bursicon Neuron Subsets Before Pupal Ecdysis in Drosophila
Fernando Vonhoff
Room | Time | Poster - Gerald Ndawula | Can LLMs Obfuscate Code? A Systematic Analysis of Large Language Models Into Assembly Code Obfuscation
Manas Gaur
Room | Time | Poster - Gerald Ndawula | Knowledge-Infused Learning for Developing a Mental Health Diagnostic Copilot in Healthcare Systems
Manas Gaur
Room | Time | Poster - Akiva Neuman | Limit Cycle Generation Using Reinforcement Learning
Hye-Won Kang
Room | Time | Poster - Megan Nguyen | Crystallization and Structural Determination of 3’ Cap-Independent Translation Enhancer from Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus
Deepak Koirala
Room | Time | Poster
- Khoi Nguyen | Machine Learning for Near-real-time Validation in a Wildfire Digital Twin
Adam Bargteil
Room | Time | Poster - Elise Nikitina | Evaluating Simultaneous and Sequential Bilingualism Teaching Procedures in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Mirela Cengher
Room | Time | Poster - Lea-Pearl Njei | Muscarinic Receptor Regulation of Human Colon Cancer Cell Microtentacle Formation
Jean-Pierre Raufman
Room | Time | Poster - Munachiso Nkeonye-Mbaekwe | Identifying Ectopic Synapses in Neuromuscular Junctions of Drosophila Larvae With Candidate Autism Genes Manipulations
Fernando Vonhoff
Room | Time | Poster - Kristina Nokuri | Enhancing Student Outcomes Through Semi-Gamified Student-Targeted Review Sessions
Mark Berczynski
Room | Time | Poster - Paisley Nowell | Functionalizing Gold Nanoparticles With Gadolinium Chelated Dendrons
Marie-Christine Daniel
Room | Time | Poster - Asantewaa Nyanteh | Microheater Arrays to Modulate Stiffness for Dynamically Turnable Friction
Kevin Turner
Room | Time | Poster
- Saheedat Odetayo | Evaluating Anxiety and Depression-Like Behaviors in Mice After Subchronic E-Cigarette Aerosol Exposure
Weihong Lin
Room | Time | Poster - Ini Olaniyan | Investigating Sex Differences in Platelet Traction Forces
Molly Mollica
Room | Time | Poster - Marc Olano | Game Capstone Project 1
Marc Olano
Room | Time | Poster - Marc Olano | Game Capstone Project 2
Marc Olano
Room | Time | Poster - Marc Olano | Game Capstone Project 3
Marc Olano
Room | Time | Poster - Marc Olano | Game Capstone Project 4
Marc Olano
Room | Time | Poster - Anu Olutoye | How Election Results Trigger Political Violence: A Comparison Between the U.S, Brazil, and Myanmar in Democratic Unrest
Carolyn Forestiere
Room | Time | Poster
- Emmanuel Omole | Investigating MCB-613 as a Post-Translational Regulator of USP15 in Ovarian Cancer Cells
Achuth Padmanabhan
Room | Time | Poster - Brandon Onochie | SMYD3 Inhibition Used to Identify and Block Main Metastatic Pathways Within Prostate Cancer
Erin Green
Room | Time | Poster - Andrew Opincar | Sticky Fingers-How Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan Processing Enzymes Mediate Drosophila Melanogaster Border Cell Migration
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
UC 310 | 10 a.m. | Oral - Emmanuella Osei | Food Insecurity Among College Students
Sameera Nayak
Room | Time | Poster - Siskind Oshry | Nakahara, Dazai, and Edogawa: The Influence of Western Literature on Japanese Authors in the Early 20th Century
Julie Oakes
UC 312 | 11:20 a.m. | Oral - Gabriel Otubu | Ndrg1b Regulates N-cadherin Trafficking in Response to Hypoxia
Rachel Brewster
UC 204 | 10:20 | Oral
- Daisy Parry | Determining a Role for the MicroRNA, Bereft, During Border Cell Migration
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
Room | Time | Poster - Maahee Patel | Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Acute Stress on Neural Mechanisms of Emotional Reactivity in Schizophrenia
Raimi Quiton
Room | Time | Poster - Jaina Peveto | Authorship and Creativity in Dungeons and Dragons
Jason Loviglio
Room | Time | Poster - Joseph Phillips | The Impact of Physician Advice on Healthy Behavioral Changes Among Older Adults With Hypertension in the U.S.
Jun Chu
Room | Time | Poster
- Azzan Porter | Mach Number Scaling of Foreshock Magnetic Fluctuations at Quasi-Parallel Bow Shocks With Juno
Brandon Burkholder
Room | Time | Poster - Jeshuwin Prabakaran | Deep Learning-Assisted Histopathological Analysis of Adipose Tissue Remodeling in Breast Cancer
Nykia Walker
Room | Time | Poster - Tithi Prajapati | Noninvasive Wearable Device For Transcutaneous CO2 Based Early Detection of Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression
Venkatesh Srinivasan
Room | Time | Poster - Leah Prince | Analyzing Multivariate Time Series Amalgams of Physiological Data in ICUs for Sepsis in Adults
Patricia Ordóñez
Room | Time | Poster
- Matthew Quintanilla | Characterization of Transmembrane Transporters Linked to Cell Wall Stress Response
Mark Marten
Room | Time | Poster
- Johnathan Ragazzo | Detection and Quantification of Carboxylic Acids in Complex Solutions
Lisa Kelly
Room | Time | Poster - Richie Raymond | The New Jersey Domestic Violence Housing First Evaluation
Nkiru Nnawulezi
Room | Time | Poster - Ella Reinders | Examining Learned Associations Between Contextual Cues and Stress-Inducing Experiences
Tara LeGates
Room | Time | Poster - Arianna Richardson | Virtual Reality’s Role in Understanding Factors Affecting Education
Anita Komlodi
Room | Time | Poster - Christa Richardson | The Effects of Lowered Expression of Daughterless on Speed, Endurance, and Fecundity on Drosophila Melanogaster.
Jeff Leips
Room | Time | Poster - Anderson Rivas | Understanding Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity Using Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
Herana Kamal Seneviratne
Room | Time | Poster - Shahmir Rizvi | American Sign Language Translator
Charles LaBerge
Room | Time | Poster
- Aliyyah Roberson | Novel Dual-mode Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Probes for Ratiometric in Vivo Oxygen Sensing
Marcin Ptaszek
Room | Time | Poster - Ariana Rodriguez | Investigating the Interaction Between HIV-1 RRE S1A, Rev, and Gag: Binding Mechanisms at The Purine-Rich Bulge
Michael Summers
Room | Time | Poster - Frank Rodriguez | “The Wild Men Of Wirral”: Racism Toward The Welsh In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Kathryn McKinley
UC 310 | 11 a.m. | Oral - Charles Rogers | Using Artificial Intelligence to Find Tropical Birds in Remote Areas
Kevin Omland
Room | Time | Poster - Turibius Rozario | UMBC Multidisciplinary Capstone: Design and Development of an Autonomous Fixed-Wing UAV for Long-Range Payload Delivery
E.F. Charles LaBerge
Room | Time | Poster - Sarah Ruotolo | Using 3RAD Genotyping by Sequencing to Evaluate Reproductive Mode in Bandona Boninensis (Opiliones: Assamiidae)
Mercedes Burns
Room | Time | Poster
- William Sakowicz | Identification and Characterization of Nucleocapsid Binding Sites Within the MAL HIV-1 RNA Packaging Signal
Michael Summers
Room | Time | Poster - Vanessa Salazar | Examining Negative Semantic Memory and its Relation to Depression and Rumination
Lira Yoon
Room | Time | Poster - Mukta Sangar | Investigating the Role of the Gene, Rho1 on the Innate Immune Response in Drosophila Melanogaster
Jeff Leips
Room | Time | Poster - Noah Santiago | Beyond IP Masking: How Digital Fingerprinting Defeats VPN Privacy Obscurity
Bill Ryan
Room | Time | Poster - Gia Oriana Santos | LLM-Assisted IoT Knowledge Graph
Roberto Yus
Room | Time | Poster - Keegan Schiller | Rousseau’s Republicanism
Michael Nance
Room | Time | Poster - Becca Schultz | Mixed-Metal Thin Films for Improved Plasmonic Current in Fluorophore Detection
Chris Geddes
Room | Time | Poster - Sebastian Seda | Durable & Flexible Chitosan-Based Polymer Gel Electrolyte for Rechargeable Zinc Manganese Dioxide
Deepa Madan
Room | Time | Poster - Nigel Seymour | A Data-Informed Model of Dengue Transmission
Kathleen Hoffman
Room | Time | Poster - Abdullah Shahzad | The Role of Olfaction in the Reproductive Behavior of Etheostoma Flabellare
Tamra Mendelson
Room | Time | Poster - Ayan Shaikh | Balochistan: A Silent Resistance
Zareen Taj
Room | Time | Poster - Shoyab Shaik | Using Photophysical Properties To Select Fluorophores For Plasmonic Current
Chris Geddes
Room | Time | Poster - Mesha Shajahan | Optimizing Cell-Free Biomanufacturing to Facilitate Personalized Immunotherapy Production in Clinical Settings
Govind Rao
Room | Time | Poster - Samya Sharma | Cinema, Censorship, and Commerce: The Soviet Film Industry and its Relation to the Nation’s Economic Health
Vira Zhdanovych
Room | Time | Poster - J. Branwen She | Using Data to Inform Models of Nucleus Accumbens Neurons
Kathleen Hoffman
Room | Time | Poster - Ayesha Shehzad | Longitudinal Bidirectional Association Between Muslim American Youth’s Online Critical Consciousness And Mental Health
Charissa Cheah
Room | Time | Poster - Evan Sheldon | Periodic Solutions and Resonance in Wave-Heat Systems
Justin Webster
Room | Time | Poster
- Dhruti Sheth | National Unity in Linguistically Diverse Bolivia snd India
John Stolle-McAllister
Room | Time | Poster - Prajita Shrestha | Scope++: An Open-source, Modular, and Efficient Image and Video Acquisition Software
Daniel Lobo
Room | Time | Poster - Emma Siddiqi | Artificial Intelligence for the Understanding of Tumor Hypoxia in Aggressive Breast Cancer
Maricel Kann
Room | Time | Poster - Felix Siewe | Investigating Hypoxia Induced Sensory Hair Cell Regeneration in Zebrafish Neuromast
Rachel Brewster
Room | Time | Poster - Jessica Slaughter | Suite of Bioinformatic-Analysis Apps For Better Understanding Dynamic Omics Data
Mark Marten
Room | Time | Poster - Allison Smock | Mexican Feminist Movements and the Role of Social Media: Civic Participation and Transnational Solidarity
Thania Munoz Davaslioglu
UC Ballroom Lounge | 10:20 | Oral - Emma Snyder | Girls Are Mathematicians, Too. Are There Gender Differences In How Parents Socialize Math Learning In The US And Kosovo
Susan Sonnenschein
Room | Time | Poster - Kieran Soliday | Optimized INeuron Reprogramming From Dermal Fibroblasts for Investigating Pathogenic Variants in Rare CNS Diseases
May Christine Malicdan
UC 310 | 9:40 a.m. | Oral - Marelen Soto | Multi-Dimensional Mural: A Live Performance of Art, Sound, and Movement.
Corrie Parks
Room | Time | Poster - Sanjana Srimath | Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis of Homologous Genes in Planarians
Daniel Lobo
Room | Time | Poster - Aryan Srivastava | Analyzing the Conservation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Rev Response Element Through a Computational Approach
Michael Summers
Room | Time | Poster - Muhammad Subhan | Using Behavioral Assays to Investigate Autism-Associated Genes in Drosophila Fruit Flies
Fernando Vonhoff
Room | Time | Poster - Michael Sung | Exploring Differences By Acculturation-Nativity Status in CAD Risk Factors: LDL, HsCRP, and Lifestyle Behaviors
Tasneem Khambaty
Room | Time | Poster - Julia Sunnarborg | Evolution Beyond the Central Dogma
Stephen Freeland
UC Ballroom Lounge | 11 a.m. | Oral - Ryan Supplee | Invisible Disability and Exploitation in Medieval Lamporecchio: Masetto and the Nuns
Kathryn McKinley
Room | Time | Poster - Maaike Swaters | Measuring Ion-exchange Membrane Properties that Control Nutrient Recovery by Donnan Dialysis
Lee Blaney
Room | Time | Poster - Zoya Syed | H3K4me3 and H4K16ac As Regulators of Lifespan and Aging in The Fat Body of Drosophila Melanogaster
Jeff Leips
Room | Time | Poster
- Greeshma Tarimala | Using Gene Editing and Fluorescent Microscopy to Characterize the PrkA Kinase in Aspergillus Nidulans
Mark Marten
Room | Time | Poster - Aria Tauraso | Thermodynamics of An Otto Cycle With EntangledQubit Working Medium
Sebastian Deffner
Room | Time | Poster - Bersabel Tekle | Structural Basis and Mechanisms of HIV-1 Genome Packaging
Michael Summers
Room | Time | Poster - Petra Tembei | Curating Biomedical Data for AI Models in Precision Oncology
Maricel Kann
Room | Time | Poster - Tristan Templeton | Black College Students and the Effectiveness of Therapy
Janelle Billingsley
Room | Time | Poster - Meghan Thomas | The Impact of Sirt2 on Innate Immune Response In Drosophila Melanogaster
Jeff Leips
Room | Time | Poster - Isabella Tiboni | The Hunt for The Golden Gene
Jeff Leips
Room | Time | Poster
- Melanie Torres | AI For Ovarian Cancer Research: Identifying Crucial Genetic and Molecular Signatures
Maricel Kann
Room | Time | Poster - Ayeoriste Tuedon | Evaluating Cell Viability in a 3D Liver Model Constructed With Thiol-Modified Hydrogels
Chengpeng Chen
UC 240 | 9:40 a.m. | Oral - Ayeoriste Tuedon | Annotation Of Bacteriophages Hazuandzazu and Tubberson: A Study Abroad Experience
Steven Caruso
Room | Time | Poster - Maia Turman Cooke | Resilient Hearts: Literary Portrayals of Lauryn Hill’s Self-Love and Resistance Against Intimate Consequences
Earl Brooks
UC 312 | 10:20 a.m. | Oral - Rachael Tyler | Artistic Growth: A Study Into Cultural Exposure and the Discovery of New Levels of Creativity and Expression
Ann Sofie Clemmenson
UC Ballroom Lounge | 9:20 a.m. | Oral
- Pavankumar Umashankar | Characterizing The Role of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 15 (MAPK15) in Ovarian Cancer
Achuth Padmanabhan
Room | Time | Poster
- Julia Van Der Marel | Monitoring of NADH Concentrations in Cell-Free Systems
Govind Rao
Room | Time | Poster - Sydnee Vance | Identifying Areas of Convergence Between Dorsal and Ventral Hippocampal Pathways in the Nucleus Accumbens
Tara LeGates
Room | Time | Poster - Gabriel Vaughn | Investigating the Effects of Selenium on Cancer-resistance Mutations in Drosophila
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
Room | Time | Poster - Jonathan Veale | Monsters After Midnight: Known Vs Unknown Fear Within Film
Robert Pawloski
Room | Time | Poster - Sriram Vema | Towards Robust Evaluation of Unlearning in LLMs Via Data Transformation
Manas Gaur
Room | Time | Poster
- Keerti Venkat | Hidden Costs of Critical Action On Depressive Symptoms In Asian American Adolescents Facing Racial Discrimination
Charissa Cheah
Room | Time | Poster - Christian Verastegui | Void Spot Assays as a Noninvasive Method For Detecting Prostate Inflammation in a Mouse Model of CP/CPPS
Charles J. Bieberich
Room | Time | Poster - Lucy Viechnicki | A Novel GPCR Autoantibody Associated With Cancer Recurrence
Neal Fedarko
Room | Time | Poster - Leshan Viswanath | Beamforming-Based SDR for Mitigating Co-Channel Interference in the ISM Band
Charles LaBerge
Room | Time | Poster - Leah Vrydagh | Investigating Genetic Interactions Between FLK And HOS1 in Plant Defense and Flowering Time
Hua Lu
Room | Time | Poster
- Grace Walsh | Characterization of a Low Myc Expression Model For Prostate Cancer Progression
Charles Bieberich
Room | Time | Poster - Paul Wampler | Investigating the Unique Properties of Spectroscopically Identified Major Mergers in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
Adi Foord
Room | Time | Poster - Joy Ware | Cultural Dimensions Represented in Panama
Sidas Saulynas
Room | Time | Poster - Liz Weir | Cultural Pluralism in Practice: A Mixed-method Study on Reducing Asian American Students’ COVID-19-related Stress
Charissa Cheah
Room | Time | Poster - Benjamin Welling | Fabrications of an Autonomous Chemically Powered Vehicle: (AIChE Chem-E Car)
Neha Raikar
Room | Time | Poster - Jordan Wesley | Seeking the Beyond: An Ethnographic Exploration of Meditation and Contemplative Practices on College Campuses
Bambi Chapin
UC 312 | 10:40 a.m. | Oral
- Ashley White | Genome Sequences of Streptomyces Phages HazuAndZazu
Steven Caruso
Room | Time | Poster - Zorah Williams | Utilizing Manganese-Oxide as an Electrode Material For Aqueous Zn-ion Batteries
Ozgur Capraz
Room | Time | Poster - Ariel Wilson-Gray | Production of Extracellular Vesicles From Mammalian Cells Modulated by a Biomimetic Surface
Jorge Almodovar
Room | Time | Poster - Timothy Winans | B-Type Stars in M45: Hydrogen Balmer Absorption, Isochrone Fitting, and Radial Velocity Discrepancies.
Kenny Diazeguigure
UC 204 | 11 a.m. | Oral - Omegan Wright | Genome Annotation of Novel Bacteriophage Tubberson With Conserved Syntenic Immune Repressor System
Steven Caruso
Room | Time | Poster - Andrew Wolff | Mechanistic Regulation Of Planarian Shape During Regeneration
Daniel Lobo
Room | Time | Poster - Thomas Wroe | Automated Robotic Manipulation Using OpenCV to Identify and Sort Based off Shape and Color
Tsehuai Wu
Room | Time | Poster
- Yashitha Yarubandi | The Impact of Histone Modifications H3K4me3 and H4K16ac on Age-Related Traits in Thorax of Drosophila Melanogaster
Jeff Leips
Room | Time | Poster
- Briana Young | Gadd45ba, A Regulator of Blood Cell Production in Response to Anoxia
Rachel Brewster
UC 204 | 10 a.m. | Oral
- Nathan Zekarias | Predicting Social Determinants of Health Using Machine Learning on Environmental Data
Marzyeh Ghassem
Room | Time | Poster