A Message From the Dean

Dean of a university standing next to a statue of a dog.
Stephen Freeland, Interim Dean and Vice Provost of Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Dear Participants and Guests,

Undergraduate research and creative achievement matters!

At UMBC, the degree to which we encourage and celebrate this fact is a source of deep institutional pride. Converting learning into doing, is central to our university’s concept of student success because we know that the journey grows skills and builds identity that improve outcomes both within and beyond any undergraduate degree. I therefore welcome you with enthusiasm to UMBC’s 29th annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD).

This inspiring day showcases research and creative achievements co-created between students, staff, and faculty across UMBC and across the academic disciplines. Today you are warmly invited to experience films, musical performances, art exhibits, video games, along with presentations about experiments and analyses in every discipline. Together we celebrate this hard work showing gratitude for the mentorship and encouragement that have inspired each student to develop their potential. We celebrate the power of applied learning to develop critical thinking skills, communication skills, and skills of working in partnerships and teams. From another and equally important perspective, we celebrate the power of applied learning to produce stories and experiences that connect people across cultures, disciplines, and ideologies. These are the skills our students will take forward as leaders of the future.

Our students’ achievements today are a tribute to their imaginations, their hard work, and their resilience in the face of challenges. They are also testament to the skill, passion, and service of mentors drawn from our faculty and staff across the campus. Please accept my appreciation and admiration for you all.

Welcome to URCAD 2025!


Stephen Freeland
Interim Dean and Vice Provost of Undergraduate Academic Affairs