Join Us in Our Selfie Contest!
To compete, tag your photos, #umbcURCAD 
Take a selfie at URCAD and upload it to URCAD social media to enter to win a gift
card to the UMBC Bookstore! Categories are:
- Best Overall Selfie ($100)
- Best Selfie with Your Mentor ($50)
- Best Selfie with Your Presentation ($50)
- Best Selfie with a Family Member ($50)
The winners of the URCAD Selfie Contest are in:
Best Selfie with a Family Member goes to…
Olivia Hutchinson

Mentor: Dr. James Waltz
Congratulations, Olivia- You will receive a $50 gift certificate to the UMBC Bookstore!
Best Selfie with a Presentation goes to…
Zinedine Partipilo Cornielles
Mentor: Prof. Salem Abo-Zaid
Zinedine will receive a $50 gift certificate to the UMBC Bookstore!
Best Overall Selfie goes to…
Maryamah Ndao

Mentor: Dr. James Waltz
Congratulations, Olivia- You will receive a $50 gift certificate to the UMBC Bookstore!
Best Selfie with a Mentor goes to…
Ousmane Diop
Mentor: Dr. Michelle R. Scott
Ousmane will receive a $50 gift certificate to the UMBC Bookstore!