UMBC’s 27th Annual
Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day
April 12, 2023
Come to Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) to see original work by UMBC students in fields from Biology to Dance, Psychology to Visual Arts. This day-long symposium features students sharing the results of their mentored research, scholarship, and creative work. Presentations take the form of original dances, video, artistic installations, sculpture, oral presentations, and posters. Attend and be inspired by what these young professionals are already producing and contributing to their fields.

Event Features:
- A message from the Dean
- Alicia Wilson, JPMorgan Chase, URCAD 2023 Alumni Keynote Speaker
- Schedule
- Presenters
- Oral Presentations
- Departments
- URCAD on social media!
- Photo Gallery
- Sneak Peeks