Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Dear Participants and Guests,
Welcome to UMBC’s 26th Annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD). This year, we will again be hosting a virtual, and exciting, URCAD event that will run from April 18-April 24th.
We are delighted to offer a virtual event again this year. Our students have worked diligently all year and will have the opportunity to participate in our distinctive annual URCAD event. During this week, you will see student research presentations, creative endeavors, student performances, films, and more in a unique and interactive environment. As participants in URCAD you will be able to leave video, voice, or text feedback for the presenters thus affirming your personal “presence” with our students. Our presenters will be responding to your questions and interacting with you throughout the week.
URCAD has been and will continue to be a celebration of the tremendous work of our students. UMBC encourages students of all disciplines to engage in mentored projects and through creative thought and focused inquiry, to discover in themselves their passion. This path of discovery is an integral part of our students’ journey to enhance their learning and develop meaningful relationships with faculty, professional experts, and their peers.
Although this has been another challenging year due to the pandemic, our students have continued to diligently carry out their research and creative endeavors. Their grit, enthusiastic imaginations, hard work, and unwavering commitment, are a reflection of their resilience, determination, and immense talent. Their success is also due to the tremendous effort, guidance, and support provided by their mentors and across campus by our faculty and staff who have also supported and encouraged our students every day. Please accept my heartfelt thank you to all of you who work with these outstanding students and help them reach their goals.
I welcome you to our URCAD event and encourage you to view the outstanding work of our presenters and take the opportunity to interact with these remarkable students.
Welcome to our 2022 URCAD event,
Katharine H. Cole, Ph.D.
Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs