A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
- Laylo Abdurahmonova | Object Recognition In Stomatopod Crustaceans: Shape Or Color? | Dr. Thomas Cronin | Biological Sciences |

- Murielle Abissi | Assessing The Age-specific Phagocytic Ability In Drosophila melanogaster Using An in Vivo phagocytosis Assay | Dr. Jeff Leips | Biological Sciences |

- Jonathan Acuna-Lopez | Seeing In Parts: Borderlands Consciousness In Bless Me, Ultima | Prof. Sharon Tran | English |

- Theodore Addo | Effects Of Oxygen On NDRG1 Function | Dr. Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences |

- Olusayo Adeleye | Links Between Air Pollution And Student Academic Achievement | Dr. Christine Moser |

- Precious Adeniyi | Developing Tools To Characterize Ubiquitin-Chain Patterns In Vivo | Dr. Achuth Padmanabhan | Biological Sciences
- Adam Afilaka | Comparative Analysis Of Hyperledger And Etherum Blockchains | Dr. Karuna Joshi | Information Systems
- Susan Afolabi | Characterizing The Effects Of Ferritin On Ovarian Cell Migration In Drosophila Melanogaster | Dr. Michelle Starz-Gaiano | Biological Sciences |

- Naseem Ahmadi | Investigating Cognitive Flexibility Of English-German Bilinguals Using Grammaticality Judgment Tasks | Dr. David Beard | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication |

- Assefa Akinwole | Determining The Effect Of Phosphorylation On The Lysine Methyltransferase Activity Of The Yeast Enzyme, Set5 | Dr. Erin Green | Biological Sciences |

- Ghina Ammar | Role Of Arnold White In The Shift From Religious/cultural Antisemitism To Racial Antisemitism In 19th Century Britain. | Dr. Daniel Ritschel | History |

- Ghina Ammar | Discrimination And Heart Rate Change From Day To Night In Young Black Adults | Dr. Danielle Beatty Moody | Psychology
- Shandon Amos | Investigation Of The Protein-Protein Interactions Of The Chromatin Associated Protein Set4 In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae | Dr. Erin Green | Biological Sciences
- Fabian Amurrio | Phosphorus Recovery From Poultry Litter Slurries Using Donnan Dialysis | Dr. Lee Blaney | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Nahum Arefeayne | Characterization Of HIV-1 Unmyrostolated Gag Polyprotein Interactions With The MAL HIV-1 Genome | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Octavia Ashton | Two Passions In One | Prof. Corrie Parks | Visual Arts |

- Ezana Assefa | Processes Of Acculturationand Integration Through Which Ethiopian Immigrant Communities Adapt To Life In The US | Dr. Christoper Brown | Global Studies |

- Nicole Attram | Chitosan-based Polymer Gel As An Electrolyte In Rechargeable Zn-MnO2 Alkaline Batteries | Dr. Deepa Madan | Mechanical Engineering
- Shani Avnaim | Women’s Perspectives On Perpetrating Partner Abusive Behavior | Dr. Christopher Murphy | Psychology |

- Shehar Yar Awan | Analysis Of Set5 Methylation Activity With Potential Substrates | Dr. Erin Green | Biological Sciences |

- Irene Azurmendi | Learning In A Multilingual World: South Africa | Dr. Irina Golubeva | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication |

- Mickayla Bacorn | Comparing English As A Second Language (ESL) Education Between The United States And Colombia | Prof. Tania Lizarazo | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication |

- Barna Baierna | Characterization Of N-Acetylglucosamine Transport And Utilization By Cellvibrio Japonicus | Dr. Jeffrey Gardner | Biological Sciences |

PKP Undergraduate Research Award Winner
- Peter Bailer | The Molecular Basis For Discrimination Of DNA And RNA By The Human Mutator Enzyme APOBEC3A | Dr. Rahul Kohli |

- Peter Bailer| Music By Numbers: Writing A Process Piece In The Minimalism Style Of The Late 20th Century | Linda Dusman | Music
- Robin Bailey | The Role Of Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis In Melanopsin Phototransduction | Dr. Phyllis Robinson | Biological Sciences |

- Christopher Bain | X-Ray Luminous AGN And The Quenching Of The Main Sequence | Dr. David Sanders |

- Zachary Banham | Analysis Of Forest Structure In The Context Of Land Ownership In Metropolitan Areas | Dr. Matthew Baker | Geography and Environmental Systems
- Sierra Barkdoll | Shiny Cowbird Brood Parasitism Threatens The Critically-Endangered Bahama Oriole | Dr. Kevin Omland | Biological Sciences
- Zachary Barker-Frey | Practice Makes Perfect: An Animated Self-Portrait | Prof. Corrie Parks |
Visual Arts | 
- Karis Barnett | Optimizing The Detection Of Praziquantel For Monitoring Aquarium Systems Using High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography(HPLC) | Dr. William LaCourse | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Kylie Barrett | Race And Restorative Practices In Maryland School Systems | Dr. Kenneth Maton | Psychology
- Jonathan Basalyga | Application Of Deep Learning To The Reconstruction Of Proton Beams In Cancer Treatment | Dr. Matthias Gobbert | Mathematics and Statistics
- Reynold Bascal | Assessment Of Ozone Soundings During The Summer Of 2019 Air Quality Exceedances In Baltimore, MD | Dr. Ruben Delgado |
- Andrew Beck | Organic Panic! An Interactive Role Playing Game Case Study. | Prof. Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study |

- Elshaday Behailu | The Effect Of CREB On The Immune Response Of Drosophila Melanogaster | Dr. Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences |

- Samar Behdin| Biochemical And Structural Analysis Of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 Spliced RNA | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Keynon Bell | Improving The Surface Adhesion Of Lipid-Based Nano-Chambers | Dr. Minjoung Kyoung | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Kiara Bell | Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: Using Afrofuturist Theory To Examine Themes Of Black Visibility | Dr. Maleda Belilgne | Africana Studies |

- Nadia BenAissa | A Cultivation Of Rape Culture In D.C., Maryland, And Virginia Universities | Dr. Kate Drabinski | Gender and Women’s Studies |

- Joanna Bigelow | Portraits: An Exploration Of The Human Spirit | Dr. April Householder | Visual Arts |

- Jonathan Bolanos | Correlation Of Ground-Based Aerosol Optical Depth to Particulate Pollution Over The Baltimore. | Dr. Ruben Delgado |

- Tamia Bowers | Improving The Applications And Uses Of Thermoelectric Materials | Dr. Deepa Madan |
- Michael Brisbane | What Is The Effect of The Writing Center as It Relates to Transfer Students and Persistence? | Dr. Diane Alonso | Psychology |

- Dominique Brooks | Evidence For Conserved Mechanisms Of Neurulation In The Zebrafish Forebrain | Dr. Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences |

- Michael Brown | Development Of Disciplinary Vocabulary In 4th Grade Instrumental Music Students | Dr. Jeremy Cochran | Music
- Dawn Bunch | Examining A Web-based Training For Social Workers On The Benefits Of early Psychosis Screening | Dr. Jason Schiffman | Psychology |

- Sarah Burney | Validation Of A Quality Attribute Estimator Utilizing Real Time Chromatography Measurements | Dr. Yordan Kostov | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
- Breanna Byrd | Population Analysis Of Feral Island Cats: Predation Risk To Endangered Bahama Oriole | Dr. Kevin Omland | Biological Sciences
- Zippora Cahn | Taco Tuesday | Prof. Eric Jordan | Visual Arts |

- Allyson Caldwell | Apical Constriction Molecular Machinery Within The Zebrafish Medial Hingepoint. | Dr. Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences |

- Angelica Mercy Calip | Receptor Cycling In Migratory Cells Can Enhance The Sensing Of Chemoattractant Gradients | Dr. Bradford Peercy | Mathematics and Statistics
- Emily Cannistraci | Characterizing The Protein/RNA Interactions In The Initial Events Of HIV-1 Assembly | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Anthony Cano | Informal Resettlement Of Internally Displaced People (IDP) In Cartagena, Colombia, And Urban Development | Dr. Felipe Filomeno | Political Science |

- Tyler Carlyle | Synthesis Of Flex-Guanosine Analogues As Potential Antiviral Therapeutics | Prof. Katherine Seley-Radtke | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Katherine-Ann Carr | Thermoelectric Analysis Of Tetrahedrite Samples | Dr. Deepa Madan | Mechanical Engineering |

- Noah Carver | Automated Monocular Exploration With DonkeyCar | Dr. Tim Oates | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Dylan Chao | ASMRtist: Art In Relaxation | Prof. Timothy Nohe | Visual Arts |

- Ridhi Chaudhary | Initial Recognition Of The HIV-1 RNA Packaging Signal | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Issac Chaudry | Biochemical Evidence For A Novel Structural Element Characteristic To The Dimeric Conformation Of The HIV-1 Genome | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Catherine Chonai | Mathematical Modeling Of PI3K Dependent And Independent Stimulus Pathways In Skeletal Muscle Atrophy | Dr. Bradford Peercy | Mathematics and Statistics |

- Emilia Cieslak | The Process Of 3D Printing For Stop Motion Animation | Prof. Corrie Parks | Visual Arts |

- Caroline Cocca | Computer Vision For The Advanced Energetic Pair Telescope (AdEPT) | Prof. Don Engel | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |

- Jordan Colea | The Life Of Freckles The Clown | Prof. Chelsea Pace | Theatre
- Jimmy Coleman | An Iterative Algorithm For Multi-Image Super-Resolution | Dr. David Chapman | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |

- Jessica Cooley | Effects Of The Geometry Of Extracellular Space On Border Cell Activation Patterns | Dr. Bradford Peercy | Mathematics and Statistics
- Tobias Coombs | Investigating The Impact Of Nanoparticle Surface Charge On Compliment Activation Related Pseudo Allergy | Prof. Erin Lavik | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Ashley Copenhaver | Understanding Connectivity Of Pancreatic Beta Cells Through Artificial Neural Networks | Dr. Bradford Peercy | Mathematics and Statistics |

- Brenda Covell | Effect of Watching Spanish Newscasts on Students Listening Comprehension Skill | Dr. Linda Oliva | Education |

- Eliana Crentsil | The Effect Of Cell Tension On Cell Growth | Dr. Sean Sun |

- Christine Crisostomo | Mathematics In Laboratory Sciences: Using Mini Math Lessons To Reinforce And Master Conversion Factors | Dr. Jonathan Singer | Education |

- Courtney Culp | A Mile In My Cleats | Prof. Amy Oden | Visual Arts |

- Arushi Dalal | Grasshopper Sparrow Song Diversity In The Caribbean | Dr. Bernard Lohr | Biological Sciences |

- Jada Damond | The Challenge Of Measuring Activated Carbon Dose In Sediments | Dr. Upal Ghosh | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Sheridan Danquah | Use Of Radio Tracking To Study Territory Size Of The Bahama Oriole | Dr. Kevin Omland | Biological Sciences
- Antara Das | Identification Of Novel Genes That Influence Age-Related Immunosenescence In Drosophila Melanogaster | Dr. Jeff Leips | Biological Sciences
- Ayushi Dave | Investigating The Role Of Effete In Border Cell Migration In D. Melanogaster | Dr. Michelle Starz-Gaiano | Biological Sciences
- Cassie Davis | Implications Of Rhetoric: A Historical Newspaper Analysis Of Immigration Policy | Dr. Tamara Bhalla | American Studies |

PKP Undergraduate Research Award Winner
- Faith Davis | Model For Assessing And Informing Economically Disadvantaged Individuals Of The Risk Of Chronic Disease | Prof. Katie Birger | Health Administration and Policy |

- Gabrielle Davis | Cloud Climatology Over Baltimore, MD | Dr. Ruben Delgado |
- Shiva Deljookorani | High Content Screening For Investigating Fatty Acid-Mediated Epgenetic Reprogramming In Melanoma | Dr. Ting-Hsiang Huang | Rockefeller |

- Erick Diaz | Analysis Of Dissolved Organic Matter By Fluorescence Excitation-emission Matrices To Identify Potential Sewer Leaks | Dr. Lee Blaney | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
- Sarah Driver | The Domestic Pianist: The Impact Of The Parlor Piano On Middle Class Domestic Life In Nineteenth Century America | Dr. Melissa Blair | History |

- Joseph Eagle | The Space Between The Notes. | Dr. Jeremy Cochran | Music
- Ava Eder | Teaching In Social Studies To Recognize Fake News | Prof. Timothy Johnson | Education |

- Riki Egoshi | Investigating The Roles Of Circadian Genes LNK1 And LNK2 In Plant Defense | Dr. Hua Lu | Biological Sciences
- Nna-Emeka Ejimogu | Expression And Purification Of Caenorhabditis elegans ATE1 in Escherichia coli C43(DE3) Cells | Dr. Aaron Smith | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Jason Ejimogu | HIV-1 Matrix Protein Interactions With Cellular TRNAs | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Amanze Ejiogu | Impact Of Meteorology In Ozone Production During OWLETS-2 | Dr. Ruben Delgado |
- Ogechi Elemuo | Effects Of Electronic Cigarette Vapor On Mouse Olfactory-Guided Behavior | Dr. Weihong Lin | Biological Sciences |

- Maryam Elhabashy | Cupping And Wellness Among Muslims In The Baltimore-Washington Area | Dr. Bambi Chapin | Sociology and Anthropology |

- Ian Emge | Chemical And Biological Sensing Using Perovskite Materials | Dr. Narsingh Singh | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Angela Endres | Sirius: An Animated Short | Prof. Corrie Parks | Visual Arts |

- Carina Lopez Escobar | Investigating Synaptic Refinement In The Central Nervous System Of Drosophila Melanogaster | Dr. Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences |

- Adilia Espinoza-Jones | Preparation For Structural Study Of HIV RNA | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Carly Fabian | Development Of Intersectional Chemogenetic Techniques To Isolate Circuitry Involved In Pain Affect | Prof. Greg Elmer |

- Isabella Facchine | Developing Skills With Interpreting Data For Mid-Year High School Transfer Students | Dr. Jonathan Singer | Education |

- Aarin Fadeyi | ‘Cuz I’m Real: Exploring Claims Of Authenticity In Korean Hip Hop | Dr. Kyung-Eun Yoon | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
- Olumide Fagboyegun | Set6 Plays A Role In Proteostasis Via Interactions With The GIM/Prefoldin Chaperone Complex | Dr. Erin Green | Biological Sciences |

- Anna Feerick | Removal Of Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl substances By Anion-exchange Fibers | Dr. Lee Blaney | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Nathaniel Felbinger | Loss Of TRNA Core Region Modifications Effect on Translation Error Rate In Mutant Saccharomyces Cerevisiae | Dr. Philip Farabaugh | Biological Sciences
- Star Fernandez | Using An Animal Model Of Human Prostate Cancer To Test New Nano-Therapies | Dr. Charles Bieberich | Biological Sciences |

- Hana Flores | Characterizing High Affinity Gag Binding Sites On The HIV-1 Genome | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Ross Foca | Reaction Or Understanding? A Closer Look At Musical Literacy In The Classroom. | Dr. Jeremy Cochran | Education |

- Gabrielle Franks | Producing An Extended Play Compact Disc (EP) Release: A Multinational Collaboration | Prof. Alan Wonneberger | Music |

- Ronnita Freeman | The (Black) Superwoman Complex | Dr. Susan McCully | Theatre |

- Guido Frega | Using GIS Tools To Classify Urban Forests in DC And Baltimore | Dr. Matthew Baker | Geography and Environmental Systems
- Omar French | A Deep Look At Jets From Black Holes With The Very Large Array | Dr. Eileen Meyer | Physics |

- Azaria Gallo | High Definition Effects Controller (HDVC) Box | Dr. E.F. Charles LaBerge | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Liam Garrett | The Digital Art Movement: Its Role In Spreading Awareness About Endangered Animals | Dr. April Householder |

- Noel Getachew | Characterizing Pulmonary Vessels InPreclinical Models Of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | Dr. Guarav Choudhary |

- Sonali Ghante | An Analysis of Where a New Guest Would Book their First Travel Experience | Dr. James Foulds | Information Systems |

- Frances Ghinger | Determining The Structure Of The HIV-1 5’ Leader Monomeric And Dimeric Confirmations | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Darin Gilchrist | Characterization Of CDK12 Protein Inhibitor In Osteosarcoma | Dr. Rani George |

- Emily Godfrey | “terminal”: Contemporary Choreographic Perspectives | Prof. Carol Hess | Dance |

- Olga Gorbachev | An Experimental Analysis Of The Effect Of Binauralbeats On Memory. | Dr. Diane Alonso | Psychology |

- Ward Gracey | Developing A Calibratable, Pressure-Powered Vehicle Stopped By An Iodine Clock Reaction | Dr. Mariajose Castellanos | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Joshua Gray | The Guardians Of These Truths | Prof. Ann Sofie Clemmensen | Dance |

- Lindsey Green | Reinforcing Evidence-Based Argumentative Writing In The Social Studies Classroom | Prof. Timothy Johnson | Education |

- Jessyka Grell | An Analysis Of An Unmarked Cemetery In Sint Eustatius Using Geophysical Methods | Dr. Nicholas Herrmann |

- Gabrielle Groner | Healthy Behaviors In U.S. Rural Communities | Prof. Meryl Cozart | Health Administration and Policy |

- Fleurine Amouzou Guiffo | Morphological And Genetic Identification Of The Harvestmen Species Leiobunum Flavum | Dr. Mercedes Burns | Biological Sciences
- Ellen Gulian | Using Density Functional Theory (DFT) To Determine The Effects Of Molecules On Top Of Monolayer WS2 | Prof. Michael Hayden | Physics |

- Kai Hajos | How mentorship Mediates relationships Between Social Integration And Retention Of Female STEM Major Meyerhoff Scholars. | Dr. Mariano Sto. Domingo | Psychology |

- Jaylan Hall | Development Of A Custom Robotic Actuator – Quadruped Robot Project | Dr. Fow-Sen Choa | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |

- Jaylan Hall | A Peek Inside the Vault: Digital Prints | April Householder | Undergraduate Academic Affiars |

- Brianna Harper | Astrological Analysis Of Modern Art: Hilma Af Klint’s Visions Of The Universe | Dr. Preminda Jacob | Visual Arts |

- Lauren Harris | Impact Of DOM, PH, And Divalent Cations On The Absorbanceand Phototransformation Of Tetracycline Antibiotics | Dr. Lee Blaney | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |
- Mitra Harrison | Deciphering The Function Of The rlsA Gene In The Multicellular Green Alga, Volvox Carteri | Dr. Stephen Miller | Biological Sciences
- Kyle Hartford | The Last Roadshow | Prof. Cathy Cook | Visual Arts |

- Christian Hartman | Strings Attached: The Life Of A Professional Orchestra Musician | Prof. Gita Ladd | Music |

- Anna Hartman | Understanding Uprisings: Media Discourse And Maryland Race Uprisings (1845-2015) | Dr. Lindsay Dicuirci | English |

- Anna Hartman | Timed Writing: Perfecting This Essential College-Readiness Skill | Dr. Cheryl North | Education

- Asmaa Hasan | Phenotypic Characterization Of The Aspergillus Nidulans prkA Deletion Mutant | Dr. Mark Marten | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Elizabeth Hawkins | BioSentinel: Optimizing Yeast Preparation For Long-duration Spaceflight Missions | Dr. Sergio Santa Maria |
- Lauren Hayden | Ice Layer Tracking In Radar Imagery With Active Learning | Dr. Maryam Rahnemoonfar | Information Systems |

- Andrew Hennigan | Assessing The Impact Of PhosphomimeticMutations On Mouse Melanopsin Signaling | Dr. Phyllis Robinson | Biological Sciences |

- Keren Herrán | Children Raising Children: A Qualitative Study Of The Social Determinants Of Adolescent Pregnancy In Rural Ecuador | Dr. Iván Palacios | Individualized Study |

- Sam Herring | High Definition Real Time Zoetrope (HDRTZ) | Prof. Eric Dyer | Visual Arts |

- Tyra Hill | Do Intimate Partner Violent Men with A History Of Childhood Maltreatment Have Higher Recidivism Rates After Treatment? | Dr. Christopher Murphy | Psychology |

- Rudolph Holley III | N-Type Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 And P-Type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Thermoelement Characterization | Dr. Deepa Madan | Mechanical Engineering
- Colin Hrenko | Effect Of Verb Conjugation Apps On Student Verb Conjugation | Dr. Linda Oliva | Education
- Sophia Hu | Automated Registration Of Planarian Gene Expression Patterns | Dr. Daniel Lobo | Biological Sciences |

- Ben Hyatt | A Reaction-Diffusion PDE Model For Predicting Release From Water-Soluble Gels | Dr. Muruhan Rathinam | Mathematics and Statistics |

- Nneamaka Iwobi | The Developmental Role Of Drosophila Melanogaster | Dr. Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences |

- Kris Jefferson | A Precursor To Media Literacy | Prof. Timothy Johnson | Education |

- Alyssa Johnson | Analyzing The Security Of Non-Standard Dialects In South Korea | Dr. Kyung-Eun Yoon | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication |

- Jafira Johnson | Investigating The Role Of The Planar Cell Polarity And Shroom3 In Forebrain Morphogenesis | Dr. Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences |

- Rahul Kamdar | Investigating The Efficacy Of A Synthetic 4-1BB Intracellular Peptide In T-Cell Activation | Dr. Gregory Szeto | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Elisabeth Kan | Elucidation Of The HIV-1 5’ Leader Through Paramagnetic Tags | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Yianni Karabatis | Using Deep Learning To Increase The Accuracy Of Breast Cancer Diagnoses | Dr. Konstantinos Kalpakis | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |

- Zulekha Karachiwalla | Three-dimensional Visualization Of Harvestman Spermathecae Using Confocal Microscopy | Dr. Mercedes Burns | Biological Sciences|

- Jeremy Keaton | A Force That Gives Us Meaning | Dr. Linda Dusman | Music |

- Ashley Kellogg | Women In Colonial Korea: The Overlooked History Of Women’s Role In Korean Independence | Dr. Kyung-Eun Yoon | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication |

- Rakaia Kenney | Goblet Cell Proliferation In The Mouse Respiratory Epithelium In Response To E-Cigarette Vapors | Dr. Weihong Lin | Biological Sciences |

- Saba Khan | Microfluidic Devices Efficiently Prepared From Eco-Friendly Plastics | Prof. Yordan Kostov | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
- Ajay Kharkar | Developing More Effective Tutoring Strategies For Multilingual Writers In The Writing Center | Prof. Elaine MacDougall | English |

- Kassidy Kollmann | The Unexpected Turnover In The Spectral Energy Distributions Of Active Galactic Nuclei | Dr. Eileen Meyer | Physics |

- Peter Kostriken | Paying To Play, Playing To Live: A Digital Ethnography Of Transnational Goldfarming Between The US And Venezuela | Dr. Sarah Fouts | American Studies |

- Elle Kreiner | Managing Mortality : An Ethnographic Examination In A Baltimore Funeral Home | Dr. Bambi Chapin | Sociology and Anthropology |

- Avantika Krishna | Effects Of Nicotine And A Common E-cigarette Flavoring Agent On Taste Bud Morphology And Taste Preference | Dr. Weihong Lin | Biological Sciences |

- Priya Krishna | Consequences Of Prolonged Chronic Inflammation In The Mouse Prostate Gland | Dr. Charles Bieberich | Biological Sciences |

- Swathi Krithivasan | Anomaly Detection For Smart Home Security | Dr. Anupam Joshi | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |

- Gerson Kroiz | Hidden Markov Models for Multi-site Daily Precipitation Generation using Satellite Precipitation Estimates | Dr. Matthias Gobbert | Mathematics and Statistics |

- Jennifer Kuhlman | Study Of The Genetic Relationship Between Sleep And Immunity In Drosophila Melanogaster | Dr. Jeffrey Leips | Biological Sciences |

- Jessica Kweon | How mentorship Mediates relationships Between Social Integration And Retention Of Female STEM Major Meyerhoff Scholars. | Dr. Mariano Sto. Domingo | Psychology |

- Amir Labani | Functional Classification Of Disease Variants For The Advancement Of Precision Medicine | Dr. Maricel Kann | Biological Sciences |

- Brent Lance Jr | Gotham, How An American Typeface Shaped Barack Obama’s 2008 Hope Campaign. | Prof. Margret Re | Visual Arts
- Blair Landon | Development Of A Blood Brain Barrier Model For Screening Brain Tumor Nanotherapeutics | Dr. Jeffrey Winkles |

- Michael LaScola | Screen Printing a Neural Stem Cell Niche For The Investigation Of Neurodevelopmental Disorders | Dr. Erin Lavik | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
- Michael LaScola | Developmental Characterization Of Dp1 Mutants In The Green Alga, Volvox Carteri | Dr. Stephen Miller | Biological Sciences
- Nguyet Le | Role Of N-MYC Downstream Regulated Genes Family In Low Oxygen Adaptation | Dr. Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences |

- Se Rin Lee | Investigating The Divergence And Role Of Chromatin Modifiers Set3 And Set4 In Budding Yeast | Dr. Erin Green | Biological Sciences |

- Danylo Leshchyshyn | Exploring Corruption In Post-communist States | Dr. Laura Hussey | Political Science |

- Aaleyah Lewis | Conflict Mediation At Scale: Leveraging Big Data To Mediate Online Conflicts | Dr. Susan Fussell |
- Benjamin Lewis | Sweeps And Throws | Prof. Eric Jordan | Visual Arts |

- Phillip Long | Generating An Engineered Exosome Model For Treating Heart Failure | Samarjit Das | Pathology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Chandler Louden | Building Suburbia: An Analysis Of The Planned Community Of Columbia | Dr. Sarah Chard | Sociology and Anthropology | |

- Karan Luthria | Enhancing And Visualizing Human Disease Networks To Reduce Healthcare Cost | Dr. Maricel Kann | Biological Sciences |

- Kenneth M’Bale | Why Do We Like Rappers Cuckolding And Having Sex With Lesbians? | Prof. Rebecca Adelman | Media and Communication Studies |

- Genevieve Madden | Mixed Methods Analysis Regarding Feminist Social Movement In The United States | Dr. Ian Anson | Political Science |

- Katlin Magruther | Improving Student Performance Of Choreography Using The Elements Of Dance | Prof. Franki Graham | Dance
- Sahar Mahate | Discovery of metastatic pathway proteomics in osteosarcoma | Dr. Kathy Gabrielson |
- Hamza Mahmood | Textron Pulse Detector/Descriptor | Dr. E.F. Charles LaBerge | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |

- Olufolake Majekodunmi | Examination of Behavioral And Physiological Effects Of E-liquid Flavoring and Vapor On Immune Response In Tongue Of Mice | Dr. Weihong Lin | Biological Sciences |

- Dinita Mani | From B.S. To B.A: Psychosocial Factors Influencing Changes In STEM Majors Among Underrepresented Minority Students | Dr. Mariano R. Sto. Domingo | Psychology |

- Tasneem Mansour | Bilateral Perceptions Between Muslims And Koreans: Maintaining Religious Identity And Inclusion In Korea | Dr. Kyung-Eun Yoon | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication |

- Phoebe Mariano | Gender And Race Influence The Association Of Anxiety With Psychosocial Variables | Dr. Raimi Quiton | Psychology |

- Hayat Mawi | The Trend Of The Period: How Design And Inquiry Can Support Learning | Dr. Jonathan Singer | Education |

- Robert Maxwell | Asian American Children’s Effortful Control Mediates Maternal Positive Expressivity And Child Socioemotional Outcomes | Dr. Charissa Cheah | Psychology
- Samantha Maygers | Designing A Modular, Battery-Powered Vehicle Stopped by An Iodine Clock Reaction | Dr. Neha Raikar | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
- Darius McKoy | Role Of N-myc Downstream Regulated Gene 3 (NDRG3) In Cellular Arrest Under Anoxia | Dr. Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences
- Rosie McNeely | “Begin Purging State Dept. Of Homosexuals”: The Lavender Scare And The LGBT Community During The Cold War | Dr. Meredith Oyen | History |

- Kelly McVicker | Food Web Dynamics: How Urbanization Of Riparian Systems Affects Prey Availability in Aquatic And Terrestrial Systems | Dr. Chris Hawn | Geography and Environmental Systems |

- Sosena Megabiaw | Mass Incarceration And The Differential Treatment In Sentencing Practices | Dr. Kathy Bryan | American Studies |

- Dexter Merritt | Laser Welding And Analysis Of Copper Alloy | Prof. Shengmin Guo |

- Olivia Mills | Authorship And Animation | Prof. Evan Tedlock | Visual Arts |

- Manuel Miranda | Remote Sensing Of Particle Pollution Over Baltimore | Dr. University of Maryla County |

- Kimberly Mitchell | Positive Mood Mediates The Association Between Stigma And Sickle Cell Pain | Dr. Shawn Bediako | Psychology
- Harper Montgomery | Identification Of Reproductive Endosymbiont Bacteria In Oklahoma Harvestmen | Dr. Mercedes Burns | Biological Sciences |

- Tyler Moore | Which School Readiness Skills Do Latinx Parents Value And How Do They Think These Skills Are Learned? | Dr. Susan Sonnenschein | Psychology |

- Rachel Morin | Charge Transfer From Semiconductor Nanorods | Dr. Matthew Pelton | Physics |

- John Motavalli | MC Hammerhead: A Kinetic Sculpture Redesign Project | Prof. Steven McAlpine | Individualized Study |

- Lindsey Mountcastle | The Relation Between Parenting And Pain Perception In Children | Dr. Lynnda Dahlquist | Psychology |

- Maya Mueller | Spatial Tracking Of An Infectious Disease Outbreak In Nigeria Using Optimal Interpolation | Dr. Bedrich Sousedik | Mathematics and Statistics
- Nihira Mugamba | Establishing Food Inequality In Baltimore City: The Influence Of Race And Poverty On Food Insecurity | Dr. Carolyn Forestiere | Political Science |

- Wyatt Mumford | One Bard Band | Prof. Eric Jordan | Visual Arts |

- Quinlan Murphy | The Political Misinformation Element Of Digital Asymmetric Warfare | Dr. Brigid Starkey | Political Science
- Susan Muzzey | Improving Computed Tomography Use For Additively Manufactured Metals | Prof. Marc Zupan | Mechanical Engineering |

- Nidhi Naik | Investigating The Role Of Surface Modifications In Complement Mediated Hypersensitivity Reactions | Dr. Erin Lavik | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Ryan Mbagna Nanko | Structural Characterization Of 2D Layered Complex Hetero-Ion Systems | Prof. Vinayak Dravid |
- Jamie Nathlar | An Analysis Of The Effects Of Various Meditations On Reaction Time In Older Adults | Dr. Diane Alonso | Psychology |

- Noah Nies| Huey’s Blues: White Cultural Appropriation Of Blues Music| Corrie Parks | Visual Arts
- Zakary Newberry | Effect Of Lambda Red Recombinogenic Proteins On Cas9-Mediated Homology Directed Repair | Dr. Charles Bieberich | Biological Sciences |

- Zachary Nicholas | Adults’ Expectations For Children With Special Needs: A CaseComparison | Dr. Bambi Chapin | Sociology and Anthropology |

- Howard Nicholson | Sickle Cell Disease Mediates Middle Cerebral Artery Shear Stress Profiles That Affect Endothelial Cell Responses | Dr. Manu Platt |
- Ayla Novruz | Discrimination and Heart Rate Change from Day to Night in Young Black Adults | Name | Psychology |

- Favour Nwagugo | Light-Dependent Endocytosis Of Mouse Melanopsin | Dr. Phyllis Robinson | Biological Sciences |

- Skyler O’Neil | Lone Mech Pilot | Prof. Eric Jordan | Visual Arts |

- Ehita Oboh | Investigating The Anoxia-induced Transcriptional Adaptations Of NDRGs | Dr. M Brewster | Biological Sciences |

- Ena Oboh | Investigating The Role Of NDRG1a In Mediating Anoxia-induced Cell Cycle Arrest | Dr. Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences|

- Paul Ocone | On Thin Ice | Dr. Donald Snyder | Media and Communication Studies |

- Oluwateniayo Ogunsan | Automatically Generated Phase Portraits For Understanding Biological Systems | Dr. Daniel Lobo | Biological Sciences |

- Chelsea Okeh | The Effects Of Hyperglycemia On Neurulation | Dr. Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences |

- Edosewele Okojie | Changes In Policy And Training In A Perinatal Quality Improvement Collaborative To Reduce Primary Cesarean Section Rates | Dr. Jennifer Callaghan-Koru | Health Administration and Policy |

- Oluwatomiwa Oladunni | Gadolinium-Chelating Tag Synthesis For Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Of Dendronized Nanocarriers | Dr. Marie-Christine Daniel | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Michelle Oliver | Understanding “Fake News” Starts With Us | Dr. Cheryl North | Education |

- Cheyenne Oliver | The Effects Of Oscillatory Activity In Synaptic Refinement In Drosophila Melanogaster | Dr. Tagide deCarvalho | Biological Sciences |

- Victor Omoniyi | Effects Of APPLd Mutation On The Olfactory System In Drosophila Melanogaster. | Dr. Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences |

- Shawn Oppermann | PLEG: The Putting Legs On Everything Game | Prof. Eric Jordan | Visual Arts |

- Anthony Owusu | Racial Centrality And Sickle Cell Disease Pain. The Moderating Role Of Private Regard. | Dr. Shawn Bediako | Psychology |

- Yaw Owusu-Boaitey | Roles for Steroid Hormone Signaling Targets In Border Cell Migration In The Drosophila Ovary | Dr. Michelle Starz-Gaiano | Biological Sciences
- Julia Palmer | De-Cyborging | Dr. Tania Lizarazo | Global Studies |

- Steve Park | Testing The Effect Of Exercise And Gut Microbiota In Brain Function Of Drosophila Flies | Dr. Fernando Vonhoff | Biological Sciences |

- Hye-Jin Park | Contributions Of Parental Control And Self-Regulation Skills To Korean American Children’s Behavioral Outcomes | Dr. Charissa Cheah | Psychology |

- Crystal Parry | IL-1β-VEGF-A Signaling Axis In Atherosclerotic Calcification | Dr. Alan Morrison |

- Shirin Parsa | Novel 3D Neuroinflammatory Model Of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Microglial Cells | Dr. Gregory Szeto | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Lauren Patel | On Thin Ice | Dr. Donald Snyder | Media and Communication Studies |

- Nishka Patel | Examining The Cognitive And Psychosocial Profiles Of GD1 Versus GBA-PD Patients | Dr. Grisel Lopez | Individualized Study
- Jade Phan | Towards Better Inhibitors Of The Influenza Virus | Dr. Paul Smith | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Faizah Pirzada | A Qualitative Study Of Assessing The Usefulness And Usability Of Home Care Quality Toolkit By Home Health Care Agencies | Dr. Gunes Koru | Information Systems
- Meredith Power | Tracing George Orwell’s Anti-Imperialism In Propaganda Broadcasts By The BBC To India And Southeast Asia, 1941 To 1943 | Dr. Daniel Ritschel | History |

- Jonnalyn Price | Reported Helpfulness Of Formal And Informal Intimate Partner Violence Response Strategies | Dr. Christopher Murphy | Psychology |

- Mackenzie Primrose | Coping Strategies, Anger, and Hostility in Racially Diverse Emerging Adults | Dr. Danielle Beatty Moody | Psychology |

- Ozair Qazi | Contributions Of Maternal Mental Health, Parenting And Marital Relationship To East Asian American Children’s Adjustment | Prof. Charissa Cheah | Psychology |

- Sangita Ramaswamy | On Thin Ice | Dr. Donald Snyder | Media and Communication Studies |

- Hannah Ramcharan | Identifying Spatial And Temporal Gene Expression Dynamics From Multiple Sequencing Data | Dr. Daniel Lobo | Biological Sciences |

- Michelle Ramsahoye | Determination Of Glucosome Specificity Using Colocalization Analysis Of 4-D Images Of Metabolic Pathways | Dr. Minjoung Kyoung | Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Tanya Ramsey | Peer Education Impacts On Student Outcomes: A Case Study From The UMBC McNair Scholars Program | Prof. Elaine MacDougall | English
- Claudia Rankine | Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: Using Afrofuturist Theory To Examine Themes Of Black Visibility | Prof. Maleda Belilgne | Africana Studies
- Samyukta Rao | Optimization Of Method For Rapid Contamination Detection Through Manipulation Of Cell Membrane Porosity | Prof. Yordan Kostov | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Saiprasad Ravi | Post-Translational Modifications Of Human Phosphofructokinase 1 And Their Role In Glucosome Formation | Dr. Songon An | Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Aiman Raza | Dreissena Mussels as An Indicator Species For Assessing Aquatic Microbial Biodiversity In Lake Michigan | Dr. Rosemary Jagus |Biology |

- Sara Reagan | The Long-Term Outcomes Of Childhood Tourette Syndrome: A Systematic Review | Dr. Joseph McGuire |

- Christa Reyes | The Relationship Of Social And Emotional Learning And Restorative Practices In Schools | Dr. Ken Maton | Psychology |

- Will Roberts | Student Growth And Application Of Musical Literacy On The Viola | Dr. Jeremy Cochran | Education |

- Jonathan Rodman | A Fall Soundscape Snapshot of the Cylburn Arboretum and a Section of the 33rd Street Corridor in Baltimore City | Dr. Bernard Lohr | Individualized Study |

- Alexandra Rodriguez | Anti-Blackness And White Southern Identity In Country Music | Dr. Tamara Bhalla | American Studies
- Jeremy Rubin | Letting The LaxKAT Out Of The Bag: Packaging, Simulation, And Neuroimaging Data Analysis For A Powerful Kernel Test | Dr. Russell Shinohara |

- Jay Ruiz | With Regards To Consent: Penalties And Benefits Of ‘As Cast’ Policies | Prof. Chelsea Pace | Theatre |

- Alexander Russell | Ultra-Fast Time-Resolved Laser Spectroscopy On Artificial Analogues Of Photosynthetic Molecules | Dr. Matthew Pelton | Physics |

- Cameron Rybacki | Assessing The Electability Of United States Presidential Candidates | Prof. Carolyn Forestiere | Political Science |

- Lahari Saha | Modeling Of Metal-based Microwave Heating Arrays Using Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation And Thermal Imaging | Prof. Chris Geddes | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Shea Sandifer | UMBC Game Developers Club: 2019-2020 Team Projects | Dr. Marc Olano | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |

- Mitali Sarkar | GAG-RNA Interactions That Initiate HIV-1 Assembly | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Britney Sarpong | TrojAI | Prof. Tim Oates | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |

- Madeline Schuch | The Development Of A Method For The Quantitation Of Carbohydrates In Aquatic Systems | Dr. William LaCourse | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Anna Schuster | Evaluation Of Clinical Factors Leading To Sepsis Recognition in The Emergency Department | Dr. Fran Balamuth |

- Alexandra Seas | Synthesis Of Immunosuppressive Nanoparticles For The Treatment Of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | Dr. Gregory Szeto | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Fatimah Shaalan | Will The American Dream Survive Beyond The First-Generation? | Dr. Lisa Dickson | Economics |

- Sahra Sharifi | A 3D-Printed Microfluidic System For Automated And Near Real-Time Quantitation Of Biofilm-Induced Indole | Dr. Chengpeng Chen | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Alexandra Siebenhaar | Creating An Inclusive Sexual Health Education For Transgender Youth In Maryland Public High Schools | Dr. Kate Drabinski | Gender and Women’s Studies |

- Jonathan Sikora | A Comparison Of Song Repertoire Sizes In Male And Female Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia Sialis) using Statistical Rarefaction | Dr. Kevin Omland | Biological Sciences |

- Andrew Simpson | Systematic Annotation Of Evidence-based Sentences In Scientific Articles Using The Evidence And Conclusions Ontology. | Dr. Ivan Erill | Biological Sciences
- Joshua Slaughter | Towards Detection Of Misinformation Through Machine Learning And Latent Variable Methods | Prof. Tulay Adali | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering |

- Mike Spano | The Rights, Responsibilities And Privileges of Student-Teachers At UMBC | Prof. Michele Wolff | Sociology and Anthropology |

- Taylor Steen | Prolonged Suspense | Prof. Corrie Parks | Visual Arts |

- Taylor Stephen | Phosphate removal By Lanthanum-containing Materials: Effect Of Inorganic Carbon And PH On Treatment Effectiveness | Prof. Detlef Knappe | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
- Adam Stevens | Symmetry: From Right Down The Line | Dr. Cheryl North | Education |

- Diane Stonestreet | Design And Fabrication Of A Housing For A Wearable, Low-cost Particulate Matter Sensor | Dr. Christopher Hennigan | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Charmain Su | Chemical And Biological Sensing Using perovskite Materials | Dr. N.B. Singh | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Katherine Sublett | Integrative Platform For Predictive Health Outcomes | Dr. April Householder | Information Systems
- Swati Singh | How mentorship Mediates relationships Between Social Integration And Retention Of Female STEM Major Meyerhoff Scholars. | Dr. Mariano Sto. Domingo | Psychology |

- Danilo Symonette | Towards The Automatic Assessment Of Student Teamwork | Prof. Don Engel | Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Kent Taguba | An Efficient Machine Learning Method For Building Atlases Of Gene Regulatory Networks | Dr. Daniel Lobo | Biological Sciences |

- Fatima Talib | Use Of Methane Combustion To Produce Clean Water And Energy | Dr. Mariajose Castellanos | Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering |

- Lasya Tallapragada | Trends Between Air Pollutants And Respiratory Illnesses | Dr. Belay Demoz | Physics |

- Sedzro Tamakloe | Economic Benefit Of Photovoltaics In Michigan Field Crop Farms | Dr. Annick Anctil |

- Connor Thomas | Block Turn: Cube-Flipping, Puzzle-Solving Fun | Prof. Eric Jordan | Visual Arts |

- Raychel Thress | The Movement Of Otherworldly Creatures | Prof. Corrie Parks | Visual Arts |

- Julianne Townsend | An Investigation Into The State Of South Korea’s LGBT Community Through Analysis Of Language Use | Dr. Kyung-Eun Yoon | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
- Jordan Troutman | Subset Feature Selection With Considerations Of Fairness | Prof. James Foulds | Information Systems |

- Briscoe Turner | Impact Of Experiences Of Rejection On Health-Related Quality Of Life For Previously Incarcerated Individuals | Dr. Bronwyn Hunter | Psychology |

- Uchendu Uchendu | Nonlinear Granger Causality Discovery Using Xgboost | Dr. Jianwu Wang | Information Systems |

- Eric Upton | Deactivation Kinetics Of The Photopigment Melanopsin In Rod Monochromats | Dr. Phyllis Robinson | Biological Sciences |

- Mei-Lian Vader | Use Of Voice Activated Assistants By Individuals Who Are Blind | Dr. Ravi Kuber | Information Systems |

- Garvan Vines | Prevalence Of Putative Drug-resistant Mutations In HIV-1C In Africa | Dr. Daphney Matume | University of Venda
- Aren Vista | A Novel Approach To The Synthesis Of 7-deaza Nucleoside Analogues | Prof. Katherine Seley-Radtke | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Inaya Wahid | Developing A Program To Improve Birth Outcomes In Delaware | Dr. Kate Smith |

- Claudia Walker | Elucidation Of HIV-1 5′ Leader Secondary Structure Through Novel Long Range Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques | Dr. Michael Summers | Chemistry and Biochemistry |

- Sierra Wallace | Generation Of dp2 Mutant In Volvox carteri Through The CRISPR/Cas9 Editing System | Dr. Stephen Miller | Biological Sciences |

- Jenna Westfall | EPAMS Profiler And Ceilometer Network | Dr. Ruben Delgado |
- Gabriel Wilkins | Forest Fires And The Bahama Oriole: Describing Burn History Within Caribbean Pine Forests | Dr. Kevin Omland | Biological Sciences |

- Sandra Wilson | Sign Language In Media: American Sign Language (ASL) Vs. Japanese Sign Language (JSL) | Dr. Tomoko Hoogenboom | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication |

- Christine Winkler | Conclusions C-E-R-tain To Win: An Implementation Of The CER Method To Improve Conclusion Writing | Dr. Jonathan Singer | Education |

- Brian Woronowicz | Development Of Conceptual Design For Displacement Amplification Mechanism (DAM) Using Design Optimization Technique | Dr. Soobum Lee | Mechanical Engineering |

- Anna Yaschenko | Identifying The Genetic Basis Of Drug Response Using Drosophila Melanogaster In The Era Of Personalized Medicine | Dr. Jeff Leips | Biological Sciences |

- Jacob Yepez | Rat-Boy Christmas | Prof. Corrie Parks | Visual Arts |

- Omer Yildirim | The Effects of Age, Income, Religious Participation and Race on Participation in 2008, 2012 and 2016 Presidential Elections with Predictions for 2020 Presidential Election | Dr. Carolyn Forestiere | Political Science |

- Michelle Young | Many Hats, One Face: The Life Of Cooper Black | Prof. Margaret Re | Visual Arts |

- Rianna Zacharias | The Effects Of Hyperglycemia On Neurulation | Dr. Rachel Brewster | Biological Sciences |
