Impact Of E-Cigarette Aerosol Exposure On The Morphology Of The Anterior And Posterior Olfactory Epithelium
Michael Ack
Weihong Lin, Biological Sciences
The olfactory system detects and transmits information about odors through olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) located in the main olfactory epithelium (MOE), which also helps differentiate between harmful and harmless airborne particles. Notably, the olfactory system is one of the few areas in the nervous system capable of adult neurogenesis, allowing recovery from environmental damage. The MOE is divided into the anterior (aMOE) and posterior (pMOE) regions, with the aMOE experiencing higher airflow and greater environmental exposure. Previous research by Lemons et al. (2020) indicates that the pMOE has a higher turnover rate than the aMOE for recovery from chemical-induced damage. While the MOE’s response to acute environmental damage has been documented, the effects of e-cigarettes on the MOE remain unclear. This study investigates how subchronic (8-week) exposure to e-cigarette aerosol-containing flavorings, propylene glycol/vegetable glycerin (PG/VG) solutions, and heavy metals impact the morphology and function of both the aMOE and pMOE in mice. Using immunofluorescence followed by ImageJ analysis, we assessed OSN layer thickness, axon-bundle size, and the expression of key markers. This project aims to provide insights into how exposure to e-cigarettes influences olfactory neurobiology and its potential implications for human health.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Red, Blue, And Latino: How Sex Education Disparities Affect Teen Pregnancies
Ash Acuña , Julia Garcia
Lauren Allen, The Women’s, Gender, & Equity Center; Amelia Meman, The Women’s, Gender, & Equity Center; Zoe Brown, The Women’s, Gender, & Equity Center
Reproductive justice remains a critical issue in the United States, particularly for marginalized communities. In September 2020, whistleblowers exposed coercive sterilization practices targeting immigrant women in ICE detention centers, raising concerns about reproductive autonomy and access to comprehensive sexual health education, particularly for Latino populations. Given the United States’ historical patterns of discrimination against Latino communities, disparities in sex education access warrant further investigation. Comprehensive sex education is associated with lower rates of unintended teen pregnancies, which carry significant socioeconomic consequences. However, sex education policies vary widely across states, lacking federal standardization. This study conducts a comparative policy and data analysis of sex education guidelines and outcomes in politically divergent states, Maryland and Texas, among adolescents aged 15 to 19. By examining regional disparities, this study highlights the broader implications of unequal access to sex education and its intersection with racial and ethnic inequities. Additionally, it provides a comparative analysis of sex education accessibility between Latino and non-Latino students, emphasizing the need for equitable, evidence-based educational policies across all demographics.
NMR Reasoning: A Benchmark For Chemical Reasoning With AI
Fariha Agbere
Tyler Josephson, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is one of the most widely used techniques for molecular structure identification, yet its interpretation remains a complex and time-consuming process that often requires expert knowledge. Large Language Models (LLMs) can excel in solving chemistry problems, but current benchmarks do not distinguish memorization from step-by-step reasoning. Many reasoning benchmarks are available in math and coding domains, but no chemical reasoning benchmark is currently available. We identified NMR structure determination as a domain of chemistry problems requiring complex, nonlinear reasoning, and developed a benchmark for evaluating reasoning LLM performance on such tasks.
We assess the performance of multiple LLMs, including GPT, Claude, and others, on approximately 115 NMR reasoning tasks of diverse difficulties. Our analysis considers various factors that may influence model predictions, including prompt type, temperature, reasoning effort, and data provided (¹H NMR, ¹³C NMR, and/or molecular formula). Additionally, we compare model performance to that of chemistry students to identify areas where LLMs succeed and where human intuition remains indispensable. By presenting a detailed evaluation of LLM reasoning in NMR analysis, this study provides valuable insights into the current capabilities and limitations of AI in molecular structure analysis.
This work was funded by MSRDC.
Using Barnes Maze Paradigm To Examine Spatial Learning With Food And Social Rewards
Sean Agbor-Enoh, Labibah balogun
Tara LeGates, Biological Sciences
The ability to learn and remember the location of a reward like food is critical for survival. However, how the brain forms associations between rewarding stimuli and environmental cues remains unclear. Understanding these neural processes can provide insight into decision-making and survival behaviors. In this study, we use a behavioral paradigm to assess the spatial learning within mice.
We utilize the Barnes maze, a spatial learning task that consists of a circular platform with multiple holes along the perimeter. Mice were trained to use spatial cues surrounding the platform to locate a target hole containing food or a conspecific mouse for four trials per day for 4 days. On Day 5, we conducted a probe trial where the target hole was removed and the amount of time spent in each quadrant of the platform was quantified. A camera recorded movement, and Any Maze software quantified time spent in each quadrant. More time in the reward quadrant indicates spatial learning. Our results indicate the mice do use spatial cues to locate both food and social rewards. This work is important in understanding how the brain forms associations between rewarding stimuli and spatial cues.
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
Scope++: An Open-source, Modular, And Efficient Image And Video Acquisition Software
Nicholas Agouridis, Prajita Shrestha
Daniel Lobo, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Image and video acquisition software is a fundamental component in scientific research and industry. However, current software is often expensive, close-source, not expandable, inefficient, and cumbersome to use. Here we present Scope++, a novel open-source and user-friendly image and video acquisition software. The program is compatible with most cameras and external hardware, including microscopes, and is designed for the efficient and rapid acquisition of images and video data. The software is implemented in C++ using multi-threading, enabling maximum efficiency in multi-core architectures and the long-term recording of a large number of cameras at once. Crucially, the integration of the software with microscopy protocols such as the ZeissCAN bus interface allows the control and exchange of information with external hardware from the program. Furthermore, the images obtained are calibrated and encoded, allowing downstream quantitative analyses. Special emphasis has been given to minimize the time required for users to complete an image acquisition session, which often involves taking hundreds of images from fast living organisms. Features include single-click acquisition, live low/high intensity warning, and automated descriptive file and folder naming. Scope++ represents a significant advancement in image-acquisition software, and its accessibility, compatibility, and efficiency will accelerate acquisition protocols in science and industry.
Dendronized Gold Nanorattles Loaded With Doxorubicin As A Drug Delivery Platform
Suzi Agyako-Wiredu
Marie-Christine Daniel, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Tohid Baradaran Kayyal, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Although current chemotherapy treatments have the ability to eradicate cancer cells, the body-wide distribution of drugs contributes to deleterious side effects on normal tissues and drug resistance. This highlights the need for a directed method of drug distribution, with which gold nanorattles (AuNRTs) can help. AuNRTs consist of a gold nanoparticle (AuNP) core, a void, and a porous gold shell. In order to enhance drug delivery, selected dendrons can self-assemble onto the gold surfaces, and drugs can be covalently added to their terminal ends. This project aims to synthesize and characterize an AuNRT drug delivery platform carrying doxorubicin (DOX) via a pH-sensitive bond. At acidic pH levels, the hydrazone bond between the dendron and DOX is cleaved, releasing drugs after endocytosis inside tumor cells. Synthesis began with ligand exchange between 20 nm citrate-capped AuNPs and poly(propyleneimine) dendrons terminated with DOX, forming the core. A silver coating was nucleated around this core using a polyol reduction method. A dropwise titration of gold salt onto these structures etched away silver and replaced it with gold, forming a porous gold shell due to the reaction’s stoichiometry. The resulting structure was characterized using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, and fluorescence.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Investigating Genetic Interactions Between FLK And HOS1 In Plant Defense And Flowering Time
Asiya Ahmed, Leah Vrydagh
Hua Lu, Biological Sciences
Understanding how plants defend against pathogens is essential for protecting agricultural systems. Our research team is investigating plant defense mechanisms by studying FLK, a flowering time regulatory gene, for its role in defense regulation. Previous studies indicate that FLK interacts with HOS1, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, suggesting that HOS1 may influence FLK function. To test this, we are using a genetic approach by identifying the hos1 x flk double mutant and comparing it to wild-type (Columbia-0) and single mutants in defense response. Following identification, we will assess these plants using a panel of defense assays and test their responses under abiotic stressors. The genotyping process involves DNA extraction, PCR, and gel electrophoresis, which led to the identification of several double mutant candidates. We have confirmed these genotypes and bulked up homozygous double mutant seeds. We are in the process of challenging the plants with pathogens to test whether HOS1 regulates FLK function in plant defense. We will also assess the impact of these mutations with abiotic stress conditions, such as high salt and UV irradiation. These studies will provide insights into how FLK and HOS1 contribute to plant responses to diverse environmental pressures.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Metasurface-based Generation Of Reactive Oxygen Species
Ahmed Al-Anesi, Ethan Denny
Chris Geddes, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Zach Nichols, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Authors: Ahmed Al-Anesi, Ethan Denny, Zach Nichols, and Dr. Chris Geddes
The purpose of this research is to speed up the process of preparing samples for quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). This cuts the costs and time in running qPCR. Running PCR is deemed inefficient due to its long preparation process. However, with the use of microwave lysing triangles (MLTs) to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), the processing of samples for qPCR has been quicker. This award was used to determine the ability of metasurface microplates to generate ROS. In order to measure the effectiveness of the microplates, a solution of dihydroethidine (DHE), a fluorescent probe, was added to the microplates. The microplates are placed in the microwave oven to generate ROS, which will then react to the DHE. The microplates are then placed in a fluorometer to measure the concentration of generated ROS. Microplates can also used in other applications like DNA sequencing and regular PCR. This will streamline diagnostic testing, by shortening the time and resources required for sample preparation.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Gold Nanoparticle-Based Colorimetric Test For Lead Sensing in Tap Water
Jumana Al-Anesi
Marie-Christine Daniel, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Lead contamination in tap water remains a significant public health concern in the United States, with low exposure levels causing severe health issues, especially in children. This project aims to develop a cheap and user-friendly microfluidic assay that utilizes a gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-based colorimetric assay to detect lead in water. In phase one of the project, 20 nanometers of citrate-coated AuNPs were synthesized with a polydispersity index (PDI) of less than 0.2, ensuring uniformity, and functionalized with L-glutathione. A lead detection assay was then performed by adding water samples with lead concentrations ranging from 0 to 250 ppb to functionalized AuNPs. Results showed that samples containing five ppb or more of lead, induced nanoparticle aggregations, shifting the solution color from red to blue. In contrast, the zero ppb control sample remained red. These preliminary results demonstrate the assay’s effectiveness in detecting lead at the FDA’s toxicity threshold of five ppb. Current efforts focus on improving reproducibility and integrating the assay into a portable microfluidic device for rapid home testing. By providing a cost-effective and accessible lead detection method, this research contributes to public health by enabling individuals to monitor the safety of their drinking water.
This work was funded, in part, by the National Science Foundation (CBET-2045234), and by a UMBC START award.
The Role Of RWP-RK Transcription Factors In The Evolution Of Cell Differentiation In Volvox Carteri
Kiah Alabi
Stephen Miller, Biological Sciences
Volvox carteri is a multicellular eukaryotic algal model for investigating cell-differentiation and its evolution. Volvox is ideal for these studies because it has complete division of labor between just two cell types: motile somatic cells and non-motile reproductive gonidia. Here we are testing the roles of the rwp3 and rwp6 genes (encode members of the RWP-RK transcription factor family) in regulating the gonidial cell fate because previous RNAseq analyses revealed these genes are highly expressed in gonidia and are repressed by overexpression of a gene (rlsD) that represses cell growth. We hypothesize that rwp3 and rwp6 promote growth in gonidia to establish the gonidial fate. To test this hypothesis, we are using CRISPR to knock these genes out. To this end, we made guide RNA expression plasmids for each rwp gene for co-transformation with a Cas9-expression plasmid. We generated ten rwp3-targeted lines and one rwp6-targeted line, and we made genomic DNA from these transformants. Next, we will PCR amplify and sequence the targeted rwp regions to determine if rwp mutations were made. Subsequently, we will phenotypically categorize the knockout variants. These experiments should provide insights into the origins of cell differentiation in Volvox and possibly other species.
This work was supported by an REM supplement to award NSF-EFRI-1332344 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Engineering (ENG) Office of Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI).
Beyond the Clouds: Potential Impact of E-Cigarette Aerosol Exposure on the Mouse Olfactory System
Kafui Ameko
Weihong Lin, Biological Sciences
In recent decades, electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) usage has increased affecting millions, particularly youth and adolescent populations. Due to it’s prevalence, there is limited information on the long term effects surrounding the olfactory system, causing an area of unknown. E-cigarettes have harmful chemicals, including nicotine, volatile flavor compounds, and various heavy metals that can damage the olfactory system when inhaled. This damage has been proposed as an early marker for neurological and cognitive disorders. We investigated whether e-cigarette exposure could disrupt olfactory guided behaviors through tests. The T-Maze choice preference test and buried food test were employed. The lab utilized two controls: e-liquid and air exposure as a base. Two additional groups were: flavored e-liquid containing nicotine with or without added heavy metals. These groups will help us determine the effects of e-liquid components on olfactory function. Using pre and post-exposure behavioral trials, I hypothesize that the T-maze will show lower interest/sensitivity in the interaction with urine and water due to negative effects on their olfactory neurons. The pre- and post-exposure of the buried food test shows that over time, olfactory senses and food sensitivity diminish. I aim to communicate that e-cigarette exposure leads to long term olfactory decline.
Support for this research was provided by the UMB Accelerated Translational Incubator Pilot (ATIP) Grant, the EDUCATE Scholars Program, the Department of Biological Sciences and the Meyerhoff Scholars Program.
Evaluating User Interactions with AI Creative Tools
Daniel Amon-Kotey
Richard Souvenir, Temple University
Artificial Intelligence has become an integral part of various systems utilized daily, prompting the need to understand how people interact with these technologies. While previous studies have explored AI interactions in domains such as coding assistance and medical diagnosis, our research focuses on evaluating user interactions with AI in a creative context. Creative AI tools, used by amateurs and experts, offer diverse interactions, allowing for deeper insights into how different users engage with AI. We conducted a mixed-methods user study (N=10) using the OpenArt platform, where participants were assigned photo editing tasks of increasing complexity. Our findings revealed that participants initially completed tasks successfully but faced difficulties as task complexity increased, resulting in longer completion times. Qualitative findings showed that participants adopted diverse interaction approaches, from exploratory to focused strategies. A significant challenge identified was effective prompting, with many participants expressing a desire for guidelines or suggestions to enhance prompt writing.
This work was funded by Temple University.
The Aesthetics of the Graphic Novels of Guy Delisle and Riad Sattouf
Ramlah Amsa
Haniyeh Barahouie Pasandi, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Graphic novels, as a literary genre, teach how to combine text and images effectively. French graphic novels, in particular, explore relatively unknown genres in multiple formats without pagination. They experiment with graphics and narratives with original tones, styles, and content. The research endeavored to examine portrayals of Eastern and Western cultures, linguistic aspects of the French language, and artistic choices in the Francophone world through a comparative analysis of graphic novels by two prolific authors: Guy Delisle, a French Canadian, and Riad Sattouf, a French Syrian. Guy Delisle’s graphic novels explain his life in Quebec (his birthplace) and other countries (those he visits for work). On the contrary, Riad Sattouf describes his experiences living in France, Syria, and Libya. The research concluded with the possible biases that the works may have based on the upbringings of the authors and the way that these biases alter the perceptions that the readers have of these countries based on the media.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Conceptualizing Intimate Partner Abuse Through The Lens Of Intracultural Dialogue Amongst South Asian Students
Vunnathi Ankem
Christopher Murphy, Psychology
While gender-based harms and relationship dynamics in South Asia are well-documented, there is limited research on South Asian diaspora and international students in the US, particularly regarding how social discourse influences their relationships. This study utilizes thematic coding of interviews with University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) self-identified South Asian students to identify expectations of social behavior, the role of social networks, and the intracultural dialogue around IPV. It is hypothesized that South Asian college students utilize intracultural dialogue, or communication between members of the same culture, surrounding South Asian culture, and intimate partner violence (IPV) to inform their opinions and actions regarding IPV. The purpose of this study is to determine specific factors and topics in the UMBC South Asian student population that influence their perspectives on, and conversations about, unhealthy relationship dynamics and IPV and abuse. It is expected that these findings will inform future efforts to tailor IPV prevention and response programs for students of South Asian descent.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Thalia Añora
Corrie Parks, Visual Arts
This student-led gallery exhibition explores the theme of identity through how art and creative expression can reflect, reclaim, or reinvent a person’s essence — their “humanness.” As students strive to excel in their scholarship and professional careers, they can’t help but feel the pressure of constantly performing. It feels like they lose little bits of themselves while navigating the ever-changing landscape before them, threatening burnout or apathy. From a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, this exhibition contains artwork created within the last three years by 12 undergraduate artists. Including, but not limited to, paintings (acrylic, oil, watercolor), textiles, photography, digital media, mixed media, and small sculptures. Each artwork is paired with a statement from the artist and curator, explaining how their work is reflective of the theme. While the exhibition is on display, students will have the opportunity to participate in open-mics and live performances. Inviting active collaboration towards a shared exhibition that everyone feels invested towards cultivated meaningful connection within our community. Through this multidisciplinary approach to amplify the diverse voices and expressions of our student body, we were able to celebrate our “humanness” as a reflection of our larger UMBC identity.
Investigating The Mechanisms underlying Convergence Of The neural Folds
Ajeetha Arudchandran
Rachel Brewster, Biological Sciences
Failure of the neural tube (the precursor of the brain and spinal cord) to close during neurulation often results in neural tube defects. During neurulation, a flat sheet of epithelial cells, known as the neural plate, undergoes a series of cell shape changes to form a tube-like structure. The neural folds lie at the edges of the neural plate, and their elevation and fusion at the dorsal midline are crucial for neural tube formation. My project aims to uncover molecular mechanisms that mediate neural fold convergence and fusion. Interestingly, laminin, an extracellular matrix glycoprotein involved in cell signaling, is restricted in the neural fold region. I found that the process of neural fold convergence is not affected in Laminin-depleted embryos. Rather, neural fold fusion is dramatically disrupted in Laminin knockdown embryos. To examine the cellular organization of the neural fold cells, I mosaically expressed the green fluorescent protein in embryos immunolabeled with ZO-1 antibodies to mark the midline. This analysis revealed a dramatic disorganization of neural fold cells, which failed to elongate and polarize along the apicobasal axis. These data suggest that Laminin provides a basal clue for the epithelialization of the neural folds, a requisite for neural fold fusion.
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
Exploring Implications On Civic Engagement Through The Board Game Emerging
Marwah Bahanan
Kerri Evans, Social Work
This research looks at how the board game Emerging impacts players’ views on civic engagement and advocacy for immigrant communities. With over 44.5 million immigrants in the U.S. and one in four children from immigrant families (Migration Policy Institute (MPI), 2019; Urban Institute, 2019), there are greater chances for interaction with immigrants in our personal and professional lives. it’s important to understand and support immigrant experiences as they navigate an unfamiliar territory. Emerging is an empathy-building game for educators, social workers, and community members, putting players in real-life scenarios that immigrant service providers’ face. A sample of 123 participants, including educators, social workers, and students, played the game in sessions lasting 90 to 180 minutes. The study asks two main questions: 1) How does playing Emerging influence civic engagement? 2) What actions do players feel ready to take to support immigrant communities? Preliminary results show that 97% of participants saw the need for collaboration among people and organizations to help immigrant families. 85% discovered new community resources, and many said they planned to advocate more in both their personal and professional lives. These findings highlight how discussion-based games like Emerging can promote civic responsibility and help build more inclusive communities.
UMBC Hrabowski Innovation Fund and Undergraduate Research Award.
American Sign Language Translator
Brandon Balbuena, Christopher Mantzouranis, Shahmir Rizvi
Charles LaBerge, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
This project focuses on developing a standalone ASL (American Sign Language) decoder capable of translating ASL gestures into text and audio outputs, making it suitable for integration into POS (point of sale) systems. The primary goal is to decode the alphabet (A-Z), numbers (zero through nine), and at least five basic signs. The AI model will be trained on diverse and inclusive datasets, accounting for variations in ethnic clothing, skin color, and facial expressions across a variety of individuals, which addresses the potential biases that could affect accuracy. So far, we have made successful progress by decoding two out of five dynamic signs as well as all of the static signs of the alphabet. The project aims to reduce communication barriers for the deaf community, providing better accessibility in everyday environments. With real-time translation of ASL, this decoder will enhance inclusivity, enabling more seamless interactions and offering a foundation for broader societal integration, particularly in communication systems and public spaces
Heightened Neural Activity Influences Drosophila Amyloid Precursor Protein-Like (APPL) Processing
Samuel Barnett, Michael Mann
Fernando Vonhoff, Biological Sciences
Despite the Amyloid Precursor Protein’s implication in neurodegeneration and aging in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the underlying mechanisms of this protein family in growing and maintaining neurons in development are still unknown. Synaptic stabilization and neuronal outgrowth, in particular, are commonly implicated in amyloid precursor protein processing. Early studies suggest an interplay between neuronal activity and Amyloid Precursor Protein-Like (APPL) function in Drosophila melanogaster. We seek to clarify the interrelation between these processes and suggest that neuronal activity regulates synaptic architecture during early development through differential processing of APPL. Therefore, we assessed APPL transcript level, protein expression, and localization. Western blot and qPCR data of Eag1 Sh120 hyperexcitable mutants revealed a decrease in full-length APPL and no significant differences in transcript level suggesting an increase in processing. Interestingly, APPL localization differences were observed in Eag1 Sh120 mutant larvae upon double fluorescently tagging the APPL construct. These findings suggest APPL cleavage may be regulated by neuronal activity and the formation of both C-terminal fragments (CTF) and the intracellular domain (AICD), heightening the epigenetic status and expression of synaptic plasticity genes. This work highlights a novel mechanism through which the APP family may influence neuronal anatomy in an activity-dependent manner during development.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Evaluating The Effects Of Hurricanes On Rent Affordability Across Florida
Nicolas Bartolomeo
Kelsea Best, the Ohio State University; Ethan Kubatko, The Ohio State University
Extreme weather events such as hurricanes and tropical storms are predicted to increase in both intensity and frequency as a result of climate change. It is important to understand how socially and economically disadvantaged groups, including renters, will be impacted by these events and how such effects may exacerbate challenges related to affordable housing in the United States. In this study, we examine relationships between rent costs and rent affordability, and storm frequency and intensity across Florida from 2010 to 2020. We constructed a dataset at the census tract level containing housing, socioeconomic, storm, and geographical data, collected from multiple governmental and academic sources. We use Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression to identify relationships between rents and storms during our study period. Findings from previous studies at the county level found that the occurrence of a hurricane corresponded to a decrease in rent affordability lasting over two years, especially in areas with a higher percentage of people of color and renters. This study highlights a need for disaster-recovery efforts to focus on ensuring affordable and safe rental housing options after extreme storm events.
This work was funded, in part, by the Ohio State University Summer Research Opportunity Program.
Mechanistic Regulation Of Planarian Shape During Regeneration
Xander Barton, Andrew Wolff, Sabila Bernard, Jason M. Ko
Daniel Lobo, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Planarians are flatworms that can regenerate a full organism from almost any amputated piece. Furthermore, their adult body size is extremely plastic, as they can grow and degrow (shrink) depending on the amount of food available. Our previous studies have shown that the growth/degrowth dynamics in planarians follow the same linear rate in terms of length and width over time. Here we demonstrate that the regeneration of transversally amputated pieces follows a different behavior from growth/degrowth as the worm increases its length while reducing its width. Utilizing this data, we were able to perform simulations modeling worm regeneration. To this end, we improved the computational simulation of whole-body planarian dynamics. Key improvements included parallelization using a high-performance cluster and optimization of a flux slope limiting function, which is a critical factor in simulating adhesion-based cell motion. These enhancements enabled us to implement a swarm optimization-based heuristic inference algorithm to calibrate the model to the experimental data. We are currently using this algorithm to optimize apoptosis and pole strength parameters, aiming to better match the experimental observations of planarian regeneration. These advancements will pave the way for a mechanistic understanding of the regulation of planarian regeneration.
This work was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number R35GM137953. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. XB was sponsored by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health .
Designing Structural Members Using Bio-Inspired Design Primitives
Ben Bazarsuren, Linnea Hesse1
1University of Hamburg
Paris Von Lockette, Mechanical Engineering
Bio-inspired design is the process in which innovation aims to emulate nature’s patterns, processes, and/or materials to develop efficient solutions to design challenges. Although there exists countless examples of engineering advancements that have taken influence from nature, the constraints and contextual factors inherent to bio-inspired design remain insufficiently examined. Therefore, this project investigates nature’s innate ability to optimize for certain structural elements when designing fibrous structures. Multiphysics modeling software, COMSOL, is used to generate finite element models to analyze the response of downward forces applied to the ends of various simulated fibrous branch structures. Trends in these responses are analyzed using a theoretical model to compare maximum and minimum stresses, displacements, and strain energies across different reinforcement geometries. The validity of these trends will soon be tested by applying the same loading conditions to real models of tree branch structures in bending. Continuing with this research would allow for exploration into the advantages, limitations, and conditions underlying bio-inspired designs. This investigation postulates that nature’s ability to produce optimal designs for fibrous structures adheres to a set of “design rules”, creating a strong potential to integrate these principles into CAD systems to enhance the design processes of its users.
This work was funded, in part, by the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program alongside the USM LSAMP program, supported by NSF LSAMP Award #2207374.
Testing The Heterogeneity Of Prostate Inflammation Using GFP As An Ex-Vivo Marker On A Chronic Inflammatory Mouse Model
Rafe Beckert
Charles Bieberich, Biological Sciences
Chronic inflammation is thought to be a risk factor in the initiation of malignancy for approximately twenty-five percent of all human cancers. Evidence suggests that prolonged chronic inflammation can be a precursor for prostate cancer. However, a lack of definitive data has yet to verify this. To investigate this, we developed an inducible mouse model (RIG) which localized inflammation to the prostate gland. The model is characterized by three transgenes, Interleukin-1 Beta, Green Fluorescent Protein, and a TetOn system with a reverse tetracycline transactivator under Hoxb13 promoter control. For our study, multiple lineages of RIG mice were developed to test the impact of heterogeneity of inflammation expression on pre-neoplastic lesions, which we hypothesize will result in differences. To test this, RIG mice underwent an induction phase, followed by necropsy, and then analyzed for GFP and inflammation expression using imaging and histological techniques. Our preliminary data demonstrates that prostate inflammation is strongly correlated with GFP, however, there is no conclusive data as to which lineage is most robust. Future studies will focus on understanding the molecular basis for premalignant lesions, and to also quantify and identify the specific immune cells being localized to sites of prostate inflammation.
This research was partially funded by the USM LSAMP program, supported by NSF LSAMP Award # 2207374. This work was supported by award 1U54CA274370-01 from the National Cancer Institute.
Numerical Simulations In Financial Mathematics Applications
Hikaru Belzer
Bedřich Sousedík, Mathematics and Statistics
In this study, we used deep neural networks, including Feedforward Neural Networks (FFN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), to create an estimated asset pricing model for stock returns. Then, considering the no-arbitrage condition, we utilized sample test assets and determined economic states using macroeconomic time series datasets to produce a new asset pricing model with improvements to the Sharpe ratio, pricing errors, and explained variation. Additionally, we used numerical simulations, statistics, and machine learning techniques to forecast future trends among the macroeconomic indicators. Using the new asset pricing model and forecasts, we created a dynamic portfolio optimization program that updates with the latest data. Our research may inspire broader usage of mathematical techniques for investing.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Detecting PFAS In Baltimore Harbor Using Novel Passive Samplers
Alvin Bett
Lee Blaney, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are synthetic chemicals used in a variety of industrial and consumer products. Recent research has indicated that PFAS exhibit toxic outcomes in humans at extremely low concentrations, mandating PFAS monitoring in water supplies. To estimate the long-term average PFAS levels in water supplies, we developed novel passive samplers using anion-exchange membranes. The objective of this project was to deploy the passive samplers at sites in and around Baltimore Harbor and evaluate the extent and composition of accumulated PFAS. We found that the samplers deployed at a wastewater treatment plant, Mr. Trash Wheel, Prof. Trash Wheel, and Gwynnda Trash Wheel accumulated 936, 639, 718, and 871 ng of PFAS, respectively. PFOS was the dominant PFAS present in our samplers, constituting 75% of the PFAS mass in the passive sampler deployed in wastewater effluent and 92-95% of the PFAS mass in the passive samplers deployed at the trash wheels. The PFAS composition in the samplers deployed at the trash wheels differed from that from the wastewater treatment plant, which had more PFBS and 6:2 FTS. Overall, the results demonstrated the successful accumulation of PFAS in our novel passive sampler.
Heat Shock Protein 70-8 (Hsp70-8) Plays A Critical Role In Eye, Craniofacial, And Heart Development In Zebrafish
Divina Bhatia
Heat shock proteins play an important role in cellular stress response when cells are faced with environmental or genetic stress. Heat shock protein 70-8 (Hsp70-8), also known as Hspa8, is one of the most abundant proteins in cells. The functions of Hsp70-8 and the related heat shock protein 70-8b (Hsp70-8b) in embryonic development are not well understood. In this study, Zebrafish (Danio rerio) mutant models were generated using CRISPR to analyze the phenotypic effects in single and double mutations of hsp70-8 and hsp70-8b genes. Hsp70-8 was found to be more critical than 8b in eye development and embryonic survival. The vital function of hsp70-8 in embryonic development was further confirmed using a second mutant allele that was identified carrying a 14 bp deletion. The hsp70-8 mutant zebrafish had microcephaly and microphthalmia phenotypes, craniofacial defects. Other phenotypes that were associated with this mutation included poor locomotion and pericardial edema. The hsp70-8 mutants die around 8 days post-fertilization. Collectively, these studies reveal the important roles of hsp70-8 in embryonic development, especially eyes, craniofacial structure and heart.
Circumventing Tumor Heterogeneity: Data Harmonization And Clinical Trial Design
Arushi Bhattacharyya
DoHwan Park, Mathematics and Statistics
The emergence of next-generation sequencing technologies has significantly accelerated analysis of DNA advancing precision oncology. Identifying certain variants and biomarkers in the DNA of cancer patients can help lead less invasive personalized treatment alternatives such as immune checkpoint inhibitor therapies. However, statistical challenges hinder efforts in precision oncology. Variability in diagnostic assays across the industry complicates the interpretation of genetic variant detection. Tumor heterogeneity increases variability within treatment groups in clinical trials making it challenging to uncover the full efficacy of new cancer treatments. We review current techniques and persistent challenges in the field. The literature suggests that data harmonization is an essential statistical method needed to standardize the results of biomarker assays across the industry. Additionally, innovative clinical trial designs such as Basket and Umbrella trials offer more robust testing on the efficacy of targeted drugs and maximizes the number of patients who benefit from targeted therapies. Still, the complex nature of cancer remains the significant challenge to precision oncology.
Backsliding Of Trust In Democratic Institutions
Juliana Blakely, Maeve Finn, Daniel Lovell
Carolyn Forestiere, Political Science
Recent years have seen a notable rise in democratic backsliding, coupled with a decline in public trust in democratic institutions worldwide. This research aims to find evidence as to why this phenomenon of democratic decline exists, as well as why citizens of democracies have lost trust in their institutions. Using data provided by the World Values Survey, Freedom House, and V-Dem, this study examines the public trust of Germany, Italy, Hungary, and the United Kingdom’s democratic institutions to better understand the governmental trends associated with loss of confidence in important political institutions. The research shows that democratic decline was not necessarily associated with the election of right-wing political leadership, as between nations with both right and left-wing governments, loss of confidence in democratic institutions was relatively uniform across the board regardless of political identity, with the highest degree of trust being found within the judicial branches, and lowest in the legislature. These trends raise further questions as to the cause of this democratic backsliding, as well as potential avenues of restoring trust in democracy via alternative methods of governance such as that of technocracy, similar to that of the Italian government during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
I am a recipient of a UMBC Travel Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Creating Table-top Narrations From Fine-tuned Large Language Models
AJ Boyd
Lara Martin, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
As tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs), such as Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), have evolved, digital tools have been integrated to enhance gameplay. For instance, TTRPG games can be played using command-based Discord bots like Avrae. While this has allowed TTRPGs to reach a broader audience, the structured nature of Avrae’s bot commands present a barrier to immersion within a D&D game. To fix this issue, we will fine-tune Google’s T5 language model on the FIREBALL dataset, a collection of Avrae commands and their narrated outcomes, to generate natural language from rigid commands. Our approach bridges the gap between mechanical execution and realistic storytelling, enabling players to receive narratively rich responses from in-game actions. We will evaluate the fine-tuned model performance on coherence and quality or responses, comparing it against the base T5 model. Intersecting interactive storytelling and natural language processing, this work offers a method to enhance digital TTRPG assistants.
Addressing Inefficiencies In Campus Services Through The Development Of A Smart Campus Application
Jalen Brown
Roberto Yus, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
The concept of a smart campus holds immense potential to enhance student experiences by leveraging smart applications to improve convenience, sustainability, and resource management. This vision is relevant to the general public as it can lead to increased efficiency in urban planning and development. A key challenge lies in educating stakeholders about the purpose, capabilities, and data collected by these sensors, as well as how it is used to deliver valuable services.
To address this, we have designed a mobile app that serves as a gateway to smart campus services. The app provides unified identity management, allowing users to log in, set preferences, and access service information seamlessly. It also includes an interactive campus map that displays sensor locations and detailed information about the data they collect, its purpose, and how it is managed. This approach fosters transparency and builds trust, paving the way for broader acceptance of smart campus initiatives.
We are preparing to deploy the app on campus along with a first set of smart campus services developed in the DAMS Lab, looking forward to enhancing campus life through innovation.
Advancements In CAR-T Cell Therapy: Leveraging Inducible Gene Systems For Enhanced Control And Safety
Nicole Brown
Richard O’Neil, Microbiology & Immunology, MUSC; Megan Tennant, Microbiology & Immunology, MUSC
Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, with the number of cases expected to rise in the coming decades. While treatments are available, cancer immunotherapy is a major focus of research. One promising approach is chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy, a type of adoptive cell therapy that genetically modifies T cells to target specific antigens present on tumors. This therapy has shown success in treating blood cancers; however, the choice of targets for some malignancies is limited by the availability of ‘tumor specific’ antigens that are expressed only on tumors and not healthy tissues. When a CAR-T cell therapy is designed, it targets a tumor antigen that is also expressed in some normal tissues. We reasoned that safety could be improved using inducible gene systems that can control CAR gene expression in CAR-T cells and regulate activity. In this context, we are exploring the use of a humanized “receptor” which binds FDA-approved drugs which selectively activate “receptor”, effectively controlling CAR-T cell activity. This study describes a first-in-class fully human inducible gene expression system. These data suggest a novel method for regulating gene expression in CAR-T cell therapies, thereby eliminating potential side effects associated with on-target, off-tumor activity.
Building Empathy and Awareness Through Cultural Sensitivity Training: Insights from an Interactive Approach
Tyler Brown
Kerri Evans, Social Work
This research’s purpose is to understand the effects of cultural sensitivity training on participants’ empathy, knowledge, and emotions towards the immigrant students and families. An interactive activity, a board game titled Emerging:The Educational Journey of Immigrant Students was created through the Hrabowski Innovation fund a few years ago. The game is used as part of a cultural sensitivity training. Since January 2024, 243 participants have completed the game. Participants engage in a robust discussion as part of the training (methodologically a focus group), complete a survey at the end of the training. As part of the URA, I conducted qualitative focus groups for people who participated in the training 3-9 months prior. Data was collected from participants sharing the impact the game had on their empathy related to working with immigrants, and emotions evoked by the game. The most recorded emotions across 10 trainings were stress (18), increasing empathy (8) and frustration with how systems impact immigrants (8). Leyva-Moral et al. (2021) found that exposing individuals with the experiences of stigmatized populations can build greater empathy. With this newfound knowledge and increased empathy, it is with the hope that there will be more advocacy and action regarding immigrant populations.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Assistantship Support (URAS) Award from the UMBC Office of the Vice President for Research.
Unsettling Reflections: Encountering Symbol Systems In Inter-tradition Religious Conversion
Jacob Brunk
Bambi Chapin, Anthropology
What accounts for an individual’s conversion from one religious tradition to another within the same faith? Why do some reject the familiar-yet-different expression and others embrace it? And how does this process re-negotiate the individual’s self-concept? This study explored these questions through a semiotic analysis of artistic and narrative representations, developments in the anthropology of self and religion, and both existing and original ethnographic data. This analysis generated a new model for understanding the interior experience of inter-tradition converts. It posits that when the religious self, having already internalized symbols of their faith tradition, encounters those symbols operating under a different system of symbolic relations (i.e., a different tradition), a disorienting “uncanny valley” feeling arises. Two responses follow from this disorientation. The unsettling encounter can provoke the ardent rejection of the other tradition, or this liminal, uncanny valley can feel enchanting, potent, and “super-real.” Inter-tradition conversion, or at least an openness to it, occurs with the latter response. This proposed theory was then used to explain the religious narrative of a Protestant-to-Catholic convert collected during fieldwork, demonstrating its utility. This intervention offers fertile insights into the phenomena of religious conversion and further elucidates the structures of our inner life.
Super Platelets: Unraveling The Phenomenon Of Platelets With High Contraction Forces
Matthew Bryman
Molly Mollica, Mechanical Engineering
Platelets are a critical driver of thrombosis and hemostasis. During these processes, platelets get activated, bind, spread, and contract (i.e., generate forces). Advancements over the past two decades have enabled the measurement of single platelet contraction forces, revealing that healthy people have platelets that generate a wide range of forces. Average force values have shown promise in detecting bleeding disorders and guiding trauma interventions; however, little has been done to classify subpopulations of platelets based on their contractile strength. This research explored the identification and classification of “super platelets,” a subset of single platelets distinguished by their production of higher contraction force. We analyzed platelet force data wherein platelet contractile forces averaged 13.83 nN but ranged from a minimum of 0.658 nN to a maximum of 99.87 nN, demonstrating that there is a broad range of force generation between individual platelets. Notably, when examining the top 15% of platelet forces, we found significant differences between conditions that attenuate when only comparing average platelet contraction. We are now extending our investigation into mouse platelets to determine whether this heterogeneity of forces and distinct subset exists beyond humans. This work has implications in hemostasis, thrombosis, and transfusion medicine.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
3D Printing In Digital Dentistry: A Review Study
Vinnie Bui
Chengpeng Chen, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Three-dimensional (3D) printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a prevalent technique commonly used in clinical dentistry. Additive manufacturing offers providers to fabricate precise dental lab products in oral implantology. This includes dental prostheses, restoratives, and surgical guides in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) department. In this study, we investigate the usage of Formlabs and Flashforge 3D printers, harnessing acrylic-based and nylon materials respectively. 3D printing process begins with intraoral scanner utilizing computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). CAD/CAM provides digital impression of full mouth scanning, reducing patient discomfort compared to traditional dental impression materials. 3D printers employ these digital impression scans and ultimately convert into solid additive manufacturing products. Acrylic-based and nylon materials are later evaluated based on their efficiencies in clinical dentistry. The purpose of this study is to examine the applicability of acrylic-based and nylon materials, speculating the role of digital dentistry in the foreseeable future.
This work was funded, in part, by the Alex Brown Center for Entrepreneurship Scholar
Characterizing The Behavioral Role Of GPR155 In A Knockout Mouse Model
Brianna Byrd
Laurie Sutton , Biological Sciences
GPR155 is a G protein-coupled receptor involved in cholesterol sensing and regulation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), a crucial pathway for cellular growth in the brain. Dysregulation of mTORC1 is linked to neurological disorders, such as autism, highlighting the importance of GPR155 in understanding these pathways. There is a gap in knowledge regarding GPR155’s behavioral role, as no in vivo studies have investigated the effects of GPR155 knockout, leaving the consequences of its deletion unknown. This project aims to characterize the behavioral role of GPR155 and its impact on behavior through regulation of mTORC1 signaling. We use a global GPR155 knockout (KO) mouse model to explore the effects of GPR155 in males and females, testing baseline behaviors. Since GPR155 knockout animals have not been published, our first goal was to characterize the mice using measures of locomotion, learning and memory, and compulsivity-like and anxiety-like behaviors. Behavioral tests included the open field, accelerating rotarod, forced swim test, marble burying, Barnes maze, and nestlet shredding. These assays provided insights into the protein’s role in behavioral processes. Preliminary data show no differences between GPR155 KO and wild-type mice, suggesting no deficits and enabling ongoing studies to explore phenotypic effects.
Emotional Distress And Cognitive Performance: The Impact Of Depression And Stress On Accuracy And Workload
Ryan Calheira
Justin Brooks, Jenny Tu, Golshan Kargosha, Quang Dang, Eden Kennedy, Daniela Gutman, Isabel Killip, Judy McLaughlin, Sarah Conklin, CREM
Depression and emotional distress can significantly impact brain function, leading to cognitive difficulties in tasks that require attention, memory, and problem-solving. Chronic stress and mental health struggles are known to cause structural and functional changes in the brain, affecting performance. Understanding this relationship is crucial for improving support and interventions for individuals with mental health challenges. We tested the hypothesis that higher scores on the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) would associate with an integrated measure of performance accuracy and physiologic workload during the tasks, reflecting the cognitive impact of emotional distress and depression. The study involved cognitive-interactive computer games designed to test cognitive performance while the associated physiological workload was estimated with heart dynamics collected through an ECG sensor. The results supported the hypothesis, showing that higher scores on the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) were associated with poorer performance on Neurometrix cognitive performance tests, but the differences were not statistically significant. This finding is important as it highlights the cognitive impact of emotional distress and underscores the importance of addressing mental health to improve cognitive functioning in daily tasks.
Investigating The Effectiveness Of Estradiol Replacement Methods
Jalane Campbell
Tara LeGates, Biological Sciences
Estradiol is a hormone that has been shown to be critical for neurological function. While both sexes synthesize estradiol locally in the hippocampus, females also produce it through ovarian release. Our lab is interested in understanding the influence of gonadal estrogen on the hippocampus-nucleus accumbens synapse, which modulates reward behaviors. To investigate this, we will use ovariectomized female mice to eliminate this gonadal source. As estrogen replacement is new to our lab, we will evaluate two different replacement methods over a 7-week period. Serum levels of estradiol and estrus cycles will be assessed to determine the efficacy and longevity of each method. This study will provide foundational information for future experiments investigating the influence of estradiol on this synapse. By comparing these replacement techniques, we aim to establish a reliable model for studying the effects of estrogen on neural connections, ultimately contributing to our understanding of how this hormone shapes reward-related behaviors.
Shortcuts To Adiabaticity In A System Of Two Linearly Coupled Quantum Harmonic Oscillators
Kevin Carbajal Rodriguez, Moallison, Ferreira Cavalcante
Sebastian Deffner, Physics
Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) offer a transformative approach for accelerating slow,adiabatic quantum processes, ensuring high-fidelity state evolution in finite time. This work examines STA in a system of two linearly coupled quantum harmonic oscillators, a model central to quantum optics and solid state physics. Governed by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, the system features coupling-induced energy exchange and complex normal modes. By implementing STA techniques such as approximate counterdiabatic driving, we construct modified Hamiltonians that suppress nonadiabatic transitions and preserve quantum state populations under rapid evolution. This study underscores the synergy between STA methodologies and the Schrödinger equation, paving the way for efficient and robust quantum technologies.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Making Gold From Lead: How Glen Burnie High School Students And Staff Navigate Disinvestment
Kyle Casamento
Sarah Fouts, American Studies
After the Great Recession of 2008, federal, state, and local governments adopted neoliberal approaches towards the funding of social programs, leading to the disinvestment and underfunding of public schools. These governments typically rely on funding formulas which reward success along preconceived expectations and adequacy. As studies have shown, however, these formulas routinely miss the mark. Glen Burnie High School (GBHS) is just one public school affected by these patterns and policies, receiving less monetary support than is necessary for its students. To alleviate student’s needs, GBHS has turned to partnerships with non-governmental and nonprofit organizations. Using primary source analysis of funding documents, newspaper coverage, and press releases, and oral histories with current staff and former students of GBHS, this project argues that GBHS has been negatively affected by these neoliberal funding practices, while also documenting how the GBHS community navigates these patterns. This project results in a digital timeline which juxtaposes these lived experiences with state and county policies and decisions. Through documenting GBHS’ reliance on secondary sources of funding and the effect it’s had on the community, I advocate for a new funding model which fulfills the needs of its constituents.
Eat Like An American
Christina Chaffman
Melissa Blair, History
This project website, Eat Like An American (, was designed to demonstrate the process of cultural and culinary adaptation among the varied ethnic and societal groups present in North America and the Caribbean in the Colonial era. This goal was achieved by social and historical analysis of research from primary and secondary sources as presented through a map format. On this map are tiles, each leading to a page describing the general foodways of a particular group of that geographic location and presenting a typical dish. Each traditional dish or foodstuff has a detailed modernized recipe so that the reader may attempt to recreate the historical food item, adding sensory layers to their learning. Through these posts, the reader expands their knowledge of the intertwined nature of colonial and modern American cookery and the vast and diverse range of Native American cultures and their foodways as influenced by the diversity of the North American and Caribbean landscapes.
Colonial Crisis And Transformation: Effects Of The 1752 Hurricanes On South Carolina’s Political And Economic Structures
Christina Chaffman
Amy Froide, History
The twin hurricanes of 1752 that struck colonial South Carolina provide a compelling case study of how natural disasters can expose and intensify systemic inequalities, making this research relevant to contemporary discussions about the social and economic impacts of environmental crises. Social historical analysis demonstrates that these storms prompted an agricultural shift that benefited Charleston’s elite, enabling them to solidify their wealth through an increased reliance on rice cultivation and enslaved labor. This study also examines the failures of South Carolina’s colonial government in responding to the disaster. Analysis of primary sources, including government records and personal accounts, reveals inefficiency and corruption within the administration. These findings demonstrate that these storms not only wreaked havoc on South Carolina’s physical landscape but also reshaped its economic and demographic foundations. Examination of personal accounts and historical records highlights the disparate ways residents experienced these events and navigated the aftermath. The elite’s dependence on rice monoculture led to increased importation of enslaved individuals, further entrenching systemic inequality and inflicting widespread human suffering. The twin hurricanes of 1752 ultimately transformed South Carolina for decades, serving as a powerful example of how natural disasters can deepen societal divides and shape the course of history.
Beyond The Binary: Immigrant Health And Well-Being Across The Status Continuum.
Sahana Chakravarthi
Sameera Nayak, Public Health
Immigrants in the United States have varying immigration statuses offering different degrees of rights. Research exploring the impact of immigration status primarily compares groups with or without citizenship or documentation. Less research is focused on immigrants who are not naturalized but maintain legal status, such as visa holders or lawful permanent residents. This analysis describes the impacts of immigration status on social connectedness drawing on semi-structured interviews conducted with a demographically diverse set of participants (n=20). Data were thematically coded and we identified four major themes: (1) Lack of belonging as a barrier to community integration, (2) Practical and psychosocial challenges due to not having a strong reliable network, (3) Technological advancements are inadequate substitutes for home-country connections, and (4) Non-familial social ties are critical sources of social support. The findings from this study emphasize the need for community-targeted interventions and resources that foster support, integration, and social connectedness for unnaturalized, documented immigrants.
This work was funded, in part, by a UMBC CAHSS Summer Research Faculty Fellowship and a Student Research Assistance for Faculty Research and Creative Achievement Award.
The Effects Of Ethanol On Neural Degredation In Drosopilla
Emaan Chaudhry
Fernando Vonhoff, Biological Sciences
Neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer’s involve progressive neural degradation and protective factors for diseases like this are still very poorly understood. This study investigates the effects of ethanol on the neural degradation on Drosophila with the APPL- mutation, a model for Alzheimer’s disease. We hypothesize that ethanol exposure reduces neural degradation over time. Drosophila were exposed to ethanol at controlled concentrations in their food and environment, and neural integrity was assessed by behavioral assays and brain imaging. Multiple cohorts were analyzed to determine the extent of the neuroprotective effects of ethanol. Results suggest that ethanol-treated flies exhibit reduced signs of neural degeneration and behavioral decline compared to controls. These findings may provide insights into ethanol’s potential neuroprotective mechanisms and contribute to understating neurodegenerative diseases. By using Drosophila as a model organism, this research allows us to approach studying Alzheimer’s related denegation. Future work will explore underlying molecular pathways to further understand ethanol’s impact and could allow us to work on disease prevention and treatment.
Investigating The Impact Of E-cigarette Exposure On Olfactory Guided Behavior And Cognitive Performance In Mice
Mufaro Chiduza, Sean O’Sullivan, Farhan Augustine, Kafui Ameko
Weihong Lin, Biological Sciences; Tatsuya Ogura, Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
In the United States, electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) usage has risen in the past few decades, particularly among adolescents, yet its effects on cognition remain unclear. Given previous work has found a close relationship between olfaction and cognition, my project investigates the role of metals from e-cigarette aerosol affecting olfactory health in mice and examines whether changes in cognition-related behaviors correlate to the observed decline in olfactory function. Mice were divided into four groups: air control, flavor + metal, flavor only, and PG/VG (propylene glycol/vegetable glycerin). Each group underwent twice-daily 25-minute exposures for 12 weeks, receiving 50 aerosol puffs per session. I hypothesize that e-cigarette exposure will impair olfactory-guided behavior, potentially correlating with cognitive decline. We utilized the following behavioral tests: the T-maze and Buried Food test for olfaction, and the Y-maze and delayed reference Y-maze for cognition. Preliminary results show that exposed mice may show signs of hyposmia, due to taking longer to locate the cookie piece and cognitive impairments, in the decreased spontaneous alternation counts, in comparison to the air control mice group. This work may inform future studies on e-cigarette usage impacts on cognitive capabilities and its role in mice’s performance in behavioral assays.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Investigating Tissue-Specific Gene Upregulation In Zebrafish Embryos Under Hypoxia
Kendall Clark
Rachel Brewster, Biological Sciences
Hypoxia (reduced oxygen concentration) can negatively impact the ability of an organism to maintain homeostasis. Hypoxia has been linked to a number of human diseases, such as stroke, chronic sleep apnea, pulmonary disease and more. However, some organisms, such as zebrafish embryos, possess adaptive mechanisms that increase their tolerance to hypoxic conditions, one of which is the ability to suppress metabolism. In order to identify genes that can promote metabolic suppression, the Brewster lab carried out a RNASeq screen, the premise being that only genes essential for hypoxia survival will be upregulated under hypoxia. Over 1000 genes were identified, highlighting the complexity of the hypoxia response. This project aims to investigate the role of a subset of these genes expressed in the lateral line, the sensory system located on the fish’s flank that detects changes in water flow. Hair cells in neuromasts of the lateral line are highly sensitive to hypoxia, yet are also able to regenerate. I therefore hypothesize that some of the genes upregulated in the lateral line may promote hair cell regeneration post hypoxia. Ongoing work aims to document whether the pattern of gene expression is altered in response to anoxia and to begin characterizing these genes.
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program, and NIH/NIGMS grant (1R01GM154212-01).
Spectrum In The Spotlight: Examining Neurodiversity On Screen
Carrington Cline, Tanzila Malik, Katlynn Seghetti
Lauren Allen, Women’s, Gender, and Equity Center; Zoe Brown, Women’s, Gender, and Equity Center; Amelia Meman, Women’s, Gender, and Equity Center
In recent years, representations of neurodivergent individuals in film and television have increased, necessitating a critical examination of the messages these portrayals convey. This study explores how popular media depictions of neurodiverse communities shape public perceptions of neurodiversity, with particular attention to differences in reception between neurodivergent and non-neurodivergent audiences. Using textual and content analysis, we examine the 2022 Korean drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo, which features Woo Young-Woo, an autistic attorney in South Korea. Given the role of social media in shaping discourse around media representation, we analyze audience responses through online platforms such as Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter. Employing an intersectional lens, this study focuses on three key themes: gender, sexuality and romance, and race and ethnicity. By critically assessing how neurodivergent characters are represented and received, this research contributes to broader conversations on media representation, identity, and inclusivity.
Optimal Driving Of Two-Qubit Annealing: The Landau-Zener Model
Robert Coggins
Sebastian Deffner, Physics
We devise a protocol for energy-efficient two-qubit operations. The scalability of quantum computers is among the greatest barriers to their commercial implementation, such as that promised by the D-Wave machine. To this end, the dynamics of an arbitrary two-qubit system are modeled using two of the simplest two-level systems, two Landau-Zener (LZ) models. The system is subject to both an external field and a controllable coupling interaction which varies according to a predetermined protocol. By denoting the energy which is expended during the protocol, beyond its theoretical minimum, as ‘excess work’, and requiring the protocol to be significantly weak, optimal protocols were found, using numerical methods, which dissipate a minimal amount of heat for a set of systems with different interactions between both LZ models, encoded in their hamiltonians. Additional protocols were found using the same method whose fidelities were optimized for. Both sets of protocols were then contrasted with each other.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
The Impact Of Retriever Essentials On UMBC Students
Dionne Cole
Laura Ting, Social Work
Food insecurity, a socioeconomic condition characterized by limited or uncertain access to sufficient food, can lead to poorer psychosocial and physical health, lower grade point averages, and higher dropout rates among college students. UMBC’s Retrieval Essentials (RE) is a free food access program whose mission is to address college food insecurity through the administration of comprehensive and nutritional food resources. In this study, UMBC students who use RE were surveyed via Qualtrics to learn the type and frequency of RE services being used. In addition, ten of those students were interviewed to gain feedback on their satisfaction, additional needs, and improvements to be made to RE services. Initial quantitative analysis from 191 participants indicates the mean age of RE users was 24, 59% were female, and two-thirds were Asian American with the majority being single, living independently off-campus, in graduate school, and working part-time with low-income. The most used services were reported to be The Essential Space and Farmer’s Market. Preliminary qualitative thematic analysis from interview data revealed five major themes: experiences with RE, challenges/barriers students face, advocacy, impact of food insecurity, and future recommendations. Ideas for future research, practice, and policy will be discussed.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Echoes Of Trauma: The Lingering Health Effects Of Childhood Sexual Abuse Throughout The Life-course – A Scoping Review
Imani Conway
Andrea Kalfoglou, Public Health
Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) has emerged as a significant public health concern due to its pervasive impact on individuals’ health and well-being. Previous research indicates that CSA is a predictor variable for a multitude of negative health and psychosocial outcomes. We conducted a scoping literature review using PubMed, CINAHL, Research Rabbit, and Google Scholar to identify 600+ relevant articles. Articles were organized in EndNote and screened for relevance. Data were abstracted, organized, and analyzed using Excel to synthesize findings and identify patterns. There is a consistent association between CSA and long-term adverse health outcomes, including but not limited to mental health disorders, substance abuse, reproductive and sexual dysfunction, and chronic health conditions. These findings underscore the profound cumulative effect of CSA on both short- and long-term health outcomes. Given that CSA is a predictor of so many negative health outcomes, it must be seen through a public health lens as a social determinant of health. Although healthcare providers can use these data to develop trauma-informed care, a public health approach would focus on preventing CSA.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Framing The Vote: Exploring The Social Media Strategies Of Trump & Harris In The 2024 Presidential Election Campaign
Natalia Cooper
Jason Loviglio, Media and Communication Studies
My research examines how the presidential candidates, Donald Trump, and Kamala Harris, leveraged social media to shape their public images to increase engagement with target audiences during the 2024 presidential election. These candidates represent opposing political views, employ distinct campaign techniques, and appeal to different voters. I will compare Trump’s and Harris’s social media strategies to assess their effectiveness in winning support. Trump used a policy-focused approach to address his supporters. At the same time, Harris, who is less well-known, with a much shorter time frame, was compelled to focus her efforts on reintroducing herself into the political field. This research uses content and discourse analysis to understand how social media contributed to their efforts. I will also evaluate the strategy and engagement metrics that molded their campaigns on various platforms (Truth Social, X, and YouTube) to identify what was most effective in garnering support. This study is significant because it highlights the growing reliance on social media in shaping political discourse and influencing electoral outcomes. Existing research frequently fails to consider how the unique characteristics of social media platforms, such as X’s brevity, YouTube’s visual storytelling, and Truth Social’s political bent, directly affect campaign strategies and election outcomes.
Measuring The Selectivity Coefficients Of 19 PFAS With Four Anion-Exchange Membranes
Jacob Craft, Donya Hamidi
Lee Blaney, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering; Ke He, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are anthropogenic chemicals used in consumer and industrial products. PFAS cause toxic effects in humans at low concentrations; therefore, new technologies are needed to measure PFAS in water. To address this challenge, we developed passive samplers that employ anion-exchange membranes to selectively accumulate PFAS. The objective of this study was to measure the selectivity coefficients for 19 PFAS in four anion-exchange membranes with variable ion-exchange capacity (e.g., 0.70-2.30 meq/g). We hypothesized that selectivity coefficients for long-chain PFAS would be lower in membranes with greater ion-exchange capacity. Experiments were conducted by placing 1-cm2 membrane coupons into 100-mL solutions containing 250 μg/L PFAS (each) and 10 mM NaCl; the batch reactors were maintained at near-neutral pH and 20 °C. After one week, the aqueous- and membrane-phase concentrations of PFAS and chloride were measured and used to calculate selectivity coefficients. This presentation will not only report the selectivity coefficients for the 19 PFAS and four membranes, but also compare the selectivity trends by PFAS chain length (e.g., 0-14 carbons) and head group (e.g., carboxylate, sulfonate) for each membrane to test our hypothesis. Our findings inform which anion-exchange membranes should be prioritized for PFAS measurement by the passive samplers.
This work was funded, in part, by the Department of Defense, Strategic Environmental Research and Developmental program (ER20-1073).
The Origins Of Cell Differentiation: Knockout Of The Volvox Carteri RlsD Gene
Kate Crothers
Stephen Miller, Biological Sciences
The goal of this work is to better understand the role that gene rlsD plays in regulating Volvox carteri growth in response to stress-inducing conditions, and how this gene might have been involved in the evolution of cell fate in V. carteri. V. carteri is an excellent model organism for studying the origins of multicellular cell differentiation, as it contains two distinct cell types (germ and soma) that evolved relatively recently (~200 MYA) compared to other differentiated organisms. A gene closely related to rlsD, regA, is expressed only in soma and represses growth to enforce the somatic cell fate. Overexpressing rlsD represses light acquisition genes, activates sulfur acquisition genes, and represses growth, suggesting that rlsD regulates growth based on resource availability. Here we used CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis to make rlsD mutants to better understand its function. We produced two transformant lines expressing rlsD-targeting sgRNAs, one of which produces progeny mutant for rlsD, based on genomic PCR and sequencing. Once we have a pure mutant, we will grow it under stress-inducing conditions including light and sulfur deprivation to determine rlsD role responding to those stresses. Understanding the function of rlsD will provide further insights into how cell differentiation can evolve.
This work was funded, in part, by an REM supplement to award NSF-EFRI-1332344 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Engineering (ENG) Office of Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI).
Age Related Changes In Aromatase Expression In The Ventromedial PrefrontalCortex, Claustrum, And Nucleus Accumbens.
Darrell Davis, Abagail Postle1
1University of Maryland Baltimore, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Todd Gould, University of Maryland Baltimore, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
The prefrontal cortical area, nucleus accumbens, and claustrum exert critical functions in executive functioning, goal directed behavior, and sustained attention, respectively. Age-associated changes in the regulation of mediators of function of these regions could suggest new therapeutic targets. Estradiol has shown efficacy in mitigating neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation that does not correlate with gonadal estradiol production suggesting the synthesis of brain derived estradiol via the enzyme aromatase may be critical for supporting brain health and mitigating age-associated neuroinflammation. To characterize the expression of aromatase during aging and in relation to peripheral gonadal hormone production, three- and twenty-three-month-old male mice underwent orchiectomy or sham surgery and recovered nine weeks before euthanasia and tissue extraction. Brains were cryosectioned, processed with florescent in-situ hybridization (RNAscope) for aromatase, neuron and astrocyte markers. We identified an increase in overall aromatase expression with age in the infralimbic cortex, prelimbic cortex, and the claustrum. In all brain regions aromatase showed increased expression in astrocytes with age. This effect was independent of peripheral hormone status. Future experiments will determine the functional role of aromatase in these brain regions to understand if aromatase is a relevant target for improvement of cognitive performance in older adults.
by the U-RISE program.
Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern On Motor Imagery EEG Data
Nathan Dayie
Ramana Vinjamuri, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Motor imagery-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) provide a non-invasive communication pathway between humans and machines by decoding neural activity associated with imagined movements. This study investigates the use of Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern (FBCSP) on frequency bands within motor imagery EEG signals. The dataset consists of EEG recordings from nine subjects performing four motor imagery tasks. The FBCSP algorithm was utilized to extract spatially discriminative features from multiple frequency bands. These features were then used to train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Mutual Information-based feature selection was applied to identify the most informative frequency bands. The baseline evaluation of the classical machine learning model was conducted by training the SVM classifier on the extracted FBCSP features and evaluating its performance using five-fold cross-validation on the training set. The trained model was subsequently tested on the unseen data. The results indicate that the SVM model achieves high classification accuracy, with individual accuracy scores exceeding 90% for most participants. The next phase of research will focus on deep learning-based classification, leveraging the full training dataset for training and an independent evaluation dataset for testing. The findings serve as a foundation for optimizing feature extraction and classification strategies for EEG-based BCI systems.
RNA SEQ Screen Reveals A Subset Of Tailbud Genes Expressed In The Posterior Tail Bud
Shenali De Silva
Rachel Brewster, Biological Sciences
Hypoxia, a condition in which insufficient oxygen is received by an organism’s tissues, can be detrimental to human health, manifesting in respiratory disorders, exposure to high altitudes, and strokes, to name a few examples. The Brewster lab is interested in the molecular adaptation to hypoxia, and zebrafish embryos are used as model organisms due to their hypoxia tolerance. To identify genes that mediate hypoxia adaptation, an RNA Seq screen was conducted with the premise that only genes implicated in the hypoxia response would be upregulated following severe hypoxia. A surprisingly large number of genes, over 1000, were identified, with a fold regulation of two or more. My project aims to identify – among these candidate genes – a subset with a protective role in a hypoxia sensitive organ. Using the ZFIN database, I have so far identified the spatial distribution of three genes, a subset of which are enriched in the posterior tailbud, a region of the embryo with a high concentration of precursor cells. Ongoing gene expression studies aim to test whether the spatial distribution of these genes is altered in response to hypoxia, possibly shifting anteriorly, which would suggest a role in maintaining cells in their progenitor state.
This work was funded, in part, by the HHMI grant (52008090) and the National Institute of Health/NIGMS (1R01GM154212-01).
The Impact Of The Presence Of Others On Semantic Networks In Social Anxiety
Ana Delariva – Avina, Aidan Flynn
Lira Yoon, Psychology
Social anxiety is a persistent fear or anxiety of negative evaluation by others, influenced by negative cognitive biases. Cognitive models of social anxiety suggest that these biases can be activated without direct interaction. However, few studies have examined the effect of the presence of others on cognitive processes in social anxiety. We hypothesized that individuals with higher levels of social anxiety would have negative concepts more accessible when in the presence of another person (vs. being alone) than their less anxious counterparts. College students (N = 127) completed the free association semantic task (FAST; Flynn et al., 2023). Notably, people with higher levels of social anxiety tended to generate more negative words in a row when in a group (n = 79; r = .41, p <.001) than when alone (n = 48; r = .41, p = .14). Preliminary findings suggest that the presence of others enhances the activation of negative semantic networks in individuals with higher levels of social anxiety. Future research should explore methods to mitigate the activation of negative semantic networks in individuals with high levels of social anxiety.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
The Generation Of Reactive Oxygen Species Through Microwave Irradiation Of Metasurface Microplates.
Ethan Denny, Ahmed Al-Anesi
Christopher Geddes, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Zach Nichols , Chemistry and Biochemistry, UMBC
Metasurface microplates (MM) are a recent invention designed to improve the speed in which genetic samples can be prepared for polymerase chain reactions (PCR). The increased time-efficiency of MMs has application in disease diagnostics, decreasing sample preparation time to expedite the diagnosis of numerous diseases. An improvement on the design of the device microwave lysing triangles (MLTs), MMs utilize cheaper materials, can process multiple samples, and are reusable. All that is needed to fragment numerous DNA samples into various base pair lengths is to microwave the plate and samples at various parameters for the desired length. Indeed, metasurface microplates are greatly improved compared to their MLT counterparts. However, the exact DNA-degrading mechanisms of the MM remains somewhat elusive. It has been hypothesized that the MMs generate reactive-oxygen species (ROS), oxidizing DNA down into smaller segments. The purpose of this project is to detect what ROS are generated after the MM’s exposure to microwaves through the use of fluorescent probes. These probes are able to emit fluorescent signals when bound to ROS, allowing the detection of ROS through a fluorimeter. Overall, the project confirms the presence of MM-generated ROS, providing evidence for a ROS based, DNA-degrading mechanism behind the microplates.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
The Effect Of Temperature On Asexual Reproduction In Hydra Vulgaris
Jameelah Destry
Aide Macias-Muñoz, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
In our changing environment due to Global Climate Change (GCC), understanding how organisms respond and adapt to these
changes is critical for future conservation efforts. To adopt a proactive rather than reactive approach, we used Hydra vulgaris, a freshwater cnidarian, as a model organism in our study. The reproduction abilities of Hydra are significantly affected by temperature, making it a valuable template for studying other temperature-sensitive organisms. In this study, we investigated how temperature impacts asexual reproduction rates and population growth in H. vulgaris. Our findings indicate that Hydra populations exhibit increased growth through budding under warming temperatures.
Taking Back The Piano
Ida Dierker
Lisa Cella, Music
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the piano became a symbol of wealth and status, especially within middle and upper-class families. It was marketed to women, reinforcing traditional gender roles and confining them to domestic life. Piano playing, associated with femininity and refinement, was considered the most respectable instrument for women. Rather than fostering creativity, it was often used to control women’s emotions and entertain men, influencing their prospects for marriage. Despite these barriers, women composers like Maria Anna Marrinez, Lilli Boulanger, Clara Schumann, and Florence Price persevered, carving out careers in music composition. While many social barriers have lessened in the 21st century, female composers still face challenges. In response, more women are creating provocative pieces that incorporate diverse cultural styles, extended techniques, and social justice themes. Amplifying these voices is crucial for advancing women’s rights. For my project presentation, I will premiere a section from composer Hanna Moore’s piece “Piano is a Woman.” We will explore the evolution of female expression through the piano, the importance of amplifying lesser-known voices in music, and delve into Moore’s composition.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Directing A Staged Reading At The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival
Sean DiGiorgio, Mady Sims, Katie Hetzer
Nigel Semaj, Affiliate Assistant Professor of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies
The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) provides a platform for emerging theatre artists to develop their craft through collaboration, critique, workshops, professional development, and performance. While at KCACTF, I was selected for the SDC directing program, focusing on the staged reading of a new play. This process involved unique challenges, such as displaying action within the staged reading format, and creative opportunities like establishing a play’s world.With three days to cast, rehearse, and perform for an audience, the experience required a mix of analysis, collaboration, and engagement to bring the playwright’s work to life with minimal technical elements. My directing emphasized the actor’s vocal performance and nuanced choices, allowing the playwright’s words to speak for themselves. The reading served as an incubator for new theatrical work.
This project highlights the director’s role as an advocate for the text, responding to immediate feedback while offering dramaturgical insight through research and artistry. Directing a staged reading at KCACTF fostered a unique form of storytelling, relying on performers’ understanding of the text, the world it creates, and the action it depicts, ensuring the work resonated with its audience.
I am a recipient of a UMBC Travel Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Plastic Song Crystallization In Grasshopper Sparrows
SaraJane Domerchie
Bernard Lohr, Biological Sciences
Song learning in birds is a stepwise process of development. Song is memorized during an early sensitive phase, where conspecific song must be heard to create a mental template for later singing. The sensorimotor phase starts when birds begin producing song. Over time they match their output to the template memorized in the sensitive phase. The song is plastic, but becomes more stereotyped until the song is considered crystallized, or fully stereotyped. Grasshopper sparrows, Ammodramus savannarum, produce two adult song types, buzz and warble. Our lab observed male grasshopper sparrows with crystallized songs continuing to sing plastic song, typically only seen in the sensorimotor phase prior to crystallization, a phenomenon not seen in the wild. Later in development the plastic song appeared to become more stereotyped, along with the typical adult buzz and warble songs. We used spectrogram cross correlations to compare all plastic recordings to the final (more stereotyped) plastic songs. Initial results were inconclusive. To further investigate our observations, we conducted a visual analysis of spectrograms to confirm that plastic song appears crystallized later in development. These results may contend with the typical song learning model.
The SWI/SNF Protein Domino Interacts With Steroid Hormone Signaling To Affect Border Cell Migration In D. Melanogaster
Isabella Dressler
Michelle Starz-Gaiano, Biological Sciences
Signaling pathways, such as hormone signaling pathways, regulate various physiological processes through signal transduction in response to hormone availability. The ecdysone signaling pathway starts with the production of the steroid hormone ecdysone, required in border cell migration in Drosophila melanogaster. It’s responsible for initiating and regulating the timing of migration of the border cluster, required for viable egg production. This occurs through formation of a heterodimeric receptor complex (EcR) to promote gene transcription. While ovarian cells produce hormones, all follicle cells in the follicular epithelium have some level of EcR-B1 isoform expression. Only the border cells show a response, indicating that there is a more discrete component that regulates ecdysone activity. Although specificity of border cell response isn’t explained by ligands or receptor availability presence, EcR has known interactions with chromatin remodeling factors that can impact availability of DNA binding sites and transcriptional activation. Domino (Dom) was identified as a candidate that strongly enhances migration defects in an EcR heterozygous mutant background. Dom’s human ortholog, SRCAP, is associated with Floating-Harbor Syndrome when mutated. This project explores the role of Dom as a potential regulator of ecdysone signaling that may prove beneficial for developing treatments for individuals affected by Floating-Harbor Syndrome.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Searching For Black Holes Ejected By Gravitational-Wave Recoil With The Hubble Space Telescope
Andrew Dvorak
Eileen Meyer, Physics
The growth and evolution of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) remain key open questions in astrophysics, particularly regarding their mergers and subsequent behavior within galaxies. One rare phenomenon is gravitational wave (GW) recoil, where the SMBH that forms after the merger of two black holes can experience a significant “kick” from the excess gravitational waves, displacing it from the center of its host galaxy. Observational evidence for such events is scarce, but with recent theoretical models suggesting that recoil velocities may be higher than previously estimated—up to 10% of the speed of light—the ejection of a SMBH may simply mean we are looking in the wrong place. This project aimed to identify new GW-recoil candidates by leveraging high-precision astrometric datasets of both optical and radio images. Using archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging, I examined these offsets and assessed their likelihood of being displaced SMBHs. By systematically analyzing archival datasets, this study set out to refine the search strategy for recoiled SMBHs. To this end, an automated and streamlined process for retrieving large amounts of archival FITS files and using open access tools from Galaxy Zoo to easily categorize sources based on the likelihood of an gravitational wave recoil was developed.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Examining Childhood Adversity, Trauma Exposure, And Protective Factors In Caregivers Of Infants
Olivia Edoigiawerie
Kay Connors, Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland Baltimore ; Sylvia Huntley , Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland Baltimore
The Protective Factors Survey (PFS) is a tool used to assess the factors that support the social and emotional well-being of caregivers. Protective factors, including social support, family resilience, and family functioning play an important role in the fostering of a child’s well being by working to lessen the effects of trauma. Little is known about how past adversity relates to current protective factors. This study aims to investigate whether higher Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) scores and greater exposure to trauma are associated with lower protective factors in caregivers of infants. A cross sectional research design will be conducted where baseline data will be collected from caregivers of infants ages (0-5). Participants completed three surveys: ACE Survey, Post Traumatic Symptoms Scale, and PFS. Descriptive Analysis will be used to examine the relationship between ACE scores, trauma exposure, and protective factor levels at baseline. It is hypothesized that higher ACE scores and greater trauma exposure will be associated with lower protective factors particularly social support and family resilience. Through understanding the impact of adverse childhood experiences on protective factors, efforts can be made to improve targeted family support programs and clinical approaches in the future for infant mental health programs.
US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Victim and Crimes, Awarded to the University of Maryland Baltimore.
GO! Gacha: A Roguelite Racing Game
Aqmanhru Etheridge-May, Arji Smith, Colby Frashure, Dawei Huang, Gabriel Sternberg, Scott Serafin, Sormeh Jaribion, Lyle Henderson, Juwan Smith, Trent Yuhas
Marc Olano, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
GO! Gacha is a 3D “roguelite” racing game based on 1960’s and 70’s GT racing. Roguelite is a single-player video game genre where the player can earn in-game money to spend on items and upgrades for future rounds. Players will race AI opponents in a grand prix to earn in-game money, and the last car to finish is eliminated. Between rounds, players can spend their earnings in a virtual casino to win random upgrades to their car, sabotage items for opponents’ cars, and protection against sabotage from opponents. This game is intended to appeal to all ages by providing a simple racing game experience without in-race items or rubber banding, which is when opponents speed up unnaturally to stay close to the player. It also appeals to fans of the Gacha genre by giving them a game that offers random rewards for in-game currency without the option to spend real-world money. The game was created in Unreal Engine with many assets made by the artists in Blender. Programmers and artists worked together efficiently, communicating their needs and resolving issues as soon as they appeared.
South Korea’s Nth Rooms
Faith Fagan
Zareen Taj
The Nth Room case in South Korea was a major cybercrime involving the sexual exploitation of women and minors on Telegram. From 2018 to 2020, criminals, including the leader “Baksa” (Cho Ju-bin), blackmailed victims into creating explicit content, which was then sold to paying members. The case revealed a disturbing network of cybersex trafficking, where perpetrators used coercion, threats, and doxing to control victims. Despite progress, concerns remain about similar crimes on hidden online platforms, highlighting the need for strict enforcement and continued awareness.
Community And Retention: Exploring Factors That Support Retention In Opioid Recovery Research
Logan Forsythe
Steven Pitts, Psychology
Understanding the experiences of individuals living with opioid addiction is crucial for grasping the complexities of recovery, treatment, and community. However, long-term substance abuse research often faces challenges, including high rates of attrition, due to the lifestyle associated with addiction (Gilmore & Kuperminc, 2014). Several factors contribute to difficulties in retaining individuals in research, such as unemployment (Cotter et al., 1996) and incarceration (Bale, Arnoldussen, & Quittner, 1984). A qualitative study conducted interviews with 15 African American men and women in recovery from opioid addiction, exploring how a sense of community influenced their recovery journeys. Over three interviews, participants shared both positive and negative impacts of community on their recovery, as well as their personal growth. Notably, only four of the 15 participants failed to complete all three interviews. This study seeks to identify common factors among those who remained in the study, offering insights into potential explanations for the unusually high retention rate in a population typically characterized by high attrition.
Evaluating Directional Cues That Affect Migratory Preference In Border Cell Migration
Elana Frazier, Dr. Alexander George, Christopher Welsh
Michelle Starz-Gaiano, Biological Sciences
Collective cell migration is vitally important to development, wound healing, and cancer metastasis, which are regulated through highly conserved signaling pathways.To improve our understanding of these regulatory mechanisms, our laboratory studies a collective cell migration observed during Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis, within the tissue that gives rise to the egg, the egg chamber. The border cell cluster (BCC) detaches from an anterior follicular epithelium and migrates posteriorly toward the oocyte, extending membrane protrusions in the direction of migration. This migration is guided by chemoattractants and physical interactions with egg chamber architecture. Additionally, chemoattractant signaling alters both directionality and stability of BCC protrusions. How directional cues and architecture interact to regulate BCC migration behaviors is still unclear. Using genetic tools, I induced mosaic expression of an oncogenic pathway component to produce BCCs in ectopic locations and analyzed directional preferences of BCCs within novel migration paths. Quantifying the directional selection of protrusions suggests ectopic BCCs prefer specific tissue structures along the migration path and indicate potential distribution patterns of chemoattractants. This project provides insight into mechanisms that guide collective cell migration in diseases like metastatic cancers, which migrate in response to diverse chemical cues and physical interactions.
This research is funded in part by the Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation through the Beckman Scholars program at UMBC, The Merck Fellowship Program, and by NSF grant IOS-2303857 to MSG.
Correlation Between Weekly Family Visits And Happiness Levels Among Elderly Residents
Beryl Fuamazeh
Nancy Kusmaul, Social Work
Loneliness is a common issue among older adult residents in retirement homes, often affecting their happiness and overall well-being. This study aimed to explore how the frequency of family visits impacts happiness levels among residents aged 65 and older. Over a semester, about 30 participants were grouped into three categories based on visit frequency: high (more than three visits per week), moderate (1–3 visits per week), and low (less than one visit per week). Happiness levels were measured biweekly using a survey assessing emotional well-being, social satisfaction, and life enjoyment. Although the research will not be completed by the time of presentation, preliminary observations suggest a positive correlation between frequent family visits and increased happiness. These early insights point to the importance of regular family interactions in enhancing emotional health, offering guidance for families and care providers to improve the quality of life for older adult residents.
Assessing Campus Vegetation From Above
Paige Fullerton, Brian Hughes, Neil Taylor, Sarah Armstrong, Cheyenne Nickerson, Aveline Phillips
Charlie Kaylor, Geography and Environmental Systems
This presentation will present the method and findings from an ongoing effort by the GES 286 course to gauge the health of campus vegetation. Students collect data necessary to derive the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) by sending tethered weather balloons with a payload of two cameras (one color; the other, infrared) 450 feet above campus to observe vegetation at different locations on the UMBC campus. Results are then georeferenced using Geographic Information Systems to generate the NDVI using “map algebra”. This approach is analogous to imaging techniques used for research and policy purposes, introducing students to the data models and techniques used in remote sensing generally. Ultimately, by imaging repeatedly, we can observe how the overall health of campus vegetation changes seasonally and over time.
Becoming A Regulatory Agent In A Digital Space.
Jaden Gallman
Carole McCann, Gender, Women’s, + Sexuality Studies
Social media media allows everyday people to become active agents in the public regulation of normativity takes a position next to the church, the police, and the nuclear family as regulatory bodies, allowing everyday people to become agents of normativity through shame and perpetuation of normative standards. What is considered public space has taken on a newer technological partner where unproductive bodies are now regulated in both, physical and digital, atmospheres. X, formerly known as Twitter, provides insight into the manner in which its users are able to construct an environment, toxic and inhabitable, to fat individuals. A user’s subscription to normative standards produces a space where their tweets structure in a form that is unoccupiable by non-normative-unproductive bodies; fat bodies. Many users subscribe to those nominative standards, multiplying the uninhabitable spaces and generating a larger-digital public sphere that does not include fat bodies. I will conduct a content analysis of ten viral X posts about fatness or fat people to determine the influence social media has in shaping social space, and the active agency it takes on in constructing the identities of its users in a way that produces those regulatory agents that modulate occupants in social spaces.
Investigating Potential Amino Acid Locations Of The Counterion In The Melanopsin
Austin Gayhart
Phyllis Robinson, Biological Sciences
Visual pigments are light-sensitive molecules in photoreceptors that directly convert light into biological signals. These pigments consist of two key components: a protein, opsin, and a chromophore (11-cis retinal). The chromophore is covalently bound to the opsin through a protonated Schiff base. In visual pigments the counterion is a negatively charged amino acid that forms a salt-bridge with a positively charged Schiff base to stabilize the charge and hold the protein in an inactive state. Isomerization of a chromophore to all-trans-retinal breaks this bridge and leads to activation of the visual pigment. Melanopsin is an interesting visual pigment expressed in intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs). These cells can process light information independently of other retinal cells and regulate crucial non-visual functions, including the pupillary light reflex (PLR), contrast sensitivity, and circadian photoentrainment. Despite melanopsin’s importance, the location of the counterion in melanopsin remains unknown. This study investigates possible amino acid locations of the counterion within melanopsin by creating DNA constructs with specific single amino acid mutations. These constructs were then tested for constitutive activation as loss of the counterion would result in an inability for the ionic salt-bridge interaction to form to promote inactivation of the protein.
Leveraging Longitudinal Datasets To Improve Genetic Associations With Alcohol Use
Raine Gibson, Christopher H. Arehart1
1Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado Boulder.
Luke M. Evans, Institute for Behavioral Genetics, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Co
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) identify genetic variants throughout the genome that are correlated with a trait of interest. A single measurement per individual is normally used in these analyses; however, throughout their life course, non-genetic factors can influence an individual’s phenotype. Using longitudinal datasets can improve statistical power to identify genetic variants by removing non–genetic influences on a trait that can occur throughout an individual’s life. Using alcohol consumption data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), we analyzed said data using different phenotype definitions: mean, median, max, most recent, integration using trapezoidal sums, and integration using a lowess curve. We applied these six definitions to the number of drinks per week each individual reports drinking across 15 waves of data collection. Afterwards we conducted multiple GWAS using the 6 phenotype definitions and identified the number of independently associated loci for each GWAS. The “most recent” phenotype definition had the most hits, and the lowest p-value. Due to the small sample size we do not think many conclusions can be made.
Hybrid Anion-Exchange Resins Improve The Uptake And Selectivity For (Ultra)Short-Chain PFAS In Drinking Water
Trevor Gibson, Marylia Duarte Batista
Lee Blaney, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering; Ke He, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering, UMBC
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are synthetic chemicals that have contaminated global water supplies, raising concerns about impacts on human health. Current anion-exchange resins successfully remove long-chain PFAS from water, but the performance is limited for (ultra)short-chain PFAS. We hypothesized that metal oxide-laden hybrid anion-exchange (HAIX) resins will improve PFAS uptake by adding adsorption sites and disrupting the selectivity for long-chain PFAS. The objective of this presentation is to create HAIX resins containing ferric oxide nanoparticles and compare their performance for treating (ultra)short-chain PFAS with that of the unmodified, parent resins. HAIX resins were produced by first submerging in 10% w/v ferric chloride and then immersing them into 5% w/v sodium hydroxide. Visual analysis, metal content, and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy confirmed successful production of HAIX resins. Performance was evaluated using experimental solutions prepared at pH 4 or 6 (sodium bicarbonate) with 1 mM sodium chloride and 0-200 mg L-1 of trifluoroacetate, perfluoropropanoate, and/or perfluorobutanoate. The HAIX resins demonstrated improved uptake and selectivity for (ultra)short-chain PFAS compared to the parent resins, and the uptake mechanisms were evaluated. Overall, this study highlighted the advantageous performance of HAIX resins for removal of (ultra)short-chain PFAS, safeguarding drinking water quality.
This work was funded by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (ER24-4224).
Moms For Liberty: A Historical And Local Perspective On Conservative Activism In Education
Kat Gill
Earl Brooks, English
How have conservative activists shaped the educational landscape over time, and how are they continuing to shape it today? This question has proven to be one of great importance with the rise of the conservative activist group Moms for Liberty, which works on a national and local level to configure public schooling to fit into a modernized conservative ideology. Through this research, I have distilled the conservative ideology down to its core tenets and then followed its evolution throughout American history alongside its usage in educational activism to provide a background for the formation of Moms for Liberty. The history of Moms for Liberty on a national scale is then discussed, and the policies of the Carroll County chapter of Moms for Liberty and their implications within this local school system are analyzed. Interviews from the members of this chapter are provided for a more in-depth look at the organization, along with interviews with scholars who engage with Moms for Liberty through multiple other chapters. In following Moms for Liberty and its underlying ideologies, the impact of organized local action to impart national influence is realized, providing a potent example of the importance of local politics.
Uncovering The Relationship Between Oxygen Availability And Energy Sources In Cell-free Protein Synthesis
Elias Gilotte
Govind Rao, CAST
In vivo protein production is essential for the pharmaceutical industry and other sectors, but it is limited by the host cell’s tolerance to the product and inefficient energy use. Cell-free protein synthesis offers a promising alternative by using cellular components without the constraints of a living cell. For commercial scale protein production, the parameters affecting reaction yields will need to be understood to optimize production. In particular, the relationship between oxygen consumption and energy sources is understudied. Using our diffusive reactors, we studied the relationship between oxygen and energy sources by varying the available oxygen and energy sources. Using metabolomics and real-time oxygen and protein sensors we uncovered the relationship between oxygen and various metabolic processes.
This investigation was sponsored by the DARPA Biological Technologies Offices under the Reimagining Protein Manufacturing grant [HR001121S0038] and by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number [T34GM136497].
Magnetic Fluxropes During Storm And Non-Storm Conditions
Yohannes Girma
Brandon Burkholder, Goddard Planetary Heliophysics Institute
Magnetic flux ropes are meso-scale (a few RE) structures that form on the day-side magnetopause due to multiple reconnection. The properties of flux ropes inform us of the reconnection processes that generate them. By characterizing flux ropes during storm vs non-storm conditions, we can thus learn about the reconnection process under these different driving scenarios, which is a key objective for the NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission and the upcoming TRACERS mission. Using a database of magnetic flux rope observations, we compare properties of the events as a function of the storm-time sym-H index. The relative occurrence rate (with respect to SYM-H), estimated diameter, and plasma properties (density, temperature, ion pitch angles, etc.) inside the flux ropes are examined for SYM-H values ranging from 0 to <~-50 nT. Results of this study will contribute to the current understanding of dayside magnetospheric response to varying intensity of solar wind driving.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Goals And Motivations Of Baltimore Early Intervention Providers
Ada Glaser
Jayshree Jani, Social Work; Jennifer Mata, Education, UMBC
This research study examines the goals and motivations of early intervention (EI) providers in Baltimore. An EI provider is defined broadly for this project as anyone working to enhance development or reduce potential adverse effects for children 0-5 and their families. Healthcare professionals, educators, therapists, and other providers will be surveyed on their goals for work, importance of those goals, barriers they are experiencing, and trusted resources. Through collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data, this research provides a snapshot of what EI services look like in Baltimore and what needs to be done to sustain providers. Resource recommendations will also be compiled into a booklet to connect providers from different fields, enhancing shared knowledge and networks of care. Research has shown the vital importance of investing in EI, specifically for vulnerable populations. However, EI in Baltimore continues to have a much higher demand for services than the available providers. Preliminary findings from this research reveal that providers are passionate about this work but lack administrative/financial support, feel misunderstood, and have concerns about the sustainability of their programs and the turnover of colleagues. Understanding providers’ goals and needs is essential for improving access to match demand.
Examining The Effects Of Genetic Compensation In The Chlamydomonas TAG Pathway
Seth Glassner
Stephen Miller
Understanding the relationship between the environment and algae creates the possibility of a sustainable, cheaper energy source. Under environmental stress, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii produces triacylglycerol (TAG) which is of interest due to its easy conversion into biofuel. This study investigates whether genetic compensation occurs in the TAG pathway when two related TAG genes are mutated. This will be done by analyzing the double mutant dgtt1 pdat1 in C. reinhardtii. The genes pdat1 and dgtt1 are responsible for the majority of TAG production. These genes work in two separate pathways: acyl CoA independent synthesis (pdat1) and acyl CoA dependent synthesis (dgtt1). To examine expression of TAG genes related to dgtt1 and pdat1 in the double mutant, C.reinhardtii was cultivated in phosphorus and nitrogen-deficient media to induce TAG gene expression. Then we measured gene expression of TAG-related genes dgtt2, dgtt3, and pdg1 using RT qPCR. Data from this study will determine if genetic compensation occurs in the TAG pathway and how it might affect TAG production in the double mutant. Studying how TAG-related genes are expressed when homologs are defective should shine light on algal TAG regulation that can be used to improve biofuel production.
This work was funded, in part, by the NSF for award 1332344.
Determining Regions Within UCHL3 That Regulates Its Stability And Turnover In Ovarian Cancer Cells
Sethumadhavan Gokulakrishnan
Achuth Padmanabhan, Biological Sciences
Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal gynecologic malignancies. Thus, there is a pressing need for new therapeutics to combat the high lethality of this disease. Gene expression data reveal that UCHL3, a deubiquitinase, is overexpressed in ovarian cancer cells, and high UCHL3 expression is correlated with lower survival outcomes. Previous studies show that UCHL3 promotes ovarian cancer progression; however, there is limited information on how UCHL3’s stability is regulated in cells. Previous high throughput studies also identified several post-translational modifications (PTMs) on serine, threonine and lysine residues in UCHL3. However, the impact of these PTMs on UCHL3’s stability remains unknown. To address this knowledge-gap, I cloned FLAG-tagged UCHL3 into the mammalian expression vector pCDNA3.1. I used site-directed mutagenesis to mutate specific serine and threonine residues to alanine, and I also mutated specific lysine residues to arginine to determine how PTMs at these sites impact UCHL3’s stability. I will transfect these plasmids into ovarian cancer cells and perform cycloheximide chase assay to determine the effect of these residues on UCHL3’s stability and turnover. This study will provide critical knowledge about the mechanisms regulating UCHL3 in ovarian cancer.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Sports Analytics: A Comparative Study Of AI, Commentators, And Betting Spreads In Predicting Outcomes And Strategies
Grisha Goldberg, Garrett Rifkind
Vira Zhdanovych, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
This study evaluated the accuracy of various methods for predicting sports outcomes and their potential profitability as investment strategies. It compared predictions from sports commentators, AI algorithms, and betting spreads across major leagues, including the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, NCAA, and Russian leagues like the KHL and Premier League. By incorporating Russian leagues, the study extended beyond the commonly researched Western leagues and provided a broader perspective on different cultural and economic contexts. The aim was to identify the most accurate and profitable prediction methods. Additionally, the study assessed whether investing in sports betting companies or sport-related stocks offered a more financially advantageous and lower-risk approach. The data collection process involved gathering information from various sources and analyzing it using SAS (Statistical Analysis System) software. The findings have practical implications for those seeking reliable investment opportunities within the sports sector, focusing on both prediction accuracy and financial returns to determine the most effective forecasting and investment strategies.
Trust, Trump, And Turnout: The Power Of Institutional Confidence In Rural Voting Behavior In The 2024 Election
Veronica Goonan
Thomas Schaller, Political Science
This research conducts a quantitative analysis of public opinion data on topics such as institutional confidence, combined with a comprehensive literature review focusing on rural voter turnout in the last few presidential elections. The study aims to explore rural Americans’ levels of trust in political institutions and how these views may have influenced their voting behaviors, particularly in relation to support for Donald Trump. By analyzing public opinion survey data, the research seeks to identify patterns and correlations between institutional confidence and voting outcomes in 2024, while comparing these findings with historical trends from previous elections. The literature review will focus on scholarly work regarding rural voter behavior and turnout, providing a contextual framework for understanding rural political dynamics across multiple election cycles. Using Dataprac data from 2023, this project will offer a comprehensive analysis of rural political attitudes and their potential impact on recent electoral outcomes, integrating insights from both contemporary data and prior research on rural politics. This quantitative approach, combined with a deep dive into rural voting patterns, will shed light on the relationship between institutional confidence and rural electoral decisions in the 2024 election.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
The Hitler Youth And Child Indoctrination: An Analysis Of Guilt And Responsibility
Megan Gould
Brian Van Wyck, History
The Hitler Youth was an organization for boys aged 14-18 sponsored by the National Socialist Party in Germany. Eventually coming to replace standard education as the sole legal organization for boys under the Nazi dictatorship, the Hitler Youth indoctrinated a generation of German boys in Nazi ideology. Because ideological indoctrination was a central component of the program for its more than eight million participants, postwar observers and contemporary scholars have debated the question of the responsibility of individual Hitler Youth members for participating in the regime and its crimes as children and young adults. This paper analyzes responses to the Hitler Youth and the question of the individual culpability of participants found in the arguments offered by prosecutors at the Nuremberg Trials, in American newspaper coverage of postwar Germany, and in memoirs written by former Hitler Youth members. The paper argues that these different sources advanced distinctive, often incompatible interpretations of the Hitler Youth that reflected their different purposes, assumptions, and intended audiences. This paper thus demonstrates that the types of sources consulted by scholars structure the conclusions that can be drawn about the individual culpability of Hitler Youth members, challenging the idea of a single response to this question.
Biophysical Characterization Of Metallated And Inhibitor-Bound Escherichia Coli NDM-1
Darryn Greene, Alexander Paredes1
1Chemistry and Biochemistry
Aaron Smith, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Antibiotic resistance impedes the treatment of microbial infections, is a serious global health threat, and has contributed to millions of deaths. Major sources of antibiotic resistance include metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs), enzymes that cleave lactam rings, critical chemical moieties necessary for the function of most prescribed antibiotics. Given their direct involvement in antibiotic resistance, the development and characterization of MBL inhibitors is an urgent necessity. To test novel MBL inhibitors, we have expressed and purified Escherichia coli NDM-1, a prototypical MBL. Interestingly, though EcNDM-1 is known to utilize a di-zinc active site for catalysis, biophysical properties of our purified EcNDM-1 suggest mismetallation may occur during overexpression. To identify the active-site metal(s) present, we have performed inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Preliminary data suggest EcNDM-1 may also bind iron, and we are working to solve the structure of this enzyme. In collaboration, candidate inhibitors of EcNDM-1 have been synthesized, and we are testing the binding of these inhibitors to EcNDM-1 by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and X-ray crystallography. Results from this work will uncover the metal promiscuity of EcNDM-1 and will reveal how these new MBL inhibitors interact with EcNDM-1, paving the way for new therapeutic regiments.
This research was partially funded by HHMI Gilliam Fellowship GT15765.
Perceived Socioeconomic Status, Cognitive Performance, And Physiologic Workload In Adults From Baltimore
Daniela Gutman, Golshan Kargosha, Jenny Tu, Quang Dang , Sarah Conklin, Eden Kennedy, Ryan Calheira , Isabel Killip, Justin Brooks, Judy McLaughlin
Sarah Conklin, CREM
Perceived self-status is broadly associated with health, disease progression, lifespan, and mental health. The MacArthur Scales of Subjective Social Status are validated measures of perceived social status. This study examined how cognitive performance accuracy and its associated physiological workload, derived from ECG as an index of mind-body fitness, covary with self-rated health and the MacArthur Scale of Perceived Socioeconomic Status (MSPS). We hypothesized that participants with the highest accuracy and lowest workload would report the highest social status and self-rated health. Participants from Baltimore (n=55, M=29.6 years, 45.5% female, 52.7% non-white) completed the MSPS (higher rank = higher status) and a single-item self-rated health measure (1–5 scale; 5 highest). A clustering algorithm identified three groups: Cluster 1 (high accuracy, low workload), Cluster 2 (high accuracy, low workload), and Cluster 3 (low accuracy, variable workload). Self-rated health did not significantly differ across clusters: C1 (M=3.60, SD=0.88), C2 (M=3.61, SD=0.78), C3 (M=3.17, SD=0.71). MSPS scores were lower in C3 (M=4.42, SD=1.73) than C1 (M=5.25, SD=1.83) and C2 (M=5.22, SD=2.13). While no significant effects were found, C3’s lower ratings suggest that perceived status may influence cognitive accuracy and workload.
GraphARC: An AI Benchmark For Chemical Reasoning
Alexander Haibel
Tyler Josephson, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Do AI models reason, or just memorize? The way to find out is through benchmarking. We present GraphARC, an AI benchmark designed to test reasoning and resist memorization. It is inspired by the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) (Chollet, 2019) and ConceptARC (Moskvichev et al., 2023) benchmarks designed to test AI abilities to solve novel problems. These prior benchmarks have shown how some simple problems are easy for humans, but difficult for AI models. ARC problems are based on grids; by creating a new benchmark based on graphs, we may reveal unseen shortcomings in current frontier models. We have created 30 problems thus far, with a target of 100, and will soon begin both human and machine testing. Graphs also relate to chemistry, as molecules can be represented as graphs, and we are planning a chemistry-specific benchmark in future work. AI models that can genuinely reason over chemical graphs without relying on memorization could enable novel AI tools for molecular discovery and out-of-distribution property prediction.
This work was funded, in part, by the National Science Foundation.
Maryland Colleges’ Response To Campus Food Insecurity
Muskaan Hammad, Letu Reggasa, Sanyah Bhatti
Andrea Kalfoglou, Public Health
This study aims to understand what two- and four-year public and private colleges in Maryland are doing to address campus food insecurity. Limited access to nutritious foods is a growing issue on college campuses. As the cost of college rises and more low-income and non-traditional students are enrolling, there is an increasing need for food assistance. Nationally, three in five college students experience food insecurity. We identified 13 public and 12 private four-year colleges and 16 two-year community colleges in Maryland. The research was exempt from IRB review. Using a qualitative approach, we identified key informants from campus websites and student affairs offices. Thirty-two interviews were completed by phone or virtually using an interview guide. Notes and recorded transcripts were used to summarize findings. Data were analyzed using an Excel spreadsheet to identify themes. Findings show that all participants have programs to address campus food insecurity, ranging from small closets of donated food to large robust programs using multiple approaches. Community colleges rarely have on-site dining facilities, limiting food sharing/recovery opportunities. Programs are in high demand, under-resourced, and dependent upon student volunteers, community partnerships, and external grants. Some participants expressed concern that stigma still prevents many students from accessing resources.
Analyzing Income Inequality Among Democratic Nations Around The World
Thomas Hammond, Collin Benner, Peter Luster
Carolyn Forestiere, Political Science
During our study abroad trip to Italy, our group got to observe the inner workings of a foreign democratic government’s policy. Even though both countries are classified as democracies, their democratic processes differ drastically. During our class, we learned about the recent rise of populism, the ideology that ideas of the common folk are in direct opposition to society’s elite class. One of the driving factors in the rise in populism is the concept of wealth inequality, both the literal distribution of monetary assets as well as the opinions citizens have on this topic. While living in Italy, we also noticed differences in lifestyle such as infrastructure, public services provided, and the pricing of common goods. Thinking about the monetary assets we encountered on our travels, and reflecting how they are different from their U.S. counterparts and its impacts our society, our group set out to answer two questions related to the money being held in democratic countries: how do democratic citizens think about income inequality and the role of government in regulating the economy, and what is the state of economic equality in democracies today compared to several decades ago?
I am a recipient of a UMBC Travel Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
The Effect Of Polycrisis On Democracy In Ancient, Interwar, And Contemporary Italy
Noah Hamrick, Ethan Stubbs, Devanshi Mistry
Carolyn Forestiere, Political Science
This project looks at the decline in democracy in the Ancient Roman Republic (509-27 BC), the Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946), and the Italian Republic since the election of Giorgia Meloni as Prime Minister in 2022. Given the current rise of autocratic and populist leaders, as well as the decline in democracy around the world, this paper seeks to identify the recurring features that can be used to determine why this occurs, using the example of Italy. This has been accomplished through qualitative research that consists of an extensive literature review, and analyses of quantitative datasets. Through this, five explanatory variables were identified that contribute to this decline: economic inequality, economic downturn, fear of the other, appeal to lower and middle classes, and government sclerosis. Given that the purpose of political science theory is to be generalizable, the consistent presence of these factors through multiple time periods indicates that they may be able to extend to areas outside of Italy. Thus, future research could explore the presence of these factors in the change of political systems, as our results show that there are surprising consistencies across three very different time periods.
This work was funded in part by a UMBC International Field Research Award from the UMBC Study Abroad Office.
WNT Signaling Regulators In Cell Lines Derived From A Genetically Engineered Mouse Model Of Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Lily Handwerger
Charles Bieberich, Biological Sciences
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy and second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men. Nearly all cases of lethal PCa have gain of proto-oncogene MYC and loss of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN). To study prostate carcinogenesis and metastasis, the Bieberich laboratory developed the genetically-engineered BMPC (Hoxb13-MYC; Hoxb13-Cre; Ptenfl/fl) mouse model. Combined prostate-specific overexpression of human MYC and genetic deletion of mouse pten synergize to promote highly aggressive carcinogenesis. We have established these transgenic lines in the FVB/N (BMPCFVB) and C57BL/6J (BMPCB6) mouse strains and have observed prominent differences in tumor latency, growth, and metastasis between the two strains. We hypothesize that cell-intrinsic factors and regulators of the tumor microenvironment are differentially modulated. We derived MPF-Li and MP6-LN1 cell lines from tumors in BMPCFVB and BMPCB6 mice, respectively. We performed bulk RNA sequencing and analyzed differentially expressed genes (DEGs) using the DAVID Bioinformatic Database. A gene signature for activated Wingless-related integration site (WNT) signaling was identified for MP6-LN1, including Wntless (WLS), the main protein responsible for secreting WNT proteins. Activation of WNT signaling has been implicated in many cancers, and its role in prostate cancer will be evaluated.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Connecting With Our Communities: The Relationship Between Collective Efficacy And Community Engagement
Assata Hanif
Dawn Biehler, Department of Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies
Collective efficacy, the capacity of communities to activate social control and achieve shared goals, has been recognized as a crucial factor in community well-being and crime reduction (Sampson, 1997). This research proposal outlines a study examining the variation in collective efficacy levels across different neighborhoods within Baltimore City and the relationship between collective efficacy and community engagement. Building upon the work of sociologist Robert Sampson, this study will utilize a modified version of Sampson’s Collective Efficacy Scale to measure residents’ perceptions of their communities’ ability to effect positive change in their area.
This work was funded, in part, by UMBC McNair Scholars Summer Research Institute
Platelet Circulatory Age And Traction Force Generation
Adah Harding
Molly Mollica, Mechanical Engineering
Platelets are blood cells that generate contractile forces essential to blood clotting. Recent studies revealed age-related changes in protein composition and function in platelets, namely declining hemostatic function and cytoskeletal rearrangement. Given that the cytoskeleton drives platelet traction forces, we hypothesize that platelet forces will differ between platelet populations of varying ages. We care to discover what contributes to high platelet forces because cellular forces are important indicators of development, health, disease, and impairment. This study aims to enhance understanding of platelet properties throughout their lifespan by analyzing the relationship between platelet circulatory age (i.e., how long they have been circulating the blood) and the force generated. Platelets were categorized based on fluorescence intensity of thiazole orange, an mRNA stain commonly used to estimate platelet age. The recently-developed black dot technique was utilized for imaging and subsequent analysis of platelet composition and contractile function.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Caring For The Caregiver: An Analysis Of State Respite Care Policies In America
Sara Hawley
Jun Chu, Public Health
The American population is aging rapidly, intensifying the burden felt by family caregivers of older adults who must selflessly put their own needs aside for the betterment of their loved ones. For these caregivers, respite care policies put in place by the state they reside in can alleviate some of the burdens they regularly feel by enabling them to have anywhere from a few hours to a few days to themselves while their dependents are tended to by a professional. However, respite care policies vary significantly across state lines regarding the eligible population and services covered, thus making navigating this fragmented system arduous. This research explores the nuances of statewide respite care policies through a comprehensive analysis of Medicaid 1915(c) waivers on Home and Community-Based Services, as well as Medicaid Managed Long Term Services and Supports programs. In addition to exploring trends in respite care accessibility for older adults, adult day programs were also explored, and the growth of both types of services since 1981 was tracked. Early findings reveal that most states cover respite care and adult day programs, but significant variation exists in the extent of usage allowed per person.
Effects Of Electronic Cigarette Aerosol Exposure On Olfactory Bulb Inflammation And Morphology In Mice
Ashkon Hazrati, Leyla Aydin, Obehi Oniha, Sean O’Sullivan, Ginny Murray, Agnes Koodaly
Weihong Lin, Biological Sciences; Tatsuya Ogura, Biological Sciences
With millions of middle and high school aged adolescents and adults using E-cigarettes in the United States, the need to understand the effects of electronic cigarette vaping on human health is becoming increasingly apparent. There is evidence that electronic cigarette aerosols contain strong flavor molecules, humectants, and other toxicants. While there is research focusing on the effects of electronic cigarette aerosol chemicals on other parts of the body, research on the olfactory system and bulb is lacking. This project aims to investigate the effect of e-vapor exposure on inflammation and morphological changes of the olfactory bulb using immunohistochemistry. We hypothesized that daily exposure to e-vapor induces neuroinflammation, reduces OB glomeruli size, and exacerbates inflammation in the olfactory pathway. Our preliminary research suggests that there may be some neurodegeneration within olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) and olfactory bulb (OB) in mice exposed to electronic cigarette aerosol containing heavy metals compared to control without added metal mixture. E-cigarette aerosol is known to contain heavy metal and may cause neurodegenerative diseases in the brain by going through the olfactory epithelium into the olfactory bulb. Future study will be needed to understand the mechanisms by which electronic cigarette aerosol exposure induces these olfactory changes.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Optimization Of In-Vitro Capping In The Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus
Lesley Hernandez, Gabriel Kengni, Lalitha Ravipati, Dipo Akinbamowo
Michael F. Summers, HHMI; Brea A. Manuel, HHMI
The Moloney Murine Leukemia virus (MoMuLv) has been used as a model to study retroviruses, such as the human immunodeficiency virus type-one (HIV-1). HIV-1 contains a heterogeneous transcriptional start site that forms the 5’-capped RNAs: Cap1G, Cap2G, and Cap3G RNAs . The difference in guanosines plays a strong deterministic factor in the fate of RNA to be packaged or translated. However, MoMuLv contains a unique transcription start site, meaning the virus consists of only one start site, indicated by Cap1G. To understand what drives RNA packaging in a retrovirus that contains unique start sites, we must cap our RNA, which has been proven difficult. MoMuLv’s 5’ leader is complex in structure and therefore is not accessible for capping. I aim to optimize capping methods for complex RNAs utilizing position-selective labeling of RNA (PLOR). PLOR is a method of stopping transcription prematurely to allow for modification or labeling of RNA. In our case, we aim to halt transcription to allow for capping before proceeding with transcription. While we have been able to replicate PLOR, we continue to optimize conditions to allow for capping. Our work will provide more efficient and affordable capping methods within the scientific field.
Support for this research was provided by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and NIH/NIAID grant #5R01AI50498, along with the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T34GM136497.
Investigating FLK Interactor Proteins In Flowering Time Regulation
Alleanna Hines, Elizabeth Nabutovsky
Hua Lu, Biological Sciences
Understanding how plants defend against pathogens is vital for improving agricultural resilience and our ability to design crops with strengthened disease resistance. FLK is a flowering time regulatory gene that affects pathogen defense in Arabidopsis. The FLK protein was demonstrated to interact with proteins, including KH-domain proteins PEP, HEN4, and HOS1. We are interested in understanding how these FLK interacting proteins (FINs) affect FLK function in regulating flowering time and defense. Here we examined the impact of mutations of the FIN genes on the later flowering time conferred by the flk mutation. Specifically, we examined flowering time of the control plant Col-0, single mutants, and corresponding double mutants. This comparison shall allow us to determine whether the double mutations could affect the later flowering phenotype of flk. Our preliminary results showed that the average flowering time for Col-0 was approximately 47 days and the flk mutants was approximately 109 days. The double mutants impaired the FINs and FLK genes exhibited flowering time between Col-0 and flk mutants, averaging 70-90 days. These observations suggest that FINs play roles in moderating the flowering timing regulated by FLK. Thus, we conclude that the FINs partially affect the FLK function in flowering time regulation.
Characterizing The Role Of Zinc Finger Protein 217 In Ovarian Carcinogenesis
Jessica Hoffman
Achuth Padmanabhan, Biological Sciences
Over 85% ovarian cancer patients are diagnosed with metastatic disease and current therapeutics are ineffective in treating these patients. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop novel late-stage therapeutic targets. One possible target is ZNF217, a transcription factor frequently overexpressed in many human cancers including ovarian cancer. High ZNF217 levels in ovarian cancer cells promote oncogenic phenotypes in vitro and metastatic tumor progression in vivo. Consistently, ZNF217 depletion impaired the oncogenic potential of these cells. I hypothesize that ZNF217’s oncogenic potential is dependent on its ability to bind DNA and function as a transcription factor. To test this hypothesis, I used lentivirus-mediated gene delivery to stably overexpresses wild-type ZNF217, and a DNA-binding mutant form of ZNF217 that I cloned, in ovarian cancer cells that had ZNF217 depleted using stable ZNF217 shRNA expression. My data show that re-introduction of wild-type ZNF217, but not the ZNF217 DNA binding mutant, in ZNF217 depleted ovarian cancer cells rescues the oncogenic phenotypes in vitro. These results establish that the ability of ZNF217 to function as a transcription factor is important for its role as an oncogene. Future studies will identify components for the ZNF217 transcriptional complex that are critical for mediating its oncogenic role.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Sucrose Density Gradient Centrifugation Versus Anion Exchange For Exosome Sample Purification
Sydney Hofstetter
Jorge Almodovar, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Exosomes can be effectively isolated from samples using sucrose density gradient (SDG) ultracentrifugation, but ion exchange methods may result in higher levels of exosome sample purity. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles secreted by cells with biomedical applications that include drug administration and immunotherapy. They are small, non-reproducing cellular compartments with varying proteomic and nucleic acid profiles. Purified exosome samples allow us to use samples for downstream applications. We explore the use of ion exchange methods to remove debris and contaminants from exosome-containing samples and compare these methods to SDG centrifugation to determine which yields the highest sample purity levels. To use ion exchange, we utilize anion exchange resin columns and allow the samples to flow through via gravity. For SDG ultracentrifugation, a sucrose density gradient is manually created in a tube to be ultracentrifuged, which allows sample components to migrate to their respective density levels. Sample purity is verified via Western blotting, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and dynamic light scattering measurements.
This work was funded, in part, by the U-RISE Program at UMBC.
Supreme Court Legitimacy In A Polarized Era: How Partisanship Shapes Confidence
Ryan Holm
Carolyn Forestiere, Political Science
This paper examines the extent to which party identification influences public confidence in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court serves as a powerful arbiter of the Constitution, but its legitimacy may be compromised when it’s perceived as a political branch rather than a legal institution. The literature posits that the Supreme Court relies on public confidence in the decisions the Court reaches in order for them to be accepted. However, in recent decades the Court has seen a dramatic decline in its favorability. This study hypothesizes that because of the recent conservative shift in the Court, Democrats will have a lower perception of confidence than Republicans. A survey of 500 Americans was conducted to measure their party identification and their confidence in the Supreme Court. A primary conclusion is that party identification is highly correlated with perceived confidence in the Supreme Court; as party identification goes from Democrat to Republican, confidence increases. These findings suggest that the politicization of the Supreme Court undermines its perceived legitimacy, with significant implications for American democracy.
by an Undergraduate Research Grant from the Center for Social Science Scholarship (CS3).
Identifying The Impact Of Restoration Through The Lens Of Historical Musical Instrument Repair
Jack Horvath
Matt Belzer, Music
This creative project sought to identify the effect of instrument repair on a saxophone’s mechanical and sonic elements. Finding the direct impact of an overhaul on an instrument provided evidence for the importance of instrument repair and contextualized the deep-rooted history of jazz from a repair technician’s lens. This project took place during a two-week apprenticeship, during which I learned essential repair techniques while overhauling a 1948 Buescher 400 Top Hat And Cane Tenor Saxophone. Before and after the repairs, decimal readings of the key noise and overall sound of the horn, tone quality readings, and mechanical responsiveness tests were performed. It was found that overhauling the horn significantly affected the sound and responsiveness of a saxophone. The refurbishment of the saxophone provided a more modern feel while keeping the dark, rich tone of a vintage saxophone. In addition to the repairs, multiple repair technicians at Roberto’s Winds in New York City shed light on the oral traditions of jazz storytelling through interviews, showcasing the historical connection and relationship between famous saxophone players in NYC and the repair technicians.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Unreliable Narration: Understanding Schizophrenia Firsthand Through Art
Sara Humphries
Corrie Parks, Visual Arts
This creative research seeks to connect society with personal accounts of schizoaffective disorder. The disorder is largely characterized by its negative symptoms—a profound and continuous deterioration of self and sanity. The personal accounts of those afflicted are usually disregarded because of this, leaving our awareness of the disorder to come primarily from the friends, family, and doctors surrounding the schizophrenic. And yet, it is a disorder which continuously fascinates to a great degree. Subsequently, schizophrenia research becomes an echo chamber which excludes those with actual firsthand experience of the disorder. As someone recently diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, this artist has attempted to illustrate the internal mystery of schizophrenia through her own experiences. These pieces, which were painted in varying stages of psychotic episodes, serve as perceptual depictions of a myriad of symptoms such as dissociation, paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations. So far, these paintings have been used to incite discussions between the afflicted and those surrounding them. Works such as “This is Your Brain on Depersonalization” and “Psychosis” help convey the internal struggle as seen by the schizophrenic—a self-portrait of the less visible manifestations—which we can then use to replace this fear of the unknown with understanding of the disorder.
Overexpression Of Carbon Concentrating Mechanism Genes In Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii
Ahmad Hussin, Robin Bridgman
Stephen Miller, Biological Sciences
Microalgae have been recognized as a good biofuel source due to their rapid biomass production. The model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is regularly found in low CO2 and HCO3- environments and possesses a carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) to meet its carbon needs. Many genes in the CCM pathway have been identified including carbonic anhydrases (CAH1 and CAH3) that interconvert CO2 and HCO3- , and bicarbonate transporters (LCI1 and Nar1.2). This project aims to overexpress these genes, and we predict that the growth rates will be higher in the transformants than parental strains. We electroporated operon-like constructs each containing a bleomycin resistance gene and one of the four listed CCM genes connected by a viral 2a-peptide sequence. After brief recovery, transformed cells were selected for on bleomycin inoculated plates. Survivors were tested for successful transformation using PCR and Sanger sequencing, and protein expression was analyzed by western blot analysis. Current growth analyses are underway to measure growth differences and RT-qPCR is in progress to quantify expression of the transgenes. If successful, a similar strategy could be used to improve production microalgae as sustainable sources of liquid fuels.
Polychlorinated Biphenyl Monitoring In Maryland Fish
Jasmine Ives
Upal Ghosh, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a type of forever chemical originally used in transformers and coolants. They were banned in 1979 due to their toxic effects in animals and humans. However, they still persist in the environment today, where they can bioaccumulate through the food chain, moving from smaller organisms to fish and eventually to humans. The work done in this project seeks to quantify PCB levels in a variety of fish species from various locations around Maryland in order to provide public health data on fish consumption levels. PCBs were extracted from freeze dried tissue into hexane-acetone using sonication. Sulfuric acid treatment was completed to remove lipids from the samples and activated copper treatment was done to remove sulfur. The samples then went through a column cleanup process with deactivated florosil and acidified silica gel. The samples are run on the gas chromatography electron capture detector to determine the concentration of each of the possible 209 PCB congeners. This data, normalized with the lipid concentrations of the fish, gives us information on the PCB levels in Maryland fish that will allow the public to make safer decisions on what fish they choose to consume.
Utilizing Behavioral Assays to Study Genes Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Drosophila Melanogaster
Adithya Iyer, Khadija Colombowala, Romina Daraei Baf
Fernando Vonhoff, Biological Sciences
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurological and developmental disorder that is characterized by atypical social behaviors. One of the most obvious characteristics of ASD is low sociability levels with other individuals. Individuals with ASD often avoid socializing with other individuals and have trouble understanding nonverbal forms of communication. While there has been no direct cause of this disorder, there are numerous genetic mutations predicted to be associated with the disorder. We used the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model organism to study genes associated with ASD at the molecular, anatomical, and behavioral levels. We used a previously established behavioral social assay in order to assess the effects of genetic knockdown on genes hypothesized to be associated with sociability. We compared the socialization patterns of our wild type line of flies, DGRP-774, to our experimental line of flies, for example, elav-GAL4; UAS-Dicer/ UAS-nrx-RNAi, with the Nrx-1 gene, a presynaptic cellular adhesion protein that plays a role in connecting neurons at the synapse, knocked down. Further research will help us understand the molecular mechanisms of these genes following cellular and anatomical techniques.
Assessing Muslim Women In Medieval European Literature: Problems And Questions
Halima Jama
Kathryn McKinley, English
My research project explores the medieval portrayal of Muslim women through a comparative analysis of Alatiel from Giovanni Boccaccio’s 14th-century Decameron and Belacane from Wolfram von Eschenbach’s 12th-century Parzival. For my method I used gender and critical race theory, analyzing the gender and racial biases found in their Eurocentric, patriarchal depictions. The princess Alatiel, promised to the King of Africa but shipwrecked en route, through her beauty captivated a multitude of men who objectified and slept with her. She represents the “exotic” Muslim woman in European literature: alluring but dependent and submissive. In contrast, the Muslim, African queen Belacane is virtuous and dignified. While she falls in love with and marries the European crusader king Gahmuret, she maintains her agency and integrity as a ruler. She is strong and independent, breaking the usual portrayal of women being defined by men. This research topic is relevant today because it reveals how “infidel” Muslim women were viewed in medieval Europe and how these Orientalizing narratives have persisted. I plan to investigate further Boccaccio’s contact with Islam or Muslims in 14th century Italy; and Wolfram’s unorthodox decision to create a heroic Muslim queen far superior to the later Christian bride of Gahmuret.
Enhancing Circular DNA Assembly Using Cyclic Heteroduplex Thermostable Ligase Assembly With Type IIS Restriction Sites
Jihae Jang
Charles Bieberich, Biological Sciences; Xiang Li, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Plasmids serve as non-viral vectors for gene therapy; however, components, such as the origin of replication and antibiotic resistance genes, pose challenges for efficient gene transfer. These elements contribute to immunogenicity, potential antibiotic resistance transfer, and increased vector size, limiting cellular uptake. Minicircles, supercoiled DNA constructs, are a promising alternative devoid of these plasmid components but face obstacles in large-scale, cost-effective purification. This study demonstrates the potential of a novel in vitro DNA assembly method called, Cyclic Heteroduplex Thermostable Ligase Assembly (CHTLA) for minicircle production. CHTLA generates circular and concatemeric DNA, with circular yield increasing when multiple single-cut restriction enzymes are used to create CHTLA precursors. These precursors consist of linear DNA fragments with identical sequences but different start and end positions. However, identifying naturally occurring single-cut restriction sites in large quantities remains a challenge. To address this, we propose the strategic insertion of Type IIS restriction sites to enhance CHTLA precursor diversity and improve minicircle yield. We demonstrated this by incorporating BsaI sites into the PMAX-GFP plasmid, which we will use to generate CHTLA precursors. Our study highlights the potential of engineered restriction sites to optimize circular DNA assembly via CHTLA, offering a scalable strategy for gene therapy applications.
This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health under Grant No. R41GM154562.
Hungarian Folklore Motifs Study
Petra Janka
Ann Sofie Clemmensen, Linehan Program Director
This study explores the use of Hungarian folklore motifs in everyday products, with a focus on food and drink packaging. Conducted in the summer of 2024, my research aimed to understand how traditional folklore motifs, such as Kalocsa and Matyo, influence consumer perceptions of product quality. During the study trip to Hungary, I visited local markets in Budapest and various provincial towns, interviewed vendors and customers, and documented the use of these motifs on local products. My fieldwork revealed that these motifs, once reserved for traditional clothing and touristic souvenirs, now appear on packaging for everyday items like milk, sausages, and paprika. The findings suggest that folklore motifs are not only important symbols of local identity but also play a significant role in modern branding and marketing. In particular, they help build customers’ trust in product quality. This project has enriched my understanding of the importance of culture in communication and design, helping me develop skills in product packaging that integrate traditional cultural elements while appealing to local tastes. The results contribute to my professional growth as a Graphic Designer and a Modern Languages and Cultures major, particularly in creating designs that support cultural identity and resonate with local markets.
This research was funded by the Linehan Summer Research & Study Award (SRSA).
Globalization And Its Impact On Populism
Christian Jassani, Ashley Fernandez, Maalini Srinivasan
Carolyn Forestiere, Political Science
This research focuses on the correlation between globalization and the rise of right-wing populist governments across the globe. Using a most different system design, we examined the countries of India, Italy, and the United States. Despite having different population sizes and democratic political systems, all three countries have experienced an influx of immigration and are currently led by leaders who are right-wing populists. Using data that measures the immigration rates within the countries and the World Values Survey to understand how citizens think about immigrants, we attempt to explain the reasons for the emergence of nationalist parties. Additionally, we looked to the political science literature to understand the history and current developments within the countries to explain the rise of nationalism. We argue that the rise of immigration in these three countries has created an environment that exacerbates economic paranoia and fear of losing national identity, which, as a result, has created fertile ground for populism to emerge within these specific countries.
This work was funded, in part by, Center of Global Engagement at UMBC.
Analyzing The Impact Of Wildfires On Human Lung Cancer Through Molecular Homolog Identification In Drosophila
Michelle Jebaseelan, Idrees Chaudry, Godwin Aizenofe
Maricel Kann, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Exposure to wildfires has been linked to lung deficiencies, including lung cancer, due to air pollutants inducing DNA mutations. To better understand the genetic pressures wildfires cause toward lung cancer, we utilize a study of protein expressions in drosophila flies exposed to controlled smoke conditions. These controlled conditions in drosophila provide grounds for studying orthologous relationships caused by genetic pressures. Observing putative orthologs in drosophila in comparison with non-smoking lung cancer patients helps identify functional driver genes for lung cancer. Specifically, this comparative study analyzes functional genes at three stages: (1) Identifying orthologs of the mutated genes in the Drosophila flies within the Human genome, (2) comparing the mutation positions to determine if any mutational homologs are present, and (3) examining the conserved interactions in orthologs, called interologs, to determine if protein-protein interactions are conserved between the two species. Comprehension of how protein-protein interactions are altered from wildfire-induced mutations can aid in discovering therapeutic targets and establishing more robust lung cancer treatments. Additionally, this comparative model can be scaled to incorporate analysis of other model organisms and provide insights into different diseases.
Comparative Analysis Of Histone Modifications In The Thorax Vs. Fat Body Tissue Of Drosophila Melanogaster
Jasmine Jenkins, Samiyah Hossain
Jeff Leips, Biological Sciences
Nearly all organisms exhibit age-related declines in physiological functions, however individuals age at different rates, partly due to genetic differences between them. Previous studies in our laboratory using Drosophila melanogaster suggest that differences in epigenetic regulation, which controls gene expression, produce different rates of aging. We investigated the age- and genotype-dependent changes in the core histone H4, and H3K4me3, a histone modification associated with increased gene expression across three genotypes that differ in lifespan. We compared levels of H4 and H3K4me3 in the thorax versus fat body tissue because gene expression during aging is tissue-specific. The thorax is enriched with muscles while the fat body regulates immunity, and metabolism. The fat body of females show an increase of H3K4me3 levels in three genotypes and a decrease of H4, except for one genotype. We expect that H3K4me3 and H4 levels will exhibit differences between thorax and fat body tissues that will correlate with differences in lifespan. To test this prediction, we will measure the age-dependent abundance of H4 and H3K3me3, and test the associations between short and long-lived genotypes. Understanding how age-related histone modifications vary across tissues and genotypes will aid in the development of therapies to promote healthy aging.
This work was funded by the biology department.
Exploring Linker Functionalization In Zirconium-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks For Curcumin Encapsulation And Release
Aeon Kaplowitz, Logan Logan, Lisa Kelly
Lisa Kelly, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) have gained attention in biomedical applications for their tunable porosity, stability, and ability to modulate drug release. While most studies emphasize metal nodes, this research examines how functionalized TBAPy-based linkers in zirconium (Zr)-MOFs influence curcumin encapsulation and release. Linkers, the organic components connecting metal clusters, define pore size and chemical environment, affecting drug interactions. Curcumin, a bioactive compound with antioxidant and anticancer properties, is highly sensitive to photodegradation, limiting its therapeutic potential. Encapsulation within MOFs improves stability while enabling controlled release.
Curcumin (λmax ≈ 430 nm) was loaded into functionalized Zr-MOFs, and its encapsulation and release were monitored using UV-Vis spectroscopy and fluorescence. Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4) simulated physiological conditions, revealing an absorption decrease followed by gradual recovery, suggesting controlled release.
Controlled drug release maintains therapeutic concentrations, reduces dosing frequency, and minimizes side effects. Rapid degradation or burst release can compromise efficacy or cause toxicity. Preliminary results suggest linker functionalization affects curcumin retention through π-π stacking and hydrogen bonding, while PBS triggers release. By shifting focus from metal nodes to linkers, this study informs MOF-based drug stabilization strategies.
The authors acknowledge U.S. Army DEVCOM Drs. Sergio Garibay, Jared DeCoste, and Ann Kulisiewicz for providing MOF materials.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
N-MYC Downstream Regulated Gene 1A, A Candidate Generalist Stress Protein That Responds To Hypoxia And Salinity Changes
Aditi Katragunta, Anya Viswanathan, Timothy Hufford
Rachel Brewster, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Environmental change threatens biodiversity, emphasizing the need to understand how organisms adapt to varying conditions. Prior studies demonstrated that zebrafish embryos could adapt to hypoxia by entering a hypometabolic state, mediated by N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1a (Ndrg1a), which downregulates the ATP-demanding Na+K+ATPase pump (NKA) in the kidney and ionocytes, thereby preserving energy. In addition to responding to hypoxia, I hypothesize that Ndrg1 functions as a generalist sensor to environmental stress that is also capable of signaling changes in salinity. To test this hypothesis, day-old wild-type and ndrg1a knockdown zebrafish embryos were exposed to a range of salinity conditions to determine whether loss of ndrg1a caused defects in osmoregulation. Treated mutant embryos revealed pericardial edema at all salinity concentrations, suggesting that ndrg1a is essential for osmoregulation. Whole-mount immunolabeling further revealed that – unlike the response to hypoxia – Ndrg1a and NKA undergo similar changes to salinity, indicative of a positive correlation between these proteins. These findings support the hypothesis that Ndrg1a acts as a generalist stress responder, although its specific function depends on the environmental stress encountered.
Empowering Hispanic/Latinx Students In STEM: The Role Of Resources, Community, And Belonging
Maeva Kaunan, Gabriela Rivera1
1Psychology, UMBC
Shuyan Sun, Psychology
This study explored the challenges faced by Hispanic/Latinx students in STEM and aimed to identify solutions to increase their engagement and representation. In Spring 2024, focus groups were conducted for a larger study to understand the experiences of STEM students, with the present work specifically focusing on Hispanic/Latinx students (n = eight students). Participants discussed topics related to sense of belonging, identity, and challenges in STEM. Thematic analysis revealed that Hispanic/Latinx students lack essential resources on campus, particularly mental health support, academic/career guidance, and access to internships/research opportunities. Additionally, they reported feelings of isolation due to lack of representation and community on campus. These findings underscore the need for improved communication about resources and greater representation on campus and in STEM. To enhance communication, various departments at UMBC can work together to develop initiatives that improve support for Hispanic/Latinx students. To increase representation, existing clubs could collaborate to strengthen their community outreach. Additionally, creating a living and learning community tailored to Hispanic/Latinx students in STEM could further enhance this environment and build a greater sense of community. Implementing these suggestions would make the STEM environment a more supportive place for all students to thrive in.
The Generational Evolution Of Cultural Identity And Its Impacts On Integration
Nardos Kebede
Brigid Starkey, Political Science
This research is centered in the field of political science. It focuses on Ethiopian Israeli self-identification and how cultural resonance plays out between different generations. At root is the process of integration into Israeli society and perceptions of equality and belonging. As the number of Ethiopian Jews migrating to Israel grows, the topic has garnered increased interest within academia. For many, the quest to worship in Jerusalem has driven this migration; for others, it is the drive to escape religious persecution in Ethiopia. There is a gap concerning data on Ethiopian Jewish communities post-move which this study helps to fill by identifying certain key factors related to their integration. Consideration is given in this study to the differences in religious and ethnic identification within this population and to cultural resonance between first and second generations. In conducting semi-structured interviews for case study analyses, the aim was to identify intergenerational trends to shed light on variable rates of participation by this group in Israeli politics and society.
This work was funded, in part, by UMBC McNair Scholars Summer Research Institute
Ethiopian Israelis: The Generational Evolution Of Cultural Identity And Its Impacts On Integration
Nardos Kebede
Brigid Starkey, Political Science
This research is centered in the field of political science. It focuses on Ethiopian Israeli self-identification and how cultural resonance plays out between different generations. At root is the process of integration into Israeli society and perceptions of equality and belonging. As the number of Ethiopian Jews migrating to Israel grows, the topic has garnered increased interest within academia. For many, the quest to worship in Jerusalem has driven this migration; for others, it is the drive to escape religious persecution in Ethiopia. There is a gap concerning data on Ethiopian Jewish communities’ post-move which this study helps to fill by identifying certain key factors related to their integration. Consideration is given in this study to the differences in religious and ethnic identification within this population and to cultural resonance between first and second generations. In conducting semi-structured interviews for case study analyses, the aim was to identify intergenerational trends to shed light on variable rates of participation by this group in Israeli politics and society.
This work was funded, in part, by UMBC McNair Scholars Summer Research Institute
Optimizing Capping Techniques For Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus
Gabriel Kengni Jr
Michael Summers, Chemistry and Biochemistry
The Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (MoMuLV) is a gammaretrovirus within rodents that has been used as a model to study retroviruses, such as the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1). HIV-1 contains a heterogeneous transcriptional start site that forms the 5’-capped RNAs: Cap1G, Cap2G, and Cap3G RNAs. Cap1G has a having a sequestered cap and favorability packaged while the other two have exposed caps and are retained. MoMuLV however, only produces Cap1G. Literature reveals that the MoMuLV’s monomeric leader exists in equilibrium between two states, though it’s unknown if either one or both contain an exposed cap. Current in-vitro capping techniques involve overnight incubating 5’leader with lab-made Fausto virus capping enzyme (FCE). We have achieved over 80% efficiency on small RNA constructs (<31nt) which can be determined through high-resolution PAGE. This method, however, cannot be used to track the capping efficiency of the 5’leader due to its size (630nt). This leaves open the possibility cap sequestered monomeric leader that could negatively affect the shift when exposed to eIF4E. To counteract this problem I am designing a novel protocol to produce high purify capped RNA through the ligation of smaller capped RNA to a much larger RNA mediated by a DNA splint.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Mind-Body Fitness: Unique Biotypes And Their Association With Anxiety And Depression
Eden Kennedy, Judy McLaughlin, Daniela Gutman, Isabel Killip, Ryan Calheira, Golshan Kargosha, Jenny Tu, Quang Dang, Justin Brooks
Sarah Conklin, Center for Research in Emergent Manufacturing (CREM)
Depression and anxiety impact cognitive, physical functioning, and influence Mind-Body fitness; however, this relationship is understudied. We aimed to explore how depression and anxiety relate to different phenotypes of mind-body fitness. Participants (n=55, M = 29.6 years, 45.5 percent female, 52.7 percent non-white) completed cognitive tasks while performance accuracy (mind) and physiological workload (body) were measured. Anxiety and Depression levels were measured using the GAD-7 and PHQ-9. Three distinct groups were identified through a clustering algorithm: Cluster 1 (high accuracy, low workload), Cluster 2 ( high accuracy, low workload), and Cluster 3 (low accuracy, variable workload). We hypothesized that Cluster 1 would show the lowest symptoms and Cluster 3 the highest. Cluster 1 had lowest anxiety (M = 7.7, SD = 6.1) and depression (M = 7.3, SD = 5.4), Cluster 2 had moderate anxiety (M = 8.2, SD = 6.4) and depression (M = 8.7, SD = 6.2), whereas Cluster 3 had the highest levels of anxiety (M = 10.3, SD = 6.8), and depression (M = 9.8, SD = 5.7). Although not statistically significant, results follow the expected pattern, supporting our hypothesis suggesting that anxiety and depression influence Mind-Body fitness.
Comparing Caregiver Strain In Children With Anxiety Or ADHD Using An Internalizing/Externalizing Framework
Hira Khan
Marco Grados , Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Caregivers of children with mental disorders face significant challenges, yet caregiver strain is often underexplored, particularly for ADHD (attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder) (an externalizing disorder) and anxiety (an internalizing disorder). This study compared caregiver strain between these groups, hypothesizing distinct strain levels based on disorder classification. Using the 2021 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), we analyzed 5,309 children aged 6–17 years, including 2,994 with anxiety and 2,315 with ADHD. A Caregiver Strain Index was developed using four Likert-scale NSCH questions assessing anger, caregiving difficulty, overwhelming demands, and bother, with scores ranging from 4 to 19 (higher scores indicating greater strain). Descriptive statistics and a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test revealed a statistically significant difference in strain levels (p=0.0265). The ADHD group showed a higher rank sum (626,842) than expected (614,625), indicating greater strain, while the anxiety group had a lower rank sum (782,697) than expected (794,970). These findings suggest that caregivers of children with ADHD experience more strain than those of children with anxiety. The study’s large, nationally representative sample strengthens its conclusions. Future research should examine confounding factors affecting caregiver strain and develop targeted support strategies for families of children with externalizing disorders like ADHD.
This project is/was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number T16MC29832 and title MCH LEAP Training Program. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.
Visualizing Nucleotidase Localizations In Mouse Tissues Using MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Maisa Khan
Herana Seneviratne, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Nucleotidases are enzymes that catalyze nucleotide dephosphorylation, playing a key role in nucleotide pool balance and metabolism. Two major forms, 5’-nucleotidases (5’-NTs) and nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NTPDases), dephosphorylate nucleoside monophosphates and triphosphates, respectively. Recently, our laboratory demonstrated the dephosphorylation action of these nucleotidases towards metabolites of nucleoside analog drugs. Here, we investigated the role of 5’-NTs on fludarabine (FAMP), a drug used to treat B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Additionally, mass spectrometry imaging was employed to localize 5’-NTs in mouse kidney, colon, and spleen tissues. Enzymatic activities of cytosolic 5’-nucleotidase 1A (NT5C) NT5C1A, NT5C2, NT5C3, NT5C, and mitochondrial 5’ (3’)-deoxyribonucleotidase (NT5M) toward FAMP were assessed. For tissue imaging experiments, 10 µm thick tissue sections were washed, and subjected to on-tissue trypsin digestion using a robotic sprayer. In vitro assays revealed only NT5C3 activity towards FAMP. MALDI MSI revealed NT5C1A, NT5C3, and NTPDase 1 peptides with unique localizations across tissues. Each protein exhibited abundance in the kidney’s cortex and outer region. Additionally, NT5C1A peptides were found in the spleen and colon, while NTPDase 1 peptides were present in the kidney and colon. Thus, in this work, we established a MALDI MSI methodology for the simultaneous visualization of tryptic peptides corresponding to nucleotidases.
This research was funded by a startup grant from University of Maryland, Baltimore County (H.K.S.), START (H.K.S.), and SURFF (H.K.S.).
The Connection Between Perceived Stress And Mind-Body Fitness In Community Adults
Isabel Killip, Daniela Gutman, Eden Kennedy, Judy McLaughlin, Ryan Calheira, Golshan Kargosha, Jenny Tu, Quang Dang, Justin Brooks
Sarah Conklin, CREM
The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is a widely used and validated self-report questionnaire that assesses perceived stress. This study explores the relationship between PSS scores and cognitive performance accuracy and physiologic workload, as indicators of mind-body fitness. Participants (n=55, 29.6 years average, 45.5% female, 52.7% non-white) from Baltimore were assessed using cognitive tasks (mind) and associated physiological stress (from ECG during tasks; body). A clustering algorithm identified three groups: Cluster 1 (C1) with high accuracy and low workload, Cluster 2 (C2) with average to high accuracy and high workload, and Cluster 3 (C3) with low accuracy across workloads. It was hypothesized that C1 would have the lowest PSS scores, while C3 would have the highest. A one-way ANOVA compared PSS scores across clusters. Results showed C1 had the lowest scores, followed by C2, and C3 had the highest, aligning with the hypothesis. Though not statistically significant, the findings suggest a connection between perceived stress and mind-body fitness.
Amplifying Plasmonic Current Using Gold Colloids
Haneul Kim
Christopher Geddes, Institute of Fluorescence
Solar energy conversion efficiency rates of conventional solar panels require multiple panels to generate meaningful amounts of electricity. We studied the effects of infusing metallic nanoparticles with fluorophore solutions by utilizing a technology developed at the Institute of Fluorescence (IoF) to electrically measure fluorescence called plasmonic current (PC). Previous studies had shown that metallic nanoparticles enhance PC responses due to the free electrons of the metal interacting with the excited-state fluorophores. We expanded upon this finding by amplifying PC responses using various sizes (different diameters) of gold nanoparticles. In addition to the sizes of gold nanoparticles, we also studied the effect of dissolved oxygen and temperature for PC response measurement. Our findings showed that the PC response levels of the fluorophores tested increased as the size of gold nanoparticle increased before dropping with the largest size. We also observed that colder temperatures yielded increased PC response, however purging of dissolved oxygen yielded mixed results. From our findings, we hope to accelerate our ability to produce electricity in an environmentally friendly manner to reduce our reliance on resource-limiting and cost-prohibitive materials.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Predicting Treatment Outcomes In Lung Cancer With Machine Learning
Joe Kim, Hannah Mulato, Gene Zhou
Maricel Kann, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related mortality. While developments in immunotherapies and biomarker-driven treatments have improved patient outcomes, many patients develop resistance or experience recurrence during or after treatment. High-throughput genomic technologies now provide access to vast amounts of clinical and molecular data, and the growing field of precision oncology shows promise in allowing us to use that data to create tools that can lead to better diagnosis and prognosis. In this study, we developed a machine learning framework to retrospectively analyze data from lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) and lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) patients who have undergone multiple treatments to identify key biomarkers and molecular signatures associated with treatment effectiveness. We employ P-Net, a neural network-based method, to evaluate differences in biomarker discovery between two network frameworks: Reactome, a curated biological pathway database, and STRING, a functional protein interaction network. Additionally, we implement Graph Neural Clustering (GNC) to refine patient classification by integrating genomic and functional interaction data. By leveraging multi-omic datasets from public repositories, our approach seeks to enhance precision oncology by improving treatment outcome predictions and advancing personalized therapeutic strategies.
Evaluating The Function Of Set6 In Proteostasis
Oluwaseun Kintunde, Savannah Pearson, Deepika Jaiswal
Erin Green, Biological Sciences
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Set6 is a member of a family of twelve proteins each of which have the SET domain. Members of this protein family change the function of histones and nonhistone targets by catalyzing the methylation of lysine residues on their targets. Set6 has relatively little research conducted, however, in vitro studies have demonstrated its ability to methylate various proteins. Our team has preliminary results indicating additional candidates crucial for controlling protein homeostasis. To define Set6’s role, our lab evaluates TDP-43, a frequently misfolded protein involved in transcriptional repression and pre-mRNA splicing. Neurodegenerative disorders such as ALS and Alzheimer’s are characterized by the presence and misfolding of this protein in cellular nuclei. TDP-43 is prone to aggregation, which contributes to hazardous misfolding pathways and results in cell death. We aim to investigate Set6’s role in the proteostasis network and its potential role in regulating TDP-43 folding and aggregation. We have used fluorescence microscopy to evaluate the role of Set6 in TDP-43 aggregation and sedimentation assays showed increases in insoluble TDP-43 in the absence of Set6. Future experiments will continue to investigate the role of Set6 in regulating TDP-43 aggregation under different conditions to understand functions for Set6 in proteostasis.
This investigation was sponsored by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T34GM136497.
Migrante Ng Bayan, Ngayon Ay Lulalaban
Parvata Kirthivasan
Irene Chan, Visual Arts, and Dr. Camee Maddox-Wingfield, Anthropology
Migrante ng Bayan, Ngayon Ay Lumalaban!, translated as “Migrants Of Our Country Are Now Fighting Back!”, is an interactive art installation that documents stories of migration from the Philippines. An installation, defined as an art piece that is completed when the space is navigated by participants, makes for the optimal medium to immerse people in such an important narrative – especially with the political unrest and attacks on the Filipino migrant community at the moment. This installation will utilize a multi media approach including print, written, digital, and more to convey a visual ethnography describing the struggles of Filipino migrants in the US. These narratives will be told through information gathered from media shared by grassroots activist organizations, namely Migrante USA. This organization has uplifted the voices of Filipino migrants in crisis and calls back to the root causes of the mass migration pattern from their homeland, which is perpetually in economic crisis. The installation is designed for the gallery space in FA 110 and will call on participants to share messages of solidarity for FIlipino migrants and highlight the importance of student activism in defending them and supporting their struggle for better conditions.
Effect Of Temperature On Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries
Tonderai Kodzwa, Bret Marckx
Ozgur Capraz, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Aqueous Zinc ion batteries have been favored for their affordability, operational safety, energy density, and low environmental impact. These factors have led to zinc batteries to be a contender for large scale energy storage. Vanadium oxide has been shown to be a compatible electrode material because of its crystal structure and theoretical capacity. During the beginning stages of aqueous zinc ion battery research, issues with stability arose because of the electrochemical mechanisms present in the battery. Within the reaction mechanism for aqueous zinc ion batteries is the possibility for dendrite growth and the hydrogen evolution reaction. Recent advancements in the field have resulted in good stability in zinc ion batteries with vanadium oxide electrodes when under standard conditions. This study analyzed the effects of temperature on the charge cycling stability of aqueous zinc ion battery cells with vanadium oxide cathodes, as well as the observed kinetics of the electrochemical reactions. Data from the experiments show a correlation with slower diffusion of Zn2+ ions, implying a strong correlation between temperature and the reaction kinetics of the reaction.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Determining The Pulsation Periods Of Classical Cepheid Variable Stars With The UMBC Observatory
Connor Kragh
Roy Prouty, DoIT
The UMBC Observatory Group studied numerous Classical Cepheid variable stars in order to describe its sensitivity to small changes in the brightness of stars. Classical Cepheids pulsate in size due to an internal process known as the Kappa Mechanism, resulting in measurable variability in brightness as seen from Earth. These pulsations occur at a constant frequency proportional to the mass of the star. Relative photometry data was captured at the UMBC Observatory using a modern CMOS detector. Relative photometry allowed observers to compare a variable star to a “reference” star of known constant brightness nearby over the course of multiple days to capture the changing ratio of variable star flux to reference star flux. This ratio was analyzed as a function of time to obtain the relative light curve and period of pulsation. If the periods measured at the UMBC Observatory match those found by other observers around the world, then other related studies can be executed, such as period observations of other types of variable stars, calculating the distances to other variable stars, or even looking for exoplanets using the transit method.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Assistantship Support (URAS) Award from the UMBC Office of the Vice President for Research.
Knowledge Problems In John Roemer’s Coupon Market
Arvind Kuruvilla
Michael Nance, Philosophy
This paper is a critique of John Roemer’s 1994 book A Future for Socialism, in which Roemer reviews the historical debate surrounding the feasibility of socialist systems and proposes a new set of market socialist reforms which aim to approach normative socialist ends while responding to liberal critiques of prior socialist projects. A significant part of this dialogue consists of the economic calculation debate, in which socialists and liberals sought to determine the capacity of the state to take over some or all the functions of the market in allocating resources and/or managing production (central planning). This paper first examines the dialogue between two major interlocutors in the economic calculation debate: the market socialist Oskar Lange and the famous market-liberal F.A. Hayek. Hayek’s most famous innovation in his debates with socialists was the description of knowledge problems, i.e. the inability of a central planner to make allocative decisions as well as the free market due to the market’s innate ability to spontaneously (and without a singular will) respond to changes in the state of the world through changes in price. Roemer’s work presents its own set of knowledge problems, which affects the degree to which he can reinvigorate socialist thought.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Assistantship Support (URAS) Award from the UMBC Office of the Vice President for Research.
Annotation Of Bacteriophages HazuandZazu and Tubberson: A Study Abroad Experience
Rohan Kyasa, Ayeoritse Tuedon
Steven Caruso, Biological Sciences
Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria evolve mechanisms to survive antibiotic treatments, rendering these drugs ineffective. This growing global health crisis necessitates alternative approaches to understand and combat bacterial infections. Our research, conducted in Barcelona, Spain, as part of a faculty-led study abroad experience, investigated the genomic characteristics of bacteriophages, which are viruses that selectively infect and destroy bacteria. This opportunity not only enhanced our scientific training but also broadened our perspective on global scientific collaboration. In this study, we annotated the genomes of two newly sequenced siphoviruses that infect Streptomyces species. Using DNA Master v5.23.6, integrated with Glimmer v3.02b, GeneMark v2.5p, Starterator database v583, and BLASTp v2.16.1+, we identified and characterized genes in these bacteriophages. The phages, named HazuandZazu and Tubberson, have genomes that contain 82 and 52 genes, respectively. Functions were assigned to 24 genes in HazuandZazu and 33 genes in Tubberson, using HHPred (probability > 90%) and Phamerator v583. Our findings contribute valuable insights that may support future research in phage therapy and other biomedical applications while showcasing the significance of international research experiences and the process of scientific publication.
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
Marginalized Motherhood: The Sociodemographic Determinants Of Depression And Anxiety Among Immigrant West African Mothers
Jonetta Lah
Sameera Nayak, Public Health
Despite the growing West African immigrant population in the United States (U.S.), there is limited research on the mental health of West African immigrant mothers. Yet, West African immigrant mothers may face various barriers that increase their vulnerability to poor mental health outcomes, such as cultural expectations around family dynamics and motherhood, employment inequalities, precarious legal status, and discrimination. The purpose of the research study was to investigate the sociodemographic correlates of depression and anxiety among immigrant West African mothers with children under the age of 18 in the U.S. The study employs an anonymous, online, cross-sectional survey design. The survey includes demographic questions and social questions to measure the individual’s beliefs, values, attitudes, behaviors, and experiences within their society (Family Resilience Scale, the Family Adaptability, Partnership, Growth, Affection, and Resolve, and the 10-item Everyday Discrimination Questionnaire). It also includes validated questions to measure depression and anxiety (Patient Health Questionnaire-4). Data collection is ongoing as of February 2025. We will use bivariate and multivariable logistic regression to examine how different sociodemographic factors are associated with anxiety and depression. Findings will inform culturally congruent community interventions aimed at promoting mental health equity among this growing immigrant population.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Examining The Role Of Intracellular Compartments In Buffering Formaldehyde-Induced Calcium In Olfactory Sensory Neurons
Ryan Lee
Weihong Lin, Biological Sciences; Tatsuya Ogura, Biological Sciences
Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) vapor contains formaldehyde, a toxic chemical produced via thermal degradation of e-cigarette liquid constituents. This cytotoxin poses consequences for the main olfactory epithelium (MOE), the first neuronal tissue exposed to inhaled vapor in the nose. In this study, we investigated the impact of formaldehyde on intracellular calcium stores within isolated olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) from mice. Utilizing Fura-FF, a fluorescent calcium indicator that localizes to intracellular stores, we examined calcium mobilization under conditions mimicking typical e-cigarette use. Our findings reveal a concentration-dependent effect of formaldehyde on intracellular calcium store dynamics, suggesting potential disruption of calcium homeostasis in OSNs. Additionally, through the usage of thapsigargin, a sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase blocker, and FCCP, a mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler, we were able to elucidate the functional role intracellular calcium buffers play under e-cigarette equivalent formaldehyde. Our results have revealed the crucial cellular dependency on the mitochondria and the ER to help regulate cytosolic calcium within OSNs, suggesting homeostatic calcium disruption within organelles as a potential therapeutic target for mitigating the detrimental effects of e-cigarette usage. Furthermore, these findings bridge a foundational gap between e-cigarette usage and MOE integrity, providing new avenues for future research and therapeutic interventions.
This project was funded, in part, by a UMB-ATIP pilot grant to Dr. Weihong Lin and the 2024 Undergraduate Research Award.
Using Automated Radio Tracking To Study Year-Round Territoriality Of Puerto Rican Orioles
Emerson Lehnert, Michael Ocasio
Kevin Omland, Biological Sciences
Co-Investigator: Michael Ocasio, Biological Sciences
The Puerto Rican Oriole is a Caribbean blackbird species endemic to the island of Puerto Rico. Many tropical songbirds have year-round territories and in many species both females and males actively defend their territory. We used the “Motus” automated radio telemetry tower on our study site to determine whether Puerto Rican Orioles maintain year-round territories. We banded 61 Puerto Rican Orioles with colored metal bands at our main study site on the island, Hacienda La Esperanza Nature Reserve. We also tagged eight of the banded birds with radio transmitters linked to the automated tracking system. Over the course of six field trips since 2023, we attempted to relocate all banded birds known to be active, using radio receivers and binoculars. We plotted coordinates for Puerto Rican resightings to map the size and location of their territories. Most oriole pairs maintain a relatively large territory year-round for foraging, and they defend the immediate area surrounding their nest. We will use our data on territory stability to better inform the Puerto Rican Oriole conservation efforts.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
The Impact Of Emotional And Economic Social Risk Factors On Healthcare Access
Sze Ching Leung
Jun Chu, Public Health
Social risk factors impact an individual’s health care access and overall well-being in the United States. Low-income individuals in the United States are proportionally affected by the lack of healthcare access and healthcare service usage. Factors such as financial stability and food insecurity were examined separately. However, as prior studies aggregated risk factors into a sliding scale, the effects of social risk factor combinations on access to care are overlooked. Using data from 2022 and 2023 CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, we examined the interaction effects between emotional and economic risk factors on health care access and utilization among non-elderly Medicaid eligible populations. We found that while having any emotional risk factors is associated with a reduction in check-ups and ability to see doctors due to cost, having economic risk factors did not lead to a reduction in routine healthcare access. Individuals experiencing both emotional and economic risk factors are seeing the most reduction in the likelihood of having a personal doctor, having a check-up within 12 months, and not being able to see a doctor due to cost.
The Importance of Korean American Adolescents’ Ethnic Identity Exploration
Esther Lim Park, Yao Sun, Hyun Su Cho, Bumo Zhang
Charissa Cheah, Psychology
In light of increased racism towards Asian Americans during and after COVID-19, parents socialized their adolescents through the maintenance of heritage culture (MHC) to instill ethnic pride. Research has shown that parents’ MHC is positively associated with adolescents’ critical consciousness (CC), which encompasses their critical awareness of social injustice, motivation to address it, and active engagement in reducing it. However, mechanisms underlying this association remain underexplored, especially for Asian American populations. Through ethnic identity exploration (EIE), adolescents may become more aware of marginalization faced by their ethnic groups and endorse a strong agency in challenging it. Thus, this study examined the mediating role of Korean American adolescents’ EIE in this association. Data were collected from 119 Korean American adolescents and their parents (Mage = 45.4 years; SD = 4.8). Mediation analysis indicated that Korean American parents’ MHC was positively linked to adolescents’ EIE (B = 0.47, p < .001), which in turn was associated with higher levels of adolescents' CC (B = 0.28, p = .01). The effect of MHC on CC was mediated by EIE (B = 0.13, 95% CI = 0.03-0.25). These findings illuminate the pathway through which parents’ socialization of heritage culture can foster adolescents’ critical consciousness.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Exploring The Impact Of Parenting Styles On Burnout Among College Students
Jasmine Liu
Elaine MacDougall, English
Burnout among college students is a growing mental health concern, with significant implications for academic performance and well-being. Parenting styles, particularly through pathways such as parental pressure/expectations and parent-child closeness, may play a critical role in shaping these outcomes across diverse cultural contexts. While existing studies have examined Asian American experiences, there is a notable gap in research focusing on Indonesian students, highlighting the need for cross-cultural comparisons. To address this gap, an online survey was administered to 30 Asian American students at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and 30 Indonesian students at Ciputra University in Surabaya. The survey included open-ended and selected-response questions, assessing students’ perceptions of parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful), and their experiences with burnout. This study aims to provide insights into how differences in parenting styles shape student mental health outcomes, offering a unique cross-cultural perspective and foundation for future research to address burnout in diverse student populations.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Next-Generation Scalable And Environmentally Friendly MXene-Tetrahedrite Flexible Thermoelectric Generators
Jacob Lombardo, Priyanshu Banerjee1, Jiyuan Huang1, Swapnil. B. Ambade2, Rohan. B. Ambade3, Tae Hee Han3, Srushti Kulkarni1, Shreyasi Sengupta4, Howard Fairbrother2, Sichao Li5, Sunmi Shin5
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, UMBC, 2Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, 3Department of Organic and Nano Engineering, Hanyang University, 4Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UMBC, 5Department of Mechanical Engineering, Collage of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore
Deepa Madan, Mechanical Engineering; Zeev Rosenzweig, Department of Chemistry, UMBC
Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) convert waste heat, such as human body heat, into electrical energy utilizing the Seebeck effect. Flexible TEGs (f-TEGs) fabricated using additive manufacturing innovate on traditional devices with advantages in cost, scalability, and energy efficiency. However, f-TEGs have struggled to scale due to poor room-temperature performances and the inclusion of rare-earth/toxic chalcogenides such as Bismuth Telluride.
This work introduces tetrahedrites as non-toxic, earth-abundant thermoelectrics and incorporates 2D Ti3C2 (MXene) nanosheets to enhance room-temperature performance. Herein, this work demonstrates the fabrication of scalable and sustainable Cu12Sb4S13 (CAS) based composite films and f-TEG devices with MXene nanosheet inclusions using a low-thermal budget additive manufacturing approach.
MXene nanosheets introduced energy barrier scattering and nanoscale features to decouple all thermoelectric properties in CAS-MXene films – achieving a 10% higher room-temperature ZT (0.22) than bulk CAS. Bacterial viability studies confirmed CAS and MXene’s environmental safety.
The low thermal-budget additive manufacturing style demonstrated a 5-leg CAS/MXene f-TEG device producing 5.3 µW of power and a power density of 140 µW/cm2 at a ∆T of 25 K. Therefore, this work demonstrates that combining scalable and sustainable materials and methods is an effective strategy for high-performance room-temperature f-TEGs that could potentially harvest human body heat.
Dr. Deepa Madan would like to acknowledge the funding support from National Science Foundation under award CMMI-2238996 and TEDCO-Maryland Innovation Initiative. Jacob Lombardo would like to acknowledge the funding support from U-RISE at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health (NIGMS/NIH) under National Research Service Award T34 GM 136497 as well as SCIART program with funds from Mellon Fo.
Percent Viability Screens To Confirm Integral Cell Wall Signaling Kinases In Aspergillus Nidulans
Peter Lombardo, Alexander Doan1, Sami Saeed1, Matthew Quintanilla2, Steven D. Harris
1UMBC, 2Iowa State University
Mark Marten, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Aspergillus nidulans, a filamentous fungus, is studied for its well-defined genome and relevance in health and industry. MartenLab research on A. nidulans focuses on its cell wall and related regulatory pathways, which work through kinase-protein interactions. Our research aims to characterize regulatory signaling pathways fundamental to the fungal cell wall, such as the cell wall integrity (CWI) pathway. Previous analyses conducted in MartenLab suggest crosstalk between the CWI pathway and other networks, indicating that kinases outside the CWI pathway also contribute to cell wall stress response. Percent viability screens have been conducted with all 98 non-lethal kinase knockout strains of A. nidulans to assess their viability under cell wall stress. Strains were exposed to Triton X-100, a detergent which aids in identifying colonies, and three cell wall stressors: micafungin, calcofluor white, and Congo red. This project now aims to confirm that the cell wall relies on the previously identified kinases through similar percent viability screens without Triton X-100. Thus far, 43 of the 98 strains have been tested, with 21 exhibiting statistically significant differences in survival within a 95% confidence interval. These findings highlight their potential role in the cell wall stress response and as an antifungal target.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Measuring Threat Response In Two Darter Species: Etheostoma Caeruleum And E. Olmstedi
Aicha Louriqate
Tamra Mendelson, Biological Sciences
Fear of predation plays an important role in the survival of individuals within a prey species. Little is known about how individuals in the freshwater fish genus Etheostoma differ from one another in their threat response, or how this affects fitness and survival. Our research measures and compares the threat responses of a native and non-native darter fish species in Maryland: Etheostoma olmstedi and E. caeruleum, to a stimulus representative of an approaching predator. Seventeen male darters from each species were shown a looming stimulus modelling a predator. We measured threat response via opercular beat rate (physiological threat response) and the time the individual spends frozen after the stimulus (behavioral threat response). These measurements will be compared between the two species. We will also compare the data for E. olmstedi to a group previously tested during their mating season in order to assess the effects of temporal variation on threat response. These results may reveal differences in native vs. non-native species’ responses to environmental threats, potentially explaining the success of the non-native species in establishing their populations in Maryland. Additionally, we will examine consistent individual differences in behavior, known as animal personality, within and between the two species.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Investigating The Activity-Dependent Processing Of APPL In Drosophila Mushroom Bodies
Keiko Luke
Fernando Vonhoff, Biological Sciences
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease, affecting nearly seven million Americans and representing the fifth-leading cause of death for people ages 65 and older. It is associated with the formation of β-amyloid (Aβ) plaques in the brain that are produced upon multiple cleavage events of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). The Drosophila amyloid precursor protein-like (APPL) is the single Drosophila ortholog of APP. Although typically associated with aging and neurodegeneration, APPL is also involved in neuron growth and development. My project aims to evaluate the activity-dependent processing of APPL in the mushroom bodies, a region of high endogenous APPL expression associated with learning and memory. In addition, I will evaluate the abundance and localization of APPL N- and C-terminal fragments using confocal microscopy paired with genetic tools. Preliminary results demonstrated that use of the pan-neuronal nysb-Gal4 driver to express the double-tagged construct did not exhibit fluorescence within the mushroom bodies, indicating that the nysb driver is not highly expressed in the mushroom bodies. Through understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying APPL expression and processing, we may characterize the role of APPL in neuronal development and neurodegeneration, as well as shed light on the mechanisms of APP processing in humans.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Does The Type Of Stress Matter For Chinese American Immigrant Mothers’ Parenting Behaviors?
Aidan MacGloan, Chielota Uma
Charissa Cheah, Psychology
Parenting stress and daily hassles are significant stressors for Chinese immigrant mothers (CIMs), often leading to psychologically controlling parenting practices, which contribute to maladaptive child outcomes. Additionally, experiences of racial discrimination, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, may further exacerbate stress and contribute to CIM’s more restrictive parenting strategies. We examined how the frequency and intensity of parenting stress, daily hassles, and racial discrimination impact CIMs’ use of psychological control. Participants included 213 CIMs (Mage = 37.2 years, SD = 4.48) who reported on daily hassles, parenting stress, racial discrimination (intensity and frequency), and psychological control. Results indicate significant associations between parenting stress intensity and psychological control (B = .014, p < .001), and between racial discrimination frequency and psychological control (B = .142, p = .046). However, daily hassles were not significantly linked to psychological control. Findings suggest that intense parenting stress and frequent racial discrimination experiences may increase the likelihood of CIM's engagement in psychologically controlling parenting towards their children, whereas daily hassles alone may play a less substantial role. Interventions aimed at strengthening familial resources should decrease these stressors to reduce maladaptive parenting behaviors in Chinese immigrant families.
Eye See Something! Tracking Reading Comprehension And Attention In Children
Krishna Madhiwala, Mica Jardine
Karrie Godwin, Psychology; Praveen Kumaravelan, Psychology, UMBC
Attention regulation plays a crucial role in how children focus on key information, allowing children to process information efficiently and retain important details to build understanding. How does attention capacity influence reading comprehension in young children? This research study investigates the influence of attention capacity on reading comprehension in young children, emphasizing that adequate decoding of the text being read may require strong attention regulation skills. In this study, children from the ages of five to ten years old completed a reading test that included recall and comprehension assessments. Children’s eye movements were closely monitored while they were reading. Children also played Track-It, a computer game designed to test visual memory and attention. In this task, children visually track an object moving on a grid among distractors. After the target object disappears children are asked to identify the target object and its hiding location. Evaluating performance across both tasks will provide insight into the relationship between attention control and reading comprehension. The findings from this study are forthcoming. This study will offer constructive feedback and strategies that will advance literacy instruction and development in early childhood.
This work was supported in part by a National Science Foundation award (BCS-1730060) to A.V.F and K.E.G.. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect those of the NSF.
Understanding Factors That Regulate ZNF217 Levels In Ovarian Cancer Cells
Dania Mahmood
Achuth Padmanabhan, Biological Sciences; Swethakumar Basavarajaiah, Biological Sciences, UMBC
Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal gynecological cancers and is characterized by rapid metastasis and drug resistance. Therefore, understanding factors that impact ovarian cancer metastasis, and therapeutic response is critical to develop novel therapeutics that will improve clinical outcome. Previous work in our lab showed that the transcription factor Zinc Finger Protein 217 (ZNF217) is frequently overexpressed in ovarian cancer patients and plays an important role in ovarian cancer metastasis and drug response. Despite the important role ZNF217 plays in ovarian cancer progression, mechanisms that regulate ZNF217’s stability and levels in ovarian cancer cells remain unknown. My project aims to address this knowledge gap. We discovered that ZNF217 expression increased when ovarian cancer cells were cultured in the presence of elevated glucose concentration, suggesting that glucose may regulate ZNF217 levels in these cells. As glucose is known to impact cellular processes via the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway, we investigated if small molecule AMPK activators such as GSK-621 can phenocopy the effect of glucose on ZNF217. Consistent with our data using glucose, we saw that GSK-621 treatment results elevated ZNF217 levels. Future studies will aim to understand the mechanism through which AMPK regulates ZNF217 in ovarian cancer cells.
The Salem Witch Trials: A Case Study For Cultural Disaster
Lilli Malone
Amy Froide, History
Disaster history is a growing field of study aimed at understanding what defines a disaster, how societies prevent or provoke disasters, and how they face or recover from them. Typically, the disasters studied are considered “natural,” including earthquakes and fires. In recent years, however, disaster historians have expanded their work to analyze cultural disasters. This paper explores the social and cultural conditions of Salem, Massachusetts from 1691 to 1693 using disaster based analysis to determine whether the series of events known as the Salem Witch Trials can be deemed a cultural disaster. Research included defining the term disaster, analyzing primary accounts of both witnesses and accused witches, and understanding the socio-economic and political conditions in Salem during the witch hunt. Rather than assessing what sparked the event, this paper focuses on the repercussions of the accusations for Salem’s women, which included incarceration, loss of material goods, and sometimes death. While the Salem Witch Trials may not have been a disaster in the traditional sense, they proved to be the catalyst for a cultural, gender-based disaster that targeted women. These findings support the expansion of the disaster history field to include cultural disasters and build on how societies exacerbate disaster conditions.
Parameter Identifiability, Sensitivity, And Estimation For A Cholera Model
Rileigh Mansfield
Kathleen Hoffman, Mathematics and Statistics; Animikh Biswas, Math
Cholera, a global public health threat, is an acute diarrheal infection caused by consuming food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and can become fatal within hours if untreated. The system of first-order coupled ordinary differential equations used in this project represents the susceptible and infected human population as well as the concentration of V. cholerae in water. Our ultimate goal is to use data assimilation methods to estimate model parameters using experimental data. We first investigate the identifiability, that is, the relationship between the observables of the system and the parameters with continuous data and discrete data with and without noise. Parameter sensitivity quantifies how a small change in the parameters impacts the observables. Both identifiability and sensitivity help with parameter estimation by minimizing the difference between the model output and the experimental data. Being able to accurately model Cholera gives us a better understanding of the disease, and can identify which treatment and prevention interventions lead to the largest decrease in disease prevalence.
This work was funded, in part, by the UMBC Strategic Awards for Research Transitions (START) Grant and the Merck Research Laboratories through the .
The Role Of ADCK5 In Ovarian Cancer Cells
Katherine McHarg, Megha Pandya
Achuth Padmanabhan, Biological Sciences; Megha Pandya, Biological Sciences, UMBC
Ovarian cancer is the second leading cause of gynecological cancer related deaths among women. Due to vague symptoms and absence of early diagnostic markers, patients are usually diagnosed at the metastatic stage. Current drugs are ineffective in treating these patients highlighting the urgent need to identify new drug targets. One such promising target is a serine/threonine protein kinase called AarF domain containing kinase 5 (ADCK5). Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas Database show that over 40% of ovarian cancer patients have elevated ADCK5 levels. Patients with elevated ADCK5 also have worse clinical outcomes. My project will investigate how ADCK5 impacts ovarian cancer progression. To achieve this goal, two stable ADCK5 overexpressing ovarian cancer cell lines were generated using lentivirus-mediated gene delivery. Lentiviral vector containing ADCK5 gene was combined with lentiviral packaging and envelope plasmids and transfected into HEK293T cells to make lentivirus particles. These lentivirus particles were used to transduce the ovarian cancer cell lines HEYA8 and HEYA8-p53R175H. Positive clones were selected by selecting these cells using the antibiotic puromycin and confirmed by western blotting. These stable ADCK5-overexpressing cell lines will be used for in vitro and in vivo assays to investigate ADCK5’s role in ovarian cancer progression.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Assistantship Support (URAS) Award from the UMBC Office of the Vice President for Research.
Frequency Of Mindfulness And Contemplative Practices Covary With Unique Mind-Body Fitness Biotypes
Judy McLaughlin, Eden Kennedy, Golshan Kargosha, Quang Dang, Jenny Tu, Daniela Gutman, Ryan Calheira, Isabel Killip, Justin Brooks
Sarah Conklin, Center for Research on Emergent Manufacturing
Mindfulness and contemplative practices have been linked to improved mental and physical well-being, as they reduce physiological stress responses. This study examined how the frequency of these practices relates to an integrated measure of cognitive performance and workload we describe as Mind-Body Fitness. Participants (n=55, M=29.6 years, 45.5% female, 52.7% non-white) were adults recruited from Baltimore. Mind-body fitness was assessed through cognitive performance accuracy (mind) on three brief tests completed on a computer and the associated physiologic workload during the tests (body). A clustering algorithm identified three distinct accuracy:workload clusters: Cluster 1 (C1) had high accuracy with low workload, Cluster 2 (C2) had average to high accuracy with high workload, and Cluster 3 (C3) showed low accuracy across workloads. Participants completed the Contemplative Practice Behavior Inventory and the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised. It was hypothesized that C1 would report the highest frequency of practices, while C3 would report the least. A one-way ANOVA revealed that C1 exhibited the highest contemplative practice engagement, followed by C2, while C3 reported the lowest. Though results were not statistically significant, they aligned with the hypothesis, suggesting a potential link between frequency of mindfulness engagement and mind-body fitness.
Tourism In Tiny Towns: An Ethnographic Study Of Old Ellicott City
Preston McMillian II
Bambi Chapin, Anthropology
Tourism is a growing industry in many small towns across the country. The practice of tourism creates a dichotomy between locals and tourists, impacting those who participate from both sides as well as the cultures and economies of the host sites. Old Ellicott City, Maryland is a historic town that accommodates both local residents and heavy tourism, especially during the weekends. As promises, Old Ellicott City is “More than just a historic and shopping district, Old Ellicott City feels like home, even when it’s your first time visiting.” But how does it feel to the people that live there? This project investigates how locals and tourists see the city and how they interact with each other and the environment, shaping the culture of Ellicott City as it emerges at different times of the week. This study does this through ethnographic methods that include participant observation and interviewing. As part of this, it examines the categories of local and tourist, asking how these are determined and discerned. This study provides insight on daily life in Old Ellicott City and contributes to understanding the dynamics of tourism in small towns.
King Scribble: A Pencil-Drawing Puzzle Platformer Adventure
Evan McRae, Rowan Barr, Anthony Bonilla Duron, Jay Cina, Justin Gaylord, Brian Lawser, Steven Nguyen, Ginger Sealy
Marc Olano, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
King Scribble is a 2D puzzle platformer game where you draw the platforms! Play as the titular King Scribble, the benevolent, beloved ruler of the Doodle Kingdom who has been tragically whisked away from his throne by a surprise tornado. Traverse tricky terrain through the power of drawing in order to make it back home to your loyal subjects. The twist: the more platforms you draw into existence, the more of your own scribbly body mass you draw from in the process. The world of this game is split into several short levels—conceived as different pages of a notebook—each with their own unique platforming challenge that you must navigate through resource-efficient drawing to ensure your body stays intact by the end. King Scribble invites players to be both creative and careful as they doodle their way through each level, providing an artful spin on classic puzzle platformer gameplay. This project was produced in the Unity game engine in close collaboration with programmers and artists under limited time, emphasizing the importance of communication and coordination in a team-based game development environment.
Exploring Mutational Resilience Of Transcription Factor Binding Site Specificity Mechanisms
Emmanuel Mekasha, Elia Mascolo1
1Biological Sciences, UMBC
Ivan Erill, Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Transcription factors are proteins that regulate the expression of genes by binding onto specific DNA sequence patterns called motifs. A motif must contain enough information for the transcription factor to distinguish its binding sites from the rest of the genome. This information could be encoded in two ways: conservation of letters at specific positions across binding sites or correlation between binding site positions, known as Mutual Information (MI). Analyses of real motifs have shown that MI-encoded information is rare, but the evolutionary rationale for this absence has not been elucidated. Given the centrality of motifs in genomics analyses, understanding how they evolve to regulate gene expression is of critical importance. Here, we computationally simulate the evolution of transcription factor-binding motifs based on different information-encoding strategies. We find that motifs that primarily use MI are less resilient to mutational events and lose their information faster than conservation-based motifs. Our findings suggest that the use of conservation as a primary means of encoding motif information evolved as an evolutionary strategy to maximize the mutational resilience of regulatory networks.
This investigation was sponsored by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T34GM136497. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Direct Radiative Effect Of Dust Aerosols Using EMIT And PACE Observations
John Melles
Zhibo Zhang, Physics
The radiative effect of atmospheric aerosols is one of the highest sources of uncertainty in climate models. In terms of mass, the most abundant aerosol is mineral dust. As large dust plumes are blown into the atmosphere from desert regions such as the Sahara, they absorb and reflect solar radiation. While this direct radiative effect is believed to have a net cooling effect on the Earth, there is high uncertainty in its magnitude. One reason for the uncertainty is that types of minerals in the plume have a large effect on its refractive index. New observations from NASA’s Earth Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) instrument and the Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite could solve this problem. We present a method of using the back trajectory of a dust plume to determine its source region. Back trajectory strongly depends on plume height. The PACE HARP2 multi-angle polarimeter is used to view the plume at multiple angles and estimate the height with the parallax effect. Once the source region is determined, a NASA algorithm applied to EMIT observations can be used to find the mineralogy, refractive index, and ultimately better constrain estimates of dust aerosol radiative effect and climate impacts.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
RDS-1, Reef, And Sarmat: Russia’s Ядерное (Nuclear) Weapons Then And Now
Mike Mentley
Vira Zhdanovych, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Given the increased tensions between Russia and NATO countries, knowing about Russian nuclear weapons, how they have evolved, and their terminology is important. Historical and educational information about Russia’s nuclear program can educate the general public to avoid misinformation. Battling misinformation is important to foster an understanding of global security and geopolitical tensions, by supporting critical thinking.
This scholarly work began as coursework in RUSS 201 Basic Russian III, and was intended to introduce the public to an abbreviated history of Russia’s nuclear arsenal on land, in the air, and at sea. This presentation outlined the evolution and current state of Russia’s nuclear arsenal while educating the general public about the key elements of the program, the terminology used, and the differences between Russian and NATO names for these weapons and launch platforms. By doing so, it helped counter misinformation and provided a clear foundation for better understanding of news and reports related to Russia’s arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Optimization Of Cell-Free Protein Synthesis Bioreactors With The Use Of A Fluorescent Magnesium Biosensor
Terra Miley
Govind Rao, CAST
Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) offers a promising alternative to in vivo protein production by using cellular components without the constraints of a living cell. Cell- free protein synthesis provides opportunities for easy reaction condition manipulation, high- throughput potential, and rapid large-scale production, compared to live-cell bioreactors. With the application of a cell-free system, transcription and amino acid synthesis can be completed in the same compartment, which makes the job of regulating magnesium more difficult, as magnesium plays a critical role in cellular processes.
To address this challenge we have designed a Fluorescent Magnesium biosensor to be used with cell-free protein synthesis small-scale bioreactors. Additionally, cell-free protein synthesis remains less efficient than in vivo production and a hypothesized cause is a limit in oxygen availability. To further investigate the ways to optimize cell- free reactions, we aim to measure real-time dissolved oxygen and GFP titers. The magnesium biosensor integrated with other sensors at the Center for Advanced Sensor Technology will allow for improved process control and increased product complexity in cell-free reactions, paving the way for advancements in biomanufacturing and the development of novel proteins.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Quantum Chaos In Nonlinearly Coupled Oscillators
Jonathan Miller
Sebastian Deffner, Physics
In its modern phrasing, quantum chaos refers to the exponentially fast scrambling of information through quantum many-body systems. The natural question arises, whether this notion of chaos also applies to the less complex scenarios usually studied in quantum chaology. To this end, we} explore nonlinear scrambling of quantum information in a family of models of two coupled harmonic oscillators. In particular, we numerically explore signatures of quantum chaos in these models using the Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlator. Our results exhibit the early time exponential increase of this correlation function, from which we can deduce the quantum Lyapunov exponents that characterize quantum chaos in these models.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Exploring Conditioned Place Preference In Etheostoma olmstedi
Daniel Mirahmadian
Tamra Mendelson, Biological Sciences
Conditioned Place Preference (CPP) tests were explored utilizing Etheostoma olmstedi to observe reward behaviors. E. olmstedi, also referred to as the Tessellated Darter, is a species of freshwater fish located in Eastern North America. A conditioned place preference test aims to analyze an organism’s behaviors in response to and their ability to recall a rewarding stimulus. Multiple E. olmstedi subjects were placed in the middle of three chambers housed within experimental tanks. The middle acclimation chamber was surrounded by two lateral chambers possessing distinct visual patterns. After full acclimation, subjects were allowed to explore the two lateral chambers. Average time spent in each chamber was recorded and calculated to determine if this species has a baseline preference for one of the visual patterns. The significance of this work is to better understand the behaviors of darters in response to new environments and to develop Conditioned Place Aversion/Preference tests as an experimental paradigm for this species.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Sex Differences In Stress Susceptibility And Synaptic Protein Expression
Deeya Mistry, Ashley Copenhaver, Nick Anderson, Jalane Campbell
Tara LeGates , Biological Sciences
Females exhibit a higher susceptibility to developing stress-related psychiatric disorders such as depression. Although the effects of stress can vary between sexes, the underlying reasons for these differences remain unclear. Despite the broad similarity in behaviors related to these disorders, including reward-related behaviors, learning, and memory, which involve similar neuronal circuits in healthy males and females, there is evidence suggesting that the molecular mechanisms underlying these circuits may differ. Recently, we discovered a female-specific role for GABAB receptors in modulating the plasticity of synapses between the Hippocampus and Nucleus Accumbens (Hipp-NAc), a crucial site where bidirectional modulation of synaptic strength plays a significant role in motivated behaviors. Consequently, we hypothesize that there are sex differences in stress susceptibility and the expression of the GABABR2 receptor in the nucleus accumbens. Specifically, we anticipate that GABAB receptor expression will vary between sexes and be reduced in stressed mice. This study investigated sex differences in stress susceptibility using a chronic variable stress paradigm. Both male and female mice were exposed to stress, with no behavioral differences observed between sexes. Preliminary analysis showed similar GABAB receptor expression in both groups, aiming to enhance understanding of sex differences in stress-related disorders.
Supported in part by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Pre College and Undergraduate Science Education Program. The LeGates Lab was supported by funding from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Startup Fund.
Vertical Distribution Of Urban Pollution Over The Amazon Rainforest
Michael Moody
Henrique Barbosa, Physics
Aerosols have a profound impact on the Earth’s climate, modifying the radiation balance and serving as cloud-condensation nuclei. Anthropogenic emissions can modify the properties of the natural aerosols, with potentially serious consequences, such as delaying the rainy season in the Amazon. The GoAmazon experiment aimed at understanding how urban emissions alter the atmospheric chemistry over the rainforest, but no studies so far investigated the changes in the vertical distribution of the aerosols. This paper describes the use of a Vaisala CL51 ceilometer to measure the vertical distribution of the aerosols in the central Amazon region. Using the raw backscatter signal from the ceilometer and the atmospheric thermodynamic profile from a radiosonde, we developed an algorithm to solve the Lidar equation and obtain the aerosol backscatter coefficient. Our results show a clear distinction between profiles that are clean or contain aerosols from pollution and biomass burning. However, we also found that the instrument’s low signal-to-noise ratio and water vapor absorption at the instrument’s wavelength imposes significant challenges in this analysis. We suggest that further investigation be performed using alternative instruments, such as the micro-pulsed lidar or the doppler lidar
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Assistantship Support (URAS) Award from the UMBC Office of the Vice President for Research.
Diurnal Cycle Of Cloud Cover In The Amazon Rainforest From An All-sky Imager
Jackson Moore
Henrique Barbosa, Physics
Clouds are important elements of our climate, affecting the energy and water budgets. Investigating their diurnal cycle allows for understanding of atmospheric feedback mechanisms and for improving their representation in numerical models. Here, an algorithm that calculates the fractional cloud cover from hemispheric pictures of the sky is presented and applied to a series of images captured by low-cost imagers in the Amazon Rainforest. First, multiple exposures are combined in a single high-dynamic-range image. Then, the ratio of red to blue in each pixel is calculated. The cloudy pixels are considered to be those where the ratio is greater than 0.6, excluding saturated regions around the sun. To reduce distortion from the camera’s fisheye lens, the cloud mask is restricted to a zenith angle of less than 45 degrees. Results are shown for data acquired over the course of 2023. An ongoing effort is to compare our cloud cover estimates with those from satellite or reanalysis datasets to determine the accuracy of this simple and low-cost method of cloud cover calculation.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Characterizing The Aspergillus Nidulans Kinase Deletion Library
Meredith Morse
Mark Marten, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Filamentous fungi are used beneficially in the bioprocessing industry, producing high-value commercial products, while pathogenic species cause significant detriment to the health of crops and humans. Understanding the mechanisms which control the biosynthesis and repair of the fungal cell wall, a critical structure for the survival of fungi, will help us better interact with fungi in diverse contexts. Protein kinases regulate cell wall integrity, however many of the 98 nonessential protein kinases in the model fungus Aspergillus nidulans have unknown function. Previous research has shown septation aids in cell wall stress survival and we hypothesize that many of the 98 kinases are linked to both the septation initiation network (SIN) and the cell wall integrity (CWI) signaling pathway. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the 98 kinase deletion strains under normal and micafungin-induced wall-stress, using fluorescent microscopy to assess growth and septation. By comparing the phenotypes of the mutant strains to the isogenic control strain, we inferred how, and to what degree, each of the 98 kinases are implicated in the response to cell wall stress.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Genomic Insights Into Athletic Performance And Immune Function In Racing Siberian Huskies
Elizabeth Moser, Sophie Berger
Tracy Smith, Biological Sciences
As global temperatures rise and Arctic dog populations expand into warmer climates, working sled dogs face increasing challenges. Approximately half of the Siberian Husky racing population was recently shown to exhibit genetic introgression from warm-adapted European breeds, potentially enhancing their thermoregulation and performance. To investigate the genetic basis of heat tolerance and elite racing ability, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 16 elite racing Siberian Huskies with European introgression as cases and 95 racing Siberian Huskies with minimal to no introgression as controls. This analysis identified 1,304 significant SNPs (Bonferroni-corrected P ≤ 4.00E-7) associated with 92 genes (gene-level P ≤ 1.00E-11). Enrichment analysis highlighted genes involved in neurodevelopmental regulation, cardiac muscle development, chloride channel activity, and immune response mechanisms, suggesting a link between immune variation and performance. Given the critical role of the dog leukocyte antigen (DLA-DRB1) in immunity, ongoing research explores its association with performance and health traits. Additionally, we screened 40 Siberian Husky DNA samples for myosin heavy chain 9 (MYH9) variation, previously linked to heat tolerance, but found no segregating SNPs. Identifying genetic markers for athletic performance could inform targeted selection strategies in dogs and provide translational insights in humans.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Smart Orchard Management: Leveraging Computer Vision For Advanced Species Classification
Yazlin Moujalled
Pratik Chaudhari
Advancements in precision agriculture rely on accurate species classification to optimize crop yield and sustainability. This research explores the application of computer vision to classify plant species based on image data, contributing to more efficient agricultural monitoring. A deep learning model was trained using PyTorch, leveraging convolutional neural networks to extract features from labeled plant images. The dataset consisted of high-resolution images collected from agricultural environments and rare species data from citizen science platforms, ensuring variability in lighting and angle to improve model robustness. Training involved iterative optimization using gradient descent and cross-validation to assess performance. Results indicated a classification accuracy of 92 percent, demonstrating the model’s effectiveness in distinguishing among species. Misclassifications were analyzed to identify areas for improvement, such as refining preprocessing techniques and augmenting data diversity. This research supports the development of automated systems for plant identification, reducing the need for manual classification and enhancing agricultural decision-making. The findings contribute to sustainable farming practices by enabling targeted interventions and resource allocation. Future work includes expanding the dataset to incorporate more species and environmental conditions, further improving model generalizability. This study underscores the potential of AI-driven approaches to transform agricultural monitoring, benefiting researchers, farmers, and environmental conservation efforts.
murphyTwins: Interpreting The Unique Dynamic Of Being A Twin And How It Affects The Individual
Ria Murphy
Ann-Sofie Clemmensen, Dance
For my senior capstone research, I sought to understand the unique dynamic of being a twin and how it affects individuals. I gathered qualitative data from twins through an approved survey model, and the responses on twin dynamics varied from highly positive to decidedly negative associations with their “other half.” The literature review on twins’ childhood development notes how twins consistently develop later than their non-twin peers, even in the same household. I used dance composition to render gathered data into movement phrases and motifs. For the four dancers I worked with, I paired them up two-and-two to explore the spatial relationship within the movement material, which became central to expressing the complex dynamics between twins. The research resulted in a 10-minute group work presented at the Department of Dance’s Fall Spring Showcase in December 2024.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Robust Principal Component Analysis For Dimensionality Reduction In Control And Coordination Of The Human Hand
Cahree Myrick
Rajasekhar Anguluri, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering; Ramana Vinjamuri, CMSC, UMBC
Robust principal component analysis (RPCA) was applied to investigate the challenge of dimensionality reduction in the control and coordination of the human hand using the concept of kinematic synergies. In this study, we examined conditions under which RPCA could decompose joint angular velocity data into a low‐rank matrix representing the underlying synergies and a second matrix containing sparse outliers. A robust lasso technique was subsequently implemented to estimate the weights and onset times of the extracted synergies, thereby producing a sparse representation of hand movements. The proposed methodology demonstrated promise for isolating coordinated motion patterns while effectively separating excess noise, even from low‐quality, inexpensive data collection devices. This capability suggests potential cost savings in experimental setups and broader accessibility in both biomedical research and practical applications. The implications of this research extend to prosthetic control and robotic manipulation. Our approach offers a framework for future work on efficient motion control strategies in biomedical engineering and robotics, potentially leading to improved designs for assistive devices.
High-Throughput Screening Of Bacterial Growth Using Complex Insoluble Polysaccharide Substrates And 3D-Printed Tools
Isabella Naimi
Jeffrey Gardner, Biological Sciences
Polysaccharide degradation by bacteria is essential in driving global carbon cycling, developing renewable energy, and promoting human nutrition in the gut. However, complex polysaccharides are often insoluble, making degradation by soluble degradative enzymes difficult to study. Previously developed methods for high-throughput screening of bacterial growth employed novel biomass containment devices (BCDs) and an agar capture system (ACS) to facilitate the study of insoluble carbohydrate degradation. While useful, these devices have limitations, such as inconsistent substrate loading and time-consuming preparation. To address these shortcomings, a 3D-printed pipet was iteratively designed and tested to quantitatively monitor the degradation of insoluble polysaccharides in a 96-well microplate format. Growth analyses of the saprophytic bacterium Cellvibrio japonicus with glucose, yeast β-glucan, yeast biomass, and insoluble starch were used to benchmark the new method. Additionally, this device was used to screen environmental isolates capable of utilizing insoluble polysaccharides as a sole nutrient source. Overall, the 3D-printed pipet enables a fast, cost-effective, and more consistent method for the high-throughput screening of bacterial growth on insoluble carbohydrates, thereby expanding our understanding of substrate utilization in both industrial and biomedical contexts.
This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health under award number R01GM147142-01.
Evaluating POLI 301 As A Gateway Course For Upper-Level Political Science Electives
Nehal Naqvi
Ian Anson, Political Science; Carolyn Forestiere, Department of Political Science, UMBC; William Blake, Department of Political Science, UMBC; Laura Antkowiak, Department of Political Science, UMBC; Brian Grodsky, Department of Political Science, UMBC; Mileah Kromer, Department of Political Science, UMBC
This research study examined the role of personal and demographic characteristics towards performance, enrollment frequency, and retake odds in Research Methods in Political Science, alongside the transferability of course skills towards upper level political science electives. Determinants for success in POLI 301 and its utility towards departmental curriculum have remained under focus, with widespread reputation as the most challenging course in the political science major (even after a major redesign in Fall 2019). We employed a quantitative design, analyzing course performance data from Fall 2020 to Spring 2024 and course to course performance comparisons from Fall 2020 to Spring 2022 using bivariate analysis, regression analysis, paired analysis, and ANOVA. Our research found that political science GPA, admission type, and biological sex were significant predictors of performance and enrollment frequency in POLI 301 when controlling for competing covariates. Political science GPA and admission type also significantly explained retake odds for the course. Additionally, we found that performance in STAT 121 significantly predicted POLI 301 performance. Lastly, we did not find added benefit in completing POLI 301 towards performance in political science electives or increased conformity in performance between POLI 301 and upper level electives through greater inclusion of research methods skills.
Priyanka Navale
Fernando Vonhoff, Biological Sciences; Hua Tan, NIMH, NIH; Benjamin White, NIMH, NIH
Drosophila melanogaster, the fruit fly, is a prominent model organism valued for its small size, efficient reproductive abilities, well-characterized biological processes, and super rich genetic toolkits. Throughout its life cycle, Drosophila undergoes four molts (ecdysis), each regulated by hormones. Among these hormones, bursicon plays a crucial role in modulating the motor patterns of ecdysis and the subsequent tanning and hardening of the cuticle following adult emergence (eclosion). Immunohistochemistry studies have revealed that bursicon is expressed in 1 to 2 pairs of neurons in every neural segment from the subesophageal zone (SEZ) to AN9 in the fly’s central nervous system during the larval and pupal stages. Further analyses involving neuronal subtype characterization and calcium imaging suggest that bursicon neurons in different neural segments may serve distinct functions. To explore this functional diversity, our study aims to develop a toolkit leveraging Hox genes in conjunction with the split-Gal4 system to isolate subsets of bursicon neurons. Our findings demonstrate that combining Hox-p65AD with Burs-Gal4DBD successfully labels different subsets of bursicon neurons. This toolkit provides a valuable platform for manipulating isolated bursicon neurons, such as through dTrpA1 activation, facilitating detailed functional studies. This project will expand our understanding of hormone-dependent regulation on neurodevelopmental processes.
This work was funded, in part, through the National Institutes of Health.
Can LLMs Obfuscate Code? A Systematic Analysis Of Large Language Models Into Assembly Code Obfuscation
Gerald Ndawula
Manas Gaur, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Malware authors often employ code obfuscations to make their malware harder to detect. Existing tools for generating obfuscated code often require access to the original source code (e.g., C++ or Java), and adding new obfuscations is a non-trivial, labor-intensive process. In this study, we ask the following question: Can Large Language Models (LLMs) potentially generate a new obfuscated assembly code? If so, this poses a risk to anti-virus engines and potentially increases the flexibility of attackers to create new obfuscation patterns. We answer this in the affirmative by developing the MetamorphASM benchmark comprising MetamorphASM Dataset (MAD) along with three code obfuscation techniques: dead code, register substitution, and control flow change. The MetamorphASM systematically evaluates the ability of LLMs to generate and analyze obfuscated code using MAD, which contains 328,200 obfuscated assembly code samples. We release this dataset and analyze the success rate of various LLMs (e.g., GPT-3.5/4, GPT-4o-mini, Starcoder, CodeGemma, CodeLlama, CodeT5, and LLaMA 3.1) in generating obfuscated assembly code. The evaluation was performed using established information-theoretic metrics and manual human review to ensure correctness and provide the foundation for researchers to study and develop remediations to this risk.
Limit Cycle Generation Using Reinforcement Learning
Akiva Neuman
Hye-Won Kang, Mathematics and Statistics
Chemical reaction networks (CRNs) provide essential models for understanding dynamic interactions in natural and engineered systems. One significant phenomenon observed in CRNs is limit cycle behavior, characterized by self-sustaining oscillations that emerge under specific conditions. This research applied reinforcement learning (RL) to generate limit cycles within stochastic environments modeled by CRNs. Understanding these oscillatory mechanisms has broad applications, including biological rhythms, chemical oscillators, and complex systems relevant to many domains.
The study used the Gillespie algorithm as a baseline stochastic simulation method for modeling CRNs. A custom RL framework was developed to iteratively select reaction pathways, optimizing for conditions that promote limit cycle behavior. The reward system incorporated continuous wavelet transform analysis to quantify oscillatory stability, rewarding the strength of oscillations though specifically defined metrics. The RL agent adjusted reaction propensities over successive episodes, learning patterns that maximize sustained oscillations. Preliminary results demonstrate the RL agent’s ability to discover reaction configurations that produce oscillatory behavior. These findings highlight the potential of RL in solving complex dynamical problems where traditional analytical methods fall short, offering a novel tool for studying self-sustaining oscillations in diverse scientific and engineering fields.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Machine Learning For Near-real-time Validation In A Wildfire Digital Twin
Khoi Nguyen, Papa Manu
Adam Bargteil, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Validation is a key component of our NASA FireSense project developing a Wildfire Digital Twin; we seek to compare wildfire simulation results to real-world physical observations. A classical validation method calculates the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) by leveraging two multispectral bands NIR and SWIR using the formula (NIR-SWIR)/(NIR+SWIR); large NBR values indicate healthy vegetation while small values indicate bare ground or recent fire damage. Next, the delta Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) index is computed by subtracting post-fire NBR from pre-fire NBR; higher dNBR values indicate more severe fire damage and lower dNBR values suggest vegetation regrowth.
USGS has developed Burned Probability (BP) products from Landsat data. These products are generated by applying sophisticated algorithms to Landsat data, which obviate the need to identify pre-fire images by taking advantage of the entire history of a Landsat tile to determine variation in spectral reflectance in the absence of fires. Unfortunately, there are two significant limitations of the USGS BP maps that frustrate the our goals: time delays and geographic restrictions.
We addressed these limitations by developing a lightweight machine learning algorithm using a deep learning U-Net based model to approximate USGS BP products globally in near real-time from Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) data.
This work was funded by NASA.
Crystallization And Structural Determination Of 3’ Cap-Independent Translation Enhancer from Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus
Megan Nguyen, Manju Ojha1
1University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Deepak Koirala, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Many plant-infecting RNA viruses have evolved structured RNA elements called cap-independent translation enhancers (CITEs) within their 3’ untranslated regions to hijack host translation initiation factors (eIFs) for producing viral proteins essential for their replication. The Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, in particular, features a 3’ CITE known as BTE, which binds to the eIF4G with high affinity, enabling the further binding of the eIF4F complex. The complex then assists in recruiting the 40S ribosomal subunit for translation initiation, even without a 5’ cap, thus bypassing the canonical translation mechanism utilized by the host mRNAs. However, the structural basis of how BTE interacts with eIF4G is unknown, hampering our understanding of this crucial virological aspect process. Here, we used Fab chaperone-assisted X-ray crystallography to crystallize BTE and determine its high-resolution structure. We have obtained reproducible crystals and collected diffraction datasets, with structure-solving still in progress. Given that BTE is conserved among plant viruses, its structure will provide deeper insights into viral translation initiation and aid in developing agricultural therapeutics to treat crops infected by these viruses, including wheat and other cereal grains, which have the potential to significantly enhance food production globally.
This work was fund, in part, by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T34GM136497.
Evaluating Simultaneous And Sequential Bilingualism Teaching Procedures In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Elise Nikitina, Ipsa Sindhwani, Xuehua Zhao
Mirela Cengher, Psychology
Approximately 21% of U.S. school-age children speak a language other than English at home (Lowry, 2000), and many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) come from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Previous studies suggest bilingualism does not hinder language development in ASD, but research on optimal teaching methods remains limited. This study compared the effectiveness of simultaneous teaching (labeling items in both languages at the same time) and sequential teaching (mastering the labeling of items in one language before introducing the second) for learning a small set of vocabulary in English and Spanish in children with ASD. Participants were three 4-year-old children with ASD, and the study was conducted at their preschool. Results showed both teaching procedures were effective, with optimal approaches varying across participants. Specifically, for two participants, the simultaneous condition was more efficient, and one demonstrated faster acquisition with sequential teaching. Error analysis showed that the most common errors involved responding in the opposite language when asked to label items within the same condition. This study contributes to the limited literature on bilingualism in children with ASD, emphasizing the importance of individualized teaching strategies. Additionally, this informs educators about which procedures may be beneficial when teaching language to this population.
This work was funded, in part, by a grant through the Organization for Autism Research.
Muscarinic Receptor Regulation Of Human Colon Cancer Cell Microtentacle Formation
Lea-Pearl Njei, Kunrong Cheng1, Darin Gilchrist2, Stuart Martin3, Jean-Pierre Raufman4
1Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD , 2Department of Pharmacology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD , 3Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, 4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Jean-Pierre Raufman, UMSOM, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Metastatic colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S., with approximately 50,000 fatalities annually. Recent findings suggest that tentacle-like extensions, designated as microtentacles, facilitate cancer cell attachment and spread. Prior studies indicate that muscarinic receptor activation influences colon cancer cell behavior, with M3 muscarinic receptor (M3R) activation promoting proliferation, migration, and invasion, while M1 muscarinic receptor (M1R) activation inhibits growth. This study investigated whether muscarinic receptor activation affects microtentacle formation in colon cancer cells. Using HT29 cells (which overexpress M3R) and HCT116 cells (which overexpress M1R), we examined microtentacle formation under muscarinic receptor stimulation. Initial experiments with HT29 cells treated with acetylcholine (100 and 300 µM) confirmed microtentacle formation in some, but not all, cells. Cells were fixed, stained with WGA and Hoechst, and imaged at 40x and 60x magnification. Ongoing work will quantify microtentacle formation in both cell lines and investigate signaling pathways involved. Understanding how M1R and M3R influence microtentacle formation may lead to new strategies for preventing colon cancer metastasis, ultimately improving patient survival rates. These findings may provide insight into novel therapeutic approaches for reducing cancer spread.
This investigation was sponsored by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (National Institutes of Health Award T34GM136497).
Identifying Ectopic Synapses In Neuromuscular Junctions Of Drosophila Larvae With Candidate Autism Genes Manipulations
Munachiso Nkeonye-Mbaekwe, Shreya Singh, Claudia Gualtieri
Fernando Vonhoff, Biological Sciences
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that results in lifelong management and interventions, with an estimated 1 in every 36 children diagnosed with autism in the United States. Synaptic elimination, a process through which ectopic synapses on off-target partners are eliminated during neuronal development, has been linked to ASD, as it is essential for the plasticity of the central nervous system. As there are over 100 candidate genes associated with autism development, for this project, we focused on analyzing the effects of manipulating the Drosophila genes USP8 and Prosap, which prevent protein degradation and regulate synapse formation, respectively. Using larvae carrying manipulations of several candidate autism genes, including USP8-RNAi, USP8-KO, Prosap-RNAi, USP8-WT, eIF4G1-RNAi, and nrx1-RNAi, we analyzed the number of ectopic branches at the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) in the manipulated Drosophila and compared these to controls. In addition to the NMJs, I also looked at ectopic synapses in the nociceptors of the larval central nervous system by counting and analyzing the number of ectopic synapses after manipulating several genes, such as nrxn and USP8-WT. This project contributes to our understanding of the process of synaptic elimination associated with these candidate autism genes to promote translational research.
This investigation was sponsored by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T34GM136497.
Functionalizing Gold Nanoparticles With Gadolinium Chelated Dendrons
Paisley Nowell
Marie-Christine Daniel, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an important tool for imaging the human body and is especially useful in cancer diagnosis. The contrast observed during an MRI scan can be enhanced using external agents, such as Gadolinium (Gd), which improves diagnostic effectiveness. Therefore, developments of contrast agents that deliver Gd are useful for improving medical imaging: the current study focuses on using dendronized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as a delivery vehicle of a high number of Gd. Incorporation of Gd into contrast agents typically relies on chelation, with this study utilizing tetraazacyclododecanetetraacetic acid (DOTA) as a chelator. In this work, a DOTA-Gd chelator underwent conjugation to a specific class of polymers called dendrons: the synthesis of the dendron-modified DOTA-Gd chelator was prepared through azide-nitrile cycloaddition reaction. The prepared first-generation dendron limited DOTA-Gd conjugation to two sites per dendron. Quantifying the amount of Gd present on the dendron was accomplished using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS), resulting in 81% chelation yield per the available sites on each dendron. With the successful preparation of the DOTA-Gd-bearing dendrons, the current focus of the study involves optimizing the loading of dendrons onto AuNPs using a series of different concentrations to achieve optimal MRI contrast.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Microheater Arrays To Modulate Stiffness For Dynamically Turnable Friction
Asantewaa Nyanteh
Kevin Turner, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Friction defines how humans interact with their environment. It applies to a wide variety of engineered systems, yet its application is limited with robotic haptics. In recent years, methods of applying dynamically tunable friction to robotic systems via the use of thermally-modulated stiffness has been widely studied. There is now evidence that this may be accomplished by applying micro-scale heating systems to a thin layer of shape memory polymer (SMP). An array of microheaters have the ability to provide a low power-consumption method of thermally stimulating a small area in a quick and controlled manner. SMPs soften and easily deform when exposed to thermal stimuli above a specific temperature. To this effect, an array of microheaters were previously designed and fabricated using a newly-developed nanofabrication method. This research explores the characteristics of those microheaters, their ability to alter the mechanical properties of SMPs, and investigates adjustments that may further optimize this system.
Evaluating Anxiety And Depression-Like Behaviors In Mice After Subchronic E-Cigarette Aerosol Exposure
Saheedat Odetayo, Agnes Koodaly, Kafui Ameko, Leyla Aydin1, Janae Gordon, Sean O’Sullian, Farhan Augustine
1University of Maryland College Park
Weihong Lin, Biological Sciences; Tatsuya Ogura, Biological Sciences, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use has risen over the past decade, raising concerns about its impact on mental health due to chemical components like nicotine, flavoring agents, and metal contaminants. Epidemiological studies link e-cigarette use to increased anxiety and depression symptoms, suggesting long-term exposure may cause neurobehavioral changes. This study tests the hypothesis that chronic e-cigarette exposure induces anxiety- and depression-like behaviors using a mouse model. Mice were assigned to three exposure groups: PGVG, Flavor only, and Flavor + Metal. Behavioral assessments included the Tail Suspension Test (TST) to measure depression-like behavior through immobility duration and the Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) to assess anxiety-like behavior by time spent in open and closed arms. We anticipate that Flavor + Metal exposure will result in greater immobility in the TST and reduced time in open arms of the EPM, indicating heightened anxiety- and depression-like behaviors. Baseline data establish a reference for analyzing post-exposure changes, providing insight into the neurobehavioral effects of chronic e-cigarette use. These findings will enhance understanding of how specific e-cigarette constituents affect mental health and may guide future research on the long-term impact of vaping on emotional regulation.
Investigating Sex Differences In Platelet Traction Forces
Ini Olaniyan
Molly Mollica, Mechanical Engineering
Platelets are blood cells that drive blood clotting and stop bleeding. During these processes, platelets bind, spread, and contract. Their ability to generate traction forces (i.e., contract) is crucial to prevent excessive bleeding after injury. There are notable differences in the coagulability, or ability to clot, of males and females. Female hypercoagulability has been shown, in part, to be a result of estradiol, which induces faster clot formation and increased clot strength. Coagulability is clinically significant as after severe injury, females have an advantage in trauma-induced coagulopathy. However, whether males and females differ in platelet traction forces is unknown. This study aims to investigate the effects of sex and hormones on platelet traction forces, to understand sex-specific variations in platelet mechanics. To explore these differences, black dots are utilized. Black dots are fluorescent micropatterns created by stamping a fluorescent protein onto a flexible substrate. Platelets are seeded on the substrate, where they bind, spread, and contract. The distortions of the micropattern are visualized via fluorescence microscopy. These distortions are used to calculate single-platelet traction forces. Toward the goal of understanding platelet mechanics in males and females, I have demonstrated successful fabrication of the black dots.
Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation.
How Election Results Trigger Political Violence: A Comparison Between The U.S, Brazil, And Myanmar In Democratic Unrest
Anu Olutoye, Ayra Sangi, Lucy Weisburgh
Carolyn Forestiere, Political Science
Political violence is defined as threats or forces often directed at aspects of political systems, driven by conflicts in ethnicity, religion, and economics. This research explores acts of political violence committed by right-wing groups after elections with differing levels of violence. This leads to our research question “What are the causes and consequences of political violence perpetrated by right-wing activists in the aftermath of elections in the U.S., Brazil, and Myanmar?” On January 6th, 2021, an attack occurred at the U.S. capital by followers of the former President Trump in protest of the 2020 presidential election results. On January 8th, 2023, thousands of Brazilians stormed their Supreme Court and Presidential Palace to overturn the election. On February 1st, 2021, the Myanmar military staged a coup to gain control of the government after the democratic party won. Our research is a most different systems design. This strategy is predicated on comparing very different cases that all have the same dependent variable. Our results indicated the cause for the political violence was dissatisfaction with results that ended in a democratic win. However, the consequences in each nation differed from temporary effects in the U.S. to permanent consequences in Myanmar.
This work was funded by The office of International Education Abroad.
Investigating MCB-613 As A Post-Translational Regulator Of USP15 In Ovarian Cancer Cells
Emmanuel Omole, Ayokunnumi Ogunsanya1
1Biological sciences, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Achuth Padmanabhan , Biological Sciences
Due to the lack of effective therapeutics and late diagnosis, ovarian cancer is the second most lethal gynecologic cancer and the sixth leading cause of cancer-associated deaths among women in the United States. To improve clinical outcomes it is important to identify key factors that drive ovarian cancer progression and understand mechanisms that regulate them in cells. Previous studies show that USP15, a deubiquitinase, is crucial in regulating P53-R175H levels in ovarian cancer cells. Despite its established role in several cellular functions and impact on cancer, there are no reports investigating the mechanisms that regulate USP15 protein stability and levels in cells. My project aims to address this knowledge gap. Our preliminary data show that a small molecule called MCB-613, a steroid receptor co-activator stimulator depletes USP15 protein in TYK-Nu cells, a P53-R175H ovarian cancer cell line. Cycloheximide chase assay also revealed a reduction in USP15 half-life upon MCB-613 treatment, confirming the effect to be post-translational. We will ascertain the broader biological relevance of these results by expanding these experiments to various ovarian cancer cell lines. We will then combine chemical biological approaches, and structure-function analyses to identify the precise mechanism through which MCB-613 regulates USP15 in ovarian cancer cells.
SMYD3 Inhibition Used To Identify And Block Main Metastatic Pathways Within Prostate Cancer
Brandon Onochie, Luke Mason, Praise Lasekan, Sabeen Ikram
Erin Green, Biological Sciences
Aberrant lysine methylation of histone and non-histone proteins mediated by deregulated lysine methyltransferases (KMT) and lysine demethylases (KDM) has been associated with numerous malignancies. SMYD3, a member of the SMYD family of lysine methyltransferases, is overexpressed in multiple cancers including prostate cancer. Increased expression levels of SMYD3 in prostate cancer cells promotes survival, migration, invasion, and metastasis, indicating that it plays a significant role in prostate carcinogenesis. However, the molecular and the biochemical mechanisms that regulate substrate identification and lysine methyltransferase activity of SMYD3 remain undefined. We hypothesize that SMYD3 has a preferred substrate through which it facilitates development and progression of malignancy. In prostate cancer cells, using subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence we found SMYD3 to be primarily localized in the cytoplasm. Essentially, our goal is to study the contribution of different regions of the uniquely regulated proteins. Structurally, SMYD3 contains a conserved SET domain, which catalyzes methylation, a zinc finger MYND domain, a cysteine rich post-SET domain and a TPR-like region comprising C-terminal domain (CTD). Through immunofluorescent imaging, we aim to define the role of the different domains of SMYD3 in regulating its localization.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Assistantship Support (URAS) Award from the UMBC Office of the Vice President for Research.
Sticky Fingers-How Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan Processing Enzymes Mediate Drosophila Melanogaster Border Cell Migration
Andrew Opincar, Dr. Alexander George, Alanna Carter
Michelle Starz-Gaiano, Biological Sciences
Cell migration is essential to understanding cancer metastasis, immune responses, embryogenesis, and wound repair. Our model system for cell migration is the border cell cluster, which has well-conserved regulatory mechanisms with those in human motile cells. Border cells arise during Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis and chemical messengers induce cell motility and guide their migration. How these molecules are spatiotemporally arranged and how the border cells sense them remains unclear. We hypothesize that heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) regulate border cell migration by facilitating the diffusion and proper spatial distribution of chemoattractants. We downregulated the expression of glycosylation enzymes that produce HSPGs, Heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase, sulfateless, and sugarless, using the Gal4/UAS system and RNA interference in migration-relevant cell types. We observed migratory delays and, interestingly, some trailing cells, supporting our hypothesis and suggesting additional roles for these enzymes. These clues indicate that HSPGs may be involved in cytokine signaling, cell adhesion, co-reception of chemoattractants, and spatial distribution of secreted chemoattractants across the egg chamber. We are currently conducting experiments to replicate our results and will validate the effectiveness of the RNAi using qRT-PCR. This work provides insights into how HSPG protein modifications impact guidance signaling and cell migration in human contexts.
This research is funded in part by the Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation through the Beckman Scholars program at UMBC and by the award NSF-IOS 2303857.
Food Insecurity Among College Students
Emmanuella Osei
Sameera Nayak, Public Health
Food insecurity (FI) is the lack of consistent access to healthy and sufficient food. Students at minority-serving institutions (MSI) often face higher rates of FI compared to those at predominantly white institutions. This study aimed to (1) investigate correlates of food insecurity among students at an MSI and (2) identify student-driven strategies to address the issue. Using an anonymous electronic survey, we assessed demographic characteristics, levels of food security, and knowledge of campus resources. Students were also asked to identify strategies that could effectively combat FI on college campuses. Data were analyzed using bivariate and multivariable logistic regression. Results (n=471) revealed that approximately 43% (n=203) of respondents were classified as food insecure, according to the USDA Food Security Scale. International students (OR: 2.618, CI: 1.055,6.495), first-generation students (OR=2.197, CI:1.293, 3.734), and Pell Grant recipients (OR:3.199, CI: 1.569,6.525) were significantly more likely to experience food insecurity. Students ranked reducing the price of meal plans, expanding the campus food pantry, and increasing the availability of healthy food options on campus as the best ways to combat food insecurity on a college campus.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Nakahara, Dazai, And Edogawa: The Influence Of Western Literature On Japanese Authors In The Early 20th Century
Siskind Oshry
Julie Oakes, Asian Studies
In the early 20th century literature from the West made its way to Japan, ultimately influencing the country’s most important literary figures such as Nakahara Chuuya (1907-1937), Edogawa Ranpo (1884-1865), and Dazai Osamu (1909-1948). Despite foreign influences, literature in Japan from this time was heavily impacted by the turbulent times experienced by the authors, ensuring that the modernization of literature did not equate to Westernization. While reckoning with the modernization of Japan and their own personal turmoil, Japanese writers created impactful works in their respective genres. In particular, these three writers were affected by the works of Western authors–Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891), Edgar Allan Poe (1809, 1849), and Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) respectively. To explore these interactions, an analysis was carried out on these six authors’ works. One Western author was paired with one Japanese author based on the influence of the Western author on the Japanese writer–Dazai with Dostoevsky, Nakahara with Rimbaud, and Edogawa with Poe. The significance of this analysis is that the works of Dazai, Nakahara, and Edogawa are an example of modernization not being synonymous with Westernization. While these Japanese writers were influenced by the Western authors, their works still reflect their unique time, place, and life experiences.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Ndrg1b Regulates N-cadherin Trafficking In Response To Hypoxia
Gabriel Otubu
Rachel Brewster, Biological Sciences
N-cadherin is a key cell-cell adhesion molecule with critical roles in development and cancer. Its ability to establish stable cell contacts or promote cell migration is dependent on the dynamic regulation of its cellular trafficking. Previous research has elucidated the molecular mechanisms controlling N-cadherin transport, the Brewster lab recently identified N-myc downstream regulator gene 1b (Ndrg1b) as a novel mediator of N-cadherin recycling. Unlike other protein trafficking regulators, Ndrg1b is hypoxia-responsive, with both its transcript and protein levels increasing in muscle fibers under low-oxygen conditions. Interestingly, we determined that N-cadherin levels are elevated in hypoxic muscle fibers of the zebrafish embryo. We have further shown that both Ndrg1b and N-cadherin are required for muscle development. Based on these observations, I hypothesize that environmental or physiological hypoxia, elevate the levels of N-cadherin and its transport regulator Ndrg1, which in turn promote muscle fiber fusion and growth. To begin testing this hypothesis, I am first confirming that muscle fiber fusion is enhanced in response to hypoxia, in an Ndrg1b-dependent manner. To accomplish this I am counting the number of muscle fusion events in embryos under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Together these findings provide new insight into the molecular underpinning of muscle growth.
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
Determining A Role For The MicroRNA, Bereft, During Border Cell Migration
Daisy Parry
Michelle Starz-Gaiano, Biological Sciences; Alex George, Biological Sciences
Cell migration contributes to developmental feats and adversely affects cancer metastasis. To better understand cell migration regulation, our lab studies border cells, a cluster of ovarian cells, within Drosophila egg chambers that migrate during the later stages of oogenesis. The fly is a valuable model system because it has fast generation times and sophisticated genetic tools to manipulate the expression of its genes. While the regulation of border cell movement – and cells in general – has been observed, less is known about the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) within this context. MiRNAs are short, non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression. This study aims to identify how the knockdown of a certain miRNA called bereft impacts border cell migration. Previous work in our lab has shown that the bereft miRNA may post-transcriptionally target the border cell specification gene unpaired. We knocked down bereft function in border cells and evaluated their migration phenotype to observe this relationship. Typical migration was observed even when bereft was knocked down; however, subsequent experiments are necessary. Future goals require different lines to observe how various cellular pathways impact border cell differentiation, migration, and chemoattractant regulation.
This research is funded by the NIGMS of NIH award T34GM136497, which was given to the U-RISE Program at UMBC, and the NSF grant IOS-2303857, which was awarded to MSG.
Effects Of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Acute Stress On Neural Mechanisms Of Emotional Reactivity In Schizophrenia
Maahee Patel, Jacob Nudelman1
1Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Raimi Quiton, Psychology; James Waltz, Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Adverse childhood events (ACEs) and acute stressors have previously been associated with emergence and worsening of symptoms relating to psychosis. The neural mechanisms by which ACEs and acute stress impact psychopathology are not known, however. Our goal was to investigate how stress and trauma affect neural processes underlying emotional reactivity, as a potential mediator of the symptoms of psychosis. We investigated relationships among stress, trauma, and symptoms by acquiring fMRI data from 58 people with schizophrenia (PwS) and 37 controls, together with assessments of psychopathology and ACEs. On two separate occasions, participants were presented with positive, negative, and neutral images (24 of each) from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). Volumes-of-interest analyses revealed complex patterns of effects of trauma, stress, and illness severity across the brain’s reward and salience networks, which have been implicated in the processing of pain, motivation, and emotion. We observed a main effect of acute stress on evoked responses to positive pictures in the left anterior insula, which scaled with paranoia in PwS. Our results are consistent with findings supporting the impact of childhood trauma and acute stress on the severity of psychosis symptoms, highlighting the potential role of altered processing in reward and salience circuits.
Waiting at the Door: Waiting at the Door: A Game About Grief, Growth, and Healing
Olivia Patterson, Aidan Brown, Daryl Colosi, Adith Gunaseelan, Brandon Krupka, Nga Nguyen, Dara Oludare, Jackson Reichardt, Charles Vaudreuil
Marc Olano, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Recognizing that grief is a universal and often overwhelming experience, this video game was created as a safe space where players can confront and understand their own grief through the eyes of a devoted canine. In this 2D platformer, players step into the paws of a loyal dog who is confused when one owner mysteriously does not return home. The narrative unfolds over five thoughtful and artistically driven levels, each representing a distinct stage of grief, where the storyline, enemies, and landscapes vividly capture the emotional essence of each stage of grief. Along the journey, players collect cherished mementos, solve puzzles, overcome obstacles, and confront foes that mirror the struggles of loss. With each level, the dog gains new abilities that symbolize healing and personal growth through the stages of grief, reinforced by emotional flashbacks and memories of happier times. In the culminating stage of acceptance, a heartwarming reunion with the lost owner gives the guiding light ability to symbolize enduring love and acceptance. This game gives players engaging, thoughtful gameplay while emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence, mental health, and the positive impact media such as video games can have on supporting individuals through emotional challenges.
Authorship And Creativity In Dungeons And Dragons
Jaina Peveto
Jason Loviglio, Media and Communication Studies
Dungeons and Dragons is a game that encourages collaborative storytelling between players and a dungeon master (a DM). The players create characters and bring them to life, while the DM sets up the rest of the story world, including things like the setting of the game, the plot hooks the players will follow, and the non-player characters that the player characters can interact with. Creativity is at the core of the game and has been to varying degrees throughout each of its incarnations. I will discuss how Dungeons and Dragons create a space for creativity, and how players utilize that. I will also explore whether adding constraints such as using pre-created official modules creates opportunities for variations on a theme, or if there is less room for creativity because creative work was already previously done by an outside source. This work could inform parents of children who play D&D and creators in other media who are interested in inspiring creativity and what affects people’s passion for storytelling and imaginative play.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
The Impact Of Physician Advice On Healthy Behavioral Changes Among Older Adults With Hypertension In The U.S.
Joseph Phillips
Jun Chu, Public Health
In the United States, hypertension is a prevalent issue affecting almost 50 percent of the adult population. Hypertension is commonly caused by combinations of unhealthy habits that go uncorrected for too long, such as poor diets and heavy drinking. This research sought out to examine if healthy habit changes among older adults with hypertension in the United States are associated with receiving advice to do so from personal physicians. Using STATA statistical analysis software, we gathered and cleaned data from the CDC Behaviroal Risk Factor Survielance System, an annual national survey that collects over 400,000 survey data entries. By creating and analyzing descriptive statistics of our survey population, we were able to identify significant differences between hypertensive patients of different races. Linear regressions confirmed that idea, finding that across all five of the healthy habits we analyzed, non-Latino White patients always had the highest increase in adherence to the advice from their physician. From our results, we found that non-Latino Black patients had a higher prevalence of already practicing healthy habits prior to hearing advice from a physician.
This work was funded, in part, through a Student Research Assistance for Faculty Research and Creative Achievement (RCA) Award from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
Mach Number Scaling Of Foreshock Magnetic Fluctuations At Quasi-Parallel Bow Shocks With Juno
Azzan Porter
Brandon Burkholder, Goddard Planetary Heliophysics Institute, NASA GSFC
A bow shock is where the solar wind plasma is slowed down to subsonic speeds before it interacts with a planetary magnetic field. In the case of quasi-parallel shock geometry, ions are reflected into the upstream solar wind which can drive instabilities propagating towards the planet. The objective of this research is to determine the magnetic fluctuation amplitude at Jupiter’s bow shock in relation to the solar wind Mach number. The Mach number at Jupiter is greater than 10. We identify periods of large magnetic fluctuations upstream of quasi-parallel shock crossings and quantify the maximum magnetic fluctuation amplitude for each event. To provide context with other magnetospheres in the solar system, our methodology compares these results with ion foreshock events from Mercury, Earth, Mars, and Saturn. The results of this project will contribute to the state-of-the-art understanding of the solar-wind magnetosphere interaction, particularly during extreme solar-wind conditions.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Deep Learning-Assisted Histopathological Analysis Of Adipose Tissue Remodeling In Breast Cancer
Jeshuwin Prabakaran, Irina Sbornova
Nykia Walker, Biological Sciences
Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in women and a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. While tumor cells drive disease progression, the surrounding stromal microenvironment—particularly changes in adipose tissue—plays a crucial role in tumor growth and metastasis. Emerging evidence suggests cancer-associated adipose tissue undergoes structural remodeling, potentially serving as an early indicator of tumor presence. However, current assessment methods are subjective and lack scalable computational tools. To address this gap, we developed a deep-learning-based computational framework to analyze histopathological images of mammary adipose tissue and identify tumor-induced changes. Our approach applies automated image segmentation and machine learning models to quantify key morphological features—such as adipocyte size, shape irregularity, and spatial distribution—distinguishing normal adipocytes from cancer-associated adipocytes. We trained this model on tissue samples from breast cancer patients, comparing tumor microenvironment and distal (healthy) regions to capture distinct adipose remodeling patterns. By applying artificial intelligence to breast cancer pathology, our framework enables objective, scalable detection of cancer-associated stromal remodeling. We have identified statistically significant differences in adipocyte morphology, aligning with previous manual analyses. This tool has potential clinical applications for improving risk assessment, prognosis, and treatment planning in breast cancer management.
NIH_NCI K01 Career Development Research Award.
Noninvasive Wearable Device For Transcutaneous CO2 Based Early Detection Of Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression
Tithi Prajapati, Anino Mebahganje, Michael Tolosa, Pegah Rezaei, Venkatesh Srinivasan, Xudong Ge, Govind Rao
Venkatesh Srinivasan, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
The opioid crisis is a significant public health concern due to the severe medical complications it causes, particularly in respiratory function. One critical issue is the depletion of respiratory function over time, which can ultimately lead to mortality. This research proposes a noninvasive device for measuring transcutaneous CO2 diffusion, which can indicate CO2 levels and provide timely measurements of respiratory status. Using a novel rate-based analytics method, we developed a compact, handheld device for measuring CO2 diffusion based on our published clinical study with neonates on transcutaneous monitoring for respiratory health. The wearable device also monitors heart rate, temperature, and humidity. The device was tested on human subjects, alongside the Radiometer TCM4, at rest and during active jogging. The device demonstrated a high correlation with the Radiometer TCM4. Unlike the Radiometer, our device does not require skin heating to 42-44°C, making it non-invasive. It is not bulky like the Radiometer TCM4 since our device is portable. In addition to measuring CO2 concentration, our device provides a rate of change of CO2, which is crucial for detecting drastic changes in respiratory function. Optimization of this device for detecting respiratory depression in opioid overdoses is underway.
This research was funded, in part, by NIH.
Analyzing Multivariate Time Series Amalgams Of Physiological Data In ICUs For Sepsis In Adults
Leah Prince
Patricia Ordóñez, Information Systems
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition where the body improperly responds to infection, often causing organ failure, and is the leading cause of death in hospitals. The condition is caused by a bacterial infection entering the bloodstream and requires immediate attention. Traditional machine learning methods for sepsis diagnosis have often relied on analyzing vital sign data individually, overlooking multivariate states in health trajectories that develop into sepsis within 24 hours.
To better understand this disease and its unpredictable nature, we analyze publicly available ICU patient data from three U.S.-based hospitals, creating a database of historical vital sign data from thousands of patients with sepsis according to Sepsis-3 guidelines and without sepsis. Patient vital signs are represented and visualized using Multivariate Time Series Amalgams (MTSA). Clustering MTSA shapes using k-means may reveal similarities between healthy patients and patients suspected of sepsis. Clustering MTSA images of an MTSA visualization may personalize and create a more context-aware representation of a patient’s health trajectory prior to official sepsis diagnosis, thereby creating a non-invasive mechanism for predicting the onset of sepsis.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Characterization Of Transmembrane Transporters Linked To Cell Wall Stress Response
Matthew Quintanilla
Mark Marten, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
There have been extensive studies on filamentous fungi with particular emphasis on their cell walls and regulatory pathways due to their clinical and industrial importance. In the model A. nidulans, these studies have characterized the regulatory pathway for conidiation, highlighting the involvement of the transcription factor (TF) BrlA along with downstream TFs, AbaA and WetA. Our lab has identified that under cell wall stress, brlA is transcriptionally upregulated while abaA and wetA are not. This suggests that BrlA plays an additional role in responding to wall stress. To investigate this additional role of BrlA, genes with BrlA recognition elements were cross-referenced with transcripts that were upregulated during wall stress but not during conidiation. From this group, we deleted five of these genes with a CRISPR-Cas9 mediated technique to characterize each resulting transmembrane transporter (TMT) knockout strain. Specifically, we will conduct viability assays to determine their sensitivity to 3 distinct types of wall stressing drugs. Significance testing will reveal whether these strains display significantly reduced viability, implying upregulation of these TMTs is involved in mitigating wall stress. Towards this end, we have revised our method of testing in an effort to more fully capture how strains respond to cell wall stress.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Detection And Quantification Of Carboxylic Acids In Complex Solutions
Johnathan Ragazzo, Dayna Garner, Owen Sparr
Lisa Kelly, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Carboxylic acids are ubiquitous in biological systems, and the detection and quantification thereof are important for understanding such systems. Common methods for detection and quantification of carboxylic acids tend to be either expensive, wasteful or require large sample sizes. Leveraging the drastic increase in fluorescence quantum yield of the adduct formed upon reaction of 1-pyrenyldiazomethane with carboxylic acids, we sought to develop a facile method to detect and quantify carboxylic acids in solution. Using absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies, rate constants and thermodynamic information for the reaction of 1-pyrenyldiazomethane with a series of substituted benzoic acids as well as fatty acids were obtained. With these data, we were able to develop effective and efficient protocols for determinations of carboxylic acids in complex solutions. These data also yielded mechanistic information with respect to the reaction of 1-pyrenyldiazomethane with carboxylic acids. The fluorophore 1-pyrenyldiazomethane can be used to readily detect and quantify carboxylic acids in mild conditions, using small sample sizes, with common laboratory instruments.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
The New Jersey Domestic Violence Housing First Evaluation
Richie Raymond, Soleyana Denu
Nkiru Nnawulezi, Psychology
Domestic violence (DV) is a pervasive issue affecting millions of people in the United States. The experience of domestic violence has been associated with housing instability for many survivors. Therefore high-quality advocacy is imperative to helping survivors find and sustain safe and stable housing. Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) is an innovative, community-based intervention that provides trauma-informed advocacy and flexible funding assistance to DV survivors who are unstably housed. Several states, including New Jersey, have implemented the DVHF model within their DV organizations. Prior evaluations of the model demonstrate that DV survivors experiencing housing instability experience greater safety, mental health, and housing stability from DVHF services compared to services as usual within domestic violence organizations. This concurrent mixed-method study aims to assess the implementation of DVHF services in New Jersey and its influence on survivor safety, well-being, and housing stability over time. This study includes semi-structured interviews with 29 housing navigators and structured, longitudinal interviews with 100 survivors. The current presentation focuses on how housing navigators implement the DVHF model, assessing its alignment with the core principles of DVHF.
This was funded through the New Jersey Department of Child and Family Services, Division of Women.
Examining Learned Associations Between Contextual Cues And Stress-Inducing Experiences
Ella Reinders, Olivia Edoigiawerie, Tyler Nguyen, Se Rin Lee, Eden Beyene, Maya Tondravi
Tara LeGates, Biological Sciences
The ability to associate stress-inducing stimuli with contextual information is crucial for survival, yet the neural mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear. Using a Conditioned Place Aversion (CPA) paradigm, we investigated how mice associate aversive stimuli with contextual cues in a two-chamber arena. To identify brain regions involved in this behavior, we measured cFos expression via immunohistochemistry, visualizing neuronal activation during different restraint-context pairings. Mice were exposed to one of four conditions before samples were collected: CPA chamber with or without restraint, or home cage with or without restraint. We focused on the hippocampal CA1 region, medial nucleus accumbens, and basolateral amygdala due to their roles in contextual learning, motivated behavior, and fear. Restraint in the CPA chamber significantly increased cFos expression in the nucleus accumbens and basolateral amygdala. In the ventral hippocampus, cFos expression increased regardless of restraint presence, consistent with the hippocampus’ role in processing novel contextual information. These findings suggest that all three brain regions contribute to CPA behavior, with the ventral hippocampus playing a key role in contextual processing. This study advances our understanding of how stress impacts neural circuits and provides insights into the neurobiological basis of stress-related behaviors and disorders.
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
Virtual Reality’s Role In Understanding Factors Affecting Education
Arianna Richardson
Anita Komlodi, Human-Centered Computing, Imaging Research Center ; Lee Boot, Imaging Research Center
Virtual reality has proven to be a useful tool for novice educators to acknowledge and comprehend the multiple factors that affect student achievement. REVLR (Researching Educational Variables in a Learning-focused Reality) is a virtual reality (VR) platform designed as a systems engagement and exploration environment (SEEe). This platform allows users to analyze diverse media, including 2D and 3D graphs, text passages, and videos. This virtual environment addresses how immersive environments help future teachers navigate community, policy, and demographic factors in education. Data collection involves pre-service educators engaging with REVLR to create virtual conceptual diagrams that show connections among factors influencing education, including school-community relationships, neighborhood histories, and policy impacts. Surveys and interviews capture participants’ reflections on their experiences, insights, and challenges in using the platform. The REVLR environment helps participants understand education within broader systemic and cultural contexts, promoting an asset-based approach to teaching and learning. The findings highlight the platform’s potential to transform teacher preparation and support the development of culturally responsive and community-focused educators.
The Effects Of Lowered Expression Of Daughterless On Speed, Endurance, And Fecundity On Drosophila Melanogaster
Christa Richardson
Jeff Leips, Biological Sciences
Variation in speed, endurance, and fecundity is a common phenomenon. One reason for this variation is genetic differences. Although genetic differences are a well-known cause for this variation, little is known about the genes that contribute to it. A genome-wide association study using Drosophila melanogaster identified candidate genes that contribute to variation in speed and endurance. One of the genes being daughterless (da). da encodes Helix-Loop-Helix transcription factors and shares homology with humans. It is involved in follicle formation, sex determination, and development of muscular tissue during development, however its role in adults is relatively unknown. This study aims to validate the effects of da on physical performance, and examine its influence on egg production, to better understand genetic variation. We hypothesized that lowering da would reduce speed, endurance, and fecundity. da was lowered using the Gal4 UAS system. Speed and endurance were measured via a climbing assay, and fecundity was measured via egg counts. There was no effect on speed, however, fecundity and endurance had declined, with p values of 0.055, and 0.001 respectively. Suggesting that da expression influences fecundity and endurance. Further research should be done to validate the results and learn more about the pathway of da.
This work was funded by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Scholars Program.
Understanding Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity Using Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
Anderson Rivas, Nimalee Jayasekera, Nav Raj Phulara
Herana Kamal Seneviratne, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Doxorubicin (DOX) is a first-line chemotherapeutic agent effective against various cancers. However, its clinical administration is constrained by dose-dependent cardiotoxicity. The heart primarily relies on fatty acid oxidation for energy, demonstrating the role of lipid metabolism in cardiac homeostasis. Furthermore, DOX is known to disrupt cellular metabolism, however the connection between DOX-induced cardiotoxicity (DIC) and lipid metabolism remains understudied. We hypothesize that DOX-induced lipid metabolism alterations contribute to DIC. Using a mouse model, we investigated DOX-induced alterations in lipid metabolizing proteins. Eight-week old female C57BL/6 mice were dosed with 15 mg/kg DOX, conferring acute DIC, or vehicle. Body weights were monitored and hearts harvested seven days after treatments. Heart slices underwent cryosectioning, protein extraction, digestion, and proteomics analysis via nano-HPLC and timsTOF mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed by PEAKS Studio to identify detected proteins and their intensities. Proteins with at least a 1.5 times fold change between control and DOX-treated groups were investigated for lipid metabolism involvement. DOX downregulated Acyl carrier protein, mitochondrial, ATP-citrate synthase, Prostaglandin E synthase 2, and Methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase, mitochondrial, while upregulating Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 11. DOX-treated mice also demonstrated body weight reduction. These data reveal that DOX modulates the above lipid metabolizing proteins.
This research was partially funded by the USM LSAMP program, supported by NSF LSAMP Award # 2207374.
Novel Dual-mode Fluorescence And Phosphorescence Probes For Ratiometric In Vivo Oxygen Sensing
Aliyyah Roberson
Marcin Ptaszek, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Since many cancer cells exhibit reduced oxygen pressure, sensitive and accurate organic optical probes for in vivo oxygen sensing offer a non-invasive method for early cancer detection and tumor visualization. Organic optical probes are compounds that emit light upon interaction with a target. For optimal oxygen sensing and tumor visualization, optical probes should be quantitative, inexpensive, and emit light in the near-infrared (IR) spectral window (650 nm to 900 nm) for enhanced tissue penetrance. Ratiometric probes are a particularly useful class of optical probes for oxygen sensing because they utilize both fluorescence and phosphorescence emissions, with fluorescence independent of oxygen concentrations and phosphorescence highly sensitive to oxygen concentrations. This work aims to determine molecular structures that emit both fluorescence and phosphorescence in the near-IR range, to develop ratiometric probes for in vivo oxygen sensing. The syntheses and photochemical characterizations, including absorptions and emissions, of a series of Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes of tetrapyrrolic macrocycles are presented.
This work was funded, in part, by the HHMI grant (52008090) and funding from the National Institute of Health/NICHD (R21HD089476).
Investigating The Interaction Between HIV-1 RRE S1A, Rev, And Gag: Binding Mechanisms At The Purine-Rich Bulge
Ariana Rodriguez, Aarsh Shah, Arjun Kanjarpane
Michael Summers, HHMI
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) affects over 39 million people globally. The viral protein Rev interacts with a portion of the genomic viral RNA, the HIV-1 Rev Response Element (RRE), playing a crucial role in the nuclear export of the viral genome during the late phase of the HIV life cycle. Rev particularly binds at the purine-rich bulges on the RRE, specifically on the Stem 2 and Stem 1. Following nuclear export, another viral protein, Gag, binds to the RNA and mediates genome packaging. Recent studies suggest that the primary RNA binding domain of Gag, known as the Nucleocapsid (NC) domain, may also bind to the RRE, specifically at the Stem 1 region. To characterize the location and the dynamics of Rev and Gag/NC binding, we have created several constructs of Stem 1A with varying mutations to the purine-rich bulge and aim to probe the impact of these mutations by employing electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs). Understanding how Rev and Gag interact with the RRE will provide new insights into the HIV-1 replication process, such as the exact binding specificities of Gag/NC and how the two parts of the HIV life cycle, nuclear export and packaging, might be linked.
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
“The Wild Men Of Wirral”: Racism Toward The Welsh In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Frank Rodriguez
Kathryn McKinley, English
My research analyzes Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’s depictions of the Welsh in the Wirral forest and the giant Green Knight. As a method, I have studied medieval ethnographic writings and used premodern critical race theory and postcolonial theory. I’ve conducted research on the 14th-century English colonization of Wales and the derogatory portrayal of the forest’s “wild men.” The English had long dehumanized the Welsh as impetuous, violent tricksters and barbarians. The English hero Gawain must traverse this forest to meet the immortal Green Knight (for a return blow of the sword), whose origin is unknown. The English poet perpetuates this ethnocentrism towards the Welsh but also presents a Green Knight who blends some Welsh features with radical autonomy, intellect, and power. The Green Knight, in his mossy borderland “chapel” challenges Gawain’s understandings of knighthood, language, and God. I plan to further investigate the conflicted medieval English/Welsh relations and the poet’s Cheshire location, to see how these factors can account for divergent portrayals of the Welsh on the borderlands of Wales and England. This research is relevant today because of the way it illuminates historic analogues for ungrounded modern hostilities toward a range of ethnic and racial groups.
Using Artificial Intelligence To Find Tropical Birds In Remote Areas
Charles Rogers
Kevin Omland, Biological Sciences
The Puerto Rican Oriole is a tropical songbird species found only in Puerto Rico. We are assessing the conservation status of the species, and one of the main threats to these orioles are Shiny Cowbirds that lay their eggs in the oriole nests. Faster-growing cowbirds often outcompete orioles, so the young orioles do not survive. In a study of over 50 nests in lowland areas, we observed zero successful nests. Thus, we hypothesized that successful nests occur primarily in mountainous, less accessible regions where there are fewer cowbirds. However, the remoteness of the areas made it difficult to spend enough time in the environment to determine if the Puerto Rican Oriole resides here. To address this, we deployed automatic recording units (ARUs) to collect audio data from these locations for 10 hours a day for 10 days. Using BirdNET, an open-source AI program, we created an AI profile to detect the presence of the Puerto Rican Oriole vocalizations within the recordings. The AI algorithm correctly identified oriole vocalizations from our recordings from these remote areas where we had not detected orioles previously. This study highlights the effectiveness of AI-assisted bioacoustic monitoring, particularly for detecting poorly known species in hard-to-reach environments.
I am a recipient of a UMBC Travel Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
UMBC Multidisciplinary Capstone: Design And Development Of An Autonomous Fixed-Wing UAV For Long-Range Payload Delivery
Turibius Rozario, Joseph DeFusco, Adam Miu, Alex Vennos, Sean Stahler, Abby Joseph, Connor Cox, Emily Kosloski
E.F. Charles LaBerge, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering; Paris Von Lockette, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
A UMBC multidisciplinary capstone team is designing and constructing a fixed-wing UAV. The UAV will carry a 10 lb payload and fly a range of 10 nautical miles at a minimum airspeed of 35 mph. It will be capable of autonomous flight and avoiding hazards. This aircraft is built from 3D printed and hobby-level electronics and software. It will also be capable of transmitting video and maintaining the safety of operators and nearby property. Sub-teams consisting of Computer and Mechanical Engineers have worked collaboratively to complete these tasks. A conventional gasoline-powered airframe with a v-tail minimizes drag while maintaining structural integrity. Remote ID detection, front sensing LiDAR, bottom-mounted LiDAR, and an airspeed sensor are used for UAV and forward obstacle avoidance and autonomous landing. Real-time Kinematic (RTK) GPS is used for centimeter accuracy. Telemetry radios and long range ExpressLRS radio are used to maintain connectivity over long range. A proof-of-concept prototype with a low-cost flight controller has been constructed. Additional tuning, setup of full autonomy, and configuration of video transmission, including lessons learned from the first test flight are yet to be performed.
Using 3RAD Genotyping By Sequencing To Evaluate Reproductive Mode In Bandona Boninensis (Opiliones: Assamiidae)
Sarah Ruotolo
Mercedes Burns, Biological Sciences; Ryan Bacon, Biological Sciences
Bandona boninensis, found in East Asian countries, maintains its population through both asexual and sexual reproduction; however, its preference for either method remains unknown. Similar to other groups of Opiliones, B. boninensis is female-biased and male specimens are rare. Genetic diversity is reliant on sexual reproduction, whereas asexual reproduction limits the gene pool, but allows for rapid population growth. To assess the genetic health and evolutionary trajectory of each lineage, we examined the genomes of two populations to determine the frequency of offspring that were a result of asexual or sexual reproduction using a three-restriction endonuclease genotyping-by-sequencing approach (3RAD). This generated a genome-wide set of single nucleotide polymorphisms for two female B. boninensis, their daughters, and their granddaughters. The program Colony was used to estimate the coefficient of inbreeding for each lineage, and the clonal probability for each F1 and F2 individual. The findings of this study will contribute to our understanding of B. boninensis’s adaptability, clonal reproduction, and possibly the broader reproductive strategies of arachnids and arthropods. Genetic analysis is currently ongoing.
Identification And Characterization Of Nucleocapsid Binding Sites Within The MAL HIV-1 RNA Packaging Signal
William Sakowicz
Michael Summers, HHMI; Brian Grossman, Biochemistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore
HIV-1 infects CD4+ cells, compromising the immune system and potentially leading to AIDS. Current antiviral therapies often target rapidly mutating HIV-1 proteins, which can reduce their long-term effectiveness. Focusing on more conserved viral regions, such as those involved in genomic recognition, may enhance therapeutic durability. Studies have identified the Core Encapsidation Signal (CES) as the minimal packaging unit for HIV-1, essential for genome packaging and viral replication. Research on the NL4-3 strain revealed that nucleocapsid (NC) protein binding to the CES region of the 5’ Leader RNA induces unwinding of the Ψ hairpin, facilitating these processes. This project extends the investigation to the MAL strain of HIV-1, aiming to characterize NC binding to its RNA packaging signal. Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry, findings indicate that both NL4-3 and MAL strains share a similar number of high-affinity NC binding sites and binding regions. Notably, the MAL strain exhibits an increased number of low-affinity binding sites compared to NL4-3. Ongoing experiments seek to identify the specific nucleotides responsible for these low-affinity interactions in the MAL strain. Confirming that NC binds to non-base-paired or weakly base-paired guanosines within the 5’ Leader, as shown in previous studies, is crucial.
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
Examining Negative Semantic Memory And Its Relation To Depression And Rumination
Vanessa Salazar
Lira Yoon, Psychology
This study examined the length of consecutive, negative free associates (i.e., negative chain length) and its relation to rumination and depression. It was hypothesized that individuals who ruminate would show longer negative chain lengths, particularly if they reported higher depression levels. College students (N =127) completed a modified free association task, where they typed the first word that came to mind in response to a negative or positive seed word. Their response became the next cue word. A word valence x rumination x depression analysis of covariance, with rumination and depression as covariates and negative chain length as a dependent variable was conducted. Main effects of depression and rumination (both ps < .04) and their interaction were significant (F(1, 123) = 7.29, p = .008). Individuals who ruminate more (vs. less) exhibited longer negative chain lengths, especially if they also reported higher levels of depression, indicating stronger connections among negative concepts. These findings suggest that negative concepts are more strongly interconnected in individuals who ruminate and experience depression, contributing to the maintenance of depressive symptoms. These results have important implications for developing effective interventions for individuals struggling with depression and rumination.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Investigating The Role Of The Gene, Rho1 On The Innate Immune Response In Drosophila Melanogaster
Mukta Sangar, Shivam Patel
Jeff Leips, Biological Sciences
Immunosenescence, the decline in immune function with age is a hallmark of aging but varies among individuals. This variation has a genetic basis but the genes involved are unknown. A recent genome-wide association study identified Rho1 as a candidate gene contributing to the variation of immune function with age. We investigated the role of Rho1 on bacterial clearance at young and old ages using Drosophila melanogaster. We used the GAL4-UAS system to knock down the expression of Rho1 in hemocytes of male and female flies and tested the effect of reduced expression on the ability of flies to clear bacterial infection at 1 and 5 weeks of age. Overall, older flies had reduced ability to clear infection compared with younger flies and males were significantly better at clearing infection than females. The effect of reduced expression of Rho1 on clearance ability depended on sex. Reduced Rho1 expression decreased the ability of males to clear infection but had no significant effect on clearance ability in females. Future work focused on understanding how Rho1 influences the innate immune response and why it has sex specific effects will provide new avenues for improving the immune function and the health span of the elderly.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Beyond IP Masking: How Digital Fingerprinting Defeats VPN Privacy Obscurity
Noah Santiago
Bill Ryan, Information Systems
The scope and purpose of this research is to evaluate the capabilities of consumer VPNs in protecting users’ anonymity and privacy. A quantitative and qualitative study is used to measure the effectiveness of VPNs providing anonymity and potentially reducing the effectiveness of digital fingerprinting. The total participants in the study will be 15. The process is accomplished through analyzing web traffic using JavaScript-based browser fingerprinting. The data is then analyzed to determine if the identifying information is still prevalent with the use of a VPN on and then off. The data is then normalized and clustered to determine if the identifying characteristics match. The collection of the personal identifiers are the device characteristics such as the user-agent, Canvas fingerprints, WebGL, and Screen Resolution. These characteristics are noted as digital fingerprints and the action of collecting them is digital fingerprinting. Digital fingerprinting identifies users based on unique attributes and features such as the configurations within the browser, software, and plugins. Additionally, there is a short questionnaire survey to capture additional opinions on VPNs. It is important that as a society we value privacy and strive to better understand ways we are being tracked digitally.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
LLM-Assisted IoT Knowledge Graph
Gia Oriana Santos, Kent Dang, Christian Badolato1, Aamir Hamid1, Bima Prastya1
1Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department, UMBC
Roberto Yus, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Understanding smart devices—such as their purpose, manufacturer, embedded sensors, data sensitivity, and security measures—can be challenging due to the highly distributed and predominantly textual nature of this information on the web. Knowledge graphs offer a structured approach by organizing domain-specific and general information into entities and relationships, enabling efficient querying and analysis. Recently, the knowledge graph community has also considered utilizing Large Language Models (LLM) to automate efficient knowledge extraction. In this work, we are developing the LLM-Assisted IoT Knowledge Graph (IoT KG) to automate the web-scraping IoT-related information, utilizing GPT-4o to extract entities and relationships, and structuring them into a knowledge graph to consolidate IoT security and privacy insights into a unified platform. This facilitates efficient querying and enables users to obtain specific answers about IoT device security and privacy risks. Our pipeline is fully implemented, and we are currently expanding the IoT KG with additional data sources to increase its coverage and utility. Further works include validating the IoT KG and improving the accuracy of the triplets.
Mixed-Metal Thin Films For Improved Plasmonic Current in Fluorophore Detection
Becca Schultz
Chris Geddes, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Fluorophore-Induced Plasmonic Current (FIPC) technique, developed by Dr. Geddes’s lab, enables fluorescence detection without traditional laboratory equipment. This technology has applications in on-site medical testing and efficient solar energy conversion platforms. The current signals for FIPC-based systems range from sub-nanoampere to low single-digit nanoampere, making signal amplification essential for enhanced detection and energy conversion outcomes. This study demonstrates how mixed metals in a thin film substrate amplify FIPC signals. Bimetallic films composed of 3 nm copper and 7 nm silver were deposited using physical vapor deposition and tested for their ability to generate plasmonic currents. The lab traditionally used precious metals like gold and silver for FIPC, but the use of 3 nm copper is being explored due to its better signal-to-noise ratio, cost-effectiveness, and ability to avoid silver’s small signal. We directly compared the FIPC responses of bimetallic films to monometallic 3 nm copper films. The combination of copper and silver in the bimetallic films significantly enhanced plasmonic current. Specifically, we observed enhanced FIPC responses with fluorophores that have high quantum yield and match the excitation wavelength. Optimized mixed-metal films make FIPC more suitable for diverse applications and set the stage for advancing its applicability in practical conditions.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
A Data-Informed Model Of Dengue Transmission
Nigel Seymour, Owen McMann
Kathleen Hoffman, Mathematics and Statistics; Animikh Biswas, Professor & Chair Department of Mathematics & Statistics University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dengue disease is a viral infection transmitted through mosquito bites. The World Health Organization estimates 390 million dengue virus infections worldwide each year, with 96 million resulting in clinical symptoms. In this study, we examine the population dynamics of susceptible, infected, and removed groups for a human population, and susceptible and infected groups for a mosquito population—the vector (disease-transmitting) population—using a system of differential equations. The model identifies two equilibrium states: the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium. We analyze these equilibria using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion to demonstrate that when the disease-free equilibrium is linearly stable, the endemic equilibrium cannot exist, and vice-versa. The basic reproduction number is derived as a function of key transmission parameters and determines whether the disease will persist or die out. We use a data assimilation technique known as nudging to estimate the values of sensitive parameters. We will investigate identifiability of the parameters relative to the observable data. These findings highlight the importance of controlling transmission rates, vector populations, and recovery rates to mitigate dengue spread effectively.
UMBC Strategic Awards for Research Transitions (START) Grant.
The Role Of Olfaction In The Reproductive Behavior Of Etheostoma Flabellare
Abdullah Shahzad
Tamra Mendelson, Biological Sciences
Olfactory communication plays an important role in species interactions among freshwater fish, including darters. This study aimed to investigate the olfactory abilities of a darter species (Etheostoma flabellare) by conducting a preference test, to determine whether individuals can distinguish between chemical cues of conspecific males and females. Individual males of E. flabellare were placed in the middle chamber of a three-chamber experimental tank and allowed to acclimate to the new environment. Once acclimated, partitions were lifted so they were exposed to the odors in the other two chambers. Odors in the chambers were either water from a tank of conspecific males, water from a tank of conspecific females, or control water from a tank that did not contain fish. The movement of the fish toward each chamber was recorded and analyzed using BORIS to assess olfactory preference. BORIS is a computer software used to analyze behavioral data from video observations. It analyzes the movement of the darters using different metrics to determine preference and avoidance. These findings will contribute to our understanding of chemical communication in darters and test the importance of olfaction in reproductive behaviors.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Using Photophysical Properties To Select Fluorophores For Plasmonic Current
Shoyab Shaik
Chris Geddes, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Plasmonic current (PC) technology offers significant advantages for environmentally-friendly electricity production by reducing reliance on resource-intensive and costly materials. Currently, solar energy conversion efficiency rates (%) are in the low 20s, necessitating multiple panels to generate electricity. A key area of improvement in PC is understanding the fluorescence quantum yield of fluorophores used in PC. By examining the quantum yield and excited-state lifetimes, we can select optimal fluorophores for solar energy conversion using sustainable fluorescent molecules and chromophores to reduce dependence on rare and expensive materials. Fluorophores with high quantum yield and long-lived excited states are crucial for efficient energy transfer to metal nanoparticles. This presentation will report on amplifying PC response by selecting high, medium, and low quantum yield fluorophores. We compared PC responses across a spectrum of fluorophores with varying quantum yields, including rhodamine 6G (Φf = 0.95), eosin Y (Φf = 0.67), and rose bengal (Φf = 0.11). Our data shows that fluorophores with higher quantum yields produce higher plasmonic current responses. Our group also explored collisional quenching on PC response by removing dissolved oxygen from fluorophore solution. Our report lays the groundwork for further enhancing PC signals for energy conversion.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Balochistan: A Silent Resistance
Ayan Shaikh
Zareen Taj, Global Studies
Produced as a project for the Documentary Film as Activism seminar (GLBL409), this film aims to educate and raise awareness about the evolution of oppressive ethnic, class, and state systems that have shaped the Balochi struggle in Pakistan. Creating this film deepened my passion for the subject and reinforced my commitment to sharing the daily adversities faced by the Baloch people. Acknowledging the severe deterioration of their socio-political condition is imperative.
The documentary encompasses a concise historical overview of Balochistan’s contested past and a portrayal of its current landscape. Through the film, I hope to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be Balochi and the current lived experiences of this resilient community.
Optimizing Cell-Free Biomanufacturing To Facilitate Personalized Immunotherapy Production In Clinical Settings
Mesha Shajahan
Govind Rao, CAST
Cell-free expression technologies present a compelling alternative to traditional cell-based methods for efficient and cost-effective biotherapeutic production by eliminating the constraints of working within living, single-celled organisms. Lysing cells liberates cellular machinery from life-sustaining functions, affording greater control over protein synthesis and enabling the production of complex proteins. However, fully maximizing the biomanufacturing potential of cell-free systems requires precise regulation of metabolic pathways and transcription-translation dynamics. Preliminary data from cell-free reactions indicates that protein biosynthesis declines following periods of oxygen deprivation, suggesting a metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation to fermentation, which may be difficult to reverse. Findings also indicate that regulated oxygen supplementation enhances biotherapeutic yields, emphasizing the need for optimized bioreactor conditions. A deeper understanding and refinement of cell-free molecular mechanisms is crucial for tailoring the bioreactor design for specific applications, such as manufacturing personalized immunotherapy. Personalized immunotherapy involving neo-antigen modification, monoclonal antibody production, and chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell engineering have shown considerable efficacy in cancer treatment. However, the extensive culturing requirements of cell-based protein manufacturing make large-scale implementation in hospitals unfeasible. This research seeks to leverage the flexibility and streamlined development of cell-free systems to make personalized immunotherapy widely accessible in clinical settings.
This work was funded, in part, by the DARPA Reimagining Protein Manufacturing Program.
Samya Sharma
Vira Zhdanovych, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Throughout the last half of the nineteenth century, the Soviet economy experienced a significant post-Stalinist era of growth before its contraction during the Brezhnev led “Era of Stagnation”. The Soviet film industry also waxed and waned throughout this 50 year period, with film production nearly halted during the second world war and a boom during the 60s under loosened censorship laws. Using methods such as GDP and other measures of economic health such as the human development index along with the highest grossing films throughout the years and their critical responses, this study seeks to analyze the parallels, if any, between globalization, authoritarianism, and whether themes in film reflect the general economic wellbeing of the nation. To complete this study, I will be watching the highest grossing films from 1950-1999 in the Soviet Union and creating a comprehensive analysis of cinematic choices, motifs, and themes and also using quantitative data such as film output, budget, and revenue as it relates to overall economic ups and downs in the Soviet economy.
Using Data To Inform Models Of Nucleus Accumbens Neurons
J. Branwen She, Owen Tolbert, Ashley Copenhaver, Matyas Marek
Kathleen Hoffman, Mathematics and Statistics; Tara LeGates, Biological Sciences, UMBC
Mathematical models of electrical transmission in the brain have been used as tools to understand functional properties of different parts of the brain. The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is a brain region that mediates motivated behaviors and is stress-sensitive. We model the dynamics of spiking neurons in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) using the Izhikevich model. Our goal is to use experimental data to estimate model parameters. Identifiability of parameters is concerned with whether the parameters can be estimated from given experimental data, both with and without noise. Data assimilation techniques such as data nudging enhances our ability to fit the model to experimental data by improving the forward prediction of neuronal voltage dynamics. By minimizing the difference between model predictions and recorded electrophysiological data, we estimate parameters using both traditional techniques and machine learning-based methods. We anticipate that data nudging will improve parameter estimation by constraining model trajectories closer to experimental observations, leading to more accurate representations of neuronal dynamics. Furthermore, by estimating parameters across different experimental groups, we will cluster these parameters to assess neuronal characteristics, facilitating a deeper understanding of how various neural populations respond to stress.
This work was funded, in part, by UMBC’s G-RISE grant (T32GM144876-02) and NSF (IOS2402645).
Longitudinal Bidirectional Association Between Muslim American Youth’s Online Critical Consciousness And Mental Health
Ayesha Shehzad, Christa Schmidt, Hatice Gürsoy
Charissa Cheah, Psychology
The lasting effects of 9/11 and rising right-wing nationalism have increased anti-Muslim rhetoric in America, worsening mental health for Muslim American Adolescents and Young Adults (MAAYAs; Elkassem et al., 2018; CAIR, 2021). Critical consciousness (CC) refers to marginalized individuals’ awareness of oppressive systems (Freire, 1970). Critical action (CA), a component of CC, involves taking direct steps to challenge oppression and has been linked to improved mental health outcomes among marginalized youth (Hope et al., 2018). For young people, social media has become a crucial avenue for CA, offering youth a platform for engagement (Auxier, 2020). The current study examined the bidirectional association between online CA and anxiety symptoms among MAAYAs, who completed online surveys at two timepoints over one year (N = 168, Mage = 21.3 years, SDage = 1.98, 73.8% female). Online CA at Time 1 significantly predicted lower anxiety at Time 2, but anxiety at Time 1 did not significantly predict online CA at Time 2. Sharing political opinions and raising awareness about political issues online can provide a productive form of resistance, giving MAAYAs the opportunity to exercise agency, resist anti-Muslim sentiments, foster a sense of self-efficacy and reduce anxiety (Hope & Spencer, 2018).
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Periodic Solutions And Resonance In Wave-Heat Systems
Evan Sheldon
Justin Webster, Mathematics and Statistics
Oscillatory behaviors are ubiquitous in physical systems. Many natural oscillatory systems couple different dynamics, and an important class are hyperbolic-parabolic (i.e. wave-heat) systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). In this sense, a heat-wave system can be viewed as an idealized fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model. Some examples of FSI models include aeroelastic systems, arterial dynamics in the body, and geophysical poro-elastic flow. However, mathematical challenges for hyperbolic-parabolic systems arise due to the difference in behavior of the hyperbolic and parabolic components, as well as their complex interaction along a coupling interface. The phenomenon of resonance is an important aspect of coupled wave-heat PDE dynamics, and very recently, geometric conditions have been proposed to characterize when resonance is possible in our wave-heat system. From these conditions, it has been theorized that our system can demonstrate resonance in two spatial dimensions under specific geometries. Using the finite difference method, we have simulated the dynamics of our wave-heat system in both one and two spatial dimensions. Results show that these simulations can accurately model the behavior of our wave-heat system, and we can now search for cases of resonance in our wave-heat system.
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1908033 and Grant No. 2015553. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. This research was also funded in part by the Meyerhoff Vivian Thomas Scholars Initiative, and an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
National Unity In Linguistically Diverse Bolivia And India
Dhruti Sheth, Elisa Rodriguez
John Stolle-McAllister, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Both Bolivia and India have been able to maintain unity and diversity by keeping in mind the political framework, constitution, decentralization, linguistic growth, and cultural exchange of the two very different nations and their people. Both countries demonstrate that linguistic diversity can be integrated into national unity, through the methods and challenges based on each country’s historical, cultural, and political contexts. In both, India and Bolivia, linguistic unity is achieved through a combination of constitutional recognition, language policies, education, and cultural inclusion. Both countries promote inclusivity through multilingual education, regional autonomy, and political empowerment. Religion is also a major factor both nations. In India, religious groups may influence language education by teaching Urdu, Marathi, or Kannada. Religious texts and prayers are also conducted in specific languages. In Bolivia, religious practices are heavily intersected within the Indigenous culture and language. The Christian community historically promoted Spanish but also incorporate Indigenous languages in syncretic rituals.
Artificial Intelligence For The Understanding Of Tumor Hypoxia In Aggressive Breast Cancer
Emma Siddiqi, Damilare Aboyewa, Shresta Dantuluri, Victor Osunji, Charvi Gawani1, Aidan Moriarty2
1Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology, Georgetown University, 2School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Maricel Kann, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Aggressive breast cancers (BrCa) are a major contributor to cancer-related mortality, marked by their heterogeneity, resistance to standard therapies, and poor clinical outcomes. Tumor hypoxia, a defining feature of the microenvironment in these cancers, plays a pivotal role in driving metastasis, immune evasion, and therapy resistance. Using advanced deep learning machine learning tools we built a framework for identifying gene patterns linked to hypoxia to further understand how it relates to the patient’s survival. We integrate hypoxia memory scores obtained experimentally with deep learning machine methods to understand the molecular underpinnings of these BrCa aggressive tumors. The artificial intelligence (AI) approach used in this project addresses critical limitations in current diagnostic and prognostic tools for aggressive breast cancers. By integrating hypoxia-associated molecular signatures into interpretable AI models, this approach enhances predictive accuracy while providing transparency in decision-making—an essential factor for clinical adoption and trust. AI’s ability to analyze large-scale multi-omics data enables the identification of complex patterns and relationships compared to traditional approaches. Our approach enhances the applicability of AI technologies by enabling the identification of key gene signatures associated with survival outcomes or therapy resistance, paving the way for new hypotheses about tumor biology and therapeutic targets.
Investigating Hypoxia Induced Sensory Hair Cell Regeneration In Zebrafish Neuromast
Felix Siewe
Rachel Brewster, Biological Sciences
Under hypoxia, the zebrafish embryo can halt its development and downregulate most processes to enter a metabolically arrested state until environmental conditions are right for development. Although most processes are suppressed following exposure to severe hypoxia, some processes are upregulated. A bulk RNA Seq analysis of zebrafish embryos exposed to 8 hours of severe hypoxia revealed that the expression of over 1000 genes was elevated. A subset of these genes have been implicated in regeneration of sensory hair cells. One gene, Sox2, which is upregulated, plays a vital role in sensory hair cell regeneration. The upregulation of Sox2 hints at potential sensory hair cell damage and regeneration in hypoxia. My project will address the general hypotheses that, in neuromasts, severe hypoxia causes sensory hair cell death, which in turn triggers a regenerative response, mediated by Sox2. Data will be presented examining sensory hair cell damage using double immunolabeling for activated Caspase 3 and Sox2 expression. These studies are significant given that hypoxia is the leading cause of deafness in the world, and understanding how the zebrafish is able to recover from hypoxic damage will give us a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that cause hearing loss caused by hypoxia.
Support for this research was provided by the NIH/NIGMS 1R01GM154212-01 grant.
Suite Of Bioinformatic-Analysis Apps For Better Understanding Dynamic Omics Data
Jessica Slaughter
Mark Marten, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Large, system-scale assessments (e.g., genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic) are now common in biology and are often referred to simply as “omics” experiments. As the cost of acquiring large data sets from omics experiments decreases, there is a corresponding increase in the availability of dynamic omics trajectories, with data taken over multiple time points. Unfortunately, progress in omics research has been hindered since many modern analytical tools are primarily suited for analyzing non-dynamic data. To address this technological need, we developed three new bioinformatics apps that specialize in analyzing dynamic omics data. Our suite of bioinformatics tools, which previously housed the Derivative Profiling omics Package (DPoP), ‘Omics’ Clustering & GO Term Analysis (OCG), now contains the Dynamic Volcano Plotting (DVP), Dynamic Ratio-Intensity Plotting (DRIP), and Omics Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (OMARS) applications. These tools provide generalizable techniques for a broad range of omics data while remaining computationally inexpensive. For convenience, all methods have been packaged in open-source, GUI-based MATLAB applications with cross-compatible import/export data structures to facilitate multiple levels of analysis within the suite. Developing these advanced bioinformatic techniques in an easy-to-use package provides omics researchers with the tools necessary to derive meaningful, data-driven hypotheses from their dynamic omics data.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Mexican Feminist Movements And The Role Of Social Media: Civic Participation And Transnational Solidarity
Allison Smock
Thania Munoz Davaslioglu, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
In this presentation I will share how the role of social media has shaped Mexican feminist movements. I will focus on this through an analysis of hashtags, social media presence, and geo mapping tools that have been utilized to spread awareness and objectives of the movements. I will focus specifically on the region of Jalisco due to its interconnections between narco violence and feminicides. Scholars have argued Mexico has four contemporary phases of feminicides. The first one recorded to be from 1993 to the 2000s has been named the “Feminicidial Emergence”, which coincides with this period of increased narco presence. Nonetheless, feminist resistance has continuously found ways to denounce narco gender based violence. In March 8th protests, through the use of hashtags and other identifying factors (colors, symbols), the movement’s objectives can be consolidated and spread. The same day an event happens in Jalisco’s capital there are complementary events in other cities in the state or even other Latinx’s cities, such as Miami or Detroit. This plants the question of how social media can provide and inspire a space for civic participation and engagement across borders.
I am a recipient of a UMBC Travel Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Girls Are Mathematicians, Too. Are There Gender Differences In How Parents Socialize Math Learning In The US And Kosovo
Emma Snyder, Demme Higdon, Charlotte Lane
Susan Sonnenschein, Psychology; Michele Stites, Psychology, UMBC; Besjanë Krasniqi, Psychology, UMBC
The quality of a child’s home learning environment, including the math-related play they engage in, is crucial to the development of their math skills in the classroom (Sonnenschein et al., 2021).
However, there is a gap in the literature regarding age-related, and gender differences in the type of play that children engage in. In order to combat this, we interviewed 78 parents of four to nine year old children from the U.S. and Kosovo in order to a) look for gender differences in how math is socialized between boys and girls; b) explore the relationship between age differences and preferred types of play; and c) compare children’s math engagement in Kosovo and the U.S. as reported by parents. In doing so, we created four categories of playful math activities based on parent’s responses: construction and spatial reasoning, games and logical thinking, math practice and reinforcement, and digital games and coding. We found that construction and spatial reasoning activities are the most frequently reported, and older children spend more time engaged in their preferred math activities. This study will add meaningful contributions to research regarding the use of play to socialize math skills in young children.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Assistantship Support (URAS) Award from the UMBC Office of the Vice President for Research.
Optimized INeuron Reprogramming From Dermal Fibroblasts For Investigating Pathogenic Variants In Rare CNS Diseases
Kieran Soliday, Ellen Macnamara1, Lynne Wolfe1, Kayla Vodenahl2, Marius Wernig2, Maria Acosta1
1National Institutes of Health, 2Stanford University
May Christine Malicdan, National Human Genome Research Institute
Central nervous system (CNS) pathologies comprise nearly half of all rare diseases, yet, in vitro modeling of these conditions is challenging. This is because most implicated genes are neuron-specific and obtaining this tissue from patients is nearly impossible. One such gene, CNTN6, encodes a contactin immunoglobulin essential to cell adhesion in early brain development. While monoallelic CNTN6 variants have been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders, bi-allelic CNTN6 variants have been identified in an adolescent male patient in the Undiagnosed Diseases Program. Thus, there is a need for an effective neuronal model to study the impact of these novel variants. We hypothesized that optimizing the production of induced neurons (iNeurons) from accessible tissue would meet this. We packaged GFP and neuronal transcription factors into the Moloney murine leukemia virus (MMLV) system, which was then transfected and transduced into patient-derived dermal fibroblasts. Our optimized protocol achieved a transfection efficiency of over 90% and transduction efficiency of 70%; the iNeurons displayed neuronal morphology by day 8. Our optimized MMLV iNeuron system has shown significant promise for in vitro modeling of rare CNS diseases and this work will contribute to a deeper understanding of the critical role of CNTN6 in neural development.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Multi-Dimensional Mural: A Live Performance Of Art, Sound, And Movement.
Marelen Soto, David Cobb Jr , Maria Fernanda Diaz Miranda, Justine Gaylord
Corrie Parks, Visual Arts
As a fine artist and muralist, I’ve often observed that despite the initial awe and admiration my completed works evoke, those feelings tend to fade from people’s memories quickly. This project aims to elevate static artwork into a dynamic performance that resonates deeply with viewers. By integrating music, movement, and visual art, I hope to foster a shared experience that becomes ingrained in collective memory, enriching our understanding of humanity’s creative expression.
Coming from the Dominican Republic and living in America has shaped my perspective as an Afro-Latina not only through music and art but also socially, politically, culturally, and ethically. This artwork represents not only my own identity but also the world around me. It reflects the ongoing struggles both internal (personal) and external (environmental) that affect my body, mind, and spirit. The selected music serves as an empowering force, connecting me to my roots and driving the emotional rhythm of the performance. My wish is for my art to bring joy and empowerment to communities. A distinctive feature of this work is the live performance, where each piece of animation will be synchronized with the rhythm of the music, creating an interactive, immersive experience.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis Of Homologous Genes In Planarians
Sanjana Srimath
Daniel Lobo, Biological Sciences; Andrew Wolff, Biological Sciences, UMBC
Planarian worms, known for their extraordinary regenerative ability and capacity to maintain proportional form during growth, serve as an excellent model organism for studying asexual development and regeneration. Through the process of fission they can divide iteratively across regions known as fission planes. The fragments that result from fissioning can regenerate and form new worms. However, there is a lack of understanding on how fission planes are formed and whether specific genes control their location along the anterior-posterior axis. This study investigates the genetic regulatory networks in planarians by conducting a Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis (GOEA) on genes homologous to this species. We hypothesize that identifying enriched gene ontologies will provide insights into the molecular mechanisms driving fissioning and other key biological processes. To achieve this, we developed computational methods to automate the acquisition and filtering of Gene Ontology (GO) annotations derived from RNA sequencing data from fissioning worms. This allowed us to identify certain biological processes and molecular functions enriched in fissioning worms. These scripts streamline the data analysis pipeline and enhance the efficiency of large-scale genetic data processing. This work contributes to understanding the genetic mechanisms that govern fissioning in planarians using a systems biology approach.
This work was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number R35GM137953. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. SS was supported in part by a fellowship from Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.
Analyzing The Conservation Of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Rev Response Element Through A Computational Approach
Aryan Srivastava, Aarsh Shah, Arjun Kanjarpane
Michael Summers, HHMI
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) encodes the protein, Rev, which interacts with Rev Response Element (RRE)—an HIV structure—to exit the nucleus and replicate. The RRE structure is well-conserved due to its functional necessity and overlap with the env reading frame. Studies suggest that the protein Gag, implicated in genome packaging, may bind to RRE. The extent to which the RRE is conserved and specific nucleotides involved in Rev and Gag binding are unclear. Therefore, we probed for RRE mutational flexibility to understand how mutations may alter Rev and Gag interactions. We analyzed, aligned, and identified the RRE across 20,792 complete HIV-1 genomes, using the HXB2 strain as a reference with MEGA11 software. To identify the frequency and regions of incompatible base pairs, we utilized the lowest free energy-based consensus secondary structures of the RRE using RNAfold and LocARNA. We enumerated mutations within the RRE to characterize nucleotide mutation frequencies, providing insights into conserved nucleotides. We will recapitulate RRE mutations in Rev and Gag binding sites in vitro via the design and synthesis of mutant RNA fragments. EMSAs with Rev and Gag constructs will probe for altered Rev and Gag binding, aiding the development of therapies that target the HIV RNA.
This research was funded in part by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at UMBC.
Using Behavioral Assays To Investigate Autism-Associated Genes In Drosophila Fruit Flies
Muhammad Subhan, Sofia Roberts
Fernando Vonhoff, Biological Sciences
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an bio-neurological disability that impacts the normal development of the brain. This occurs in the areas regulating sociability, making it difficult to have normal and non verbal communication with others. There is no clear understanding behind what causes the disorder, but there are several genetic mutations that are associated with ASD. We utilized the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model organism to examine genes linked to ASD at cellular and behavioral levels. A previously established behavioral assay was used to assess the effects of gene misregulation on sociability, where control flies show robust sociability behaviors. After manipulations of Neurexin, a gene associated with the development of ASD in humans, flies showed reduced sociability patterns when compared to controls. Some future goals center on expanding our understanding of neurexin’s role in ASD by exploring how specific mutations in the neurexin gene affect synaptic connectivity, neurotransmitter release, and neural circuitry in Drosophila. Additionally, behavioral assays could be refined to assess more nuanced aspects of sociability, such as group dynamics or responsiveness to social cues; and to investigate the interplay between neurexin and other synaptic genes implicated in ASD, like Shank3 and CNTNAP2, and PTEN.
Exploring Differences By Acculturation-Nativity Status In CAD Risk Factors: LDL, HsCRP, And Lifestyle Behaviors
Michael Sung, Sally Ho
Tasneem Khambaty, Psychology
Inflammation (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; hsCRP), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), fast-food consumption, and sedentary lifestyles are key risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD). Acculturation-nativity status (US-born vs. foreign-born) may influence these factors differently, and in turn, CAD development. In a nationally representative sample (N = 5,856; M(SD)age = 49.89 (18.78) years, 51.5% female, 65.3% racial/ethnic minorities), t-tests revealed that US-born individuals had lower LDL-C levels (M(SD) = 107.74 (36.41) mg/dL) than foreign-born individuals (M(SD) = 113.80 (34.68) mg/dL, p<.001), despite higher fast-food consumption (US-born: M(SD) = 2.36 (2.92) meals/week; foreign-born: M(SD) = 1.5 (2.17) meals/week, p<.001) and higher hsCRP levels (US-born: M(SD) = 4.57 (8.94) mg/dL; foreign-born: M(SD) = 3.26 (6.15) mg/dL, p<.001). Moderate-vigorous physical activity did not differ between US-born (24.3%), and foreign-born (24.6%) individuals (χ², p = .998). These findings suggest acculturation-nativity status may be associated with CAD risk. Acculturation has been associated with sedentary lifestyles and chronic disease, but also increased healthcare utilization, improving disease detection/treatment. Further research is needed to clarify how acculturation-nativity status shapes CAD risk.
Evolution Beyond The Central Dogma
Julia Sunnarborg
Stephen Freeland, Biological Sciences
The central dogma of molecular biology is taught to undergraduates across the nation as the only way in which all life functions; however, the way it is taught rarely acknowledges the pathway by which it evolved or its capacity to continue doing so. By using primary literature to explore the past, present, and potential future evolution of the nucleic acids and amino acids integral to the central dogma, this presentation demonstrates life’s ability to be different from its current state. Understanding how nucleic and amino acids have evolved and continue to evolve is key to the search for life beyond Earth. Equally, or perhaps more fundamental on Earth, exploring life’s capacity for change and ability to use new types of nucleic and amino acids lies at the forefront of drug design and defense against possible biowarfare materials. Due to the ubiquity of the familiar version of the central dogma across life on Earth, there are certainly further applications of this research.
Invisible Disability And Exploitation In Medieval Lamporecchio: Masetto And The Nuns
Ryan Supplee
Kathryn McKinley, English
My research project investigates the depiction of deafness and muteness in Giovanni Boccaccio’s 14th century story of Masetto (Decameron 3.1). I used Disability Theory as a method to analyze the relationship between the gardener, Masetto, who feigns deafness and muteness to infiltrate a nunnery, and the nuns, who in turn believed they were sexually exploiting an individual who could not communicate or understand their transgressions. Masetto exploited the status of disability to disguise his own nefarious intentions for the nuns. I found that Boccaccio, emphasizing invisible disability, indirectly questions whose deception is ethically worse; he seems to decry the Church’s exploitation of the disabled. Once they learn of his “condition,” the nuns use it as proof of Masetto’s intellectual inferiority and thereby justification for abuse. Currently, research on less visible disabilities, like those Masetto feigns, has far to go. I intend to investigate further other medieval representations of deafness such as in Chaucer’s Wife of Bath and muteness as seen in medieval miracle tales. This research on disability is relevant today because our own society continues to misunderstand and misrepresent disability and because new concepts of the “whole” body are being embraced and applied to premodern texts as well.
Measuring Ion-exchange Membrane Properties That Control Nutrient Recovery By Donnan Dialysis
Maaike Swaters, Sahar Souizi
Lee Blaney, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Nutrient pollution is a major concern for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. To address this challenge, we developed a novel tube-in-tube Donnan dialysis system that leverages electrochemical potential gradients across ion-exchange membranes to selectively recover nutrients from wastewater. The efficiency of the Donnan dialysis process depends on physicochemical properties of the anion- and cation-exchange membranes. The objective of this project was to measure water uptake, ion-exchange capacity, and selectivity coefficients for the membranes, which were initially saturated in 1 M sodium chloride. Water uptake was calculated by comparing the membrane mass before and after drying. To measure ion-exchange capacity, 2×2 cm2 membrane coupons were immersed in 0.5 M sodium nitrate or potassium chloride. The concentration of chloride or sodium released from the membrane into the solution was measured, and the calculated anion- and cation-exchange capacities were 1.005 ± 0.045 meq/g and 0.235 ± 0.020 meq/g, respectively. Selectivity coefficients were calculated using the equilibrium concentrations of ammonium and sodium (cation-exchange membranes) and phosphate and chloride (anion-exchange membranes) in batch reactors designed to simulate realistic operating conditions. In future work, we will employ these parameters to model ammonium and phosphate recovery from real wastewater using our tube-in-tube Donnan dialysis reactors.
H3K4me3 And H4K16ac As Regulators Of Lifespan And Aging In The Fat Body Of Drosophila Melanogaster
Zoya Syed
Jeff Leips, Biological Sciences
Epigenetic changes are notable hallmarks of aging and play a key role in lifespan regulation. Investigating histone modifications with age will yield important insights for improving human healthspan. Here we investigate the hypothesis that genetic differences in age-dependent H3K4 trimethylation and H4K16 acetylation levels produce differences in lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster. Previous data demonstrated that lifespan is influenced by sex and genetic background. We aim to elucidate epigenetic patterns of aging specific to fat body tissue, known for regulating lifespan in Drosophila. We collected mated males from three genotypes with long-lived, middle, and short-lived lifespans (DGRP 304, 229, 73 respectively). Drosophila were aged to when 90% (young), 50% (middle-age), and 20% (old) of each population was alive. We measured H3K4me3, H4K16ac, and H4 core histone levels via histone extractions and western blot analysis. H3K4 trimethylation levels increased from young to old ages in males in all three genotypes. Similarly, H4K16 acetylation levels increased in all three genotypes between young and middle aged male flies. However, core histone H4 levels decreased with age in males of genotypes 73 and 304. Results suggest genotype-dependent loss of core histones with age and an age-dependent and tissue-dependent increase in these acetylation and methylation marks.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Using Gene Editing And Fluorescent Microscopy To Characterize The PrkA Kinase In Aspergillus Nidulans
Greeshma Tarimala
Mark Marten, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Filamentous fungi are deadly human pathogens as well as beneficial organisms widely used in the food, agriculture, healthcare, and bioprocess industries. The cell wall is of great importance, as it protects hyphal integrity and defines complex morphologies in filamentous fungi. The cell wall integrity (CWI) signaling pathway is of particular significance since it is the primary mechanism through which filamentous fungi respond to cell wall stress and control cell wall repair and biosynthesis. In the model fungus, Aspergillus nidulans, protein kinase PrkA has been shown to play a role in maintaining cell wall strength during wall stress. We hypothesize that PrkA regulates actin localization and organization, which is essential for the formation and internalization of endocytic vesicles, a typical response to the activation of the CWI pathway. To test this hypothesis, we will insert an RFP-tagged actin construct (LifeAct) into a PrkA deletion mutant. The LifeAct construct will allow us to view dynamic changes in actin localization and hyphal growth in the ∆prkA mutant using fluorescence microscopy, and draw conclusions about the role of PrkA in cell wall regulation.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Thermodynamics Of An Otto Cycle With EntangledQubit Working Medium
Aria Tauraso
Sebastian Deffner, Physics; Emery Doucet, Physics
The two-level system is an extensively-studied and well-understood model with a variety of applications in quantum computing or for understanding quantum systems in general. Since qubits are the most fundamental unit of quantum information, they are the natural choice for investigating the effects of quantum correlations on a system. If qubits were used as the working medium in an engine, it is unclear whether quantum correlations between the qubits would notably affect the efficiency output of the engine. This work aims to investigate if one could create a heat engine that exploits genuinely quantum information by using a working medium comprised of entangled pairs of qubits.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Structural Basis And Mechanisms Of HIV-1 Genome Packaging
Bersabel Tekle
Michael Summers, HHMI
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a retrovirus that depletes CD4+ cells, weakening the host immune system and potentially resulting in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Current antiviral therapies target HIV-1 proteins that have high mutation rates. A greater understanding of the HIV-1 structure is necessary to target more conserved regions. During viral genome packaging, two copies of the genomic viral RNA form a dimer and are bound by the HIV-1 Gag protein. Genomic recognition is a conserved process and a promising drug target. Mutagenesis studies identified the minimal packaging unit for HIV-1, called the Core Encapsidation Signal (CES), which exhibits native-like dimerization, nucleocapsid (NC) binding, and packaging efficiency. Keane et al. determined the three-dimensional structure of CES, finding that the splice donor (SD) region doesn’t form a hairpin but instead forms long-range base pair interactions into a tandem-3-way junction and is sequestered. However, this work focused on the monomeric NL4-3 strain, where a GAGA mutation in the Dimer Initiation Site (DIS) prevented dimerization. Our project focuses on the MAL strain of HIV-1. To probe its structure, we utilized Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and a novel fragmentation-based labeling approach. Our next goal is to characterize RNA and Gag interactions.
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
Curating Biomedical Data For AI Models In Precision Oncology
Petra Tembei, Jahanavi Dhavala, Victor Osunji, Ray Gao, Noor Smadhi, Oluwadamilare Aboyewa, Ahmad Mian, Alex Plunkett-Reid, Ethan Chen, Michelle Jebaseelan, Rodolfo Argueta-Rios, Emmanuel Demissie
Maricel Kann, Biological Sciences
Current genomic databases like TCGA and cBioPortal store vast amounts of cancer-related data. However, analyzing this information remains a challenge. While precision oncology has the potential to improve patient outcomes, access to well-structured genomic insights remains limited. Efficient retrieval and analysis of this data can improve personalized treatment by identifying correlations between genetic mutations and disease progression. Additionally, providing physicians with readily available genomic information can reduce diagnostic time and enable targeted therapies. An obstacle in developing AI models for precision oncology is that crucial data is often buried in biomedical literature rather than structured databases. To address this, manual data extraction was the first step taken to train the model. Using Covidence, 300 biomedical papers were analyzed with a focus on Lung cancer. Disparities in treatment group representation were observed, raising concerns about bias. Of the 129 studies that met inclusion criteria, 90 were conducted in countries different from those listed in the author affiliations, with 70 percent of them linked to the U.S. Although there is no straightforward solution to this issue, acknowledging these disparities is crucial for advancing fairness in precision oncology.
The Impact Of Sirt2 On Innate Immune Response In Drosophila Melanogaster
Meghan Thomas, Jess Ndiritu, Yashitha Yarubandi, Devonique Brissett-Lasalle
Jeff Leips, Biological Sciences
Sirtuin 2 (Sirt2), a member of the sirtuin family of protein deacetylases, is responsible for deacetylating lysine residues within proteins. Studies of mammalian sirtuins demonstrated their significant role in longevity regulation and cellular inflammatory responses. We hypothesize that Sirt2 is required for innate immune function during aging, specifically the age-specific clearance of bacteria. We generated an RNAi-mediated genetic cross to knockdown expression of Sirt2 within the fat body of Drosophila melanogaster, as the fat body plays a major role in immunity. Virgin females aged one to five weeks were injected with a standard inoculation of E. coli, and we measured their ability to clear infection after a 24 hour period using a standard bacterial clearance assay. We anticipate that the knockdown of Sirt2 will decrease the bacterial clearance ability for both the one week and five week old flies. As Sirt2 has been shown to naturally decline with age, we hypothesize that the further knockdown of Sirt2 in older flies will have an even greater effect on immune function. Understanding the role of Sirt2 in immunity will provide insight into ways of treating those with compromised immune systems and those suffering from age-related decline in immune function.
Biological Sciences Department .
The Hunt For The Golden Gene
Isabella Tiboni, Uswa Hanif, David Shaker, Shaya Zamani
Jeff Leips, Biological Sciences
Aging affects numerous aspects of an organism, including metabolism, immune function and stress response. However, the effect of age on physiological function varies among individuals and understanding the genetic basis of this variation will improve our understanding of the aging process. Our study examined the effect of age, sex and genotype on the ability to survive heat shock, an important ecological variable, using Drosophila melanogaster as a model. We tested the ability of male and female flies from three genotypes to survive heat shock at two, four, and seven weeks of age. We chose these genotypes because they differed in life span. We exposed flies of each sex and genotype to 37°C for 50 minutes at each age to induce heat shock. We then monitored the survival of flies for one week to assess survivorship. Our data will lay the groundwork for future studies to identify the genetic basis of variation in age- and sex- dependent response to heat stress. Given the future prospect of significant global warming and the fact that the elderly suffer greater mortality due to excessive heat, our results may lead to treatments to minimize the detrimental effects of heat exposure for the elderly.
AI For Ovarian Cancer Research: Identifying Crucial Genetic And Molecular Signatures
Melanie Torres
Maricel Kann, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Cancer remains a significant medical challenge, ranking as the second leading cause of death in the United States. Ovarian cancer, in particular, is difficult to treat due to the wide variety of genetic mutations that influence how the disease progresses and its completely personal response to target therapy. In this study, we applied machine learning techniques to analyze genetic mutation data from a cohort of ovarian cancer patients. By integrating computational tools with biological insights, we developed predictive models to identify genetic biomarkers associated with patient survival. With these predictions our goal is to curate personal treatment strategies, tailored to each patient. Our research also focuses on identifying target protein and deriving molecular signatures of ovarian cancer. Understanding these target proteins and their role in disease outcome could lead to the development of precise treatments, including targeted drugs and therapies. By using computational methods to locate both the patient’s genetic biomarkers and the target proteins associated with ovarian cancer, we will be able to advance medicine by helping to create more effective and personalized cancer treatments, improving treatment efficacy and increasing survival rates for ovarian cancer patients.
Evaluating Cell Viability In A 3D Liver Model Constructed With Thiol-Modified Hydrogels
Ayeoritse Tuedon, Rudy Park
Chengpeng Chen, Chemistry and Biochemistry
2D cell cultures are widely used for testing drug effectiveness and studying cellular responses to various chemicals. However, they do not accurately mimic the native cellular environment, which can limit the translatability of results to real-world applications.Hydrogels have emerged as a promising solution to this problem. By using hydrogel cell cultures, we can encapsulate cells within a cell-degradable polymer, creating a 3D environment that more closely resembles in vivo conditions. In this project, we utilized hydrogels composed of thiol-modified hyaluronic acid—a polymer abundant in the extracellular matrix found in tissues—and thiol- reactive polyethylene glycol (PEG) diacrylate as a crosslinker to encapsulate differentiated hepatocytes (liver cells) within the hyaluronic acid polymer. These components worked together to create a 3D in vitro liver model. To test the conditions of our cells we utilized MTS assays to measure cell metabolic activity, and viability. This served to assess the activity of cells encapsulated in the hydrogel and their level of interaction with the external environment. Our studies revealed that cells remain metabolically active within two weeks of being encapsulated. This 3D model holds potential for future drug testing applications with accurate and translatable results.
This investigation was sponsored by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T34GM136497.
Resilient Hearts: Literary Portrayals of Lauryn Hill’s Self-Love and Resistance Against Intimate Consequences
Maia Turman Cooke
Earl Brooks, English
This study examines Lauryn Hill’s work through feminist and rhetorical criticism to explore the essential balance African American women maintain to survive—a balance rooted in the interplay of self-advocacy, self-love, and resilience. This is critical because African American women navigate a world that challenges their worth, silences their voices, and tests their endurance. Survival, in this context, means thriving in a society designed to diminish them, all while holding onto their optimism, power, and individuality. Through Hill’s work, this balance becomes a metaphor for a deeper truth: the constant negotiation between speaking out against oppression and nurturing well-being. Hill’s words reflect a path for African American women to simultaneously fight systemic injustices, preserve inner strength, and cultivate spaces of peace and sisterhood. This delicate equilibrium allows for survival that isn’t just reactive but transformative—creating empowerment and fostering love amidst adversity. Further research will go beyond Hill’s work to explore other manifestations of this balance in Black women’s lives. This includes gathering further data to uncover how rhetoric interacts with other factors influencing self-preservation and community care, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding of how Black women safeguard their energy, resolve racial trauma, and build lives rooted in self-love and resilience.
Artistic Growth: A Study Into Cultural Exposure And The Discovery Of New Levels Of Creativity And Expression
Rachael Tyler
Ann Sofie Clemmenson, Director of the Linehan Artists Scholorship
Artistic growth is deeply intertwined with personal development, and studying abroad is widely recognized as a catalyst for such transformation. This project examines the impact of personal growth on artistic development through a structured, multi-phase approach. Over the summer, I participated in a faculty-led course in Italy, studying Italian art and architecture while documenting daily experiences through written and photographic journals. Following the program, I extended my stay in Florence to explore art independently. Throughout the fall semester, I continued analyzing my artistic progress, incorporating insights from a 300-level art history course and regular mentorship meetings. The findings, informed by journal reflections, coursework, and structured evaluations, will culminate in an oral presentation for the Linehan Artist Scholars first-year seminar and the Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD). Additionally, results will be published in the Linehan Artist Scholars & Alumni Newsletter. This study highlights how immersion in a foreign artistic and cultural environment, coupled with intentional strategies for growth, can profoundly shape an artist’s development. By blending historical context, personal reflection, and artistic practice, this project contributes to the broader discourse on the relationship between personal and artistic evolution.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Characterizing The Role Of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 15 (MAPK15) In Ovarian Cancer
Pavankumar Umashankar, Fatimah Alfaran
Achuth Padmanabhan, Biological Sciences
Due to lack of early diagnostic markers and effective therapeutics, ovarian cancer remains the second most lethal gynecologic malignancy in the United States. This unfortunate clinical reality highlights the urgent need to identify novel therapeutic targets and more effective treatment strategies. Recent studies show that the protein kinase MAPK15 is overexpressed in 54% of ovarian cancer patients, indicating that MAPK15 might serve as a novel target for the disease. However, the exact mechanisms that govern MAPK15’s role in ovarian cancer remain unknown. Our project aims to address this knowledge-gap by characterizing the importance of MAPK15’s kinase activity in driving ovarian cancer progression. To this aim, we are cloning a kinase-dead mutant of MAPK15 into mammalian expression vectors and transfecting the cloned vectors into ovarian cancer cell lines. Based on previous studies, we identified that the D154A mutant of MAPK15 is catalytically inactive and designed primers to clone this mutant through site-directed mutagenesis. To elucidate the oncogenic importance of MAPK15’s kinase activity, we aim to investigate the characteristics of the cell lines expressing kinase-dead MAPK15 through proliferation, cell migration, and invasion assays. The characterization of MAPK15’s role in ovarian cancer will allow the development of new therapeutic strategies for the disease.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Monitoring Of NADH Concentrations In Cell-Free Systems
Julia Van Der Marel, Chad Sundberg, Elias Gilotte
Govind Rao, Center for Advanced Sensor Technology
Protein production through cell-based biomanufacturing is a pivotal manufacturing technique in the pharmaceutical industry which suffers from many downsides, including inefficient energy utilization and insolubility of the final product. Cell-free protein synthesis is a nascent alternative manufacturing process that utilizes cellular components instead of whole cells. This allows for more process control, easier purification of the final product, and redirection of energy to protein production. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is an essential component of cellular metabolism, acting as a reducing agent in the form of NADH. We hypothesize that measuring NADH levels will provide an indicator of protein synthesis potential in cell-free reactions and help to engineer higher-yield reactions. The goal of this project is to characterize and develop real-time non-invasive sensing of NADH concentration through NADH fluorescence so that in industry settings, cell-free reactions can be monitored for efficacy and quality. This would be done using a fiber-optic cable attached to the bioreactor so that direct sampling and the use of single-use reagents can be avoided. Currently, our lab uses a compound called resazurin to quantify NADH concentration. By measuring resazurin fluorescence, we are able to successfully measure NADH concentration and therefore engineer cell-free reactions with higher product yields.
This research was sponsored by the DARPA Biological Technologies Offices under the Reimagining Protein Manufacturing grant [HR001121S0038].
Identifying Areas Of Convergence Between Dorsal And Ventral Hippocampal Pathways In The Nucleus Accumbens
Sydnee Vance, Ashley Copenhaver1
1Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Tara LeGates, Biological Sciences
Establishing learned associations between rewarding stimuli and the context in which they are encountered is critical for survival. Input from the hippocampus, a region integral in learning and memory, to the nucleus accumbens (NAc), a key regulator of motivation, is important for establishing associations between rewarding stimuli and related contextual information. This connection consists of two independent pathways originating from the dorsal (dHipp) or ventral (vHipp) hippocampus, which have previously been considered functionally and anatomically distinct. Recent findings from our lab show an overlap in dHipp and vHipp terminal fields in the NAc, leading us to reconsider this view and raise new questions regarding the potential interactions between these two pathways in the NAc. Using optogenetics, electrophysiology, and transsynaptic labeling in mouse models, we investigated the anatomical and physiological relevance of these pathways. Our labeling technique allowed us to visualize dHipp-innervated, vHipp-innervated, and dually innervated neurons in the NAc. Optogenetic manipulation during whole-cell electrophysiology recordings confirmed dual innervation of individual neurons in the NAcSh and revealed heterosynaptic interactions between the two pathways. These results confirmed that the vHipp and dHipp dually innervate a subset of neurons in the NAc, suggesting integration of vHipp and dHipp information within individual neurons.
This investigation was sponsored by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T34GM136497.
Investigating The Effects Of Selenium On Cancer-driving Mutations In Drosophila
Gabriel Vaughn
Michelle Starz-Gaiano, Biological Sciences; Alexander George, Biological Sciences ; Alana O’ Reilly, Cancer Signaling and Microenvironment, Fox Chase Cancer Center; Christopher Walsh, Biological Sciences, Graduate Student
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of a common sexually transmitted disease and is responsible for 5% of cancers worldwide. We are investigating signaling pathways that prevent or promote cell death to kill HPV-infected cells. This research is critical since there is no cure for HPV infection, and there are major racial disparities in those affected by HPV-related cancer. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) regulates cell growth and division. Mutations in which EGFR is activated have been shown to promote cancer growth, and treatments have been developed to block this effect. However, some cells become resistant to this treatment, and we do not know how. We hypothesized that EGFR-mutant resistance involves activation of another gene, corkscrew, which can be controlled by selenium. To understand this mechanism, we are testing the effects of selenium on EGFR signaling. We exposed fruit flies to excess dietary selenium for up to one week, and observed whether or not there were heightened levels of a downstream signaling molecule downstream of EGFR, “pERK” in the extracted protein of the flies. We expect to see changes in EGFR activity in response to excess dosage of the selenium and will observe changes in cell death.
This project was funded in part by NSF-IOS-2303857 to MSG.
Monsters After Midnight: Known Vs Unknown Fear Within Film
Jonathan Veale
Robert Pawloski, Visual Arts
Through a practical analysis of conveying terror, this project examined what makes a great monster horror film and analyzed how the fear of the unknown adds or subtracts from the experience and enjoyment of the film. The fear of the unknown, or an individual’s propensity to experience fear caused by an absence of information, is a staple of filmmaking, specifically the horror genre. Showing a monster in its entirety is a conscious choice by the director, and is a criticized aspect of monster-created horror in many circles; since the audience can no longer use their imagination. This negates some fear of the unknown, as what was once imaginary becomes known and can now be quantified. This project used creature design, a solid and familiar script, and purposeful editing to create a compelling monster horror film to analyze whether there is a difference in how the monster is perceived. Two film cuts were shown to two college-aged audiences: one gradually showing the monster until a final reveal and another without the monster being demonstrated. By surveying both groups, this research aimed to show how frightening the monster was to each audience and conclude whether one was superior.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Towards Robust Evaluation Of Unlearning In LLMs Via Data Transformation
Sriram Vema, Abhinav Joshi1, Shaswati Saha, Divyaksh Shukla1
1Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Manas Gaur, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering; Harsh Jhamtani, Microsoft; Ashutosh Modi, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown to be a great success in a wide range of applications ranging from regular NLP-based use cases to AI agents. LLMs have been trained on a vast corpus of texts from various sources; despite the best efforts during the data pre-processing stage while training the LLMs, they may pick some undesirable information such as personally identifiable information (PII). Consequently, in recent times research in the area of Machine Unlearning (MUL) has become active, the main idea is to force LLMs to forget (unlearn) certain information (e.g., PII) without suffering from performance loss on regular tasks. In this work, we examine the robustness of the existing MUL techniques for their ability to enable leakage-proof forgetting in LLMs. In particular, we examine the effect of data transformation on forgetting, i.e., is an unlearned LLM able to recall forgotten information if there is a change in the format of the input? Our findings on the TOFU dataset highlight the necessity of using diverse data formats to quantify unlearning in LLMs more reliably.
Hidden Costs Of Critical Action On Depressive Symptoms In Asian American Adolescents Facing Racial Discrimination
Keerti Venkat
Charissa Cheah, Psychology
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian Americans faced increased racial discrimination (RD), which was associated with higher levels of psychological distress, including depressive symptoms (DS; Cheah et al., 2020). One factor that may moderate the effects of discrimination on mental health is critical action (CA), referring to individuals’ actions toward achieving social equality. Previous research suggests that the potential exacerbating or protective effects of CA vary across ethnic-racial groups (Hope et al., 2018). However, no studies have explored the potential moderating mechanism of CA among Asian American adolescents. Thus, we investigated the moderating role of Asian American adolescents’ CA in the association between their RD experiences and DS. Asian American adolescents (N = 401; 12- to 18-years-old; Mage = 14.9, SD = 1.67; 48.8% girls; 66.4% Chinese, 7.2% Filipino, 26.4% Korean) completed an online Qualtrics survey. Results revealed that adolescents’ CA exacerbated the effects of RD on DS at low, mean, and high levels. While some research has shown that CA may empower marginalized communities, our findings indicate that it may also reduce psychological resources already taxed by racism in Asian Americans (Tao & Fisher, 2022).
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Void Spot Assays As A Noninvasive Method For Detecting Prostate Inflammation In A Mouse Model Of CP/CPPS
Christian Verastegui
Charles J. Bieberich, Biological Sciences
Increasing prevalence of CP/CPPS in men underscores the need to understand the underlying mechanisms playing a role in the progression of these prostatic conditions. To address the etiology and pathobiology of CP/CPPS we developed a mouse model termed RIG. The RIG model is characterized by the expression of three genes namely, IL1-B which has shown to affect inflammation in human prostate, GFP as a marker, and their expression is controlled by the inducible rtTA-Tet-on system selectively in mouse prostate gland and colon. Two cohorts of RIG mice were generated with different lineages to determine lineage dependent gene expressivity and their effects on inflammation based on varying SNPs mutations. My research is currently working towards establishing a correlation between abnormal VSA patterns and prostate inflammation in hopes of creating a predictive non-invasive method to detect severity of prostate inflammation. The VSA results indicate that one cohort has higher levels of inflammation due to post-micturition incontinence, a symptom of prostatic inflammation. Presence and severity of prostate inflammation was confirmed using histological analysis of necropsied mouse prostate, showing a correlation between post-micturition incontinence and inflammation.
This work was funded by the awards from the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute (1 U54 CA274370-01 and 2R01CA200900-06A1). This investigation was sponsored by the U-RISE Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), which is supported by the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number T34GM136497.
A Novel GPCR Autoantibody Associated With Cancer Recurrence
Lucy Viechnicki
Neal Fedarko, Johns Hopkins University
Recent research has revealed the presence of autoantibodies capable of binding to specific GPCRs, producing agonistic effects that deviate from the normal ligand signaling. Autoantibodies against platelet activating factor receptor (PAFR) have not yet been identified, but if described could serve as a biomarker for disease severity or outcomes in conditions associated with chronically inflamed states. Our aim was to test for the existence of autoantibodies against PAFR and explore the correlation between autoantibody levels and incidence of cancer recurrence using lung cancer as a model system. Titer immunoassays were developed and used to analyze serum samples from the Lung Cancer Biospecimen Resource Network (LCBRN). Human IgGs that bound to the PAFR capture antigen were detected in a subset of samples from LCBRN subjects. A significant association between positive autoantibody titer and time to cancer recurrence was observed. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis revealed that the median time to recurrence was lower for subjects with a positive titer. These results show promise for the use of PAFR autoantibody levels as an early marker of cancer recurrence. With further analysis, this association could be used clinically to identify patients at risk for cancer recurrence.
This work was funded, in part, by the National Institute on Aging.
Beamforming-Based SDR For Mitigating Co-Channel Interference In The ISM Band
Leshan Viswanath, Nick Pankow, Sean Carson, Justin Kim, Branden Murphy1
1Twin Oaks Consulting
Charles LaBerge, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Mitigating signal interference is critical for ensuring reliable communication between countries, businesses, and individuals. A local client has an application where interference from a high-power transmitter at 915.01 MHz jammed a wideband frequency modulated signal at 915 MHz in the 902-928 MHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band. Beamforming, a signal processing technique, will attenuate the 915.01 MHz co-channel interference (CCI) signal and pass through the 915 MHz signal of interest (SOI). The beamforming method will be integrated into a software-defined radio (SDR) receiver system that exploits the angular separation between the SOI and CCI by nulling the interfering signal while preserving the desired signal. The SDR system leverages digital filters for in-phase and quadrature separation to adjust for phase angle delays between antennas. Fourier analysis is utilized to compute real-time power spectral density data for interference suppression verification. The beamforming-based SDR will improve signal-to-interference ratios, enhancing data reliability in challenging and populated environments.
Twin Oaks Consulting and UMBC CSEE.
Characterization Of A Low Myc Expression Model For Prostate Cancer Progression
Grace Walsh
Charles Bieberich, Biological Sciences
The Myc proto-oncogene, regulates genes involved in cell growth and proliferation. Myc overexpression disrupts regulation of these genes, leading to uncontrolled cell division, a hallmark of cancer. Prostate cancer affects approximately one in eight men during their lifetime, and Myc overexpression, combined with the loss of the tumor suppressor PTEN, has been shown to drive the development of lethal prostate cancer. Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PIN) PIN lesions are precancerous cellular abnormalities that can progress to aggressive, metastatic prostate cancer. The BMPC transgenic mouse model with high Myc expression and PTEN loss develops highly aggressive tumors; however, the high levels of Myc expression lead to premature lethality, limiting the ability to fully investigate the role of Myc in tumor progression. In the current study, we have generated a new transgenic strain with lower Myc expression in comparison to the strain used to generate BMPC mice. Preliminary results show a slower development of PIN lesions in this new Myc strain. Future analyses, including immunohistochemistry (IHC) and interbreeding to induce PTEN loss will provide further insight into the significance of MYC expression levels in the progression of human metastatic prostate cancer.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Investigating The Unique Properties Of Spectroscopically Identified Major Mergers In The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)
Paul Wampler
Adi Foord, Physics
Galaxy mergers are critical to the growth and evolution of galaxies and their central supermassive black holes (SMBHs). The relative velocity between the galactic nuclei is a parameter that likely influences their growth and coalescence. For major mergers, this is expected to be <300 km/s, but should depend on merger properties, such as mass. Starting from a large sample (~106) of machine learning identified major mergers, we used spectroscopic data from the SDSS and photometrically-determined merger probabilities to flag true interacting systems and quantified how their relative velocities depend on their unique merger environments. Additionally, to aid future photometric studies of mergers, we investigated the contamination levels of projected galaxy pairs, and how their observable properties may differ from true mergers. We found that the relative velocities for major mergers are well-described by a Gaussian distribution centered at about 500 km/s, and that they do not depend on mass ratio, total mass, physical separation, or redshift within our ranges of these parameters. Projected pairs make up a significant fraction of the initial sample, ~20%. When evaluating the optical colors (g-r) for each galaxy pair, we found that mergers follow a well-fit linear relationship, while projected pairs do not.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Cultural Dimensions Represented In Panama
Joy Ware
Sidas Saulynas, Information Systems
This study explores the application of Geert Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions in Panama through an experiential research approach. Conducted as part of an IS 400: Independent Study, this project began with a preliminary analytical literature review of Hofstede’s framework and Panama’s cultural scores. Panama’s collectivist orientation (low individualism score of 21) and high uncertainty avoidance (score of 86) highlighted key societal tendencies in business and management. However, traditional research methods provided only a partial understanding. By engaging in a ten-day immersive study abroad experience, this research evolved from analytical and survey-based methodologies into observational and experiential analysis. This shift enabled a more nuanced interpretation of Panama’s cultural landscape, leading to the identification of three emerging dimensions: Educational Value Attainment, reflecting the role of education in workforce development; Technological Adaptability, addressing Panama’s response to digital transformation; and Global Engagement vs. Cultural Preservation, exploring the balance between modernization and heritage. The findings demonstrate that cultural frameworks, while useful, often need to be contextualized through lived experiences to fully grasp their impact. This study highlights the value of experiential research in refining cultural theories and bridging the gap between theoretical constructs and real-world applications.
I am a recipient of a UMBC Travel Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Cultural Pluralism In Practice: A Mixed-method Study On Reducing Asian American Students’ COVID-19-related Stress
Liz Weir, Aguiling, W., Aquino, A.K.
Charissa Cheah, Psychology
Increased anti-Asian sentiment during the COVID-19 pandemic created a more hostile environment for Asian Americans (Cheah et al., 2020). For Chinese American adolescents, this sinophobic fear could impact their stress in school. Previous research has found experiences of discrimination among Chinese American adolescents to be associated with negative academic outcomes (Benner & Kim, 2009). One factor that might moderate this link is the extent to which adolescents believe their schools practice cultural pluralism by making minority students more visible and celebrating cultural differences (Brand et al., 2003; Green et al., 1988). Promoting diversity and inclusivity may increase students’ sense of belonging in school, thus minimizing the stressful effects of messages of rejection about their racial/ethnic group (Schachner et al., 2016). Applying the School Ethnic Racial Socialization (ERS) Transmission model (Saleem & Byrd, 2021) to Asian American adolescents, this study will examine the potential moderating role of schools’ support for cultural pluralism (SSCP) in the relation between students’ perceived Sinophobia and school stress in the context of COVID-19. In addition, we will incorporate qualitative interview data to understand Asian American adolescents’ ideas surrounding how schools can create inclusive learning environments that address and/or prevent racial marginalization.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Fabrications Of An Autonomous Chemically Powered Vehicle: (AIChE Chem-E Car)
Benjamin Welling
Neha Raikar, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Chem-E Car is an intellectual sport in which undergraduate students build an autonomous vehicle controlled by chemical reactions. The winner of the competition is decided by how close the vehicle will travel to a target distance announced during the competition. In order to compete, the vehicle must pass a rigorous safety inspection conducted by seasoned chemical engineers from academia and industry. Since its inception, the UMBC Chem-E car team has been competitively successful, qualifying for the AIChE (American institute of Chemical Engineers) national competition in back-to-back years, and winning the 2024 Mid-Atlantic regional competition. The most recent car was powered by an aluminum-air battery and stopped by a potassium iodide clock reaction. Aluminum-air batteries were found to produce 1.4V and 1 Amp per 6.75 in2 cell. To improve battery performance, a ZnO additive was used to inhibit hydrogen evolution. The potassium iodide clock reaction was found to follow first-order reaction kinetics with respect to sodium thiosulfate concentration. In addition to the power and stopping mechanisms, the car chassis is constructed using custom 3-D printed parts designed and manufactured by students.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Seeking The Beyond: An Ethnographic Exploration Of Meditation And Contemplative Practices On College Campuses
Jordan Wesley
Bambi Chapin, Anthropology
Contemplative groups on college campuses offer students and others an opportunity to come together in a structured format to engage in meditation. This can be seen as part of a larger set of practices and traditions in which people seek transcendent experiences they do not have in day-to-day life, including evangelical Christian prayer and Vipassana meditation retreats. According to ideas posited by anthropologists like Tanya Lurhmann, people are seeking ways to experience what we might call “trance,” in which one loses awareness of their surroundings, often by focusing on a significant object. This can take place when people zone out watching streaming services and social media as well as in contemplative practices arising in the context of religious traditions. This study explores what people are searching for in meditation groups and how the facilitators are meeting these wants. Using ethnographic methods, including participant observation and interviewing, this project explores how students in two meditation groups, one held in person and the other held virtually, pursue and experience the desire to feel unordinary sensations. This research may inform ways that universities can better support their students.
Genome Sequences Of Streptomyces Phages HazuAndZazu
Ashley White, Nisha Shah, Iman Mahmood, Allison Kende
Steven Caruso , Biological Sciences
Bacteriophage HazuAndZazu, a siphovirus infecting Streptomyces species, was genomically characterized to advance the understanding of phage diversity. HazuAndZazu was isolated from a soil sample in Catonsville, Maryland, using Streptomyces mirabilis as the host bacterium. Using protocols described in the SEA-PHAGES Phage Genomics Guide, we successfully annotated the genome of HazuAndZazu in Barcelona, Spain, which contained 82 protein-coding genes, including 24 with predicted functions, while 58 genes remain functionally uncharacterized. Structural annotations were determined using PECAAN and DNA Master, incorporated with GeneMark and Glimmer, along with Starterator and BLASTp, to assess start sites. Functional annotations were completed using BlastP (minimum E-value = 1e-10), Phamerator, and HHpred (minimum probability score of 90%). While in Barcelona, Spain, we engaged with Spain’s scientific community by touring the Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), which allowed us to explore research labs in crop genomics and plant stress responses. In addition, we traveled to the towns Girona and Figueres to understand Catalonia’s history and art, including a visit to the Dali Museum.
Utilizing Manganese-Oxide As An Electrode Material For Aqueous Zn-ion Batteries
Zorah Williams, Bret Marckx
Ozgur Capraz, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
This project investigates manganese oxide as an electrode material for aqueous zinc-ion batteries due to its potential as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to lithium-ion batteries. While lithium-ion batteries currently dominate the market, they rely on scarce and expensive resources and present safety risks due to their flammability. In contrast, manganese oxide-based zinc-ion batteries offer several advantages, including lower cost, greater resource availability, environmental friendliness, and a higher theoretical capacity for zinc-ion storage. These attributes make them a promising candidate for next-generation energy storage systems. However, a significant challenge with manganese oxide electrodes is their structural instability during repeated charge-discharge cycles. The crystal structure of manganese oxide is prone to transformations, leading to capacity fading and reduced cycling performance over time. To address this issue, this study examines the cycling stability of manganese oxide electrodes in aqueous zinc-ion batteries under varying temperature conditions. By analyzing the electrochemical behavior and structural evolution of manganese oxide during cycling, this research aims to improve the material’s durability and performance. By improving the stability and efficiency of manganese oxide electrodes, this work contributes to developing safer, more sustainable, and higher-capacity energy storage solutions, paving the way for future advancements in aqueous zinc-ion battery technology.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Production Of Extracellular Vesicles From Mammalian Cells Modulated By A Biomimetic Surface
Ariel Wilson-Gray, Melanie Nelson1, Luis Pinzon-Herrera2
1Biological Sciences Department, 2CBEE
Jorge Almodovar, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nano-sized compartments secreted by cells as part of cellular signaling. Encased in a lipid bilayer, they carry proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, making them promising candidates for drug delivery, diagnostics, and immunotherapy. However, conventional isolation methods face challenges due to EV variability. This study compares EV production from three cell types—NIH-3T3 fibroblasts, human Schwann cells, and human mesenchymal stem cells—using two isolation techniques: chemical isolation alone and in combination with centrifuge filtration. Findings show that integrating centrifuge filtration enhances purification, yielding smaller EVs associated with intercellular communication. Additionally, we investigate EV production on a biomimetic surface composed of heparin and collagen. Collagen facilitates sustained miRNA release, potentially improving EV therapeutic applications, while heparin inhibits EV transfer between cells, allowing for accumulation and improved isolation. Leveraging heparin’s affinity may provide an additional purification strategy. Future research will explore a collagen/heparin multilayer surface to further optimize EV isolation and composition, complementing existing methods. These advancements could enhance EV-based therapies, broadening their potential impact in medicine.
B-Type Stars In M45: Hydrogen Balmer Absorption, Isochrone Fitting, And Radial Velocity Discrepancies
Timothy Winans, John Quach, Evan Reynolds1
1Howard CC
Kenny Diazeguigure, Howard Community College; Brendan Diamond , Howard CC
B-Type stars in M45 were targeted for ground-based spectroscopic and photometric observation. Spectral analysis at ≈ 4.2 × 102 – 7.4 × 102 indicated the presence of strong hydrogen Balmer absorption lines (Hα, Hβ, Hγ, Hδ) in observed line strengths and spectral slopes consistent with theoretical models and previous observations of early main-sequence stars. Results of Isochrone fitting of M45 were consistent with contemporary stellar evolutionary models for B-type stars. GAIA DR3 data on the 9 B-Type stars was queried and calculated for comparison using Astropy and NumPy to derive stellar properties for 7 of the 9 targeted B-type stars. Discrepancies were observed between existing published radial velocities in SIMBAD forMerope (23 Tau) and Electra (17 Tau), and the calculated radial velocities derived from GAIA DR3 data.
Genome Annotation Of Novel Bacteriophage Tubberson With Conserved Syntenic Immune Repressor System
Omegan Wright, Cole Cheng, Zam Cing, Abhirami Ajay, Phoenix Bryant, Meghna Chandrasekaran, Arya Chaudhari, Ramsha Chaudhary, Norah Jackson, Allison Kende, Agnes Koodaly, Rohan Kyasa, Iman Mahmood, Katherine McHarg, Emmanuel Mekasha, Meredith Morse, Isabella Naimi, Nisha Shah, Ayeoritse Tuedon, Ashley White, Jennifer Pham, Linda Quach, Hosnieh Sultani, Zachary Smith
Steven Caruso, Biological Sciences
Tubberson is a bacteriophage discovered from soil samples from Catonsville, MD, that infects Streptomyces mirabilis. It was isolated following procedures outlined by the SEA-PHAGES Discovery Guide and was sequenced by UMBC Phage Hunters. Analysis revealed a circularly permuted genome with a GC content of 71.50% and characterized Tubberson as belonging in cluster BC1. Uranyl acetate stained transmission electron microscopy revealed siphoviral morphology. Positional and functional annotations of the genes were conducted through automated followed by manual annotation as described in the SEA-PHAGES Phage Genomics Guide. These functional annotations could be used to provide the framework for future research into the pathogen-host relationships, the adaptive evolutionary changes, and assist in the optimization of phage-based intervention. Annotations also revealed a conserved cluster G immune repressive mechanism, making it the first time said mechanism was recorded in cluster BC. Analysis and annotations were conducted in the culturally rich city of Barcelona, Spain in at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra where phage investigators not only explored the novel phage genome but also experienced living, working, and collaborating in a new city. The bioinformatics results were published in NCBI’s GenBank and will soon be released in a Microbiology Resource Announcement.
Automated Robotic Manipulation Using OpenCV To Identify And Sort Based Off Shape And Color
Thomas Wroe
Tsehuai Wu, Mechanical Engineering
This project focused on developing software for Sawyer, a 7-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator, to create an autonomous system which uses computer vision and robotics frameworks to sort objects based on color and shape. The system integrates Sawyer’s cameras, Python programming, and ROS (Robot Operating System) to achieve object sorting without human intervention. OpenCV is utilized for image processing, enabling precise recognition of object attributes. Sawyer robot has two built-in cameras: one is the wrist and the other one is one its head (the central touch screen). The wrist camera is used for shape detection, employing algorithms such as Houghs Transform and contour counts for accurate detection, while the head camera is dedicated to color identification. A custom gripper assembly was 3D printed to enhance the robot’s gripping mechanism, enabling effective pick-and-place operations through “hand-eye coordination.” The implementation demonstrates how the integration of vision based algorithms and robotic control enables the system to handle complex tasks with precision. By combining these technologies and frameworks, the project addresses industrial and logistical challenges, reducing human involvement and showcasing the potential of collaborative robotics and computer vision to improve efficiency and in real-world applications.
The Impact Of Histone Modifications H3K4me3 And H4K16ac On Age-Related Traits In Thorax Of Drosophila Melanogaster
Yashitha Yarubandi, Devonique Brissett, Ph.D candidate
Jeff Leips, Biological Sciences
Epigenetic regulation involving processes like histone acetylation and methylation play a significant role in aging. Previous work on different genotypes of the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, in our laboratory found genetically-based differences in life span and age-specific physical performance. We hypothesize that differences among genotypes in age-dependent levels of H3K4 trimethylation (H3K4me3) and H4K16 acetylation (H4K16ac) produce differences in lifespan and physical performance. We utilized Drosophila thoraxes, known to be enriched with muscle tissues, to better examine the role of these modifications in accelerating physiological decline. We aged mated female flies from long- and short-lived lines to their physiological ages when 90%, (young), 50% (middle-age), and 20% (old) of each population was alive. We measured age-dependent H3K4me3, H4K16ac, and H4 core histone levels in thoraxes using Western blotting. We found that H3K4me3 levels increased with age in the long lived line. H4K16ac levels decreased with age in two lines. These differences in histone modification levels and core histone levels will also be further investigated through ChIP-seq data to identify muscle-specific genes impacted by these modifications. Expanding our understanding of genetically-based differences in histone modification levels allows for insights into mechanisms for treating age-related illnesses in aged populations.
This work was funded, in part, through an Undergraduate Research Award from the UMBC Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Gadd45ba, A Regulator Of Blood Cell Production In Response To Anoxia
Briana Young
Rachel Brewster, Biological Sciences
The zebrafish can survive environmental stressors like anoxia (no oxygen) by entering a reversible state of metabolic suppression. Despite the overall suppression of transcription and translation, certain genes that promote anoxia survival are upregulated. Using RNA-Seq, the Brewster lab identified over 1,000 genes upregulated in embryos exposed to eight hours of anoxia, including gadd45ba. My project focuses on the functional analysis of gadd45ba. I validated its upregulation using qPCR and examined its spatial distribution at the transcript and protein levels. Under normoxia, gadd45ba is expressed in the hematopoietic stem cell niche, which gives rise to blood cells, however the identity of the expressing cells remains unclear. After anoxia exposure, gadd45ba-expressing cells enter circulation, aligning with reports of increased red blood cell production in low-oxygen environments. Surprisingly, gadd45ba knockdown resulted in elevated blood cell levels in both normoxic and anoxic embryos, but only anoxia-treated embryos had circulating blood cells. Based on these observations, I hypothesize that hypoxia-activated gadd45b suppresses blood cell production and entry into circulation, potentially as a mechanism to prevent excessive red blood cell production and increased blood viscosity
This research was funded, in part, by a grant to UMBC from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute through the Pre-college and Undergraduate Science Education Program.
Predicting Social Determinants of Health Using Machine Learning on Environmental Data
Nathan Zekarias
Marzyeh Ghassem, CSEE
Social determinants of health (SDOH) are nonmedical factors that affect an individual’s health, we use the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI), an index developed by the CDC to quantify SDOH factors that have adverse effects on communities. The HealthyML group is studying the relationship between SDOH and environmental health in an effort to foster healthier communities. We accomplish this using data such as species diversity and land cover data to predict SDOH at a census tract level. The aim is to identify environmental factors tied to SDOH, enabling human health predictions as environmental health changes.. Data sources for the feature set were derived from the CDC, iNaturalist, EPA, NOAA, and MRLC. Over the summer, we trained different ML models on Maryland data to find which features and models would be optimal when propagating the methods to the rest of the country. After running the tests country-wide, Random Forest was found to be the highest performing machine learning algorithm. The most important features to predicting vulnerability were the amount of urban area, amount of pollution, and NDVI. These results could have downstream effects of improved and targeted environmental policy that could improve human health.